Conservatives begin their protests at what they feel is a stolen election

That's about the weakest counterpunch I've seen. Get back to me in a week or so, just before the GA Senate runoffs. I think you might find it's a different story. :)
They should be doing it over these bullshit STIMULUS bills.

The podcast I posted is live, but one can rewind to the beginning of so desired.
Surely Andy Ngo will post about the unrest in Portland the meantime, look at who reps Antifa, and this person is a camp counselor for children....someone advocating for violence.

I am like the guest. Civil disobedience and Police refusing to violate the Constitution is the best route.
Go ahead and poke fun. Its ok. Shutting down the nation and fucking small businesses in the caboose as well as millions of families while giving billions to foreign nations doesnt seem popular with thinking citizens.
Surely Andy Ngo will post about the unrest in Portland the meantime, look at who reps Antifa, and this person is a camp counselor for children....someone advocating for violence.
Andy Ngo is linking to The Post Millennial - News, Politics, Culture, and Lifestyle.

>>>Baker was born male but now identifies as trans nonbinary and uses “they/them” pronouns.

Some kid is male, identifies as being born male, and has more than one friend, so there are at least three of them, (because they're non-binary, more than one and not just a couple,) and they are not necessarliy all male. Maybe it's polyamorous. Who knows? People are full of shit on anti-trans Harry Potter witchcraft books with their eternal fixation on sex segregation and trafficking for legitimate procreation and vice.
35% of all US currency has been printed in the past 10 months.

The path this nation is on is not sustainable. The stolen election is just one element. Congress are crooks.
35% of all US currency has been printed in the past 10 months.

The path this nation is on is not sustainable. The stolen election is just one element. Congress are crooks.

So you don't trust congress, the supreme court, or the soon to be inaugurated president. When did you first realize you hate our country and our constitution?
Enjoy your $600, you fucking morons.

"I am asking Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low $600 to $2,000, or $4,000 for a couple," Trump said in a video posted to Twitter.

Enjoy your $600, you fucking morons.

"I am asking Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low $600 to $2,000, or $4,000 for a couple," Trump said in a video posted to Twitter.

Well yeah. If we werent giving millions to foreign countries in a stimulus bill that is supposed to be
helping out American people, the number would be around 3000 a person.
Whichever members of congress wrote this bill, show their true contempt for the people and the ones who go along with this are just as bad, corrupt or weak.
It's how they enrich themselves later through kick backs from these foreign entities they give our money to today.
They can pretty much do this openly now without fear of retribution. They own the courts and everything else. Trump was just an irritating speed bump for them. There's to many republicans on the take like McConnell for there to truly be a resistance.
Well... this is awkward.

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