Conservatives - This one's for you


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016

Conservatives - I'm sure this won't go down very well, but myself and many other Independent / Swing voters feel this way:

President Obama was pretty boring, I'll admit, but as we look forward to another election this year, consider where we were 4 years ago:

Illegal border crossings were at an all time low. Cabinet positions were filled with fully vetted people approved under our Constitution, children were not being locked in cages, our President was not paying off playmates and pornstars to keep their mouths shut about his many extramarital affairs for fear of damaging his political standing, he was not giving away top secret information to mother Russia, the country had mostly healed from the great recession, Obama was not threatening Harvard with lawsuits if they released his grade transcripts, the GOP's scare tactics of "death panels" relating to Obamacare were proven to be a lie, he wasn't lying about Mexico paying for a border wall. Oh, and he did release his tax returns.

- And look where we are now.

My only beef with Obama is he made little attempt to address the problem of our national debt, but that aside, I'm all for a return to boring. Joe ain't perfect - but he's my guy in 2020!

Conservatives - I'm sure this won't go down very well, but myself and many other Independent / Swing voters feel this way:

President Obama was pretty boring, I'll admit, but as we look forward to another election this year, consider where we were 4 years ago:

Illegal border crossings were at an all time low. Cabinet positions were filled with fully vetted people approved under our Constitution, children were not being locked in cages, our President was not paying off playmates and pornstars to keep their mouths shut about his many extramarital affairs for fear of damaging his political standing, he was not giving away top secret information to mother Russia, the country had mostly healed from the great recession, Obama was not threatening Harvard with lawsuits if they released his grade transcripts, the GOP's scare tactics of "death panels" relating to Obamacare were proven to be a lie, he wasn't lying about Mexico paying for a border wall. Oh, and he did release his tax returns.

- And look where we are now.

My only beef with Obama is he made little attempt to address the problem of our national debt, but that aside, I'm all for a return to boring. Joe ain't perfect - but he's my guy in 2020!
Tea bagger trumpoholics thrive on chaos, misinformation, lies, and confusion.

Conservatives - I'm sure this won't go down very well, but myself and many other Independent / Swing voters feel this way:

President Obama was pretty boring, I'll admit, but as we look forward to another election this year, consider where we were 4 years ago:

Illegal border crossings were at an all time low. Cabinet positions were filled with fully vetted people approved under our Constitution, children were not being locked in cages, our President was not paying off playmates and pornstars to keep their mouths shut about his many extramarital affairs for fear of damaging his political standing, he was not giving away top secret information to mother Russia, the country had mostly healed from the great recession, Obama was not threatening Harvard with lawsuits if they released his grade transcripts, the GOP's scare tactics of "death panels" relating to Obamacare were proven to be a lie, he wasn't lying about Mexico paying for a border wall. Oh, and he did release his tax returns.

- And look where we are now.

My only beef with Obama is he made little attempt to address the problem of our national debt, but that aside, I'm all for a return to boring. Joe ain't perfect - but he's my guy in 2020!

Yeah him giving the number one terrorist state 150 billion dollars really put me to sleep

Conservatives - I'm sure this won't go down very well, but myself and many other Independent / Swing voters feel this way:

President Obama was pretty boring, I'll admit, but as we look forward to another election this year, consider where we were 4 years ago:

Illegal border crossings were at an all time low. Cabinet positions were filled with fully vetted people approved under our Constitution, children were not being locked in cages, our President was not paying off playmates and pornstars to keep their mouths shut about his many extramarital affairs for fear of damaging his political standing, he was not giving away top secret information to mother Russia, the country had mostly healed from the great recession, Obama was not threatening Harvard with lawsuits if they released his grade transcripts, the GOP's scare tactics of "death panels" relating to Obamacare were proven to be a lie, he wasn't lying about Mexico paying for a border wall. Oh, and he did release his tax returns.

- And look where we are now.

My only beef with Obama is he made little attempt to address the problem of our national debt, but that aside, I'm all for a return to boring. Joe ain't perfect - but he's my guy in 2020!
You sound so good. And then there is reality. You can see that D.C. is a good old boys and girls club. There are so many married couples, significant others, relatives, friends and acquaintances working there and empowered in elected, non elected, lobbyists, lawyers, media and more that it is sickening. So if you believe that to be smooth, I would not argue with you. For many of the Repubs that come ang and are shills have more in common with the Prog socialist politicians then they do Trump.

Conservatives - I'm sure this won't go down very well, but myself and many other Independent / Swing voters feel this way:

President Obama was pretty boring, I'll admit, but as we look forward to another election this year, consider where we were 4 years ago:

Illegal border crossings were at an all time low. Cabinet positions were filled with fully vetted people approved under our Constitution, children were not being locked in cages, our President was not paying off playmates and pornstars to keep their mouths shut about his many extramarital affairs for fear of damaging his political standing, he was not giving away top secret information to mother Russia, the country had mostly healed from the great recession, Obama was not threatening Harvard with lawsuits if they released his grade transcripts, the GOP's scare tactics of "death panels" relating to Obamacare were proven to be a lie, he wasn't lying about Mexico paying for a border wall. Oh, and he did release his tax returns.

- And look where we are now.

My only beef with Obama is he made little attempt to address the problem of our national debt, but that aside, I'm all for a return to boring. Joe ain't perfect - but he's my guy in 2020!
Tea bagger trumpoholics thrive on chaos, misinformation, lies, and confusion.

Ironic coming from a big supporter of “the protests”

Conservatives - I'm sure this won't go down very well, but myself and many other Independent / Swing voters feel this way:

President Obama was pretty boring, I'll admit, but as we look forward to another election this year, consider where we were 4 years ago:

Illegal border crossings were at an all time low. Cabinet positions were filled with fully vetted people approved under our Constitution, children were not being locked in cages, our President was not paying off playmates and pornstars to keep their mouths shut about his many extramarital affairs for fear of damaging his political standing, he was not giving away top secret information to mother Russia, the country had mostly healed from the great recession, Obama was not threatening Harvard with lawsuits if they released his grade transcripts, the GOP's scare tactics of "death panels" relating to Obamacare were proven to be a lie, he wasn't lying about Mexico paying for a border wall. Oh, and he did release his tax returns.

- And look where we are now.

My only beef with Obama is he made little attempt to address the problem of our national debt, but that aside, I'm all for a return to boring. Joe ain't perfect - but he's my guy in 2020!
Man all I can say is you must have been asleep when 44 was in power.
Kids in cages was started by him.
He confiscated reporters emails and computers.
He hid his school transcripts.
If he had kept his hands off the economy it would have healed much faster.
The IRS was used as his own personal brown shirt squad.
He came up with the dreamer executive order.
It looks as if he was in the loop over spying on a political party.
He claimed that everyone could keep their doctor and their insurance.
I could continue but you obviously don't understand

Conservatives - I'm sure this won't go down very well, but myself and many other Independent / Swing voters feel this way:

President Obama was pretty boring, I'll admit, but as we look forward to another election this year, consider where we were 4 years ago:

Illegal border crossings were at an all time low. Cabinet positions were filled with fully vetted people approved under our Constitution, children were not being locked in cages, our President was not paying off playmates and pornstars to keep their mouths shut about his many extramarital affairs for fear of damaging his political standing, he was not giving away top secret information to mother Russia, the country had mostly healed from the great recession, Obama was not threatening Harvard with lawsuits if they released his grade transcripts, the GOP's scare tactics of "death panels" relating to Obamacare were proven to be a lie, he wasn't lying about Mexico paying for a border wall. Oh, and he did release his tax returns.

- And look where we are now.

My only beef with Obama is he made little attempt to address the problem of our national debt, but that aside, I'm all for a return to boring. Joe ain't perfect - but he's my guy in 2020!
I'm with you. Yes, most independents are.

Conservatives - I'm sure this won't go down very well, but myself and many other Independent / Swing voters feel this way:

President Obama was pretty boring, I'll admit, but as we look forward to another election this year, consider where we were 4 years ago:

Illegal border crossings were at an all time low. Cabinet positions were filled with fully vetted people approved under our Constitution, children were not being locked in cages, our President was not paying off playmates and pornstars to keep their mouths shut about his many extramarital affairs for fear of damaging his political standing, he was not giving away top secret information to mother Russia, the country had mostly healed from the great recession, Obama was not threatening Harvard with lawsuits if they released his grade transcripts, the GOP's scare tactics of "death panels" relating to Obamacare were proven to be a lie, he wasn't lying about Mexico paying for a border wall. Oh, and he did release his tax returns.

- And look where we are now.

My only beef with Obama is he made little attempt to address the problem of our national debt, but that aside, I'm all for a return to boring. Joe ain't perfect - but he's my guy in 2020!
Man all I can say is you must have been asleep when 44 was in power.
Kids in cages was started by him.
He confiscated reporters emails and computers.
He hid his school transcripts.
If he had kept his hands off the economy it would have healed much faster.
The IRS was used as his own personal brown shirt squad.
He came up with the dreamer executive order.
It looks as if he was in the loop over spying on a political party.
He claimed that everyone could keep their doctor and their insurance.
I could continue but you obviously don't understand

Obama wasn’t lying about keeping your doctor and insurance as much as he was intentionally misleading which was worse. The lie cane when he coupled that with the promise that families annual premiums would decline by $2,500.
gun runs to drug cartels.
set up the Muslim Brotherhood/terrorists to take over Egypt.
Lied about being a Muslim.
Laundered tax dollars through Swiss banks and then flew the money to his friends in Iran.
Sold American soil/ our uranium mines to Russia.
Tried to turn NASA into a Muslim teaching tool.
I could continue....
Illegal border crossings were at an all time low.

"President Trump addressed the nation on what he also called a "growing humanitarian and security crisis" at the border. Nearly five years ago, Obama gave his remarks in the Rose Garden, rather than the Oval Office, and the government was not partially shut down over border security."

Could that mean, that Obama had left the border open for illegal immigrants to just "walk" across it?

Conservatives - I'm sure this won't go down very well, but myself and many other Independent / Swing voters feel this way:

President Obama was pretty boring, I'll admit, but as we look forward to another election this year, consider where we were 4 years ago:

Illegal border crossings were at an all time low. Cabinet positions were filled with fully vetted people approved under our Constitution, children were not being locked in cages, our President was not paying off playmates and pornstars to keep their mouths shut about his many extramarital affairs for fear of damaging his political standing, he was not giving away top secret information to mother Russia, the country had mostly healed from the great recession, Obama was not threatening Harvard with lawsuits if they released his grade transcripts, the GOP's scare tactics of "death panels" relating to Obamacare were proven to be a lie, he wasn't lying about Mexico paying for a border wall. Oh, and he did release his tax returns.

- And look where we are now.

My only beef with Obama is he made little attempt to address the problem of our national debt, but that aside, I'm all for a return to boring. Joe ain't perfect - but he's my guy in 2020!

You forgot to mention that Obama would have OPENED his pandemic playbook and there would be far fewer deaths, maybe by 40-50,000.
Also, Obama would not have inquired about injecting Clorox as a way of killing COVID-19.

Trump tweets up to over 100 times a day and watches cable news all day.
I think Biden knows the job requires more and will be in the Oval Office working instead of private quarters all day eating "hamberders".

Conservatives - I'm sure this won't go down very well, but myself and many other Independent / Swing voters feel this way:

President Obama was pretty boring, I'll admit, but as we look forward to another election this year, consider where we were 4 years ago:

Illegal border crossings were at an all time low. Cabinet positions were filled with fully vetted people approved under our Constitution, children were not being locked in cages, our President was not paying off playmates and pornstars to keep their mouths shut about his many extramarital affairs for fear of damaging his political standing, he was not giving away top secret information to mother Russia, the country had mostly healed from the great recession, Obama was not threatening Harvard with lawsuits if they released his grade transcripts, the GOP's scare tactics of "death panels" relating to Obamacare were proven to be a lie, he wasn't lying about Mexico paying for a border wall. Oh, and he did release his tax returns.

- And look where we are now.

My only beef with Obama is he made little attempt to address the problem of our national debt, but that aside, I'm all for a return to boring. Joe ain't perfect - but he's my guy in 2020!

We were doing great until the liberal Fauci shut the economy down for no reason. Under Obama our borders were wide open and the pictures of the kids in cages. Were from Obama's administration. Anyway I also remember how you loons acted when you lost, you can never have power again.

Conservatives - I'm sure this won't go down very well, but myself and many other Independent / Swing voters feel this way:

President Obama was pretty boring, I'll admit, but as we look forward to another election this year, consider where we were 4 years ago:

Illegal border crossings were at an all time low. Cabinet positions were filled with fully vetted people approved under our Constitution, children were not being locked in cages, our President was not paying off playmates and pornstars to keep their mouths shut about his many extramarital affairs for fear of damaging his political standing, he was not giving away top secret information to mother Russia, the country had mostly healed from the great recession, Obama was not threatening Harvard with lawsuits if they released his grade transcripts, the GOP's scare tactics of "death panels" relating to Obamacare were proven to be a lie, he wasn't lying about Mexico paying for a border wall. Oh, and he did release his tax returns.

- And look where we are now.

My only beef with Obama is he made little attempt to address the problem of our national debt, but that aside, I'm all for a return to boring. Joe ain't perfect - but he's my guy in 2020!

You forgot to mention that Obama would have OPENED his pandemic playbook and there would be far fewer deaths, maybe by 40-50,000.
Also, Obama would not have inquired about injecting Clorox as a way of killing COVID-19.

Trump tweets up to over 100 times a day and watches cable news all day.
I think Biden knows the job requires more and will be in the Oval Office working instead of private quarters all day eating "hamberders".
Please show me in Trump's own words he told you to inject Clorox, or shut up.

Conservatives - I'm sure this won't go down very well, but myself and many other Independent / Swing voters feel this way:

President Obama was pretty boring, I'll admit, but as we look forward to another election this year, consider where we were 4 years ago:

Illegal border crossings were at an all time low. Cabinet positions were filled with fully vetted people approved under our Constitution, children were not being locked in cages, our President was not paying off playmates and pornstars to keep their mouths shut about his many extramarital affairs for fear of damaging his political standing, he was not giving away top secret information to mother Russia, the country had mostly healed from the great recession, Obama was not threatening Harvard with lawsuits if they released his grade transcripts, the GOP's scare tactics of "death panels" relating to Obamacare were proven to be a lie, he wasn't lying about Mexico paying for a border wall. Oh, and he did release his tax returns.

- And look where we are now.

My only beef with Obama is he made little attempt to address the problem of our national debt, but that aside, I'm all for a return to boring. Joe ain't perfect - but he's my guy in 2020!
Man all I can say is you must have been asleep when 44 was in power.
Kids in cages was started by him.
He confiscated reporters emails and computers.
He hid his school transcripts.
If he had kept his hands off the economy it would have healed much faster.
The IRS was used as his own personal brown shirt squad.
He came up with the dreamer executive order.
It looks as if he was in the loop over spying on a political party.
He claimed that everyone could keep their doctor and their insurance.
I could continue but you obviously don't understand

I'm going to take your first point, kids in cages, I don't have time for the rest of your lies and bullshit:
These were kids who had been separated from their parents.
They were detained for only a few hours until border patrol agents had everyone in the facility and could reunite the families.

Conservatives - I'm sure this won't go down very well, but myself and many other Independent / Swing voters feel this way:

President Obama was pretty boring, I'll admit, but as we look forward to another election this year, consider where we were 4 years ago:

Illegal border crossings were at an all time low. Cabinet positions were filled with fully vetted people approved under our Constitution, children were not being locked in cages, our President was not paying off playmates and pornstars to keep their mouths shut about his many extramarital affairs for fear of damaging his political standing, he was not giving away top secret information to mother Russia, the country had mostly healed from the great recession, Obama was not threatening Harvard with lawsuits if they released his grade transcripts, the GOP's scare tactics of "death panels" relating to Obamacare were proven to be a lie, he wasn't lying about Mexico paying for a border wall. Oh, and he did release his tax returns.

- And look where we are now.

My only beef with Obama is he made little attempt to address the problem of our national debt, but that aside, I'm all for a return to boring. Joe ain't perfect - but he's my guy in 2020!
thats just sad that your guy is an old guy with dementia that likes to fondle children and other mens wives,,,

and thats not even getting into his corruption thats lasted for decades,,,

youre not an independent youre a moron commonly referred to as a useful idiot,,,

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