cons: "we need AR style rifles to fight off the gov!"

While you conservatives are busy blamestorming liberals and obama for all things dallas , don't forget your roll!

You NRA bitches fight gun control even at its most sensible . One of your talking points is that AR's are needed to fight the gov and that the gov is evil and corrupt at everything .

well congrats to you also ! Cause now it's routine to have a heavily armed (wh body armour ) bloodthirsty killer go on a rampage .

The Dallas attackers and modern American conservatives have one very important common belief,

They both hate the government.
You're a moron. We all realize some government is necessary. Many dislike the corruption, waste, fraud, and abuse that runs rampant within the government.

Now get your racist leftists bitches under control. Stop shooting people.
I haven't shot a person in my life.......yet.
You don't know what you are talking about. I can legally buy and shoot a full auto weapon if I feel the desire, so just stop the nonsense.

How are your asinine gun plans working in Chicago?

You need to have a special permit to own one of those weapons. They were banned from just anyone being able to walk into a store and buy one by ronald reagan in the 1980s. Look it up.

Meanwhile who in Chicago had a Thompson Machine gun or a fully automatic weapon?

You still have not answered that question.

I've still proven that bans and proper safety laws work.

No you do not have to have a special permit to own a machine gun stupid. You merely have to pay the tax.

You have to have a permit to be a dealer.

You still have not told me who in Chicago had a Thompson machine gun and a fully automatic weapon. Since you still refuse to answer that I must believe that the answer is what I thought it would be.

No one had either of those weapons. That's because the Thompson machine gun was banned in the 1930s. And because fully automatic weapons were heavily regulated as in safety laws applied, and mostly banned by ronald reagan in the 1980s.

You need to do your research. Read below about the Firearms Owners Protection Act:

Act also contained a provision that banned the sale of machine guns manufactured after the date of enactment to civilians, restricting sales of these weapons to the military and law enforcement. Thus, in the ensuing years, the limited supply of these arms available to civilians has caused an enormous increase in their price, with most costing in excess of $10,000. Regarding these fully automatic firearms owned by private citizens in the U.S., political scientist Earl Kruschke said "approximately 175,000 automatic firearms have been licensed by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (the federal agency responsible for administration of the law).

Firearm Owners Protection Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Notice how a person has to have a special license to have one of those weapons. Not just pay a tax.

So you still have not shown me how I'm wrong about banning weapons and passing proper safety laws.

You can't because I'm not wrong.

I'm dealing with honest facts.

You, not so much.

Are you stupid? Your very own link spells out the actual law moron. It is only illegal for citizens to own NEW machine guns (IE made before 1986)

Anything made prior to 1986 only requires an extensive background check and a tax to own.

Yes I didn't say it wasn't. All gun laws grandfather in existing guns.

I wasn't talking about that. If you were honest you wouldn't have said that.

If you look at one of my past posts about this you will see that I said no one can walk into a store and buy one. Which is true. They can't be sold in stores because they're banned.

What you're talking about is what the law calls "transfers" Which isn't the same thing as actually going to a store and buying an automatic weapon. It can't be done. Which is why they're so expensive.

Meanwhile, my point stands.

No one used a Thompson machine gun or a fully automatic weapon in Chicago or anywhere else for that matter.

The reason?

They are banned and not for sale in any store. No one can legally buy one in a store. If you want a fully automatic weapon you'll have to buy one that was made in the 80s before the ban, you'll have to go through the government for that transfer, the government needs to approve it and it's going to cost you at least 10 thousand dollars.

Can you get that fact through your head or is it more important to change the subject or lie just so you do can say you're right?

All you're doing is showing that I've been right all through this.

Gun bans work.

No one used a Thompson machine gun or a fully automatic weapon in Chicago or anywhere else for that matter.

The reason?

They are banned and not for sale in any store. one used one because they weigh a ton, use .45 caliber ammo....which is expensive......and are huge.......criminals in America use pistols....Why? They can be carried easily in the waste band, and can be hidden in the baby momma's purse, or in the car....

you have no clue what you are talking is also the reason AR-15s Aren't used in crime.....

too big to carry easily and dispose of during a police chase...
While you conservatives are busy blamestorming liberals and obama for all things dallas , don't forget your roll!

You NRA bitches fight gun control even at its most sensible . One of your talking points is that AR's are needed to fight the gov and that the gov is evil and corrupt at everything .

well congrats to you also ! Cause now it's routine to have a heavily armed (wh body armour ) bloodthirsty killer go on a rampage .
Your the one running around screaming the government is murdering innocent people.

You're just too stupid to see you validate why the right to bear arms exists.

The. You agree wh the thread . It's the right promoting that people buy these weapons to rise up against the government .

It is the basic use of the rifle.....look at our Founding is for self defense, against the government or against other citizens who are criminals.

You post this as if you are citing something new and exciting......

Of course you want to imply that these are extreme people......

no one is rising up against the government....except for black lies matter snipers.....or muslim terrorists....

Gun owners in this country are law abiding citizens....we currently have more than enough methods for the redress of grievances against the government.....the Right to Bear arms is the last stop gap measure...should our country ever become like Mexico is today, right across our years from now....

You see a country that is a great place to do expect it to always be a great place to live.....we won't take that chance by disarming today during a time of peace and stability...we want to make sure that future generations of Americans have the ability to resist the government if it becomes actively oppressive against Mexico is today.....

So you are trying to imply that we are violent and ready to shoot people like black lives matter snipers and muslim terrorists...but that is not true, factual or based in reality.....

Nice try though....
While you conservatives are busy blamestorming liberals and obama for all things dallas , don't forget your roll!

You NRA bitches fight gun control even at its most sensible . One of your talking points is that AR's are needed to fight the gov and that the gov is evil and corrupt at everything .

well congrats to you also ! Cause now it's routine to have a heavily armed (wh body armour ) bloodthirsty killer go on a rampage .
Your the one running around screaming the government is murdering innocent people.

You're just too stupid to see you validate why the right to bear arms exists.

The. You agree wh the thread . It's the right promoting that people buy these weapons to rise up against the government .
We just want to know why you support a government you claim is unaccountable in murderering innocent civilians.

I belive in our system of gov. I don't believe we are at war with out gov, for all its problems .
While you conservatives are busy blamestorming liberals and obama for all things dallas , don't forget your roll!

You NRA bitches fight gun control even at its most sensible . One of your talking points is that AR's are needed to fight the gov and that the gov is evil and corrupt at everything .

well congrats to you also ! Cause now it's routine to have a heavily armed (wh body armour ) bloodthirsty killer go on a rampage .
Your the one running around screaming the government is murdering innocent people.

You're just too stupid to see you validate why the right to bear arms exists.

The. You agree wh the thread . It's the right promoting that people buy these weapons to rise up against the government .
We just want to know why you support a government you claim is unaccountable in murderering innocent civilians.

I belive in our system of gov. I don't believe we are at war with out gov, for all its problems .

Neither do any of us twit...the black lives matter groups...and their trained might want to talk to them.....
Tell me who has a Thompson machine gun these days?

No one does because they were banned in the 1930s.

Gun bans do work. If they didn't people would have those Thompson machine guns today

If criminals wanted Thompson's, they would get is an old style of gun is heavy, long and is hard to shoot accurately.......criminals in America don't even use AR-15s for crime...they use pistols........because they are light, easy to carry, they can put them in their waste their baby momma's purse, or in their car....and they can hide them easily at the crack house......

AK-47s are completely illegal in France twit......they are completely cannot buy them, you cannot own them, they have no gun stores, they have no gun they did exactly what you suggested with an actual, fully automatic rifle....

Guess what twit.....terrrorists and criminals in France get them easily.....terrorists....on French government terrorist watch lists got them easily and murdered 140 people, so nothing you are saying is based in reality....

You think that you are being clever with the Thompson machine gun aren' is a dumb point easily rebutted...try again....
While you conservatives are busy blamestorming liberals and obama for all things dallas , don't forget your roll!

You NRA bitches fight gun control even at its most sensible . One of your talking points is that AR's are needed to fight the gov and that the gov is evil and corrupt at everything .

well congrats to you also ! Cause now it's routine to have a heavily armed (wh body armour ) bloodthirsty killer go on a rampage .
Where is the link to any conservative saying this?
While you conservatives are busy blamestorming liberals and obama for all things dallas , don't forget your roll!

You NRA bitches fight gun control even at its most sensible . One of your talking points is that AR's are needed to fight the gov and that the gov is evil and corrupt at everything .

well congrats to you also ! Cause now it's routine to have a heavily armed (wh body armour ) bloodthirsty killer go on a rampage .
Your the one running around screaming the government is murdering innocent people.

You're just too stupid to see you validate why the right to bear arms exists.

The. You agree wh the thread . It's the right promoting that people buy these weapons to rise up against the government .
We just want to know why you support a government you claim is unaccountable in murderering innocent civilians.

I belive in our system of gov. I don't believe we are at war with out gov, for all its problems .
Your the one claiming is unaccountable in murdering innocents.
While at the same time claiming government needs to be bigger and more powerful.
While you conservatives are busy blamestorming liberals and obama for all things dallas , don't forget your roll!

You NRA bitches fight gun control even at its most sensible . One of your talking points is that AR's are needed to fight the gov and that the gov is evil and corrupt at everything .

well congrats to you also ! Cause now it's routine to have a heavily armed (wh body armour ) bloodthirsty killer go on a rampage .
Where is the link to any conservative saying this?

I wish just once they would name the gun control measures we oppose....because they are now skipping doing that.....because each time they bring up an item...we show that it would not have stopped the mass shooting they are using to push the law. Then we show how criminals and mass shooters will still not be affected by their new law...with actual facts and we show how criminals and mass shooters will get around it...

Then they say we don't want any laws.............

It gets old.........they propose pixie dust solutions...are called on it....and then say we oppose all gun control.....

Rinse and repeat....
While you conservatives are busy blamestorming liberals and obama for all things dallas , don't forget your roll!

You NRA bitches fight gun control even at its most sensible . One of your talking points is that AR's are needed to fight the gov and that the gov is evil and corrupt at everything .

well congrats to you also ! Cause now it's routine to have a heavily armed (wh body armour ) bloodthirsty killer go on a rampage .
What would gun control do about body armor?
While you conservatives are busy blamestorming liberals and obama for all things dallas , don't forget your roll!

You NRA bitches fight gun control even at its most sensible . One of your talking points is that AR's are needed to fight the gov and that the gov is evil and corrupt at everything .

well congrats to you also ! Cause now it's routine to have a heavily armed (wh body armour ) bloodthirsty killer go on a rampage .
Your the one running around screaming the government is murdering innocent people.

You're just too stupid to see you validate why the right to bear arms exists.

The. You agree wh the thread . It's the right promoting that people buy these weapons to rise up against the government .
We just want to know why you support a government you claim is unaccountable in murderering innocent civilians.

I belive in our system of gov. I don't believe we are at war with out gov, for all its problems .
Your the one claiming is unaccountable in murdering innocents.
While at the same time claiming government needs to be bigger and more powerful.

Yeah....I've had that conversation with left wingers before....they bitch and bitch about how corrupt and abusive the government is, how it is selling out to corporations....and poisoning the air, land and water.....

Then they say....but we want these same people to control our healthcare, our retirement money, how much we make at work, and to run everything else in the country....

Being a lefty is only possible because their brains are underdeveloped in the areas of facts, truth, and reality....
While you conservatives are busy blamestorming liberals and obama for all things dallas , don't forget your roll!

You NRA bitches fight gun control even at its most sensible . One of your talking points is that AR's are needed to fight the gov and that the gov is evil and corrupt at everything .

well congrats to you also ! Cause now it's routine to have a heavily armed (wh body armour ) bloodthirsty killer go on a rampage .
What would gun control do about body armor?

he only had the body armor because he may have stolen it from his reserve unit from their deployment over seas.......
Your the one running around screaming the government is murdering innocent people.

You're just too stupid to see you validate why the right to bear arms exists.

The. You agree wh the thread . It's the right promoting that people buy these weapons to rise up against the government .
We just want to know why you support a government you claim is unaccountable in murderering innocent civilians.

I belive in our system of gov. I don't believe we are at war with out gov, for all its problems .
Your the one claiming is unaccountable in murdering innocents.
While at the same time claiming government needs to be bigger and more powerful.

Yeah....I've had that conversation with left wingers before....they bitch and bitch about how corrupt and abusive the government is, how it is selling out to corporations....and poisoning the air, land and water.....

Then they say....but we want these same people to control our healthcare, our retirement money, how much we make at work, and to run everything else in the country....

Being a lefty is only possible because their brains are underdeveloped in the areas of facts, truth, and reality....
The left would be ashamed of their positions if they had any self awareness.
What's an AR style rifle?

Assault rifle style . Oh wait "AR doesn't mean that stupid !! "

AR-15 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The term "AR-15" signifies "Armalite rifle, design 15".[7]


It can also be an abbreviation for "assault rifle " .

Ya know A= assault and R= rifle ??? How else would you abrieviate the term?

But it isn' has a specific are a you don't care...but the truth is the truth...
What's an AR style rifle?

Assault rifle style . Oh wait "AR doesn't mean that stupid !! "

AR-15 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The term "AR-15" signifies "Armalite rifle, design 15".[7]


It can also be an abbreviation for "assault rifle " .

Ya know A= assault and R= rifle ??? How else would you abrieviate the term?

But it isn' has a specific are a you don't care...but the truth is the truth...

Have you ever heard the term "assault rifle " ? It's used in common language by like everyone . Except you gun nerds .
What's an AR style rifle?

Assault rifle style . Oh wait "AR doesn't mean that stupid !! "

AR-15 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The term "AR-15" signifies "Armalite rifle, design 15".[7]


It can also be an abbreviation for "assault rifle " .

Ya know A= assault and R= rifle ??? How else would you abrieviate the term?

But it isn' has a specific are a you don't care...but the truth is the truth...

Have you ever heard the term "assault rifle " ? It's used in common language by like everyone . Except you gun nerds .

Because it is used to create anti gun emotion in the uninformed..........It is a lie used to push the taking of a Civil Right....
While you conservatives are busy blamestorming liberals and obama for all things dallas , don't forget your roll!

You NRA bitches fight gun control even at its most sensible . One of your talking points is that AR's are needed to fight the gov and that the gov is evil and corrupt at everything .

well congrats to you also ! Cause now it's routine to have a heavily armed (wh body armour ) bloodthirsty killer go on a rampage .

Fight government?


We are being governed by angels.

Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the form of kings to govern him? Let history answer this question.

Thomas Jefferson
While you conservatives are busy blamestorming liberals and obama for all things dallas , don't forget your roll!

You NRA bitches fight gun control even at its most sensible . One of your talking points is that AR's are needed to fight the gov and that the gov is evil and corrupt at everything .

well congrats to you also ! Cause now it's routine to have a heavily armed (wh body armour ) bloodthirsty killer go on a rampage .

Fight government?


We are being governed by angels.

Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the form of kings to govern him? Let history answer this question.

Thomas Jefferson

No one is out to ban all firearms .

But there's a line to be drawn . Call them what you want but people have a legit concern over weapons designed to be used in military conflict in order to kill lots of people really quick .

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