Conrad Black: Canada's failing health system is but a symptom of a broken nation


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I have been screaming from the rooftops for two decades. Politicians and business leaders don't listen and the only person suffering today is the guy who simply wanted a better Canada and Ontario.

Be proud Americans and speak your minds so that you don't follow us down the Eastern Bloc path.

Conrad Black: Canada's failing health system is but a symptom of a broken nation​

The federal government’s offer this week of $196 billion over 10 years to the provinces and territories in additional federal contributions to health-care spending was really only a very modest increase on what was already known to be forthcoming under existing arrangements. It is, as it has been widely described, including by the federal government’s enablers in the NDP, a quantitatively inadequate, profoundly unimaginative and dangerously superficial approach to a mortal threat to our health-care system.

All middle-aged Canadians have witnessed, though it has been severely under-publicized in the generally mediocre and parochial media of this country, the descent of Canada from being comparable per capita in prosperity to the United States to a position where often, it barely cracks the top 20 in global rankings. We have been bypassed by countries with small populations and negligible resources, which within living memory were in a chronically underdeveloped or war-ravaged condition, such as the Netherlands and Belgium

As might confidently be expected, the erosion of Canada’s competitiveness is reflected in its health-care system. ...The result is that an estimated three-million Canadians are on medical waiting lists and, contrary to an endless cataract of official promises to the contrary, a steadily larger number of Canadians are put on medical wait lists every year.
Americans really don't want this bait pal. They know from experience that some smartass is just going to point out that America's HC is rated as the worst of all the modern developed countries.

I'm outta here before I get accused.
Americans really don't want this bait pal. They know from experience that some smartass is just going to point out that America's HC is rated as the worst of all the modern developed countries.

I'm outta here before I get accused.
Run away duck. That is your MO when you know that you are about to have your ass handed to you. LMAO
I have been screaming from the rooftops for two decades. Politicians and business leaders don't listen and the only person suffering today is the guy who simply wanted a better Canada and Ontario.

Be proud Americans and speak your minds so that you don't follow us down the Eastern Bloc path.

Conrad Black: Canada's failing health system is but a symptom of a broken nation​

The federal government’s offer this week of $196 billion over 10 years to the provinces and territories in additional federal contributions to health-care spending was really only a very modest increase on what was already known to be forthcoming under existing arrangements. It is, as it has been widely described, including by the federal government’s enablers in the NDP, a quantitatively inadequate, profoundly unimaginative and dangerously superficial approach to a mortal threat to our health-care system.

All middle-aged Canadians have witnessed, though it has been severely under-publicized in the generally mediocre and parochial media of this country, the descent of Canada from being comparable per capita in prosperity to the United States to a position where often, it barely cracks the top 20 in global rankings. We have been bypassed by countries with small populations and negligible resources, which within living memory were in a chronically underdeveloped or war-ravaged condition, such as the Netherlands and Belgium

As might confidently be expected, the erosion of Canada’s competitiveness is reflected in its health-care system. ...The result is that an estimated three-million Canadians are on medical waiting lists and, contrary to an endless cataract of official promises to the contrary, a steadily larger number of Canadians are put on medical wait lists every year.

The Canadian healthcare system has only been in crisis since covid. The system relied on prevention an early diagnosis and three years of testing went straight out the window, so that we are years behind.

Toss, and the number of people leaving the the health care professions post covid, and we have serious problems.

If you’ve only been talking about this for 10 years for 20 years and you’ve voted Conservative at any time during those 20 years, you’re 10 years too late. Seven out of Canadas 10 provinces currently have Conservative governments including Ontario.

Since Mike Harris was elected in the 1990’s Conservative governments throughout Canada have been doing their utmost to make the Canadian healthcare system so bad, the Canadians will allow them to bring in US for-profit healthcare.

This is an obsession with Canadian conservative politicians. Why they want to emulate the most expensive and least effective healthcare system in the first world is beyond me. Canadians aren’t buying it either.

OHIP in Ontario was gutted by the Mike Harris Conservatives. Harris spent $10 million firing 50,000 nurses, and then spent $50 million a few years later, hiring them back again.

He amalgamated hospitals, closing, small local hospitals, in favour of larger, regional health centres.

Little was done to expand or restore the system under the Liberals 20 years ago because Harper was cutting transfer payments from Ottawa.

Now we have Doug Ford who is again firing nurses and closing beds, and offering to bring in private clinics and US style health care to cover the shortfall.

I have a friend whose brother died of cancer in the hallway of the Emergency Department of his local hospital because Doug Ford closed so many beds in that hospital that there wasn’t even a broom closet to put him to give the family privacy to say their final “goodbyes”.
The Canadian healthcare system has only been in crisis since covid. The system relied on prevention an early diagnosis and three years of testing went straight out the window, so that we are years behind.

Toss, and the number of people leaving the the health care professions post covid, and we have serious problems.

If you’ve only been talking about this for 10 years for 20 years and you’ve voted Conservative at any time during those 20 years, you’re 10 years too late. Seven out of Canadas 10 provinces currently have Conservative governments including Ontario.

Since Mike Harris was elected in the 1990’s Conservative governments throughout Canada have been doing their utmost to make the Canadian healthcare system so bad, the Canadians will allow them to bring in US for-profit healthcare.

This is an obsession with Canadian conservative politicians. Why they want to emulate the most expensive and least effective healthcare system in the first world is beyond me. Canadians aren’t buying it either.

OHIP in Ontario was gutted by the Mike Harris Conservatives. Harris spent $10 million firing 50,000 nurses, and then spent $50 million a few years later, hiring them back again.

He amalgamated hospitals, closing, small local hospitals, in favour of larger, regional health centres.

Little was done to expand or restore the system under the Liberals 20 years ago because Harper was cutting transfer payments from Ottawa.

Now we have Doug Ford who is again firing nurses and closing beds, and offering to bring in private clinics and US style health care to cover the shortfall.

I have a friend whose brother died of cancer in the hallway of the Emergency Department of his local hospital because Doug Ford closed so many beds in that hospital that there wasn’t even a broom closet to put him to give the family privacy to say their final “goodbyes”.
The covert TPS, Peel Region ad DRPS are not allies of America or Canada and our alies know this now...
Do use a strap to keep your tinfoil hat on or do you just mild it to your head.

Or is this you. Sounds like you. Ottawa area. 20 years.

Your cult is the main reason Canada fails. No matter what other nations say (their actions speak louder than words, Canada is increasingly isolated) other nations know the truth, I made sure of it.
Canadian healthcare system so bad
I had heart surgery in the US 30 years ago. I had two nurses from BC who had emigrated to the US due to the Canadian system and low wages. I asked them about "free" Canadian health care and they affirmed that indeed it was free, but instead of having my surgery two days after the problem was discovered, I might have to wait three months or more during which time I could have died. LOL so much for that great Canadian health care. I paid $5K out of pocket for a $100K procedure. Insurance paid the rest. Thirty years later I am still here. I'll stick with the US healthcare system.
I had heart surgery in the US 30 years ago. I had two nurses from BC who had emigrated to the US due to the Canadian system and low wages. I asked them about "free" Canadian health care and they affirmed that indeed it was free, but instead of having my surgery two days after the problem was discovered, I might have to wait three months or more during which time I could have died. LOL so much for that great Canadian health care. I paid $5K out of pocket for a $100K procedure. Insurance paid the rest. Thirty years later I am still here. I'll stick with the US healthcare system.
More importantly you are free and have a healthy justice system with probono and people are held accountable. You don't have kids of cops acting as covert cops in schools, lying and destroying other poor kids lives in gradechool. There is no substitute for liberty, Right to Self Determination and the Pursuit of Happiness....

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