Connecticut Moves Towards Sweeping Gun Laws...

How do you register a magazine?
I just looked - none of mine have serial numbers.

Doesn't matter, criminals will get all the guns & magazines they want. They don't follow the Law. They don't register or submit to background checks. These new Laws are designed to hurt good law-abiding Citizens. Just more attempts to disarm Americans. Death by a 1,000 cuts. This is just one more cut.
How do you register a magazine?
I just looked - none of mine have serial numbers.

Doesn't matter, criminals will get all the guns & magazines they want. They don't follow the Law. They don't register or submit to background checks. These new Laws are designed to hurt good law-abiding Citizens. Just more attempts to disarm Americans. Death by a 1,000 cuts. This is just one more cut.

Amen. They've been conducting this kind of incremental warfare on all fronts for decades, including and especially the economic one.

I only wish that the survivalists , martial arts guys, cage fighters, and militarists would revamp their concept of all that conflict can encompass. One of the biggest reasons that we have been losing the war to preserve Constitutional America is because the most militant among us have restricted their concept of war to the shooting and fisticuffs kind.

Zionists have not limited themselves in this way. So now they have the wherewithal to buy if not legally control the armed forces. They are now in the process of Federalizing the police. Resisting these trends will be labeled as treasonous and "anti-government" by the very people who want most to dismantle the Constitution and substitute in its stead some form of Marxist, Noahide Plutocracy. The Bolsheviks did not succeed without blood shed. It will be interesting to see if they will here.

What troubles me about this is that there are so many white gentile guys who are in those forces who derive no greater satisfaction that an opportunity to ply their skills. Some of them are willing to fight with such zest and zeal that they give little or no thought as to who it is they are testing them on or what the cause for doing so really is.

If all the white guys in the US who pride themselves on their courage and ability to fight would put an equal amount of concentrated effort into mastering economic and legal concepts, we could take this country back without firing a shot.
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Poor blue States, the Liberal idiots just sit back and say nothing when their elected officials trample all over their Constitutional Rights.
How do you register a magazine?
I just looked - none of mine have serial numbers.

Doesn't matter, criminals will get all the guns & magazines they want. They don't follow the Law. They don't register or submit to background checks. These new Laws are designed to hurt good law-abiding Citizens. Just more attempts to disarm Americans. Death by a 1,000 cuts. This is just one more cut.
The state cannot have a monopoly on force so long as the citizenry remains armed.
Criminals don't submit to Background Checks. Only good law-abiding Citizens do. They're not the ones out there committing most brutal crimes. So stricter Background Check Laws are useless. It's just more abusing & punishing good law-abiding Citizens. It is all about disarming the People. Make no mistake about that.

You're right!!! [never thought you get that from me, and with three !!!, huh?] Since we agree, I'm sure you support a plan to require anyone who wants to own, possess or have in their custody or control a license; and, anyone who does own, possess or have in their custody and control a firearm and is not licensed is by definition a criminal, and must be imprisoned for ten years. Also, anyone who sells, loans or in any manner provides a firearm to any unlicensed person is also a criminal, and should lose their license (if they had one) and also be imprisoned for ten years as well as be civilly responsible for any harm done to anyone as a result of their criminal activity.

Facist asshole.

Now, behavior like this, calling me a "Fascist Asshole" because I offer an opinion which offends him suggests Marty may be suffering from one or more forms of clinical pathology. Maybe of sufficient intensity and duration to cause a gun licensing agency to deny him such a license. Maybe he knows something is wrong and expressing anger makes him feel normal.

A normal person would try to offer a counterpoint, or at least a 'civil' ad hominem attack if they lacked the ability to respond as do normal people. And of course since Sandy Hook, Marty has been emotional, not grief on the loss of young lives, but fear his guns freedom might suffer as the national movement toward some forms of gun control advances.
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I predict that more shootings will happen in Connecticut now. After all, the strict gun laws they had before didn't prevent the last one.
Guns kill people every day in America. Are you suggesting more people will die if gun control laws are passed? If so, would you explain how?

I can't speak for him, but what I am suggesting is that once the American public have their teeth pulled, the government megalomaniacs will feel even less restraint in pushing their Marxist Zionist agendas on an unwilling population than they do now.

That's not to mention the ones who dislike taxation without representation.

People die all the time. A few thousand here and a few thousand their doesn't matter much to the intelligensia. They have a more seasoned and "mature" attitude of life and death, one from which they are exempted insofar as possible.

What the elitists really want is a culling of the world's burgeoning population.

They could accomplish this much better with full control of the population. There defenselessness would ensure cooperation. For example, they could declare all the wars they wanted to and no one could really protest.

The only way you would have access to a gun would be to become a soldier in one of them. After you come home, they could just declare you a PTSD case and take the weapons back. If the government clowns have their way, the only people who will get shot will either be the enemies of Israel, the opponents of ZOG, or the victims of crime.

Don't let their humanitarian rhetoric fool you. They don't feel safe dictating to 315 million people, half of whom own guns, who knows how many conspiracy nutters, and a host of useless eaters that don't have the grace to just die and rid the earth of it's surplus population.
You're right!!! [never thought you get that from me, and with three !!!, huh?] Since we agree, I'm sure you support a plan to require anyone who wants to own, possess or have in their custody or control a license; and, anyone who does own, possess or have in their custody and control a firearm and is not licensed is by definition a criminal, and must be imprisoned for ten years. Also, anyone who sells, loans or in any manner provides a firearm to any unlicensed person is also a criminal, and should lose their license (if they had one) and also be imprisoned for ten years as well as be civilly responsible for any harm done to anyone as a result of their criminal activity.

Facist asshole.

Now, behavior like this, calling me a "Fascist Asshole" because I offer an opinion which offends him suggests Marty may be suffering from one or more forms of clinical pathology. Maybe of sufficient intensity and duration to cause a gun licensing agency to deny him such a license. Maybe he knows something is wrong and expressing anger makes him feel normal.

A normal person would try to offer a counterpoint, or at least a 'civil' ad hominem attack if they lacked the ability to respond as do normal people. And of course since Sandy Hook, Marty has been emotional, not grief on the loss of young lives, but fear his guns freedom might suffer as the national movement toward some forms of gun control advances.

You are proposing laws that are for the sole purpose of making law abiding people criminals soley for the purpose of disarming them, and imprisoning them. if that is not fascist behavior, I dont know what is.

If you want to confiscate people's weapons have the balls to say it loud and clear. Dont try to end run your way around your perfect society where only our government betters have the right to use force to protect themselves.
Theyt are doing the will of the people.

Plessey V. Furgueson was "the will of the people." Well it was white people's will, but since they were the only ones who could vote because of all the illegal bullshit the good ol boys pulled i guess it was OK then.

A right is not subject to the whims of the people, and a consitutional right is only subject to the whims of 2/3 of the congress and 3/4 of the states.
Yes, punish good Citizens for the crimes of the few bad Citizens. Pretty much sums up this Totatalitarian mess we still pretend is a free United States of America.

Connecticut lawmakers announced a deal Monday on what they called some of the toughest gun laws in the country that were proposed after the December mass shooting at a school in Newtown. Some highlights from the proposal:


—Ban sales of high-capacity ammunition magazines;

—Background checks for private gun sales;

—New registry for existing magazines that carry 10 or more bullets;

—Statewide dangerous weapon offender registry, which lawmakers said is the nation’s first;

—Immediate universal background checks for all firearms sales;

—Expansion of Connecticut’s assault weapons ban;

—Safety training and other requirements to buy any rifle, shotgun or ammunition;

—Increases minimum age eligibility for purchase of some semi-automatic rifles to 21;

— Expands requirements for safe storage of firearms;

— Increases penalties for firearms trafficking and illegal possession offenses...

More Blah Blah Blah:
Conn. proposals on guns, other items after Newtown - News -

"Blah blah blah" is right.

Connecticut already had an "Assault Weapons Ban" in place BEFORE Sandy Hook.

For whatever good one more law made.....

You're right!!! [never thought you get that from me, and with three !!!, huh?] Since we agree, I'm sure you support a plan to require anyone who wants to own, possess or have in their custody or control a license; and, anyone who does own, possess or have in their custody and control a firearm and is not licensed is by definition a criminal, and must be imprisoned for ten years. Also, anyone who sells, loans or in any manner provides a firearm to any unlicensed person is also a criminal, and should lose their license (if they had one) and also be imprisoned for ten years as well as be civilly responsible for any harm done to anyone as a result of their criminal activity.

Facist asshole.

Now, behavior like this, calling me a "Fascist Asshole" because I offer an opinion which offends him suggests Marty may be suffering from one or more forms of clinical pathology. Maybe of sufficient intensity and duration to cause a gun licensing agency to deny him such a license. Maybe he knows something is wrong and expressing anger makes him feel normal.

A normal person would try to offer a counterpoint, or at least a 'civil' ad hominem attack if they lacked the ability to respond as do normal people. And of course since Sandy Hook, Marty has been emotional, not grief on the loss of young lives, but fear his guns freedom might suffer as the national movement toward some forms of gun control advances.


A normal person would offer as a counterpoint: ‘see you in court.’
Facist asshole.

Now, behavior like this, calling me a "Fascist Asshole" because I offer an opinion which offends him suggests Marty may be suffering from one or more forms of clinical pathology. Maybe of sufficient intensity and duration to cause a gun licensing agency to deny him such a license. Maybe he knows something is wrong and expressing anger makes him feel normal.

A normal person would try to offer a counterpoint, or at least a 'civil' ad hominem attack if they lacked the ability to respond as do normal people. And of course since Sandy Hook, Marty has been emotional, not grief on the loss of young lives, but fear his guns freedom might suffer as the national movement toward some forms of gun control advances.

You are proposing laws that are for the sole purpose of making law abiding people criminals soley for the purpose of disarming them, and imprisoning them. if that is not fascist behavior, I dont know what is.

You don't know shit! The more you post, the more you appear to be mentally disturbed.

If you want to confiscate people's weapons have the balls to say it loud and clear. Don't try to end run your way around your perfect society where only our government betters have the right to use force to protect themselves.

I don't want to take away weapons, i.e. guns, from law abiding citizens. But assholes like you should never have a gun. I carried a sidearm in the Navy and as a Leo for 32 years and never shot anyone. When I day-dreamed I saw myself making a hard right turn on an overhead wave and being covered or turning on a fast ball and driving it over the wall - never did I worry about or dream about killing another human being. Asshole like you dream about being hero's, killing other human beings. If you have such fantasies that makes you fucked up, IMHO.

I bet you're a little man.
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Theyt are doing the will of the people.


And if any resident of the state of Connecticut perceived this measure in violation of his Second Amendment rights, he may file suit in Federal court seeking relief.

Of course opponents of the law could also work for its repeal through the political process.

As an aside, post Heller jurisprudence has found most of the provisions in the proposed law to pass Constitutional muster.
Now, behavior like this, calling me a "Fascist Asshole" because I offer an opinion which offends him suggests Marty may be suffering from one or more forms of clinical pathology. Maybe of sufficient intensity and duration to cause a gun licensing agency to deny him such a license. Maybe he knows something is wrong and expressing anger makes him feel normal.

A normal person would try to offer a counterpoint, or at least a 'civil' ad hominem attack if they lacked the ability to respond as do normal people. And of course since Sandy Hook, Marty has been emotional, not grief on the loss of young lives, but fear his guns freedom might suffer as the national movement toward some forms of gun control advances.

You are proposing laws that are for the sole purpose of making law abiding people criminals soley for the purpose of disarming them, and imprisoning them. if that is not fascist behavior, I dont know what is.

You don't know shit! The more you post, the more you appear to be mentally disturbed.

If you want to confiscate people's weapons have the balls to say it loud and clear. Don't try to end run your way around your perfect society where only our government betters have the right to use force to protect themselves.

I don't want to take away weapons, i.e. guns, from law abiding citizens. But assholes like you should never have a gun. I carried a sidearm in the Navy and as a Leo for 32 years and never shot anyone. When I day-dreamed I saw myself making a hard right turn on an overhead wave and being covered or turning on a fast ball and driving it over the wall - never did I worry about or dream about killing another human being. Asshole like you dream about being hero's, killing other human beings. If you have such fantasies that makes you fucked up, IMHO.

You have no idea what my dreams or thoughts are. All you know is I react poorly to those who want to take away my rights. It figures you are a former LEO, however you are obviously one of the ones that thinks your peace officer status means you should have more rights than I do. If you feel you need to restrict law abiding citizens to certain types of weapons, then I would hope you would follow THE EXACT SAME restrictions. After all you never NEEDED to use your weapon in anger, whats wrong with restricting you to a 7 shot magazine or a revolver just like the rest of us?

I also do not currently own a gun. What bothers me is people that think just because they want something to happen, that they can ignore the consitution with the help of idiotic legislation, and progressive jackass justices. If you really really want to change the way americans can own firearms, change the 2nd amendment. Until then follow the damn consitution.
Theyt are doing the will of the people.


And if any resident of the state of Connecticut perceived this measure in violation of his Second Amendment rights, he may file suit in Federal court seeking relief.

Of course opponents of the law could also work for its repeal through the political process.

As an aside, post Heller jurisprudence has found most of the provisions in the proposed law to pass Constitutional muster.

The problem is the justices in states like this are just as progressive as the people in the legislatures. Our federal courts often have the same problem.

So basically your rights depend on the mercy of some old lawyers. Great.

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