Permanently confused
Avatar4321 said:Its not the questioning of the President that is getting you labeled unamerican. Its freaking opposing everything this nation stands for. It's youre continual desire to see President Bush fail, even if it means this nation fails with it. Its your continual badmouthing of everything this nation does.
And if you think everyone on this board supports everything the President does your a freaking illiterate, because we speak out against dumb moves too. We just arent about to go undermine our military when they are out defending us.
Like I said its pieces of crap like you who care more about getting your political power back then the survival of this nation. It must suck to know that whats bad for america is good for you.
And if you care so damn much about what the Founding Fathers wants for this nation. youd be fighting to get the full executive power restored to the President instead of the watered down power he has been left. Congress and the Courts have robbed past Presidents, this President, and Future Presidents. If you care at all about the Constitutional youll fight to give the President back His full power so He can execute His Constitutional duties, such as saving your sorry ass.
Why do I feel like an extra in a Marcel Marceau movie?