cons: "we need AR style rifles to fight off the gov!"

While you conservatives are busy blamestorming liberals and obama for all things dallas , don't forget your roll!

You NRA bitches fight gun control even at its most sensible . One of your talking points is that AR's are needed to fight the gov and that the gov is evil and corrupt at everything .

well congrats to you also ! Cause now it's routine to have a heavily armed (wh body armour ) bloodthirsty killer go on a rampage .

Fight government?


We are being governed by angels.

Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the form of kings to govern him? Let history answer this question.

Thomas Jefferson

No one is out to ban all firearms .

But there's a line to be drawn . Call them what you want but people have a legit concern over weapons designed to be used in military conflict in order to kill lots of people really quick .

Except they don't.......

In 34 years they killed 154 people in mass shootings.....34 years.

Knives killed 1,567 people in 2014,

Knives kill well over 1,500 people every year.....every single year....

You don't care about actual numbers or the fact that these rifles do not pose a real danger.....

There are 8,000,000 rifles with detachable magaizines in this country.....and that isn't even the type of rifle used in Dallas........and they aren't used to murder anywhere near the number of people each year that even clubs or bare hands do.....

It isn't that they can kill is only that they exist.....

Not one thing you have posted supports banning rifles again...not one thing...
Knives don't kill 50 at a time. So stop with the ridiculous comparisons.

Neither does a semi-automatic rifle. It can only kill one person each time the trigger is pulled.
The fucking government terrorized the Davidians for two months then incinerated them alive in order to serve a "peaceful warrant".
You're such a liar.

The government gave them 57 days to come out with their hands up.

That's what you do in this country. Then you go to court and make your case.

And don't give me any bullshit that they were afraid of getting blown away if they came out, hands up, unarmed - 50 news crews were broadcasting everything live.
The right to bear arms was for regulated militia to assist the government in putting down rebellions, not to rebel against the government.

Wrong .....
State provisions in force at the time the Constitution was written:

1776 North Carolina: That the people have a right to bear arms, for the defence of the State; and as standing armies, in time of peace, are dangerous to liberty, they ought not to be kept up; and that the military should be kept under strict subordination to, and governed by the civil power. . . .

1777 Vermont: That the people have a right to bear arms for the defence of themselves and the State—and as standing armies in time of peace are dangerous to liberty, they ought not to be kept up; and that the military should be kept under strict subordination to and governed by the civil power.

1780 Massachusetts: The people have a right to keep and to bear arms for the common defence. And as, in time of peace, armies are dangerous to liberty, they ought not to be maintained without the consent of the legislature; and the military power shall always be held in an exact subordination to the civil authority, and be governed by it.

1790 Pennsylvania: That the people have a right to bear arms for the defence of themselves and the state; and as standing armies in the time of peace are dangerous to liberty, they ought not to be kept up; And that the military should be kept under strict subordination, to, and governed by, the civil power.

Now show me any examples of state provisions which talk of defense from the state.
*bump* for that little bitch 2aguy
'cons: "we need AR style rifles to fight off the gov!"'

This is among the more idiotic of conservative memes.

The Second Amendment doesn’t ‘trump’ the First.

That a minority of wrongheaded rightists might subjectively perceive the government to have become ‘tyrannical’ doesn’t warrant their ‘taking up arms’ against that perceived ‘threat.’

Citizens have the First Amendment right to petition the government for a redress of grievances through either the political or judicial process.

Neither government nor conservatives have the authority to take from the American people their right to resolve conflicts and controversies with government through democratic means.
The fucking government terrorized the Davidians for two months then incinerated them alive in order to serve a "peaceful warrant".
You're such a liar.

The government gave them 57 days to come out with their hands up.

That's what you do in this country. Then you go to court and make your case.

And don't give me any bullshit that they were afraid of getting blown away if they came out, hands up, unarmed - 50 news crews were broadcasting everything live.


On the evening of Feb. 28, three Branch Davidians who had not been present for the initial BATF raid and shoot-out attempted to get home to their wives and children in the Mount Carmel church. They were intercepted and fired upon by 17 agents "dressed as trees." Two were captured, but Michael Dean Schroeder -- not charged with any crime -- was shot seven times and killed. As the other two Davidians were led away -- after Schroeder was down -- they report hearing two final shots behind them, in quick succession. An autopsy showed Michael Dean Schroeder had two neat bullet holes immediately behind his right ear. His body was left lying in the ravine for five days. "

'cons: "we need AR style rifles to fight off the gov!"'

This is among the more idiotic of conservative memes.

The Second Amendment doesn’t ‘trump’ the First.

That a minority of wrongheaded rightists might subjectively perceive the government to have become ‘tyrannical’ doesn’t warrant their ‘taking up arms’ against that perceived ‘threat.’

Citizens have the First Amendment right to petition the government for a redress of grievances through either the political or judicial process.

Neither government nor conservatives have the authority to take from the American people their right to resolve conflicts and controversies with government through democratic means.

Neither government nor conservatives have the authority to take from the American people their right to resolve conflicts and controversies with government through democratic means.

This is among the more idiotic of left wing fascist memes.

pretending that we still have a right to judicial review

Warning: Four SCOTUS 'justices" concluded Right to Bear Arms is a NEW Right

It can also be an abbreviation for "assault rifle " .

Ya know A= assault and R= rifle ??? How else would you abrieviate the term?

No Timmy, it can't. Sigh... so childlike. Bad boy Timmy. You can't just make shit up and say it's true. You will get called out.

There's no such thing known as an "assault rifle" ?

Fucking gun nerds with their bullshit sematics designed to hide the fact that these guns are designed to kill lots of people .

But I'm wrong! They are "varmint guns" !! Playa please.
While you conservatives are busy blamestorming liberals and obama for all things dallas , don't forget your roll!

You NRA bitches fight gun control even at its most sensible . One of your talking points is that AR's are needed to fight the gov and that the gov is evil and corrupt at everything .

well congrats to you also ! Cause now it's routine to have a heavily armed (wh body armour ) bloodthirsty killer go on a rampage .

Fight government?


We are being governed by angels.

Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the form of kings to govern him? Let history answer this question.

Thomas Jefferson

No one is out to ban all firearms .

But there's a line to be drawn . Call them what you want but people have a legit concern over weapons designed to be used in military conflict in order to kill lots of people really quick .

Except they don't.......

In 34 years they killed 154 people in mass shootings.....34 years.

Knives killed 1,567 people in 2014,

Knives kill well over 1,500 people every year.....every single year....

You don't care about actual numbers or the fact that these rifles do not pose a real danger.....

There are 8,000,000 rifles with detachable magaizines in this country.....and that isn't even the type of rifle used in Dallas........and they aren't used to murder anywhere near the number of people each year that even clubs or bare hands do.....

It isn't that they can kill is only that they exist.....

Not one thing you have posted supports banning rifles again...not one thing...
Knives don't kill 50 at a time. So stop with the ridiculous comparisons.

Apparently, neither do rifles.......he stopped at 49......and no other rifle shooting came even close.........

It isn't a ridiculous is actually death counts...and knives actually kill 1,567 people in 2014.........rifles of all kinds about 248......and that is even in mass shootings.....

you don't have the facts on your side........

8,000,000 rifles and 154 deaths in 34 years....that averages to about 4 deaths a year...........and knives murder over 1,500 every single year.....

knives are deadlier than rifles.........
While you conservatives are busy blamestorming liberals and obama for all things dallas , don't forget your roll!

You NRA bitches fight gun control even at its most sensible . One of your talking points is that AR's are needed to fight the gov and that the gov is evil and corrupt at everything .

well congrats to you also ! Cause now it's routine to have a heavily armed (wh body armour ) bloodthirsty killer go on a rampage .

Fight government?


We are being governed by angels.

Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the form of kings to govern him? Let history answer this question.

Thomas Jefferson

No one is out to ban all firearms .

But there's a line to be drawn . Call them what you want but people have a legit concern over weapons designed to be used in military conflict in order to kill lots of people really quick .
Except fascist democrats are out to ban all firearms.....

Name all the Democrats in Congress who want to ban all firearms, and provide evidence of the same.

Or, shut the fuck up.

Barak obama...stated so by John Lott who knew him at the University of Chicago....Nancy Pelosi, former speaker of the House on the democrat side......the most powerful democrats in the country........
he was listening to democrat lies told by black lies matter
He wasn't part of BLM. He was part of the U.S. military.

Sucks that you are so willfully ignorant.
Anyone who says "I'm BLM" is part of BLM. Do you think they give out membership cards?

Negotiators say he was mad at BLM. So, yeah, not part of them. You shouldn't believe everything you read on Stormfront or whatever equivalent source you read.

Actually, that is a lie. The NRA hasn't done that.

Idiotic lies are all the left has.
You don't know what you are talking about. I can legally buy and shoot a full auto weapon if I feel the desire, so just stop the nonsense.

How are your asinine gun plans working in Chicago?

You need to have a special permit to own one of those weapons. They were banned from just anyone being able to walk into a store and buy one by ronald reagan in the 1980s. Look it up.

Meanwhile who in Chicago had a Thompson Machine gun or a fully automatic weapon?

You still have not answered that question.

I've still proven that bans and proper safety laws work.

No you do not have to have a special permit to own a machine gun stupid. You merely have to pay the tax.

You have to have a permit to be a dealer.

You still have not told me who in Chicago had a Thompson machine gun and a fully automatic weapon. Since you still refuse to answer that I must believe that the answer is what I thought it would be.

No one had either of those weapons. That's because the Thompson machine gun was banned in the 1930s. And because fully automatic weapons were heavily regulated as in safety laws applied, and mostly banned by ronald reagan in the 1980s.

You need to do your research. Read below about the Firearms Owners Protection Act:

Act also contained a provision that banned the sale of machine guns manufactured after the date of enactment to civilians, restricting sales of these weapons to the military and law enforcement. Thus, in the ensuing years, the limited supply of these arms available to civilians has caused an enormous increase in their price, with most costing in excess of $10,000. Regarding these fully automatic firearms owned by private citizens in the U.S., political scientist Earl Kruschke said "approximately 175,000 automatic firearms have been licensed by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (the federal agency responsible for administration of the law).

Firearm Owners Protection Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Notice how a person has to have a special license to have one of those weapons. Not just pay a tax.

So you still have not shown me how I'm wrong about banning weapons and passing proper safety laws.

You can't because I'm not wrong.

I'm dealing with honest facts.

You, not so much.

Are you stupid? Your very own link spells out the actual law moron. It is only illegal for citizens to own NEW machine guns (IE made before 1986)

Anything made prior to 1986 only requires an extensive background check and a tax to own.

Yes I didn't say it wasn't. All gun laws grandfather in existing guns.

I wasn't talking about that. If you were honest you wouldn't have said that.

If you look at one of my past posts about this you will see that I said no one can walk into a store and buy one. Which is true. They can't be sold in stores because they're banned.

What you're talking about is what the law calls "transfers" Which isn't the same thing as actually going to a store and buying an automatic weapon. It can't be done. Which is why they're so expensive.

Meanwhile, my point stands.

No one used a Thompson machine gun or a fully automatic weapon in Chicago or anywhere else for that matter.

The reason?

They are banned and not for sale in any store. No one can legally buy one in a store. If you want a fully automatic weapon you'll have to buy one that was made in the 80s before the ban, you'll have to go through the government for that transfer, the government needs to approve it and it's going to cost you at least 10 thousand dollars.

Can you get that fact through your head or is it more important to change the subject or lie just so you do can say you're right?

All you're doing is showing that I've been right all through this.

Gun bans work.

Do they work? I guess that's why there aren't any mass shootings anymore.

You are just an idiot.
Here's how dumb liberals are

Banning all drugs certainly didn't work to decrease drug use, but if we ban guns that will work

LOL you morons.

Tell me who has a Thompson machine gun these days?

No one does because they were banned in the 1930s.

Gun bans do work. If they didn't people would have those Thompson machine guns today.

Actually moron, my brother has a brand new Thompson. They can and do make them in semi-automatic.
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