Consequences, unintended (?), a Solution or foolish?

GOP conservatives unveil debt ceiling hike that comes with steep price"

See link here:

GOP conservatives unveil debt ceiling hike that comes with steep price

IMO the Crazy Right Wing is putting tens of millions of Americans in jeopardy. Not only have they create a giant and maybe fatal schism within their party, they are planning on putting ideology first, the safety and security of the people a distant second, and potentially proving Franklin correct when he allegedly said, "Your have a Republic, if you can keep it".

What you you think? Question address to those who will actually think about this critical issue.

What was more callous than Obama threatening to withhold Social Security checks?
If the debt ceiling is not raised, Social Security checks cannot go out.

Obama was not the one refusing to raise the debt ceiling, piss drinker.
GOP conservatives unveil debt ceiling hike that comes with steep price"

See link here:

GOP conservatives unveil debt ceiling hike that comes with steep price

IMO the Crazy Right Wing is putting tens of millions of Americans in jeopardy. Not only have they create a giant and maybe fatal schism within their party, they are planning on putting ideology first, the safety and security of the people a distant second, and potentially proving Franklin correct when he allegedly said, "Your have a Republic, if you can keep it".

What you you think? Question address to those who will actually think about this critical issue.

What was more callous than Obama threatening to withhold Social Security checks?
If the debt ceiling is not raised, Social Security checks cannot go out.

Obama was not the one refusing to raise the debt ceiling, piss drinker.
No but he is the one saying "my way or the highway"
GOP conservatives unveil debt ceiling hike that comes with steep price"

See link here:

GOP conservatives unveil debt ceiling hike that comes with steep price

IMO the Crazy Right Wing is putting tens of millions of Americans in jeopardy. Not only have they create a giant and maybe fatal schism within their party, they are planning on putting ideology first, the safety and security of the people a distant second, and potentially proving Franklin correct when he allegedly said, "Your have a Republic, if you can keep it".

What you you think? Question address to those who will actually think about this critical issue.

What was more callous than Obama threatening to withhold Social Security checks?
If the debt ceiling is not raised, Social Security checks cannot go out.

As usual, the GOP blames the poor for the deficit. Well, if they don't like poor people, they should stop making so many of them.

We spend about $600 billion a year on welfare.

We spend $1.2 trillion a year on tax expenditures.

So here's an idea. Why don't we go after the BIGGEST problem?
GOP conservatives unveil debt ceiling hike that comes with steep price"

See link here:

GOP conservatives unveil debt ceiling hike that comes with steep price

IMO the Crazy Right Wing is putting tens of millions of Americans in jeopardy. Not only have they create a giant and maybe fatal schism within their party, they are planning on putting ideology first, the safety and security of the people a distant second, and potentially proving Franklin correct when he allegedly said, "Your have a Republic, if you can keep it".

What you you think? Question address to those who will actually think about this critical issue.

What was more callous than Obama threatening to withhold Social Security checks?
If the debt ceiling is not raised, Social Security checks cannot go out.

Fact. Social Security is paid out of appropriated funds.
GOP conservatives unveil debt ceiling hike that comes with steep price"

See link here:

GOP conservatives unveil debt ceiling hike that comes with steep price

IMO the Crazy Right Wing is putting tens of millions of Americans in jeopardy. Not only have they create a giant and maybe fatal schism within their party, they are planning on putting ideology first, the safety and security of the people a distant second, and potentially proving Franklin correct when he allegedly said, "Your have a Republic, if you can keep it".

What you you think? Question address to those who will actually think about this critical issue.

Sounds like a good start.
GOP conservatives unveil debt ceiling hike that comes with steep price"

See link here:

GOP conservatives unveil debt ceiling hike that comes with steep price

IMO the Crazy Right Wing is putting tens of millions of Americans in jeopardy. Not only have they create a giant and maybe fatal schism within their party, they are planning on putting ideology first, the safety and security of the people a distant second, and potentially proving Franklin correct when he allegedly said, "Your have a Republic, if you can keep it".

What you you think? Question address to those who will actually think about this critical issue.

What was more callous than Obama threatening to withhold Social Security checks?
If the debt ceiling is not raised, Social Security checks cannot go out.

Fact. Social Security is paid out of appropriated funds.

Nope. Social Security is considered mandatory and is not subject to the appropriations process.
GOP conservatives unveil debt ceiling hike that comes with steep price"

See link here:

GOP conservatives unveil debt ceiling hike that comes with steep price

IMO the Crazy Right Wing is putting tens of millions of Americans in jeopardy. Not only have they create a giant and maybe fatal schism within their party, they are planning on putting ideology first, the safety and security of the people a distant second, and potentially proving Franklin correct when he allegedly said, "Your have a Republic, if you can keep it".

What you you think? Question address to those who will actually think about this critical issue.

What was more callous than Obama threatening to withhold Social Security checks?
If the debt ceiling is not raised, Social Security checks cannot go out.

Fact. Social Security is paid out of appropriated funds.

Nope. Social Security is considered mandatory and is not subject to the appropriations process.
There's nothing but IOUs in the SS trust fund.

If the US hits the debt ceiling, the chances of not being able to pay Social Security and our military climbs with every passing day.
GOP conservatives unveil debt ceiling hike that comes with steep price"

See link here:

GOP conservatives unveil debt ceiling hike that comes with steep price

IMO the Crazy Right Wing is putting tens of millions of Americans in jeopardy. Not only have they create a giant and maybe fatal schism within their party, they are planning on putting ideology first, the safety and security of the people a distant second, and potentially proving Franklin correct when he allegedly said, "Your have a Republic, if you can keep it".

What you you think? Question address to those who will actually think about this critical issue.

What was more callous than Obama threatening to withhold Social Security checks?
If the debt ceiling is not raised, Social Security checks cannot go out.

Obama was not the one refusing to raise the debt ceiling, piss drinker.

Sorry, Fluffer. Obama was doing his "My Way or No Checks" negotiating which is to say no negotiating.

Moreover, I thought there were "Assets" in the SS "trust Fund" What does the budget ceiling have to do with SS payments?
What was more callous than Obama threatening to withhold Social Security checks?
If the debt ceiling is not raised, Social Security checks cannot go out.

Fact. Social Security is paid out of appropriated funds.

Nope. Social Security is considered mandatory and is not subject to the appropriations process.
There's nothing but IOUs in the SS trust fund.

If the US hits the debt ceiling, the chances of not being able to pay Social Security and our military climbs with every passing day.

So cut spending.
GOP conservatives unveil debt ceiling hike that comes with steep price"

See link here:

GOP conservatives unveil debt ceiling hike that comes with steep price

IMO the Crazy Right Wing is putting tens of millions of Americans in jeopardy. Not only have they create a giant and maybe fatal schism within their party, they are planning on putting ideology first, the safety and security of the people a distant second, and potentially proving Franklin correct when he allegedly said, "Your have a Republic, if you can keep it".

What you you think? Question address to those who will actually think about this critical issue.

What was more callous than Obama threatening to withhold Social Security checks?
If the debt ceiling is not raised, Social Security checks cannot go out.

Obama was not the one refusing to raise the debt ceiling, piss drinker.

Sorry, Fluffer. Obama was doing his "My Way or No Checks" negotiating which is to say no negotiating.

Moreover, I thought there were "Assets" in the SS "trust Fund" What does the budget ceiling have to do with SS payments?
The assets in the trust fund are Treasuries, not cash.

If the Social Security trust fund cashed in a bond because the government had no cash, where does that cash have to come from?

That's right. The US Treasury. Which has no cash .
If the debt ceiling is not raised, Social Security checks cannot go out.

Fact. Social Security is paid out of appropriated funds.

Nope. Social Security is considered mandatory and is not subject to the appropriations process.
There's nothing but IOUs in the SS trust fund.

If the US hits the debt ceiling, the chances of not being able to pay Social Security and our military climbs with every passing day.

So cut spending.
I am one hundred percent for cutting spending. Which is why I have been calling for a total ban on tax expenditures for years.

So...presto! You just got handed $1.2 trillion! What will you do with it?

Me? I would lower tax rates for EVERYONE, and use some to pay down the debt. Then once the debt was paid off, I'd lower tax rates for everyone even more.

Problem fricking solved.
Enough is enough, and I've had enough about hearing them raising the debt limit. Tell those physically able to get off their ass and take the place of those illegals we're booting out. If that's disagreeable - they can starve. Their choice. If instead they take up criminal activity that's fine. Let them keep their guns and supply them with boxes of ammunition and a parachute. Then push them out a plane over Syria.
This is an attempt to starve social programs for the poor while preserving corporate welfare. Reagan did the same thing. He made massive cuts to Johnson era social programs (e.g., school breakfast for poor families) but tripled handouts to the energy and weapons sectors (in the form of subsidies and outrageously inflated "no bid" contracts). He championed himself as cutting government but he tripled Carter's debt. You'd think people would get wise to this, but that's what talk radio is for...
Enough is enough, and I've had enough about hearing them raising the debt limit. Tell those physically able to get off their ass and take the place of those illegals we're booting out. If that's disagreeable - they can starve. Their choice. If instead they take up criminal activity that's fine. Let them keep their guns and supply them with boxes of ammunition and a parachute. Then push them out a plane over Syria.
I have said the same thing so many times
Looks good to me. The plan gives you 1.5 trillion to waste while you figure out how to cut 1/4 of that each year.

As a callous conservative I'm sure it does look good to you, of course that goes without thinking of the unintended (or maybe they are intended) impact on the aged, the infirm and all those babies not aborted.
Let's see... medicare 380 billion a year food and housing 800 billion, healthcare 1 trillion... I'm sure we can find other place we can cut.
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