Conservatives have bragged about "manufactured anger" - for USMB GOP - lesson learned



Democrats say Republicans staging town hall protests -

Conservatives for Patients Rights, that have bragged about organizing and manufacturing that anger," he said Tuesday.

"This type of anger and discord did not serve Republicans well in 2008 -- and it is bound to backfire again," he said in a statement.


Notice how USMB Republicans use the same tired tactics. When you bring up a point, prove the point with data, non partisan links and reliable information or you challenge them on their policies, they try to swarm you with name calling and insults.

They think that if they can marginalize you, they have "won" the debate without ever actually having a debate.

The are actually telling you that they don't believe in their own policies, in fact, many times, Democrats know the policies Republicans are trying to push better than the Republicans.

How many times have USMB GOP said, "That's not our position. Not what we stand for", only to be proven wrong? It's why they say things like "Democrats only want to.........and then finish with some really bizarre, far out shit.
Democrats say Republicans staging town hall protests -

Conservatives for Patients Rights, that have bragged about organizing and manufacturing that anger," he said Tuesday.

"This type of anger and discord did not serve Republicans well in 2008 -- and it is bound to backfire again," he said in a statement.


Notice how USMB Republicans use the same tired tactics. When you bring up a point, prove the point with data, non partisan links and reliable information or you challenge them on their policies, they try to swarm you with name calling and insults.

They think that if they can marginalize you, they have "won" the debate without ever actually having a debate.

The are actually telling you that they don't believe in their own policies, in fact, many times, Democrats know the policies Republicans are trying to push better than the Republicans.

How many times have USMB GOP said, "That's not our position. Not what we stand for", only to be proven wrong? It's why they say things like "Democrats only want to.........and then finish with some really bizarre, far out shit.

I'm not really sure what this thread is about. Is it about the incredible stupidity of Obamacare? Is it about a group of Republicans assuming Democratic tactics of protesting at Democratic functions?

Or is it more about rdean's complete hatred of conservatives and yet another attempt to paint us as a fringe element, when nothing is further from the truth. 75% of the voting public believe that this country is headed in the wrong direction.

I must admit, I do read the threads that you start. Course, I must admit also that I look when I pass a traffic accident. Probably the same personality flaw...
As always, all the functional moron hater dupes have is stupid talking points and insults- people have figured out the GOP is totally FOS and just pandering to the greedy superrich and corps.
Democrats say Republicans staging town hall protests -

Conservatives for Patients Rights, that have bragged about organizing and manufacturing that anger," he said Tuesday.

"This type of anger and discord did not serve Republicans well in 2008 -- and it is bound to backfire again," he said in a statement.


Notice how USMB Republicans use the same tired tactics. When you bring up a point, prove the point with data, non partisan links and reliable information or you challenge them on their policies, they try to swarm you with name calling and insults.

They think that if they can marginalize you, they have "won" the debate without ever actually having a debate.

The are actually telling you that they don't believe in their own policies, in fact, many times, Democrats know the policies Republicans are trying to push better than the Republicans.

How many times have USMB GOP said, "That's not our position. Not what we stand for", only to be proven wrong? It's why they say things like "Democrats only want to.........and then finish with some really bizarre, far out shit.

Hey dip stick, you link is more than 3 years old, care to come up with something a bit more current?

Edit. BTW we took the house after those town halls, so in fact it didn't backfire.
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Masscare proves O-care is great, and most people blame the Pub obstruction congress for the country's direction. TY Rush Seanbeck for the bs.
Democrats say Republicans staging town hall protests -

Conservatives for Patients Rights, that have bragged about organizing and manufacturing that anger," he said Tuesday.

"This type of anger and discord did not serve Republicans well in 2008 -- and it is bound to backfire again," he said in a statement.


Notice how USMB Republicans use the same tired tactics. When you bring up a point, prove the point with data, non partisan links and reliable information or you challenge them on their policies, they try to swarm you with name calling and insults.

They think that if they can marginalize you, they have "won" the debate without ever actually having a debate.

The are actually telling you that they don't believe in their own policies, in fact, many times, Democrats know the policies Republicans are trying to push better than the Republicans.

How many times have USMB GOP said, "That's not our position. Not what we stand for", only to be proven wrong? It's why they say things like "Democrats only want to.........and then finish with some really bizarre, far out shit.

I see it still works the same way, Democrats organize and bus in paid protestors from other states you call it grass roots. Republicans get together on their own and all protestors are local, and you call it AstroTurf. It is nice to know that some things never change.
Had nothing to do with the party and the rabble rousing propagandists? LOL. So where are the screaming, spitting, melting down Dems? Only the Pub Propaganda Machine can find them...
well, now CNN is doing DNC press releases..

Republicans better stand by their protest and tell CNN to take a hike

you ever see them write when Republicans claimed Democrats Staged potted PLANTS at ALL the Tea Party rallies, and any event the Republicans put on?

rdean, please admit yourself, seriously you have major problems
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