Conservatives, which side do you support in the GOP civil war? Mcconnell vs. Trump

What GOP faction do you support?

  • Trumpers

    Votes: 5 62.5%
  • Mcconnell and allies

    Votes: 3 37.5%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
As you may know, the Republican party is splintering into two factions. One lead by Mitch McConnell and comprised of very right-wing politicians from the establishment, and a faction led by Donald Trump and his most loyal Congress people such as Ted Cruz and John Hawley.
What side are you taking? Poll for conservatives only.

And I support the Progressives in the Democrat civil war.

Anything is better than the Crony Elite Establishment.

Although the progressives disappointed me by not leveraging their power to force a floor vote on Medicare For All #forcethevote...
The side with the best whisky and the prettiest girls ...

As you may know, the Republican party is splintering into two factions. One lead by Mitch McConnell and comprised of very right-wing politicians from the establishment, and a faction led by Donald Trump and his most loyal Congress people such as Ted Cruz and John Hawley.
What side are you taking? Poll for conservatives only.
You should have made the poll public.

One liberal idiot who can't read already fucked up your poll.

P.S.- it is a very interesting OP...perhaps the posts alone will give us an inkling of the political sentiments.
They should both leave politics

along with Pelosi, Schumer, Leahy, Nadler, and 75% of the rest of Congress.

Funny how, in a post about conservatives, you post all names of Democrats.

Freaky coincidence I'm sure.


75% of Congress is Democrats...

Why don't you pull that cactus out of your ass and relax?
As you may know, the Republican party is splintering into two factions. One lead by Mitch McConnell and comprised of very right-wing politicians from the establishment, and a faction led by Donald Trump and his most loyal Congress people such as Ted Cruz and John Hawley.
What side are you taking? Poll for conservatives only.

It will be the faction working within the party that nobody talks about that saves the party from itself.

Well...assuming the base pulls its head out of its rear end and starts concerning itself with reality rather than the daily dose of political smut it's beeng fed and surviving on.
They should both leave politics

along with Pelosi, Schumer, Leahy, Nadler, and 75% of the rest of Congress.

Funny how, in a post about conservatives, you post all names of Democrats.

Freaky coincidence I'm sure.


75% of Congress is Democrats...

Why don't you pull that cactus out of your ass and relax?

Why don't you pull the stats that back up that math out of yours?

I have NO idea what you're referring to.

I said 75% of Congress, not just Democrats.

Since you won't pull the cactus out of your ass, ...
Actually..heh heh...there's another growing faction that mainstream politicos would do well to really worry about.

But my name's muffin, I dunno nuffin.
I’m not a conservative but neither is anyone else in this thread, so I voted Trumpers. May he continue to fuck up the Republican Party.

Well, no, that's not true. I'm a very strict conservative. I'm a very strict conservative because I am a very strict liberal. Liberalism, after all, is conservatism.

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