Consequences, unintended (?), a Solution or foolish?

If you spend-o-holics had not run up a freaking $18 trillion dollar debt then you wouldn't be forced to cut spending now would you. If the debt doubles again then you people are going to know real pain and suffering so stop kicking the can down the road.
The WH is refusing to compromise any damn ways. Imagine that. "my way or the highway" bullshit.
And besides all of that bullshit rhetoric, the plans for this bill hasn't even been finalized. Typical knee-jerk bullshit.
The boner don't even know what he will try to do yet.

The White House sets policy and the H. of Rep. with the Senate pass the funding, if they don't it's on them. If they do with strings attached, knowing it will be vetoed and make politifal theater out of it, it's on them.

They then have the opportunity to overturn the veto; the Crazy Right
Wing will never convince the sane and pragmatic members of The Congress to drink their kool-ade - as We The People have seen since the "Boner" took office.
LOL you basically just shit on the concept of "checks and balances". Nice
The house cant overturn a veto. They dont have the votes.
Regardless, the OP is bullshit. It isn't even fuckin finalized yet.

Bullshit? Are you reality challenged? Boehner has nothing to lose, and likely won't bring this absurd bill to the floor.

The H. or Rep. majority is in disarray (a nice euphemism) and can't even find a speaker who represents the party.

Pointing out the fact that the crazy right wing (CRW) members of the house even think about this and what would be the likely result - a government shutdown - isn't bullshit, it's not even partisan, the CRW is dangerous, a danger recognized by Democrats, RINO's and even those Libertarians in touch with reality.

Bringing the issue forward reminds those who voted for the freshman members, who seemingly have no concept of pragmatic governance, to feel remorse and correct their vote by sending them home.
If you spend-o-holics had not run up a freaking $18 trillion dollar debt then you wouldn't be forced to cut spending now would you. If the debt doubles again then you people are going to know real pain and suffering so stop kicking the can down the road.
Those dems offered three dollars in cuts for one dollar in revenues that wouldn't have raised middle class rates. And that's one reason Obama is still potus.
If you spend-o-holics had not run up a freaking $18 trillion dollar debt then you wouldn't be forced to cut spending now would you. If the debt doubles again then you people are going to know real pain and suffering so stop kicking the can down the road.

Why is the debt $18 Trillion, and under which Presidents has the deficit grown or shrunk?

Tax and Spend is a cliche, don't tax and spend should be a felony.
Fact. Social Security is paid out of appropriated funds.

Nope. Social Security is considered mandatory and is not subject to the appropriations process.
There's nothing but IOUs in the SS trust fund.

If the US hits the debt ceiling, the chances of not being able to pay Social Security and our military climbs with every passing day.

So cut spending.
I am one hundred percent for cutting spending. Which is why I have been calling for a total ban on tax expenditures for years.

So...presto! You just got handed $1.2 trillion! What will you do with it?

Me? I would lower tax rates for EVERYONE, and use some to pay down the debt. Then once the debt was paid off, I'd lower tax rates for everyone even more.

Problem fricking solved.

Sounds like what I would do.
GOP conservatives unveil debt ceiling hike that comes with steep price"

See link here:

GOP conservatives unveil debt ceiling hike that comes with steep price

IMO the Crazy Right Wing is putting tens of millions of Americans in jeopardy. Not only have they create a giant and maybe fatal schism within their party, they are planning on putting ideology first, the safety and security of the people a distant second, and potentially proving Franklin correct when he allegedly said, "Your have a Republic, if you can keep it".

What you you think? Question address to those who will actually think about this critical issue.

What was more callous than Obama threatening to withhold Social Security checks?
If the debt ceiling is not raised, Social Security checks cannot go out.

Obama was not the one refusing to raise the debt ceiling, piss drinker.
No but he is the one saying "my way or the highway"

He sets the policy, the Majority in the H. of Rep. can't even agree on a leader, let alone bring forth a comprehensive compromise to the table.

How many times have they tried to repeal Obamacare? How many amendments did they offer to fix what needs fixing?
Fact. Social Security is paid out of appropriated funds.

Nope. Social Security is considered mandatory and is not subject to the appropriations process.
There's nothing but IOUs in the SS trust fund.

If the US hits the debt ceiling, the chances of not being able to pay Social Security and our military climbs with every passing day.

So cut spending.
I am one hundred percent for cutting spending. Which is why I have been calling for a total ban on tax expenditures for years.

So...presto! You just got handed $1.2 trillion! What will you do with it?

Me? I would lower tax rates for EVERYONE, and use some to pay down the debt. Then once the debt was paid off, I'd lower tax rates for everyone even more.

Problem fricking solved.

Sounds like what I would do.

I suppose ^^^ this is one of the reasons you two aren't taken seriously.
GOP conservatives unveil debt ceiling hike that comes with steep price"

See link here:

GOP conservatives unveil debt ceiling hike that comes with steep price

IMO the Crazy Right Wing is putting tens of millions of Americans in jeopardy. Not only have they create a giant and maybe fatal schism within their party, they are planning on putting ideology first, the safety and security of the people a distant second, and potentially proving Franklin correct when he allegedly said, "Your have a Republic, if you can keep it".

What you you think? Question address to those who will actually think about this critical issue.

What was more callous than Obama threatening to withhold Social Security checks?
If the debt ceiling is not raised, Social Security checks cannot go out.

Obama was not the one refusing to raise the debt ceiling, piss drinker.
No but he is the one saying "my way or the highway"

He sets the policy, the Majority in the H. of Rep. can't even agree on a leader, let alone bring forth a comprehensive compromise to the table.

How many times have they tried to repeal Obamacare? How many amendments did they offer to fix what needs fixing?
I agree but it has been said there will be NO COMPROMISE.
Yes, the republicans are fuckin idiots. Even if they did pass it, I doubt they could override a veto. Waste of fuckin time. Just like the democrats.
Nope. Social Security is considered mandatory and is not subject to the appropriations process.
There's nothing but IOUs in the SS trust fund.

If the US hits the debt ceiling, the chances of not being able to pay Social Security and our military climbs with every passing day.

So cut spending.
I am one hundred percent for cutting spending. Which is why I have been calling for a total ban on tax expenditures for years.

So...presto! You just got handed $1.2 trillion! What will you do with it?

Me? I would lower tax rates for EVERYONE, and use some to pay down the debt. Then once the debt was paid off, I'd lower tax rates for everyone even more.

Problem fricking solved.

Sounds like what I would do.

I suppose ^^^ this is one of the reasons you two aren't taken seriously.

Yes, we all know that its revolting to pay off debt, live responsibly, balance check books, save money etc.
Looks good to me. The plan gives you 1.5 trillion to waste while you figure out how to cut 1/4 of that each year.

As a callous conservative I'm sure it does look good to you, of course that goes without thinking of the unintended (or maybe they are intended) impact on the aged, the infirm and all those babies not aborted.
Let's see... medicare 380 billion a year food and housing 800 billion, healthcare 1 trillion... I'm sure we can find other place we can cut.

And what might be the consequences and costs associated with such a policy?

How about the Tea Party members of Congress reduce their salary by 50% and reject the benefits they now receive, then they can talk honestly about cutting entitlements.
Looks good to me. The plan gives you 1.5 trillion to waste while you figure out how to cut 1/4 of that each year.

As a callous conservative I'm sure it does look good to you, of course that goes without thinking of the unintended (or maybe they are intended) impact on the aged, the infirm and all those babies not aborted.
Let's see... medicare 380 billion a year food and housing 800 billion, healthcare 1 trillion... I'm sure we can find other place we can cut.

And what might be the consequences and costs associated with such a policy?

How about the Tea Party members of Congress reduce their salary by 50% and reject the benefits they now receive, then they can talk honestly about cutting entitlements.
How about you send in money to pay what you think the government should do. I'll send them money to do what they are authorized to do.
GOP conservatives unveil debt ceiling hike that comes with steep price"

See link here:

GOP conservatives unveil debt ceiling hike that comes with steep price

IMO the Crazy Right Wing is putting tens of millions of Americans in jeopardy. Not only have they create a giant and maybe fatal schism within their party, they are planning on putting ideology first, the safety and security of the people a distant second, and potentially proving Franklin correct when he allegedly said, "Your have a Republic, if you can keep it".

What you you think? Question address to those who will actually think about this critical issue.

What was more callous than Obama threatening to withhold Social Security checks?
If the debt ceiling is not raised, Social Security checks cannot go out.

Obama was not the one refusing to raise the debt ceiling, piss drinker.
No but he is the one saying "my way or the highway"

He sets the policy, the Majority in the H. of Rep. can't even agree on a leader, let alone bring forth a comprehensive compromise to the table.

How many times have they tried to repeal Obamacare? How many amendments did they offer to fix what needs fixing?
I agree but it has been said there will be NO COMPROMISE.
Yes, the republicans are fuckin idiots. Even if they did pass it, I doubt they could override a veto. Waste of fuckin time. Just like the democrats.

"Just like the (D)emocrats"? How many times did the D's act as foolishly as the current iteration of conservative Republicans?
Looks good to me. The plan gives you 1.5 trillion to waste while you figure out how to cut 1/4 of that each year.

As a callous conservative I'm sure it does look good to you, of course that goes without thinking of the unintended (or maybe they are intended) impact on the aged, the infirm and all those babies not aborted.
Let's see... medicare 380 billion a year food and housing 800 billion, healthcare 1 trillion... I'm sure we can find other place we can cut.

And what might be the consequences and costs associated with such a policy?

How about the Tea Party members of Congress reduce their salary by 50% and reject the benefits they now receive, then they can talk honestly about cutting entitlements.

All of your loonbat brethren voted for that asinine healthcare fiasco. I don't recall the tea party being in power. I don't recall any repubs who voted for that failed policy either. Why arent your loonbats throwing away their cadillac policies?
There's nothing but IOUs in the SS trust fund.

If the US hits the debt ceiling, the chances of not being able to pay Social Security and our military climbs with every passing day.

So cut spending.
I am one hundred percent for cutting spending. Which is why I have been calling for a total ban on tax expenditures for years.

So...presto! You just got handed $1.2 trillion! What will you do with it?

Me? I would lower tax rates for EVERYONE, and use some to pay down the debt. Then once the debt was paid off, I'd lower tax rates for everyone even more.

Problem fricking solved.

Sounds like what I would do.

I suppose ^^^ this is one of the reasons you two aren't taken seriously.

Yes, we all know that its revolting to pay off debt, live responsibly, balance check books, save money etc.

Don't pretend you know anything about economics. Most citizens borrow to own a home, take a vacation or marry, buy a car or their children's braces.

All governments borrow and all budgets are plans, plans that can go awry for many reasons and necessitate modifications and expenditures unaccounted for and thus unplanned.
Looks good to me. The plan gives you 1.5 trillion to waste while you figure out how to cut 1/4 of that each year.

As a callous conservative I'm sure it does look good to you, of course that goes without thinking of the unintended (or maybe they are intended) impact on the aged, the infirm and all those babies not aborted.
Let's see... medicare 380 billion a year food and housing 800 billion, healthcare 1 trillion... I'm sure we can find other place we can cut.

And what might be the consequences and costs associated with such a policy?

How about the Tea Party members of Congress reduce their salary by 50% and reject the benefits they now receive, then they can talk honestly about cutting entitlements.

All of your loonbat brethren voted for that asinine healthcare fiasco. I don't recall the tea party being in power. I don't recall any repubs who voted for that failed policy either. Why arent your loonbats throwing away their cadillac policies?

Not only do you know nothing about budgets you know nothing about health care. Simply echoing the stuff you read or hear from right wing sources is both insufficient (to be considered credible) and foolish.
Looks good to me. The plan gives you 1.5 trillion to waste while you figure out how to cut 1/4 of that each year.

As a callous conservative I'm sure it does look good to you, of course that goes without thinking of the unintended (or maybe they are intended) impact on the aged, the infirm and all those babies not aborted.
Let's see... medicare 380 billion a year food and housing 800 billion, healthcare 1 trillion... I'm sure we can find other place we can cut.

And what might be the consequences and costs associated with such a policy?

How about the Tea Party members of Congress reduce their salary by 50% and reject the benefits they now receive, then they can talk honestly about cutting entitlements.
How about you send in money to pay what you think the government should do. I'll send them money to do what they are authorized to do.

It doesn't work that way. Nice try, but echoing the same shit others like you have posted previously doesn't earn you points, it simply puts you firmly situated in the echo chamber.
Looks good to me. The plan gives you 1.5 trillion to waste while you figure out how to cut 1/4 of that each year.

As a callous conservative I'm sure it does look good to you, of course that goes without thinking of the unintended (or maybe they are intended) impact on the aged, the infirm and all those babies not aborted.
Let's see... medicare 380 billion a year food and housing 800 billion, healthcare 1 trillion... I'm sure we can find other place we can cut.

And what might be the consequences and costs associated with such a policy?

How about the Tea Party members of Congress reduce their salary by 50% and reject the benefits they now receive, then they can talk honestly about cutting entitlements.

All of your loonbat brethren voted for that asinine healthcare fiasco. I don't recall the tea party being in power. I don't recall any repubs who voted for that failed policy either. Why arent your loonbats throwing away their cadillac policies?

Not only do you know nothing about budgets you know nothing about health care. Simply echoing the stuff you read or hear from right wing sources is both insufficient (to be considered credible) and foolish.

Lol. Ive built and sold three companies and had to balance budgets along with providing healthcare to my employees. Probably better if you stay in fantasyland.
So cut spending.
I am one hundred percent for cutting spending. Which is why I have been calling for a total ban on tax expenditures for years.

So...presto! You just got handed $1.2 trillion! What will you do with it?

Me? I would lower tax rates for EVERYONE, and use some to pay down the debt. Then once the debt was paid off, I'd lower tax rates for everyone even more.

Problem fricking solved.

Sounds like what I would do.

I suppose ^^^ this is one of the reasons you two aren't taken seriously.

Yes, we all know that its revolting to pay off debt, live responsibly, balance check books, save money etc.

Don't pretend you know anything about economics. Most citizens borrow to own a home, take a vacation or marry, buy a car or their children's braces.

All governments borrow and all budgets are plans, plans that can go awry for many reasons and necessitate modifications and expenditures unaccounted for and thus unplanned.

You're just stating the obvious in regards to govts. That still doesn't give them a green light to run up a 20 trillion dollar debt. And of course theres nothing wrong with borrowing as long as youre responsible and accountable.......and of course our govt isnt responsible or accountable.

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