Congress's First Power Demolishes Tea Party's "Constitutional Principle"


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
Paul Abrams: Congress's First Power Demolishes Tea Party's "Constitutional Principle"

One wonders if Congressman Paul, or any of the Tea Partiers running on such a platform actually bothered to read the Constitution, or whether they just purchased worn, dog-eared copies to convey that impression.

The very first enumerated power granted to Congress in Article I, section 8, of the Constitution definitively dispels their belief. Unlike the third power, the "Commerce Clause" that has been the subject of centuries of Supreme Court interpretation to determine what is interstate commerce is in a growing, changing and increasingly integrated economy, Congress's first power requires no such midwifery.

Clause 1: The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
The first 14 words grant Congress the power to raise money -- the 16th Amendment added "income tax" to the means (Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises) allowed to raise money.

The next 17 words, "to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States", specify what the money raised is to be used for.

Most simply stated, Clause 1 grants Congress the power to raise money to pay the debts and spend on the common defense AND the general welfare.

The Repugs have yet to explain how raising taxes is unconstitutional.
Why raise taxes when all they do is waste and blow our money. Screw em. It's time for the government to do without.
Why raise taxes when all they do is waste and blow our money. Screw em. It's time for the government to do without.

And why give tax cuts to the rich who don 't create jobs? Its not like you Repugs are giving Americans hope that tax cuts for the rich will do anything. Any way, the point is that Congress has the power to raise taxes and create taxes, something that Repugs deny and accuse the government of being gangsters. How can somebody be a fucking gangster when they're doing something constitutional and legal? Shithead!
They all just want a free ride on somebody elses paycheck. Some people look at the Constitution and all they see is free for me.
Why raise taxes when all they do is waste and blow our money. Screw em. It's time for the government to do without.

And why give tax cuts to the rich who don 't create jobs? Its not like you Repugs are giving Americans hope that tax cuts for the rich will do anything. Any way, the point is that Congress has the power to raise taxes and create taxes, something that Repugs deny and accuse the government of being gangsters. How can somebody be a fucking gangster when they're doing something constitutional and legal? Shithead!

We give tax cuts to the poor so in all fairness we should give tax cuts to the rich, unless of course you are a bigot which you clearly are. Thanks. In Advance. :lol:
Paul Abrams: Congress's First Power Demolishes Tea Party's "Constitutional Principle"

One wonders if Congressman Paul, or any of the Tea Partiers running on such a platform actually bothered to read the Constitution, or whether they just purchased worn, dog-eared copies to convey that impression.

The very first enumerated power granted to Congress in Article I, section 8, of the Constitution definitively dispels their belief. Unlike the third power, the "Commerce Clause" that has been the subject of centuries of Supreme Court interpretation to determine what is interstate commerce is in a growing, changing and increasingly integrated economy, Congress's first power requires no such midwifery.

Clause 1: The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
The first 14 words grant Congress the power to raise money -- the 16th Amendment added "income tax" to the means (Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises) allowed to raise money.

The next 17 words, "to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States", specify what the money raised is to be used for.

Most simply stated, Clause 1 grants Congress the power to raise money to pay the debts and spend on the common defense AND the general welfare.

The Repugs have yet to explain how raising taxes is unconstitutional.

Wouldn't that mean that the tax has to be a flat tax?
Why raise taxes when all they do is waste and blow our money. Screw em. It's time for the government to do without.

And why give tax cuts to the rich who don 't create jobs? Its not like you Repugs are giving Americans hope that tax cuts for the rich will do anything. Any way, the point is that Congress has the power to raise taxes and create taxes, something that Repugs deny and accuse the government of being gangsters. How can somebody be a fucking gangster when they're doing something constitutional and legal? Shithead!

It's out and out stewpuddity like this that cause no one to ever respect anything you say.
Why raise taxes when all they do is waste and blow our money. Screw em. It's time for the government to do without.

And why give tax cuts to the rich who don 't create jobs? Its not like you Repugs are giving Americans hope that tax cuts for the rich will do anything. Any way, the point is that Congress has the power to raise taxes and create taxes, something that Repugs deny and accuse the government of being gangsters. How can somebody be a fucking gangster when they're doing something constitutional and legal? Shithead!

Why should someone who worked hard to become rich and successful have to pay more taxes than a lazy leech like you ?......
Still love how the entitlement junky, wealth redistribution wacko left wingers ALWAYS love to only go off a portion of article 1 section 8... they always leave off the words after 'general welfare', because it changes the whole meaning when taken in context of the union and not individuals
Why raise taxes when all they do is waste and blow our money. Screw em. It's time for the government to do without.

And why give tax cuts to the rich who don 't create jobs? Its not like you Repugs are giving Americans hope that tax cuts for the rich will do anything. Any way, the point is that Congress has the power to raise taxes and create taxes, something that Repugs deny and accuse the government of being gangsters. How can somebody be a fucking gangster when they're doing something constitutional and legal? Shithead!

Why should someone who worked hard to become rich and successful have to pay more taxes than a lazy leech like you ?......

Bitch shut the fuck up, you have no problem throwing money and businesses and Repug politicians who don't give a fuck about you. I'll let Charlie deal with you, bitch slapping sell outs like you is what he does best.
Paul Abrams: Congress's First Power Demolishes Tea Party's "Constitutional Principle"

One wonders if Congressman Paul, or any of the Tea Partiers running on such a platform actually bothered to read the Constitution, or whether they just purchased worn, dog-eared copies to convey that impression.

The very first enumerated power granted to Congress in Article I, section 8, of the Constitution definitively dispels their belief. Unlike the third power, the "Commerce Clause" that has been the subject of centuries of Supreme Court interpretation to determine what is interstate commerce is in a growing, changing and increasingly integrated economy, Congress's first power requires no such midwifery.

Clause 1: The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;The first 14 words grant Congress the power to raise money -- the 16th Amendment added "income tax" to the means (Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises) allowed to raise money.

The next 17 words, "to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States", specify what the money raised is to be used for.

Most simply stated, Clause 1 grants Congress the power to raise money to pay the debts and spend on the common defense AND the general welfare.

The Repugs have yet to explain how raising taxes is unconstitutional.

OH so the constitution says a progressive federal tax system, where people have to pay tax percentage that is based on income levels, is unconstitutional.

Ahem ;)

Yes the federal government was given the ability to tax as long as said taxes were uniform throughout the united states. Donald Trump paying more in federal income tax, as a percentage of income, than I do is unconstitutional.
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And why give tax cuts to the rich who don 't create jobs? Its not like you Repugs are giving Americans hope that tax cuts for the rich will do anything. Any way, the point is that Congress has the power to raise taxes and create taxes, something that Repugs deny and accuse the government of being gangsters. How can somebody be a fucking gangster when they're doing something constitutional and legal? Shithead!

Why should someone who worked hard to become rich and successful have to pay more taxes than a lazy leech like you ?......

Bitch shut the fuck up, you have no problem throwing money and businesses and Repug politicians who don't give a fuck about you. I'll let Charlie deal with you, bitch slapping sell outs like you is what he does best.


Asswipe extroidinaire'
We're not going off topic with rightwing bitching and moaning, the point is that the government has the power to raise and collect taxes, suck on that bitches, because you Repugs keep saying its unconstitutional when in fact it is so play good constitutional patriots and honor the document you claim to be experts on. Shitheads!
Paul Abrams: Congress's First Power Demolishes Tea Party's "Constitutional Principle"

One wonders if Congressman Paul, or any of the Tea Partiers running on such a platform actually bothered to read the Constitution, or whether they just purchased worn, dog-eared copies to convey that impression.

The very first enumerated power granted to Congress in Article I, section 8, of the Constitution definitively dispels their belief. Unlike the third power, the "Commerce Clause" that has been the subject of centuries of Supreme Court interpretation to determine what is interstate commerce is in a growing, changing and increasingly integrated economy, Congress's first power requires no such midwifery.

Clause 1: The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;The first 14 words grant Congress the power to raise money -- the 16th Amendment added "income tax" to the means (Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises) allowed to raise money.

The next 17 words, "to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States", specify what the money raised is to be used for.

Most simply stated, Clause 1 grants Congress the power to raise money to pay the debts and spend on the common defense AND the general welfare.

The Repugs have yet to explain how raising taxes is unconstitutional.

OH so the constitution says a progressive federal tax system, where people have to pay tax percentage that is based on income levels, is unconstitutional.

Ahem ;)

Careful now,, you'll make him fall over that word "UNIFORM"
Why raise taxes when all they do is waste and blow our money. Screw em. It's time for the government to do without.

And why give tax cuts to the rich who don 't create jobs? Its not like you Repugs are giving Americans hope that tax cuts for the rich will do anything. Any way, the point is that Congress has the power to raise taxes and create taxes, something that Repugs deny and accuse the government of being gangsters. How can somebody be a fucking gangster when they're doing something constitutional and legal? Shithead!

Just want to make damn sure everyone knows how clueless you really are. You still don't get it but I'm not surprised.
Why raise taxes when all they do is waste and blow our money. Screw em. It's time for the government to do without.

And why give tax cuts to the rich who don 't create jobs? Its not like you Repugs are giving Americans hope that tax cuts for the rich will do anything. Any way, the point is that Congress has the power to raise taxes and create taxes, something that Repugs deny and accuse the government of being gangsters. How can somebody be a fucking gangster when they're doing something constitutional and legal? Shithead!

Just want to make damn sure everyone knows how clueless you really are. You still don't get it but I'm not surprised.

Totally reminds me of that video.
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We're not going off topic with rightwing bitching and moaning, the point is that the government has the power to raise and collect taxes, suck on that bitches, because you Repugs keep saying its unconstitutional when in fact it is so play good constitutional patriots and honor the document you claim to be experts on. Shitheads!

Is government your religion? You're awfully angry.
And why give tax cuts to the rich who don 't create jobs? Its not like you Repugs are giving Americans hope that tax cuts for the rich will do anything. Any way, the point is that Congress has the power to raise taxes and create taxes, something that Repugs deny and accuse the government of being gangsters. How can somebody be a fucking gangster when they're doing something constitutional and legal? Shithead!

Why should someone who worked hard to become rich and successful have to pay more taxes than a lazy leech like you ?......

Bitch shut the fuck up, you have no problem throwing money and businesses and Repug politicians who don't give a fuck about you. I'll let Charlie deal with you, bitch slapping sell outs like you is what he does best.

You, Cholley and twenty of your other liberal butt buddies couldn't bitchslap your way out of a wet welfare check envelope........

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