Connecticut Moves Towards Sweeping Gun Laws...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Yes, punish good Citizens for the crimes of the few bad Citizens. Pretty much sums up this Totatalitarian mess we still pretend is a free United States of America.

Connecticut lawmakers announced a deal Monday on what they called some of the toughest gun laws in the country that were proposed after the December mass shooting at a school in Newtown. Some highlights from the proposal:


—Ban sales of high-capacity ammunition magazines;

—Background checks for private gun sales;

—New registry for existing magazines that carry 10 or more bullets;

—Statewide dangerous weapon offender registry, which lawmakers said is the nation’s first;

—Immediate universal background checks for all firearms sales;

—Expansion of Connecticut’s assault weapons ban;

—Safety training and other requirements to buy any rifle, shotgun or ammunition;

—Increases minimum age eligibility for purchase of some semi-automatic rifles to 21;

— Expands requirements for safe storage of firearms;

— Increases penalties for firearms trafficking and illegal possession offenses...

More Blah Blah Blah:
Conn. proposals on guns, other items after Newtown - News -
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The new proposal, made public after weeks of negotiation by legislative leaders, is expected to go to a vote on Wednesday with the support of both Democrats and Republicans.

Senate Minority Leader John McKinney, a Republican whose district includes Newtown, called the proposal "the most comprehensive package in the country because of its breadth".

It would create a registry of weapons offenders and require a new state eligibility certificate for the purchase a rifle, shotgun or ammunition.

Such a certificate would be issued after the buyer was fingerprinted, took a firearms training course and passed both a criminal background check and checks to see whether the person had been committed to a psychiatric hospital...

The new proposal, made public after weeks of negotiation by legislative leaders, is expected to go to a vote on Wednesday with the support of both Democrats and Republicans.

Senate Minority Leader John McKinney, a Republican whose district includes Newtown, called the proposal "the most comprehensive package in the country because of its breadth".

It would create a registry of weapons offenders and require a new state eligibility certificate for the purchase a rifle, shotgun or ammunition.

Such a certificate would be issued after the buyer was fingerprinted, took a firearms training course and passed both a criminal background check and checks to see whether the person had been committed to a psychiatric hospital...

And when it doesnt prevent the next nutjob from shooting up someplace, or reduce crime whatsoever, the gun control freaks will want even MORE restrictions, because THOSE HAVE TO WORK.

The new proposal, made public after weeks of negotiation by legislative leaders, is expected to go to a vote on Wednesday with the support of both Democrats and Republicans.

Senate Minority Leader John McKinney, a Republican whose district includes Newtown, called the proposal "the most comprehensive package in the country because of its breadth".

It would create a registry of weapons offenders and require a new state eligibility certificate for the purchase a rifle, shotgun or ammunition.

Such a certificate would be issued after the buyer was fingerprinted, took a firearms training course and passed both a criminal background check and checks to see whether the person had been committed to a psychiatric hospital...

And when it doesnt prevent the next nutjob from shooting up someplace, or reduce crime whatsoever, the gun control freaks will want even MORE restrictions, because THOSE HAVE TO WORK.

Totalitarianism brings about irrational over-reactions like this. It's an illogical 'Punish the good, for the awful crimes of the few.' It's been going on for so long. The good law-abiding Citizens have to suffer because there are some bad Citizens. It's a completely irrational Legal System at this point.
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The new proposal, made public after weeks of negotiation by legislative leaders, is expected to go to a vote on Wednesday with the support of both Democrats and Republicans.

Senate Minority Leader John McKinney, a Republican whose district includes Newtown, called the proposal "the most comprehensive package in the country because of its breadth".

It would create a registry of weapons offenders and require a new state eligibility certificate for the purchase a rifle, shotgun or ammunition.

Such a certificate would be issued after the buyer was fingerprinted, took a firearms training course and passed both a criminal background check and checks to see whether the person had been committed to a psychiatric hospital...

And when it doesnt prevent the next nutjob from shooting up someplace, or reduce crime whatsoever, the gun control freaks will want even MORE restrictions, because THOSE HAVE TO WORK.

Totalitarianism brings about irrational over-reactions like this. It's an illogical 'Punish the good, for the awful crimes of the few.' It's been going on for so long. The good law-abiding Citizens have to suffer because there are some bad Citizens. It's a sickenly irrational Legal System at this point.

And i would have to assume all police officers and sherriff's deputies will be following the rules as well?
Politicians feel compelled do something. Even if that 'something' is wrong. And that's the Peoples' fault. They demand more Government actions. But less Government intervention and control is the logical way forward. The less they do, the better off we all are. Hopefully, one day most Americans will figure that out.

The new proposal, made public after weeks of negotiation by legislative leaders, is expected to go to a vote on Wednesday with the support of both Democrats and Republicans.

Senate Minority Leader John McKinney, a Republican whose district includes Newtown, called the proposal "the most comprehensive package in the country because of its breadth".

It would create a registry of weapons offenders and require a new state eligibility certificate for the purchase a rifle, shotgun or ammunition.

Such a certificate would be issued after the buyer was fingerprinted, took a firearms training course and passed both a criminal background check and checks to see whether the person had been committed to a psychiatric hospital...

And when it doesnt prevent the next nutjob from shooting up someplace, or reduce crime whatsoever, the gun control freaks will want even MORE restrictions, because THOSE HAVE TO WORK.

Gun control isn't about reducing crime, it's about reducing Freedom.
Yes, punish good Citizens for the crimes of the few bad Citizens. Pretty much sums up this Totatalitarian mess we still pretend is a free United States of America.

Connecticut lawmakers announced a deal Monday on what they called some of the toughest gun laws in the country that were proposed after the December mass shooting at a school in Newtown. Some highlights from the proposal:


—Ban sales of high-capacity ammunition magazines;

—Background checks for private gun sales;

—New registry for existing magazines that carry 10 or more bullets;

—Statewide dangerous weapon offender registry, which lawmakers said is the nation’s first;

—Immediate universal background checks for all firearms sales;

—Expansion of Connecticut’s assault weapons ban;

—Safety training and other requirements to buy any rifle, shotgun or ammunition;

—Increases minimum age eligibility for purchase of some semi-automatic rifles to 21;

— Expands requirements for safe storage of firearms;

— Increases penalties for firearms trafficking and illegal possession offenses...

More Blah Blah Blah:
Conn. proposals on guns, other items after Newtown - News -

'bout time. Which bothers you the most? Penalties for gun runners?
Yes, punish good Citizens for the crimes of the few bad Citizens. Pretty much sums up this Totatalitarian mess we still pretend is a free United States of America.

Connecticut lawmakers announced a deal Monday on what they called some of the toughest gun laws in the country that were proposed after the December mass shooting at a school in Newtown. Some highlights from the proposal:


—Ban sales of high-capacity ammunition magazines;

—Background checks for private gun sales;

—New registry for existing magazines that carry 10 or more bullets;

—Statewide dangerous weapon offender registry, which lawmakers said is the nation’s first;

—Immediate universal background checks for all firearms sales;

—Expansion of Connecticut’s assault weapons ban;

—Safety training and other requirements to buy any rifle, shotgun or ammunition;

—Increases minimum age eligibility for purchase of some semi-automatic rifles to 21;

— Expands requirements for safe storage of firearms;

— Increases penalties for firearms trafficking and illegal possession offenses...

More Blah Blah Blah:
Conn. proposals on guns, other items after Newtown - News -

'bout time. Which bothers you the most? Penalties for gun runners?

you mean the penalties we ave had on the books for YEARS those penalties??

At least try and be original.
Kinda a shame Connecticut was one of the 1st states ,they knew what tyranny was,but now are running head long too it in the name of false safety.
Yes, punish good Citizens for the crimes of the few bad Citizens. Pretty much sums up this Totatalitarian mess we still pretend is a free United States of America.

Connecticut lawmakers announced a deal Monday on what they called some of the toughest gun laws in the country that were proposed after the December mass shooting at a school in Newtown. Some highlights from the proposal:


—Ban sales of high-capacity ammunition magazines;

—Background checks for private gun sales;

—New registry for existing magazines that carry 10 or more bullets;

—Statewide dangerous weapon offender registry, which lawmakers said is the nation’s first;

—Immediate universal background checks for all firearms sales;

—Expansion of Connecticut’s assault weapons ban;

—Safety training and other requirements to buy any rifle, shotgun or ammunition;

—Increases minimum age eligibility for purchase of some semi-automatic rifles to 21;

— Expands requirements for safe storage of firearms;

— Increases penalties for firearms trafficking and illegal possession offenses...

More Blah Blah Blah:
Conn. proposals on guns, other items after Newtown - News -

'bout time. Which bothers you the most? Penalties for gun runners?

Lets see: The whole "safe storage of firearms thing usually means the people have to keep them unloaded or in a locked safe. " So I guess you have to ask your attacker "Pardon me while I unlock my gun safe, remove the trigger lock, then load my handgun. No. no, keep raping my wife, I'll be back in a few. Hang in there snookums!!"

Also why should I not be able to buy a 10+ round magazine if someone else with identical credentials can own one? How is that equal protection under the law?

Those just two of the issues, and of course, no criminal will follow these laws.
Yes, punish good Citizens for the crimes of the few bad Citizens. Pretty much sums up this Totatalitarian mess we still pretend is a free United States of America.

Connecticut lawmakers announced a deal Monday on what they called some of the toughest gun laws in the country that were proposed after the December mass shooting at a school in Newtown. Some highlights from the proposal:


—Ban sales of high-capacity ammunition magazines;

—Background checks for private gun sales;

—New registry for existing magazines that carry 10 or more bullets;

—Statewide dangerous weapon offender registry, which lawmakers said is the nation’s first;

—Immediate universal background checks for all firearms sales;

—Expansion of Connecticut’s assault weapons ban;

—Safety training and other requirements to buy any rifle, shotgun or ammunition;

—Increases minimum age eligibility for purchase of some semi-automatic rifles to 21;

— Expands requirements for safe storage of firearms;

— Increases penalties for firearms trafficking and illegal possession offenses...

More Blah Blah Blah:
Conn. proposals on guns, other items after Newtown - News -

'bout time. Which bothers you the most? Penalties for gun runners?

Always the loyal Goose Stepper huh? So sad.
Criminals don't submit to Background Checks. Only good law-abiding Citizens do. They're not the ones out there committing most brutal crimes. So stricter Background Check Laws are useless. It's just more abusing & punishing good law-abiding Citizens. It is all about disarming the People. Make no mistake about that.
Yes, punish good Citizens for the crimes of the few bad Citizens. Pretty much sums up this Totatalitarian mess we still pretend is a free United States of America.

Connecticut lawmakers announced a deal Monday on what they called some of the toughest gun laws in the country that were proposed after the December mass shooting at a school in Newtown. Some highlights from the proposal:


—Ban sales of high-capacity ammunition magazines;

—Background checks for private gun sales;

—New registry for existing magazines that carry 10 or more bullets;

—Statewide dangerous weapon offender registry, which lawmakers said is the nation’s first;

—Immediate universal background checks for all firearms sales;

—Expansion of Connecticut’s assault weapons ban;

—Safety training and other requirements to buy any rifle, shotgun or ammunition;

—Increases minimum age eligibility for purchase of some semi-automatic rifles to 21;

— Expands requirements for safe storage of firearms;

— Increases penalties for firearms trafficking and illegal possession offenses...

More Blah Blah Blah:
Conn. proposals on guns, other items after Newtown - News -

'bout time. Which bothers you the most? Penalties for gun runners?

you mean the penalties we ave had on the books for YEARS those penalties??

At least try and be original.

Sarcasm has been around too long as a rhetorical device to be "original".
Criminals don't submit to Background Checks. Only good law-abiding Citizens do. They're not the ones out there committing most brutal crimes. So stricter Background Check Laws are useless. It's just more abusing & punishing good law-abiding Citizens. It is all about disarming the People. Make no mistake about that.

You're right!!! [never thought you get that from me, and with three !!!, huh?] Since we agree, I'm sure you support a plan to require anyone who wants to own, possess or have in their custody or control a license; and, anyone who does own, possess or have in their custody and control a firearm and is not licensed is by definition a criminal, and must be imprisoned for ten years. Also, anyone who sells, loans or in any manner provides a firearm to any unlicensed person is also a criminal, and should lose their license (if they had one) and also be imprisoned for ten years as well as be civilly responsible for any harm done to anyone as a result of their criminal activity.
U.N. overwhelmingly approves global arms trade treaty

The 193-nation U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday overwhelmingly approved the first treaty on the global arms trade, which seeks to regulate the $70 billion business in conventional arms and keep weapons out of the hands of human rights abusers.

The National Rifle Association (NRA), a powerful U.S. pro-gun lobbying group that has opposed the treaty from the start, said it was a sad day for the United States, which joined the vast majority of U.N. member states by voting for the pact.

The United States, the world's No. 1 arms exporter, voted in favor of the treaty despite fierce opposition from the NRA, whose lobbying wing - the NRA Institute for Legislative Action - issued a statement condemning the U.N. vote.

"This treaty disregards the Second Amendment to our Constitution and threatens individual firearm ownership," said Chris Cox, head of the NRA-ILA. "It is a sad, yet telling, day when the president of the United States and his administration refuse to defend America's Constitution on the world stage."

If what they want to do is stop the US government from exporting arms to every nation in the world including Mexican drug cartels, I'm all for it. As it is we've been supplying weapons to way too many foreigners, like the ones raising hell in Syria right now.

Never mind the conventional arms. Let's stop supplying Israel with tanks and planes how about it.
It's all about disarming American Citizens. Anyone with common sense can see that. These new Laws don't hurt Criminals in any way. They only hurt good Americans. They're disarming the People incrementally. It's death by a 1,000 cuts. Americans need to stand up and start fighting back.
Criminals don't submit to Background Checks. Only good law-abiding Citizens do. They're not the ones out there committing most brutal crimes. So stricter Background Check Laws are useless. It's just more abusing & punishing good law-abiding Citizens. It is all about disarming the People. Make no mistake about that.

You're right!!! [never thought you get that from me, and with three !!!, huh?] Since we agree, I'm sure you support a plan to require anyone who wants to own, possess or have in their custody or control a license; and, anyone who does own, possess or have in their custody and control a firearm and is not licensed is by definition a criminal, and must be imprisoned for ten years. Also, anyone who sells, loans or in any manner provides a firearm to any unlicensed person is also a criminal, and should lose their license (if they had one) and also be imprisoned for ten years as well as be civilly responsible for any harm done to anyone as a result of their criminal activity.

Facist asshole.
If a US citizen residing in Connecticut fails to pass the background check to own or possess a firearm should they be allowed to vote?

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