Congressional GOP: Trump Told The Russians More Than He Told Us


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Congressional GOP: Trump Told The Russians More Than He Told Us
Source: Talking Points Memo

By ALICE OLLSTEIN Published MAY 16, 2017 3:03 PM

Less than 24 hours after the bombshell revelation that President Donald Trump divulged sensitive, classified intelligence about an Islamic State plot with Russian officials, Republicans on Capitol Hill began complaining that the foreign power now had more information than they did about a potential national security threat.

“We need to have immediate classified briefings on what occurred at this meeting so that Congress can at least know as much as Russian leaders,” Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-VA) said Tuesday. Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI), a former military intelligence officer, Link to tweet " target="_blank">also demanded “a thorough account of the President’s meeting with Russian officials,” including “a transcript of the meeting.”

Several Republican Senators echoed these concerns, and called for similar briefings on the matter.

“If information was shared with the Russian ambassador, it seems to me it’d be okay to share with the U.S. Senate,” Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) Link to tweet " target="_blank">griped to reporters Tuesday.

Read more: Congressional GOP: Trump Told The Russians More Than He Told Us

This is a sure sign that Trump considers russia more important then our congress. Something stinks.
“We need to have immediate classified briefings on what occurred at this meeting so that Congress can at least know as much as Russian leaders,” Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-VA)

This now seems normal for the Republicans. If Barrack Obama had done anything even 1% similar they'd be pulling their hair out for impeachment. But their dear leader does it and 'ah well'.

Democracy hanging by the thinnest of threads.
Trump wouldn't even let the American Press into the Oval Office to record him committing treason. How shameful.
USMB rw'ers are still and will continue to blame "libruls and democrats" and ignore the partisan outcry against our dufus president.
Trump wouldn't even let the American Press into the Oval Office to record him committing treason. How shameful.
There were aides present, and the WH photographer. It wasn't exactly secret.
“We need to have immediate classified briefings on what occurred at this meeting so that Congress can at least know as much as Russian leaders,” Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-VA)

This now seems normal for the Republicans. If Barrack Obama had done anything even 1% similar they'd be pulling their hair out for impeachment. But their dear leader does it and 'ah well'.

Democracy hanging by the thinnest of threads.
Nah, it's gone, and long before Don even came up with "birtherism" as an entry way into politics. Goldman Sachs always winds up running the white house and economic policy with Wall Street. "The people" are irrelevant; this system requires endless war, endless issuance of debt and mass consumption to stay afloat.
Congressional GOP: Trump Told The Russians More Than He Told Us
Source: Talking Points Memo

By ALICE OLLSTEIN Published MAY 16, 2017 3:03 PM

Less than 24 hours after the bombshell revelation that President Donald Trump divulged sensitive, classified intelligence about an Islamic State plot with Russian officials, Republicans on Capitol Hill began complaining that the foreign power now had more information than they did about a potential national security threat.

“We need to have immediate classified briefings on what occurred at this meeting so that Congress can at least know as much as Russian leaders,” Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-VA) said Tuesday. Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI), a former military intelligence officer, Link to tweet " target="_blank">also demanded “a thorough account of the President’s meeting with Russian officials,” including “a transcript of the meeting.”

Several Republican Senators echoed these concerns, and called for similar briefings on the matter.

“If information was shared with the Russian ambassador, it seems to me it’d be okay to share with the U.S. Senate,” Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) Link to tweet " target="_blank">griped to reporters Tuesday.

Read more: Congressional GOP: Trump Told The Russians More Than He Told Us

This is a sure sign that Trump considers russia more important then our congress. Something stinks.

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