Connecticut Moves Towards Sweeping Gun Laws...

Theyt are doing the will of the people.

No doubt about that. And unfortunately, people are likely to die because the rights of people are being restricted.

Guns kill people every day in America. Are you suggesting more people will die if gun control laws are passed? If so, would you explain how?
Gun control only serves to make it harder for the law abiding to get/use a gun.
Therefore, there is a greater chance that a victim will not have a gun when he needs it.
As an aside, post Heller jurisprudence has found most of the provisions in the proposed law to pass Constitutional muster.
Please cite the text in Heller that specifically addreses and then "passes" the items:

—Ban sales of high-capacity ammunition magazines;
—Background checks for private gun sales;
—New registry for existing magazines that carry 10 or more bullets;
—Statewide dangerous weapon offender registry, which lawmakers said is the nation’s first;
—Immediate universal background checks for all firearms sales;
—Expansion of Connecticut’s assault weapons ban;
—Safety training and other requirements to buy any rifle, shotgun or ammunition;
—Increases minimum age eligibility for purchase of some semi-automatic rifles to 21;
— Expands requirements for safe storage of firearms;
— Increases penalties for firearms trafficking and illegal possession offenses...
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These new laws only punish and abuse good Citizens. Criminals will continue to get their guns & magazines. They don't obey laws. This is just another attempt to circumvent the Constitution and disarm the People. The People will have to stand up.
The public in Connecticut is voicing their opinion by buying up every gun they can get their hands on.
The public in Connecticut is voicing their opinion by buying up every gun they can get their hands on.

Gotta boot the Politicians who decided to abuse good law-abiding Citizens. They won't do this in the future if they know they'll be held accountable. The days of punishing the good for the sins of the few bad, need to come to an end. We need to evolve. It's time to get past that short-sighted punitive mentality.
No doubt about that. And unfortunately, people are likely to die because the rights of people are being restricted.

Guns kill people every day in America. Are you suggesting more people will die if gun control laws are passed? If so, would you explain how?
Gun control only serves to make it harder for the law abiding to get/use a gun.
Therefore, there is a greater chance that a victim will not have a gun when he needs it.

Lack of gun control makes it easy for a criminal, or somone with malicious intent to obtain a firearm. If the NRA has its way, it will remain easy for somone with evil intent to obtain a weapon capable of killing dozens of others in minutes.
Guns kill people every day in America. Are you suggesting more people will die if gun control laws are passed? If so, would you explain how?
Gun control only serves to make it harder for the law abiding to get/use a gun.
Therefore, there is a greater chance that a victim will not have a gun when he needs it.

Lack of gun control makes it easy for a criminal, or somone with malicious intent to obtain a firearm. If the NRA has its way, it will remain easy for somone with evil intent to obtain a weapon capable of killing dozens of others in minutes.

Criminals do not obey laws. They do not submit to background checks. Only good law abiding Citizens do that. So these new laws are useless and only violate the rights of good Americans. It is all about disarming the People. That's the agenda. And it's wrong. The People will have to fight back now.
Guns kill people every day in America. Are you suggesting more people will die if gun control laws are passed? If so, would you explain how?
Gun control only serves to make it harder for the law abiding to get/use a gun.
Therefore, there is a greater chance that a victim will not have a gun when he needs it.
Lack of gun control makes it easy for a criminal, or somone with malicious intent to obtain a firearm.
It is against the law for a criminal to buy or posess a firearm.
It is against the law to commit a crime with a gun.
It is impossible for a law to prevent a criminal from breaking these laws.

If the NRA has its way, it will remain easy for somone with evil intent to obtain a weapon capable of killing dozens of others in minutes.
What law can prevent a person with evil intent from getting a gun?
(Note that tje type of gun is irrelevant, as every modern firearm is capable of killing dozens of people in minutes)

Gun control creates a greater chance that a victim will not have a gun when he needs it; it is impossible to soundly argue otherwise.
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Gun control only serves to make it harder for the law abiding to get/use a gun.
Therefore, there is a greater chance that a victim will not have a gun when he needs it.
Lack of gun control makes it easy for a criminal, or somone with malicious intent to obtain a firearm.
It is against the law for a criminal to buy or posess a firearm.
It is against the law to commit a crime with a gun.
It is impossible for a law to prevent a criminal from breaking these laws.

If the NRA has its way, it will remain easy for somone with evil intent to obtain a weapon capable of killing dozens of others in minutes.
What law can prevent a person with evil intent from getting a gun?
(Note that tje type of gun is irrelevant, as every gun is capable of killing dozens of people in minutes)

It's about disarming the People. That's the real agenda. They always punish the good for the crimes of the few bad. They exploit awful tragedies to push their agendas. These new laws are only abusing & punishing good decent Citizens. Criminals don't care. They don't submit to background checks or obey the law. Shame on all those who exploit tragedy to force their agenda on others. It's wrong and Un-American.
Lack of gun control makes it easy for a criminal, or somone with malicious intent to obtain a firearm.
It is against the law for a criminal to buy or posess a firearm.
It is against the law to commit a crime with a gun.
It is impossible for a law to prevent a criminal from breaking these laws.

If the NRA has its way, it will remain easy for somone with evil intent to obtain a weapon capable of killing dozens of others in minutes.
What law can prevent a person with evil intent from getting a gun?
(Note that tje type of gun is irrelevant, as every gun is capable of killing dozens of people in minutes)
It's about disarming the People. That's the real agenda.
Hmm... where have I heard that before? :razz:
It's about disarming the People. That's the real agenda.

You're not supposed to realize that, let alone say it right here out in the open.

It might give all the conspiracy nutters ideas.

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