Conservative Hero Bravely Tells Jews How To Assimilate Into America

Jews have proven that if you "assimilate" into a culture and forsake your religious roots you become democrats who want to destroy Israel.

Say, I wonder how many Jews voted for the fabulous socialist Hitler.

Hitler wasn't a socialist , but many European Jews were. Look at the socialists who immigrated to Palestine from the 1920s. Different factions marched against one another.
Celebrating Christmas has ZERO to do with assimilation....Jews are as American as Muslims, Hindus, Atheists, etc.....

But keep dancing around the fact that folks like him always keep popping up on the right side of the aisle

it's almost like that ideology is just a magnet for reactionary racist morons....

Leave Jewish people alone and respect their traditions.
Wait a minute, the left posts a rant from Newsweek about some stuff they found on an obscure site called "Gab" and now the site is recommended by left wing posters. WTF?
Gab is the only site that cares about dare you call it obscure?

It's putting Twitter out of business....
Of course it is. You think Jesus was what, Chinese? Zulu? English? His whole ministry was Torah based.
Jesus' ministry was kingdom-based.

The Pharisees took their direction and authority from Torah, and Jesus called them a brood of vipers. The Pharisees preached heresy, an erroneous salvation.

Jews and Christians were largely of a kindred spirit, and Judaism did little to alter or influence America's Christian underpinnings. They were pretty much assimilated into American culture from the beginning, as George Washington assured them.
Gab is the only site that cares about dare you call it obscure?

It's putting Twitter out of business....

Twitter has 400 million users and made $3.72 billion in revenue last year.

Gab has about 4 million users.

Keep dreaming, moron.
What does assimilate to america mean? Heck nobody puts any lights up in our neighborhood anymore. They are not worth the work taking down. Cut back on Christmas shopping. Save. Christmas is about the birth of Christ not the economy. I long for the day nobody participates in Black Friday shopping instead they sit at home with their families. Everyone wins.
Jews need to eat bacon to assimilate. We're a Christian country, goddammit. That's why we elected the heroic serial adulterer, liar, thief, gambling magnate and pussy grabber Donald Trump.

"Far-right conspiracy theorist and smear campaigner Jacob Wohl has claimed that Jewish people should decorate their homes with Christmas decorations to aid with "assimilation." Wohl, who is currently facing a $5 million fine from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for orchestrating more than 1,100 illegal robocalls, said on Gab:

"I firmly believe that every Jew in America should decorate their home with Christmas lights. It's called assimilation. America is a Christian country."

In a follow-up post on Gab on November 5, Wohl dismissed the criticism he had received saying:

"These snowflakes are so pathetic and unhinged that they're now calling me (a Jew) 'antisemitic,'" Wohl wrote. "Reminds me of when they sued me under the 'KKK Act of 1871."

For too long, Jews have been allowed to not assimilate into this country by clinging to their Jew version of Christmas with their menorahs and dreidels and it took brave men like Jacob to finally have the balls to call it out....If you want to be a real American in this country, where are your Christmas lights?? And the best part is, Jacob is Jewish, so it's not anti-Semitic or bad to demand Jews to celebrate Christmas more....After all, it's not their country anyway...

Now obviously this is just something Jake is saying for attention and shock value to remain relevant...but it is telling that this is the shit folks like him have to say to be, he really needs the money right any attention for folks in his position is good attention...
What a weirdo. Never heard of him.
Jews need to eat bacon to assimilate. We're a Christian country, goddammit. That's why we elected the heroic serial adulterer, liar, and thief Donald Trump.
Adulterers, liars, and thieves, eh.

Who knew that moonbats were Christians?
The Pharisees took their direction and authority from Torah, and Jesus called them a brood of vipers. The Pharisees preached heresy, an erroneous salvation.

The pharisees peddled a fake Torah, along with Talmud and Mishna rubbish; they peddled a 'secret oral Torah' on top of the real one, the written one attributed to Moses, which was complete as written, and then added the invented Temple rubbish from the Babylonians and a lot of 'racial purity' crap re Ezra, all stuff that became enshrined in the 'rabbinical Judaism' of the 2nd Century A.D. The Christians were mostly about returning to the original Torah, when the Tabernacle was kept in tents and Jews were a semi-democratic tribal confederacy, and considered a universal theology.

The cult Jesus called a nest of vipers were indeed just a cabal of crooks, fleecing their own people with a ridiculous Temple scam.

it's immediately obvious which Jewish sect devolved into babbling rubbish and which one went on to generate a long term social revolution of a much larger scale, and it wasn't the weird cult that alienated the majority of its own people and became dependent on Muslims and Christians for its survival.
The pharisees peddled a fake Torah, along with Talmud and Mishna rubbish; they peddled a 'secret oral Torah' on top of the real one, the written one attributed to Moses, which was complete as written, and then added the invented Temple rubbish from the Babylonians and a lot of 'racial purity' crap re Ezra, all stuff that became enshrined in the 'rabbinical Judaism' of the 2nd Century A.D. The Christians were mostly about returning to the original Torah, when the Tabernacle was kept in tents and Jews were a semi-democratic tribal confederacy, and considered a universal theology.

The cult Jesus called a nest of vipers were indeed just a cabal of crooks, fleecing their own people with a ridiculous Temple scam.

it's immediately obvious which Jewish sect devolved into babbling rubbish and which one went on to generate a long term social revolution of a much larger scale, and it wasn't the weird cult that alienated the majority of its own people and became dependent on Muslims and Christians for its survival.
Jesus did not preach Torah. In fact, he was accused of violating Torah.

He preached kingdom, a totally new authority from heaven (or something like it was in the Garden).
It is not a Jewish holiday what part of Christ in Christmas do you not get?
Rebbi Jesus's birthday not a Jewish holiday?

Who knew? :eek:

Now if he'd been a doctor instead of a minister, THEN it would be a nice Jewish holiday. :)
"Christmas is about the birth of Christ........"

Well, yeah. Now it is.
But it seems the Christians kinda sorta appropriated Saturnalia & Solstice to fit their 'holiday' schedule.

Perhaps the Jesus baby was born about Solstice. So then there could be a claim of a convenient convergence of societal awareness that the time was propitious, i.e., Solstice and the birth of a cult leader.

Ergo, it is God's signal.

Perhaps. Maybe.

"Far-right conspiracy theorist and smear campaigner Jacob Wohl has claimed that Jewish people should decorate their homes with Christmas decorations to aid with "assimilation." Wohl, who is currently facing a $5 million fine from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for orchestrating more than 1,100 illegal robocalls, said on Gab:

"I firmly believe that every Jew in America should decorate their home with Christmas lights. It's called assimilation. America is a Christian country."

In a follow-up post on Gab on November 5, Wohl dismissed the criticism he had received saying:

"These snowflakes are so pathetic and unhinged that they're now calling me (a Jew) 'antisemitic,'" Wohl wrote. "Reminds me of when they sued me under the 'KKK Act of 1871."

For too long, Jews have been allowed to not assimilate into this country by clinging to their Jew version of Christmas with their menorahs and dreidels and it took brave men like Jacob to finally have the balls to call it out....If you want to be a real American in this country, where are your Christmas lights?? And the best part is, Jacob is Jewish, so it's not anti-Semitic or bad to demand Jews to celebrate Christmas more....After all, it's not their country anyway...

Now obviously this is just something Jake is saying for attention and shock value to remain relevant...but it is telling that this is the shit folks like him have to say to be, he really needs the money right any attention for folks in his position is good attention...
not sure who this person is…or Gab, but glad to see they reacted the way they did to this nut.
Jesus did not preach Torah. In fact, he was accused of violating Torah.

He preached kingdom, a totally new authority from heaven (or something like it was in the Garden).

He most certainly did teach Torah, and he also preached a new Covenant, since it was obvious the Babylonians had abandoned the original in favor of running a Temple scam and setting themselves up as 'the only real Jews' in a racist cult with the help of Cyrus.

But what modern Judaism accepts as the Torah is not just the written Scripture of the first five books of the Old Testament, but they include the“Oral Torah”. Jewish tradition teaches God orally revealed instructions and amplifications of the written law to Moses from Sinai. He in turn spoke these added explanations of the written law to Joshua and Jewish leaders. Then, it was passed on from generation to generation orally. They were later written down in A.D. 200, comprising 63 volumes, and known as the Mishnah. Rabbis in Jerusalem (A.D. 350-400) and the Jewish teachers in Babylonia (A.D. 500) wrote down their various discussions and commentary of the Mishnah in a series of volumes known as the Gemara. The Mishnah and
Gemara comprise today the body of work known as the Talmud.

As stated in the OT the Torah was completed as written, no 'Oral Torah' was ever passed down from Moses. The Hebrewism of Moses was meant to be a universal religion, not some exclusive property of Jews. Monotheism in itself implies universalism. The Babylonians rejected this fact and ignored the covenants.

Jesus, when teaching in the synagogue, read and applied the written Scriptures of the law and the prophets, not oral tradi-
tions (Luke 4:16). Jesus did teach from the written “law of Moses”. But, Jesus did not teach from the “Oral Torah” which became the Mishnah. Jesus certainly did not teach from what today is known as the Torah (the written and oral Torah), or the Jewish Talmud.

There is all kinds of proof for his teachings of the Torah. It's just a lie peddled by Pharisees and their cult of racism and legalisms that He didn't.
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"I firmly believe that every Jew in America should decorate their home with Christmas lights. It's called assimilation. America is a Christian country."


Celebrating Christmas has ZERO to do with assimilation....Jews are as American as Muslims, Hindus, Atheists, etc.....

But keep dancing around the fact that folks like him always keep popping up on the right side of the aisle

it's almost like that ideology is just a magnet for reactionary racist morons....

I agree that American jews are American.

SOrry, was that your point, that there are some bad people on our side of the aisle?

Umm, ok. SUre. Bad people do keep popping up on our side of the aisle.

The difference is, they are not our leadership and do not set our agenda, nor do the direct the rest of the party to do shit like riot in the streets or hate EVERYONE that does not conform.

They "pop up" over here every now and again. They RULE over there on your side.

It is especially funny the way you say "racist" like it is some extreme monstrosity, when not only are you are racist, but your entire political movement is racist and you support massive racist programs and culture and laws.
So many holidays around the Winter Solstice, from so many religions..............Christmas is just one of them.

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