California lawmakers once again introduce universal health care bill

Hey thanks for the advice :)

I work in healthcare and I am getting a my 2nd masters degree in healthcare.

Many healthcare workers like myself fully support socialized medicine. I come from a family of nurses and we all vote democrat and will continue voting democrat :)
So, you support the government setting your pay scale, cutting your wages and salaries to reduce the cost of healthcare?

Why do you not look out only for your self-interests, like most Democrats?
First off your assuming many low wage workers are youngsters. That is false. My wife is middle aged and has worked low waged fast food jobs all her life and some of her co-workers who work fast food are middle aged two.

Second lots of youngsters need doctors. Younger workers get sick a lot too and have all kinds of health issues like diabetes. Even when I was a younger worker I had a lot of health issues. There was never that I rarely needed a doctor because I was young, I had all kinds of health problems all my life starting from the day I was born. When I was younger I had no health insurance because I couldn't afford it, but I still had many ER room visits that cost a fortune that I didn't pay for because I was broke and had no money.

What is this everyone has always had health care? I know all kinds of people with no healhcare because they can't afford it. These are not just younger workers, but many middle aged workers.

Universal healthcare is the best thing for the US.
The people without healthcare have neither the skills nor education to get job that provide healthcare or enough income for them to pay for themselves. It is mostly their own fault.
You do understand that all of these "right"wing, teabagging, maga "christians" will show empathy upon those needing help and step up to the plate and do the "christian" thing!
First off your assuming many low wage workers are youngsters. That is false. My wife is middle aged and has worked low waged fast food jobs all her life and some of her co-workers who work fast food are middle aged two.

Second lots of youngsters need doctors. Younger workers get sick a lot too and have all kinds of health issues like diabetes. Even when I was a younger worker I had a lot of health issues. There was never that I rarely needed a doctor because I was young, I had all kinds of health problems all my life starting from the day I was born. When I was younger I had no health insurance because I couldn't afford it, but I still had many ER room visits that cost a fortune that I didn't pay for because I was broke and had no money.

What is this everyone has always had health care? I know all kinds of people with no healhcare because they can't afford it. These are not just younger workers, but many middle aged workers.

Universal healthcare is the best thing for the US.
California's universal health care will be run by the same government that runs the hugely successful high speed rail that goes from Los Angeles to San Francisco.

California lawmakers once again introduce universal health care bill​

April 25, 2024

California lawmakers have once again introduced a universal health care bill after unsuccessful attempts in the past.

The bill’s latest iteration, formally known as AB 2200, would establish the framework for a single-payer, state-run coverage system called CalCare to control health care costs for all Californians.

“The bill, among other things, would provide that CalCare cover a wide range of medical benefits and other services and would incorporate the health care benefits and standards of other existing federal and state provisions, including the federal Children’s Health Insurance Program, Medi-Cal, ancillary health care or social services covered by regional centers for persons with developmental disabilities, Knox-Keene, and the federal Medicare,” according to the bill’s text.

They currently have a $73 BILLION deficit. This should help.

California's universal health care will be run by the same government that runs the hugely successful high speed rail that goes from Los Angeles to San Francisco.

California currently runs Medi-Cal, which has more enrollees than any single state (other than New York, Florida, Texas, and California itself) has people.
All govt healthcare programs are riddled with fraud. Doctors file fraudulent claims and split the money with the patient. Extremely common with medicaid.

It's common with all payers, Medicaid programs just tend to be aggressive about rooting it out and pursuing recoveries and prosecutions.

We Asked Prosecutors if Health Insurance Companies Care About Fraud. They Laughed at Us.
It’s not just Murphy. I called health care fraud prosecutors across California to ask what insurers were doing to help bring cases against those plundering health care dollars. More than one simply burst out laughing. “Not much,” one prosecutor said.
But we rarely hear about the fraud enforcement efforts of private health insurers. . . And experts, including investigators who once worked for the insurers, tell me there’s rampant fraud against the private plans. . . What I found has troubling implications, especially for employers and workers who get their health plans through the big insurers. Far from being fierce guardians of your health care dollars, experts told me, the big-name insurers — who sell their own plans or are paid to manage employers’ — pick and choose their battles. And, for a variety of reasons, fraud is not a top priority.
I called up a former federal fraud prosecutor who’d worked with both Medicare and private insurers. He said my calls to the prosecutors exposed alarming differences in the way fraud is enforced in the private and government health plans. The Medicaid fraud units are “staffed and actively engaged,” said Michael Elliott, who ran about 100 fraud investigations when he worked for the Department of Justice in Texas from 2008 to 2015.

Private insurers, he said, simply don’t make fraud enforcement a big enough part of their mission. “At the end of the day, it shows their priorities are elsewhere,” he said.
California's universal health care will be run by the same government that runs the hugely successful high speed rail that goes from Los Angeles to San Francisco.

California lawmakers once again introduce universal health care bill​

April 25, 2024

California lawmakers have once again introduced a universal health care bill after unsuccessful attempts in the past.

The bill’s latest iteration, formally known as AB 2200, would establish the framework for a single-payer, state-run coverage system called CalCare to control health care costs for all Californians.

“The bill, among other things, would provide that CalCare cover a wide range of medical benefits and other services and would incorporate the health care benefits and standards of other existing federal and state provisions, including the federal Children’s Health Insurance Program, Medi-Cal, ancillary health care or social services covered by regional centers for persons with developmental disabilities, Knox-Keene, and the federal Medicare,” according to the bill’s text.
I’m sure illegals will be included. So the state with the largest homeless population, a shit ton of illegals and in debt up to its eyeballs is going to hand out free medical care. Oh, and reperations, going to hand out about trillion more there. The math of this stupidity can’t even enter the conversation at this point of retarded.
California's universal health care will be run by the same government that runs the hugely successful high speed rail that goes from Los Angeles to San Francisco.

California lawmakers once again introduce universal health care bill​

April 25, 2024

California lawmakers have once again introduced a universal health care bill after unsuccessful attempts in the past.

The bill’s latest iteration, formally known as AB 2200, would establish the framework for a single-payer, state-run coverage system called CalCare to control health care costs for all Californians.

“The bill, among other things, would provide that CalCare cover a wide range of medical benefits and other services and would incorporate the health care benefits and standards of other existing federal and state provisions, including the federal Children’s Health Insurance Program, Medi-Cal, ancillary health care or social services covered by regional centers for persons with developmental disabilities, Knox-Keene, and the federal Medicare,” according to the bill’s text.

California lawmakers once again introduce universal health care bill​

I get free healthcare here in Mexifornia. I simply identify as an illegal named Humberto Rodrigo Esquivel Gamez.
It's common with all payers, Medicaid programs just tend to be aggressive about rooting it out and pursuing recoveries and prosecutions.

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