Connection between use of ROUNDUP on US crops and disease.

The EPA is too busy dismantling the hydrocarbon industries to trouble itself with Agriculture.
Fuck the farmer.
Study was bookmarked. Thanks for information. Knowledge suspected true, but confimation always appreciated.

The EPA is too busy dismantling the hydrocarbon industries to trouble itself with Agriculture.
Fuck the farmer.

'Specially when you have a POTUS appointing a Monsanto exec (Taylor) to the Ag Dept.
Hey, what's the issue? Foxes are great guards of henhouses. :death:
I've done a bit of reading in this area. The first few pages of this paper are really quite illuminating.

When ever my family members have not been feeling well, most times I've been able to trace it to an imbalance of gut bacteria. I never knew that glyphosate kills that good gut bacteria, i.e. Bacteroides and Ruminococcus, but that would make sense if they are plant based bacteria.

I've always just known the foods in a modern diet that feed the bad gut bacteria (Candida albicans) that cause our digestion and nutrition to become all out of balance. This is the number one cause of chronic disease and cancers. It allows fungus to grow inside of you.

Now we have to deal with this shit? Glyphosates actually KILL our good gut bacteria? I can't afford the probiotics that I buy as it is. lol

I'm going to have to just bite the bullet and learn how to make pickles. . . . Son of a bitch.
Few of the AGW nutters will have them, this is a big yawn.
The EPA is too busy dismantling the hydrocarbon industries to trouble itself with Agriculture.
Fuck the farmer.

'Specially when you have a POTUS appointing a Monsanto exec (Taylor) to the Ag Dept.
Hey, what's the issue? Foxes are great guards of henhouses. :death:

None of the partisans are innocent. They are all guilty of selling out America's health for a buck.

Monsanto Protection Act 5 Terrifying Things To Know About The HR 933 Provision

That's why when the stupid partisan's on this forum were debating Obama care, I called it the Death Care debate, because the government and the establishment PROFIT off of sickness. If they REALLY wanted to help make sure people were healthy, they would get ride of all the chemicals in our food and water.

Why did the politicians keep the president of the EPA from testifying about Fluoridation of the water at FDA hearings? Why don't they do something about the longitudinal studies of them poisoning our food and water with the links to chronic diseases?

I'll tell you why, because health care and cancer treatment is a HUGE INDUSTRY. If they REALLY wanted to address health care, they would address making our food and water clean. But nah. . . they don't really want to do that. If they poison it, then there will be more money in treating the ignorant masses.



Few of the AGW nutters will have them, this is a big yawn.
Too busy snackin' on their Cheetos watchin' MSNBC. . .


Over the years, I have found these people are hardly interested in the environment at all, but they display that all the time under the moniker of AGW. Total bs.......and just another bit of confirmation that this AGW shit has never been about the environment. Its ALWAYS been about part of the progressive playbook to destroy capitalism.........and its right there front and center in Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals".:gay:
The EPA is too busy dismantling the hydrocarbon industries to trouble itself with Agriculture.
Fuck the farmer.

'Specially when you have a POTUS appointing a Monsanto exec (Taylor) to the Ag Dept.
Hey, what's the issue? Foxes are great guards of henhouses. :death:

None of the partisans are innocent. They are all guilty of selling out America's health for a buck.

Monsanto Protection Act 5 Terrifying Things To Know About The HR 933 Provision

That's why when the stupid partisan's on this forum were debating Obama care, I called it the Death Care debate, because the government and the establishment PROFIT off of sickness. If they REALLY wanted to help make sure people were healthy, they would get ride of all the chemicals in our food and water.

Why did the politicians keep the president of the EPA from testifying about Fluoridation of the water at FDA hearings? Why don't they do something about the longitudinal studies of them poisoning our food and water with the links to chronic diseases?

I'll tell you why, because health care and cancer treatment is a HUGE INDUSTRY. If they REALLY wanted to address health care, they would address making our food and water clean. But nah. . . they don't really want to do that. If they poison it, then there will be more money in treating the ignorant masses.




The "Monsanto Protection Act" effectively bars federal courts from being able to halt the sale or planting of controversial genetically modified (aka GMO) or genetically engineered (GE) seeds, no matter what health issues may arise concerning GMOs in the future.


a provision that in effect allows them to keep selling seeds, which can then go on to be planted, even if it is found to be harmful to consumers, is stunning.

It's not only stunning, it's bullshit.
Good to see how conservatives are just as brainless as some liberals concerning the the Monsanto and GM crops conspiracies.

Those studies/charts were pointless, just correlation = causation nonsense. Using the same "more Roundup was used and more people got sick, so it proves Roundup was the cause" logic, we could "prove" global warming causes all those diseases.

Monsanto conspiracy theories are also dumb. Monsanto is just one of many agricorp companies. They have the majority share with soybeans in the USA, but they're a bit player everywhere else. Monsanto isn't taking over the world, as their competitors wouldn't allow it, and Monsanto simply isn't big enough to buy enough politicians.

The patent on glysophate expired way back. Everyone makes it now. Glysophate ranks up as one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century. It replaced a buttload of very poisonous and persistent herbicides with a basically harmless herbicide. Its use results in much less tilling being needed, resulting in less environmental damage, and much less fossil fuel getting burned.
The EPA is too busy dismantling the hydrocarbon industries to trouble itself with Agriculture.
Fuck the farmer.

'Specially when you have a POTUS appointing a Monsanto exec (Taylor) to the Ag Dept.
Hey, what's the issue? Foxes are great guards of henhouses. :death:

None of the partisans are innocent. They are all guilty of selling out America's health for a buck.

Monsanto Protection Act 5 Terrifying Things To Know About The HR 933 Provision

That's why when the stupid partisan's on this forum were debating Obama care, I called it the Death Care debate, because the government and the establishment PROFIT off of sickness. If they REALLY wanted to help make sure people were healthy, they would get ride of all the chemicals in our food and water.

Why did the politicians keep the president of the EPA from testifying about Fluoridation of the water at FDA hearings? Why don't they do something about the longitudinal studies of them poisoning our food and water with the links to chronic diseases?

I'll tell you why, because health care and cancer treatment is a HUGE INDUSTRY. If they REALLY wanted to address health care, they would address making our food and water clean. But nah. . . they don't really want to do that. If they poison it, then there will be more money in treating the ignorant masses.




The "Monsanto Protection Act" effectively bars federal courts from being able to halt the sale or planting of controversial genetically modified (aka GMO) or genetically engineered (GE) seeds, no matter what health issues may arise concerning GMOs in the future.


a provision that in effect allows them to keep selling seeds, which can then go on to be planted, even if it is found to be harmful to consumers, is stunning.

It's not only stunning, it's bullshit.

You know, I'm the first to say the media is unreliable, so I checked snopes. As it turns out, it is true. But not only was it true then, it was a continuing resolution. It was true before they passed it. lol

The "Farmer Assurance Provision" is not new to 2013: it was also part of the initial draft of a FY2013 Agriculture Appropriations bill in June 2012.
Read more at Monsanto Protection Act

The provision directs the Secretary of Agriculture to grant temporary deregulation status to allow growers to continue the cultivation of biotech crops that had previously been approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) while legal challenges to the safety of those crops are underway, and it prevents courts from interceding in the review process — a situation which critics contend unconstitutionally bars the court system from taking part in ensuring the safety of food products:
Read more at Monsanto Protection Act Monsanto Protection Act

They have the relevant parts of the legislation quoted for you if you decide you no longer wish to deny reality. If you want to just continue this attitude. . . .

Be my guest.
You'll feel better if all you buy is organic food.

Poorer, yes, but emotionally soooooooo much better about yourself.
The EPA is too busy dismantling the hydrocarbon industries to trouble itself with Agriculture.
Fuck the farmer.

'Specially when you have a POTUS appointing a Monsanto exec (Taylor) to the Ag Dept.
Hey, what's the issue? Foxes are great guards of henhouses. :death:

None of the partisans are innocent. They are all guilty of selling out America's health for a buck.

Monsanto Protection Act 5 Terrifying Things To Know About The HR 933 Provision

That's why when the stupid partisan's on this forum were debating Obama care, I called it the Death Care debate, because the government and the establishment PROFIT off of sickness. If they REALLY wanted to help make sure people were healthy, they would get ride of all the chemicals in our food and water.

Why did the politicians keep the president of the EPA from testifying about Fluoridation of the water at FDA hearings? Why don't they do something about the longitudinal studies of them poisoning our food and water with the links to chronic diseases?

I'll tell you why, because health care and cancer treatment is a HUGE INDUSTRY. If they REALLY wanted to address health care, they would address making our food and water clean. But nah. . . they don't really want to do that. If they poison it, then there will be more money in treating the ignorant masses.

The "Monsanto Protection Act" effectively bars federal courts from being able to halt the sale or planting of controversial genetically modified (aka GMO) or genetically engineered (GE) seeds, no matter what health issues may arise concerning GMOs in the future.


a provision that in effect allows them to keep selling seeds, which can then go on to be planted, even if it is found to be harmful to consumers, is stunning.

It's not only stunning, it's bullshit.

You know, I'm the first to say the media is unreliable, so I checked snopes. As it turns out, it is true. But not only was it true then, it was a continuing resolution. It was true before they passed it. lol

The "Farmer Assurance Provision" is not new to 2013: it was also part of the initial draft of a FY2013 Agriculture Appropriations bill in June 2012.
Read more at Monsanto Protection Act

The provision directs the Secretary of Agriculture to grant temporary deregulation status to allow growers to continue the cultivation of biotech crops that had previously been approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) while legal challenges to the safety of those crops are underway, and it prevents courts from interceding in the review process — a situation which critics contend unconstitutionally bars the court system from taking part in ensuring the safety of food products:
Read more at Monsanto Protection Act Monsanto Protection Act

They have the relevant parts of the legislation quoted for you if you decide you no longer wish to deny reality. If you want to just continue this attitude. . . .

Be my guest.

to allow growers to continue the cultivation of biotech crops that had previously been approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) while legal challenges to the safety of those crops are underway, and it prevents courts from interceding in the review process

Thanks so much. It's easier for me when you post the refutation of your earlier idiotic claim, yourself.
Last edited:
Good to see how conservatives are just as brainless as some liberals concerning the the Monsanto and GM crops conspiracies.

Those studies/charts were pointless, just correlation = causation nonsense. Using the same "more Roundup was used and more people got sick, so it proves Roundup was the cause" logic, we could "prove" global warming causes all those diseases.

Monsanto conspiracy theories are also dumb. Monsanto is just one of many agricorp companies. They have the majority share with soybeans in the USA, but they're a bit player everywhere else. Monsanto isn't taking over the world, as their competitors wouldn't allow it, and Monsanto simply isn't big enough to buy enough politicians.

The patent on glysophate expired way back. Everyone makes it now. Glysophate ranks up as one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century. It replaced a buttload of very poisonous and persistent herbicides with a basically harmless herbicide. Its use results in much less tilling being needed, resulting in less environmental damage, and much less fossil fuel getting burned.

Ahhhh. . . . So you are admitting that glysophate use is the cause of rising temperatures eh? Finally, you looney AGW cultists come clean.


The EPA is too busy dismantling the hydrocarbon industries to trouble itself with Agriculture.
Fuck the farmer.

'Specially when you have a POTUS appointing a Monsanto exec (Taylor) to the Ag Dept.
Hey, what's the issue? Foxes are great guards of henhouses. :death:

None of the partisans are innocent. They are all guilty of selling out America's health for a buck.

Monsanto Protection Act 5 Terrifying Things To Know About The HR 933 Provision

That's why when the stupid partisan's on this forum were debating Obama care, I called it the Death Care debate, because the government and the establishment PROFIT off of sickness. If they REALLY wanted to help make sure people were healthy, they would get ride of all the chemicals in our food and water.

Why did the politicians keep the president of the EPA from testifying about Fluoridation of the water at FDA hearings? Why don't they do something about the longitudinal studies of them poisoning our food and water with the links to chronic diseases?

I'll tell you why, because health care and cancer treatment is a HUGE INDUSTRY. If they REALLY wanted to address health care, they would address making our food and water clean. But nah. . . they don't really want to do that. If they poison it, then there will be more money in treating the ignorant masses.

The "Monsanto Protection Act" effectively bars federal courts from being able to halt the sale or planting of controversial genetically modified (aka GMO) or genetically engineered (GE) seeds, no matter what health issues may arise concerning GMOs in the future.


a provision that in effect allows them to keep selling seeds, which can then go on to be planted, even if it is found to be harmful to consumers, is stunning.

It's not only stunning, it's bullshit.

You know, I'm the first to say the media is unreliable, so I checked snopes. As it turns out, it is true. But not only was it true then, it was a continuing resolution. It was true before they passed it. lol

The "Farmer Assurance Provision" is not new to 2013: it was also part of the initial draft of a FY2013 Agriculture Appropriations bill in June 2012.
Read more at Monsanto Protection Act

The provision directs the Secretary of Agriculture to grant temporary deregulation status to allow growers to continue the cultivation of biotech crops that had previously been approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) while legal challenges to the safety of those crops are underway, and it prevents courts from interceding in the review process — a situation which critics contend unconstitutionally bars the court system from taking part in ensuring the safety of food products:
Read more at Monsanto Protection Act Monsanto Protection Act

They have the relevant parts of the legislation quoted for you if you decide you no longer wish to deny reality. If you want to just continue this attitude. . . .

Be my guest.

to allow growers to continue the cultivation of biotech crops that had previously been approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) while legal challenges to the safety of those crops are underway, and it prevents courts from interceding in the review process

Thanks so much. It's easier for me when you post the refutation of your earlier idiotic claim, yourself.

And basically, when scientific studies come out showing they are dangerous, courts can not do anything about it.

Not one damn thing.
And basically, when scientific studies come out showing they are dangerous, courts can not do anything about it.

Not one damn thing.

Now if only you could prove it by posting the specific part of the "Monsanto Protection Act" that does that.
But you won't.
And basically, when scientific studies come out showing they are dangerous, courts can not do anything about it.

Not one damn thing.

Now if only you could prove it by posting the specific part of the "Monsanto Protection Act" that does that.
But you won't.
The EPA is too busy dismantling the hydrocarbon industries to trouble itself with Agriculture.
Fuck the farmer.

'Specially when you have a POTUS appointing a Monsanto exec (Taylor) to the Ag Dept.
Hey, what's the issue? Foxes are great guards of henhouses. :death:

None of the partisans are innocent. They are all guilty of selling out America's health for a buck.

Monsanto Protection Act 5 Terrifying Things To Know About The HR 933 Provision

That's why when the stupid partisan's on this forum were debating Obama care, I called it the Death Care debate, because the government and the establishment PROFIT off of sickness. If they REALLY wanted to help make sure people were healthy, they would get ride of all the chemicals in our food and water.

Why did the politicians keep the president of the EPA from testifying about Fluoridation of the water at FDA hearings? Why don't they do something about the longitudinal studies of them poisoning our food and water with the links to chronic diseases?

I'll tell you why, because health care and cancer treatment is a HUGE INDUSTRY. If they REALLY wanted to address health care, they would address making our food and water clean. But nah. . . they don't really want to do that. If they poison it, then there will be more money in treating the ignorant masses.

The "Monsanto Protection Act" effectively bars federal courts from being able to halt the sale or planting of controversial genetically modified (aka GMO) or genetically engineered (GE) seeds, no matter what health issues may arise concerning GMOs in the future.


a provision that in effect allows them to keep selling seeds, which can then go on to be planted, even if it is found to be harmful to consumers, is stunning.

It's not only stunning, it's bullshit.

You know, I'm the first to say the media is unreliable, so I checked snopes. As it turns out, it is true. But not only was it true then, it was a continuing resolution. It was true before they passed it. lol

The "Farmer Assurance Provision" is not new to 2013: it was also part of the initial draft of a FY2013 Agriculture Appropriations bill in June 2012.
Read more at Monsanto Protection Act

The provision directs the Secretary of Agriculture to grant temporary deregulation status to allow growers to continue the cultivation of biotech crops that had previously been approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) while legal challenges to the safety of those crops are underway, and it prevents courts from interceding in the review process — a situation which critics contend unconstitutionally bars the court system from taking part in ensuring the safety of food products:
Read more at Monsanto Protection Act Monsanto Protection Act

They have the relevant parts of the legislation quoted for you if you decide you no longer wish to deny reality. If you want to just continue this attitude. . . .

Be my guest.

to allow growers to continue the cultivation of biotech crops that had previously been approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) while legal challenges to the safety of those crops are underway, and it prevents courts from interceding in the review process
And basically, when scientific studies come out showing they are dangerous, courts can not do anything about it.

Not one damn thing.

Now if only you could prove it by posting the specific part of the "Monsanto Protection Act" that does that.
But you won't.
'Specially when you have a POTUS appointing a Monsanto exec (Taylor) to the Ag Dept.
Hey, what's the issue? Foxes are great guards of henhouses. :death:

None of the partisans are innocent. They are all guilty of selling out America's health for a buck.

Monsanto Protection Act 5 Terrifying Things To Know About The HR 933 Provision

That's why when the stupid partisan's on this forum were debating Obama care, I called it the Death Care debate, because the government and the establishment PROFIT off of sickness. If they REALLY wanted to help make sure people were healthy, they would get ride of all the chemicals in our food and water.

Why did the politicians keep the president of the EPA from testifying about Fluoridation of the water at FDA hearings? Why don't they do something about the longitudinal studies of them poisoning our food and water with the links to chronic diseases?

I'll tell you why, because health care and cancer treatment is a HUGE INDUSTRY. If they REALLY wanted to address health care, they would address making our food and water clean. But nah. . . they don't really want to do that. If they poison it, then there will be more money in treating the ignorant masses.

The "Monsanto Protection Act" effectively bars federal courts from being able to halt the sale or planting of controversial genetically modified (aka GMO) or genetically engineered (GE) seeds, no matter what health issues may arise concerning GMOs in the future.


a provision that in effect allows them to keep selling seeds, which can then go on to be planted, even if it is found to be harmful to consumers, is stunning.

It's not only stunning, it's bullshit.

You know, I'm the first to say the media is unreliable, so I checked snopes. As it turns out, it is true. But not only was it true then, it was a continuing resolution. It was true before they passed it. lol

The "Farmer Assurance Provision" is not new to 2013: it was also part of the initial draft of a FY2013 Agriculture Appropriations bill in June 2012.
Read more at Monsanto Protection Act

The provision directs the Secretary of Agriculture to grant temporary deregulation status to allow growers to continue the cultivation of biotech crops that had previously been approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) while legal challenges to the safety of those crops are underway, and it prevents courts from interceding in the review process — a situation which critics contend unconstitutionally bars the court system from taking part in ensuring the safety of food products:
Read more at Monsanto Protection Act Monsanto Protection Act

They have the relevant parts of the legislation quoted for you if you decide you no longer wish to deny reality. If you want to just continue this attitude. . . .

Be my guest.

to allow growers to continue the cultivation of biotech crops that had previously been approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) while legal challenges to the safety of those crops are underway, and it prevents courts from interceding in the review process

to allow growers to continue the cultivation of biotech crops that had previously been approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) while legal challenges to the safety of those crops are underway, and it prevents courts from interceding in the review process

I already thanked you for refuting your own claim.

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