Conservatives Worship the Market

Geezus, they got nuttier and more stupid as time goes on. This moron might beat Billy Triple Fail in the stupid department.
No, dope. We dont worship the market. We recognize the market does a superior job of allocating resources than government control does.
Go take an Econ course and come back.
Which explains the wonderful job the "markets" did for the poor before FDR stepped in.

...and gave us an economy with 20% average unemployment for 8 years.

Awesome work, FDR

You guys are masters at blaming a President for things that were made inevitable before his term even started.

Wahhhh wahh wahhhhhh Poor Poor Obama, the most helpless greatest President Ever!

You'll never be able to prove that any other person would have more successfully dealt with the Great Depression than FDR did, nor with the Great Recession than Obama did.

FDR sucked giant Alaskan moose cock. Here's how real men handled a Depression

The Forgotten Depression of 1920

"The economic situation in 1920 was grim. By that year unemployment had jumped from 4 percent to nearly 12 percent, and GNP declined 17 percent. No wonder, then, that Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover — falsely characterized as a supporter of laissez-faire economics — urged President Harding to consider an array of interventions to turn the economy around. Hoover was ignored.

Instead of "fiscal stimulus," Harding cut the government's budget nearly in half between 1920 and 1922. The rest of Harding's approach was equally laissez-faire. Tax rates were slashed for all income groups. The national debt was reduced by one-third.

The Federal Reserve's activity, moreover, was hardly noticeable. As one economic historian puts it, "Despite the severity of the contraction, the Fed did not move to use its powers to turn the money supply around and fight the contraction."[2] By the late summer of 1921, signs of recovery were already visible. The following year, unemployment was back down to 6.7 percent and it was only 2.4 percent by 1923.
Might need to specify from which school...
It is their true God. It can do no wrong. It solves all problems. The ultra rich are the Market God's chosen ones, and the conservatives believe that if they worship the market and enslave themselves to it, they too will become chosen ones.

Market worship is a religion that has de facto supplanted Christianity, although they use Christianity to hate on gays and science. The Bible and Christianity at times provide useful justification for Conservatives in their development of a fascist state cloaked in Christian Theocracy, but ultimately bound to the One True God ... The Market. You see, in the Conservative Utopia which they strive for, the conservatives use Christianity to control the peoples' minds, and once the minds are under control the Christian God becomes one in the same as the Market God. And then the Market God will be unchained. 90% will become slaves who live in huts, and their Corporate Masters will raise armies to control their domains. You will be the slave of your corporate owner, working 7 days a week, and if you disobey the punishment will be death.

That is the America that the False Conservative Utopia promised by their Idol the Market God will actually become, not a thing like the utopia that was promised. You will be a slave, and your life expectancy will become 45 because you will be worked to the bone and Healthcare will become a "priviledge" not a right, and they aren't even hiding that they believe that.

Only Progressivism can save you from this fate. Repent and believe.
Geezus, they got nuttier and more stupid as time goes on. This moron might beat Billy Triple Fail in the stupid department.
No, dope. We dont worship the market. We recognize the market does a superior job of allocating resources than government control does.
Go take an Econ course and come back.
You are voting for people who want the ultra rich to own you. That is weapons grade stupidity. I don't care about your gun. So long ad you are law abiding, keep it. I don't want to take it from you. Relax.

Moonbat, the criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths you vote for are funded by ultra rich collectivist assholes. They own you and you don't even know it.

That is why you're dangerously stupid.

I say what I say based on the words of conservatives. You can witness market worship in any economic thread here, including this one from 2aguy.

So you have heard the words of ALL Conservatives and have the intellectual wisdom, intelligence, experience, etc to appoint yourself as the best judge to translate, interpret, and speak for all Conservatives?! ROFLOL!

I didn't use the word "all" in my post. I used the word "conservatives" and left the interpretation of exactly who that applies to up to the reader. Some conservatives do not believe they worship the Market God, but the policies you support are developed by people who do.
That is a problem when labeling is done. Conservative in what may be the best next question.

"The conservatives" and "conservatives" referred to an ideology and a movement. Conservative is the appropriate label for this movement and belief system. I accurately described it. Some readers interpreted this as me saying that is how all people who consider themselves conservative think. They added the word "all" to my post, which was a mistake.

But it is not a fatal mistake for understanding my point, for all conservatives do to some extent agree with the ideology that I described without necessarily realizing the truth of what I said.

That is why I closed with

"Only Progressivism can save you. Repent and believe. "
I thought we are all Christian nutters? Now we're market nutters? Geeze, make up your minds!

You are ala carte Christians.... You see, you can't see anything about poverty in the Bible... If Jesus existed today you would call him a hippy probably call him foreign terrorist who doesn't speak American....
He would have definitely got a long sentence for disrupting the traders outside the temple... Deportation would be on the cards...

Look at Gay Marriage, you want to interfere with there lives while the Bible clearly states that Divorce is wrong... Picking and choosing...
Which explains the wonderful job the "markets" did for the poor before FDR stepped in.

...and gave us an economy with 20% average unemployment for 8 years.

Awesome work, FDR

You guys are masters at blaming a President for things that were made inevitable before his term even started.

Wahhhh wahh wahhhhhh Poor Poor Obama, the most helpless greatest President Ever!

You'll never be able to prove that any other person would have more successfully dealt with the Great Depression than FDR did, nor with the Great Recession than Obama did.

FDR sucked giant Alaskan moose cock. Here's how real men handled a Depression

The Forgotten Depression of 1920

"The economic situation in 1920 was grim. By that year unemployment had jumped from 4 percent to nearly 12 percent, and GNP declined 17 percent. No wonder, then, that Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover — falsely characterized as a supporter of laissez-faire economics — urged President Harding to consider an array of interventions to turn the economy around. Hoover was ignored.

Instead of "fiscal stimulus," Harding cut the government's budget nearly in half between 1920 and 1922. The rest of Harding's approach was equally laissez-faire. Tax rates were slashed for all income groups. The national debt was reduced by one-third.

The Federal Reserve's activity, moreover, was hardly noticeable. As one economic historian puts it, "Despite the severity of the contraction, the Fed did not move to use its powers to turn the money supply around and fight the contraction."[2] By the late summer of 1921, signs of recovery were already visible. The following year, unemployment was back down to 6.7 percent and it was only 2.4 percent by 1923.

Blah blah blah. The Market God rules. Blah blah blah.

The quick resolution of the 1920 recession was merely a coincidence of its nature, not the result of Market Worship policies
Jesus' teachings held homosexuality as an abomination; "Man with man doing that which is unseemly"

if he refused to issue a gay marriage license the Left would have thrown Jesus in prison.
And who disrupted traders outside the Temply more than left-wing hypocrites? these are the same ones bragging about the stock market under obama.
It is their true God. It can do no wrong. It solves all problems. The ultra rich are the Market God's chosen ones, and the conservatives believe that if they worship the market and enslave themselves to it, they too will become chosen ones.

Market worship is a religion that has de facto supplanted Christianity, although they use Christianity to hate on gays and science. The Bible and Christianity at times provide useful justification for Conservatives in their development of a fascist state cloaked in Christian Theocracy, but ultimately bound to the One True God ... The Market. You see, in the Conservative Utopia which they strive for, the conservatives use Christianity to control the peoples' minds, and once the minds are under control the Christian God becomes one in the same as the Market God. And then the Market God will be unchained. 90% will become slaves who live in huts, and their Corporate Masters will raise armies to control their domains. You will be the slave of your corporate owner, working 7 days a week, and if you disobey the punishment will be death.

That is the America that the False Conservative Utopia promised by their Idol the Market God will actually become, not a thing like the utopia that was promised. You will be a slave, and your life expectancy will become 45 because you will be worked to the bone and Healthcare will become a "priviledge" not a right, and they aren't even hiding that they believe that.

Only Progressivism can save you from this fate. Repent and believe.
Geezus, they got nuttier and more stupid as time goes on. This moron might beat Billy Triple Fail in the stupid department.
No, dope. We dont worship the market. We recognize the market does a superior job of allocating resources than government control does.
Go take an Econ course and come back.
Which explains the wonderful job the "markets" did for the poor before FDR stepped in.

FDR prolonged a depression and turned it into the Great Depression. The Depression of 1920 also happened and the government did nothing to "fix" it, the Market was allowed to correct itself….it lasted about 1 year. FDR stepped in in the 30s to get us out of the depression……and it lasted till the outbreak of WW2. And unemployment never fell below 14%…….so FDR did nothing for the poor but keep them poor…….
Where did you get this from?
Geezus, they got nuttier and more stupid as time goes on. This moron might beat Billy Triple Fail in the stupid department.
No, dope. We dont worship the market. We recognize the market does a superior job of allocating resources than government control does.
Go take an Econ course and come back.
Which explains the wonderful job the "markets" did for the poor before FDR stepped in.

...and gave us an economy with 20% average unemployment for 8 years.

Awesome work, FDR

You guys are masters at blaming a President for things that were made inevitable before his term even started.

Wahhhh wahh wahhhhhh Poor Poor Obama, the most helpless greatest President Ever!

You'll never be able to prove that any other person would have more successfully dealt with the Great Depression than FDR did, nor with the Great Recession than Obama did.

Translation: "I will not even consider a shred of evidence that is contrary to my previously held position. I already know better."
It is their true God. It can do no wrong. It solves all problems. The ultra rich are the Market God's chosen ones, and the conservatives believe that if they worship the market and enslave themselves to it, they too will become chosen ones.

Market worship is a religion that has de facto supplanted Christianity, although they use Christianity to hate on gays and science. The Bible and Christianity at times provide useful justification for Conservatives in their development of a fascist state cloaked in Christian Theocracy, but ultimately bound to the One True God ... The Market. You see, in the Conservative Utopia which they strive for, the conservatives use Christianity to control the peoples' minds, and once the minds are under control the Christian God becomes one in the same as the Market God. And then the Market God will be unchained. 90% will become slaves who live in huts, and their Corporate Masters will raise armies to control their domains. You will be the slave of your corporate owner, working 7 days a week, and if you disobey the punishment will be death.

That is the America that the False Conservative Utopia promised by their Idol the Market God will actually become, not a thing like the utopia that was promised. You will be a slave, and your life expectancy will become 45 because you will be worked to the bone and Healthcare will become a "priviledge" not a right, and they aren't even hiding that they believe that.

Only Progressivism can save you from this fate. Repent and believe.
Geezus, they got nuttier and more stupid as time goes on. This moron might beat Billy Triple Fail in the stupid department.
No, dope. We dont worship the market. We recognize the market does a superior job of allocating resources than government control does.
Go take an Econ course and come back.
Which explains the wonderful job the "markets" did for the poor before FDR stepped in.
LOL! Dolt.
The poor were doing far better until FDR tried to "help" them and created 7 years of Depression.
It is their true God. It can do no wrong. It solves all problems. The ultra rich are the Market God's chosen ones, and the conservatives believe that if they worship the market and enslave themselves to it, they too will become chosen ones.

Market worship is a religion that has de facto supplanted Christianity, although they use Christianity to hate on gays and science. The Bible and Christianity at times provide useful justification for Conservatives in their development of a fascist state cloaked in Christian Theocracy, but ultimately bound to the One True God ... The Market. You see, in the Conservative Utopia which they strive for, the conservatives use Christianity to control the peoples' minds, and once the minds are under control the Christian God becomes one in the same as the Market God. And then the Market God will be unchained. 90% will become slaves who live in huts, and their Corporate Masters will raise armies to control their domains. You will be the slave of your corporate owner, working 7 days a week, and if you disobey the punishment will be death.

That is the America that the False Conservative Utopia promised by their Idol the Market God will actually become, not a thing like the utopia that was promised. You will be a slave, and your life expectancy will become 45 because you will be worked to the bone and Healthcare will become a "priviledge" not a right, and they aren't even hiding that they believe that.

Only Progressivism can save you from this fate. Repent and believe.
Geezus, they got nuttier and more stupid as time goes on. This moron might beat Billy Triple Fail in the stupid department.
No, dope. We dont worship the market. We recognize the market does a superior job of allocating resources than government control does.
Go take an Econ course and come back.
Which explains the wonderful job the "markets" did for the poor before FDR stepped in.

FDR prolonged a depression and turned it into the Great Depression. The Depression of 1920 also happened and the government did nothing to "fix" it, the Market was allowed to correct itself….it lasted about 1 year. FDR stepped in in the 30s to get us out of the depression……and it lasted till the outbreak of WW2. And unemployment never fell below 14%…….so FDR did nothing for the poor but keep them poor…….

That's totally false. The depression that started in 1929 was far more severe than previous depressions/panics. It is your religion that leads you to believe that the Market God would have solved things itself.

FDR saved this nation. Progressivism saved this nation. Without them, the Great Depression would have destroyed our country as we know it. And they created programs that have improved our quality of life to this day.
I heard FDR's programs stopped an outbreak of plague. True story!
Are people this stupid? FDR prolonged the Depression. We had 8 years of unemployment over 10%.
...and gave us an economy with 20% average unemployment for 8 years.

Awesome work, FDR

You guys are masters at blaming a President for things that were made inevitable before his term even started.

Wahhhh wahh wahhhhhh Poor Poor Obama, the most helpless greatest President Ever!

You'll never be able to prove that any other person would have more successfully dealt with the Great Depression than FDR did, nor with the Great Recession than Obama did.

FDR sucked giant Alaskan moose cock. Here's how real men handled a Depression

The Forgotten Depression of 1920

"The economic situation in 1920 was grim. By that year unemployment had jumped from 4 percent to nearly 12 percent, and GNP declined 17 percent. No wonder, then, that Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover — falsely characterized as a supporter of laissez-faire economics — urged President Harding to consider an array of interventions to turn the economy around. Hoover was ignored.

Instead of "fiscal stimulus," Harding cut the government's budget nearly in half between 1920 and 1922. The rest of Harding's approach was equally laissez-faire. Tax rates were slashed for all income groups. The national debt was reduced by one-third.

The Federal Reserve's activity, moreover, was hardly noticeable. As one economic historian puts it, "Despite the severity of the contraction, the Fed did not move to use its powers to turn the money supply around and fight the contraction."[2] By the late summer of 1921, signs of recovery were already visible. The following year, unemployment was back down to 6.7 percent and it was only 2.4 percent by 1923.

Blah blah blah. The Market God rules. Blah blah blah.

The quick resolution of the 1920 recession was merely a coincidence of its nature, not the result of Market Worship policies
Beautiful! The quick recovery in 1920 was just a freak of nature.
The extended downturn of the Great Depression was caused by government.
It is their true God. It can do no wrong. It solves all problems. The ultra rich are the Market God's chosen ones, and the conservatives believe that if they worship the market and enslave themselves to it, they too will become chosen ones.

Market worship is a religion that has de facto supplanted Christianity, although they use Christianity to hate on gays and science. The Bible and Christianity at times provide useful justification for Conservatives in their development of a fascist state cloaked in Christian Theocracy, but ultimately bound to the One True God ... The Market. You see, in the Conservative Utopia which they strive for, the conservatives use Christianity to control the peoples' minds, and once the minds are under control the Christian God becomes one in the same as the Market God. And then the Market God will be unchained. 90% will become slaves who live in huts, and their Corporate Masters will raise armies to control their domains. You will be the slave of your corporate owner, working 7 days a week, and if you disobey the punishment will be death.

That is the America that the False Conservative Utopia promised by their Idol the Market God will actually become, not a thing like the utopia that was promised. You will be a slave, and your life expectancy will become 45 because you will be worked to the bone and Healthcare will become a "priviledge" not a right, and they aren't even hiding that they believe that.

Only Progressivism can save you from this fate. Repent and believe.
Geezus, they got nuttier and more stupid as time goes on. This moron might beat Billy Triple Fail in the stupid department.
No, dope. We dont worship the market. We recognize the market does a superior job of allocating resources than government control does.
Go take an Econ course and come back.
Which explains the wonderful job the "markets" did for the poor before FDR stepped in.

FDR prolonged a depression and turned it into the Great Depression. The Depression of 1920 also happened and the government did nothing to "fix" it, the Market was allowed to correct itself….it lasted about 1 year. FDR stepped in in the 30s to get us out of the depression……and it lasted till the outbreak of WW2. And unemployment never fell below 14%…….so FDR did nothing for the poor but keep them poor…….

That's totally false. The depression that started in 1929 was far more severe than previous depressions/panics. It is your religion that leads you to believe that the Market God would have solved things itself.

FDR saved this nation. Progressivism saved this nation. Without them, the Great Depression would have destroyed our country as we know it. And they created programs that have improved our quality of life to this day.
I heard FDR's programs stopped an outbreak of plague. True story!
Are people this stupid? FDR prolonged the Depression. We had 8 years of unemployment over 10%.

The unemployment rate, on March 4, 1933, when FDR was sworn in office was 24.75 %.On Dec 07, 1933 the unemployment rate was 9.66%.
You guys are masters at blaming a President for things that were made inevitable before his term even started.

Wahhhh wahh wahhhhhh Poor Poor Obama, the most helpless greatest President Ever!

You'll never be able to prove that any other person would have more successfully dealt with the Great Depression than FDR did, nor with the Great Recession than Obama did.

FDR sucked giant Alaskan moose cock. Here's how real men handled a Depression

The Forgotten Depression of 1920

"The economic situation in 1920 was grim. By that year unemployment had jumped from 4 percent to nearly 12 percent, and GNP declined 17 percent. No wonder, then, that Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover — falsely characterized as a supporter of laissez-faire economics — urged President Harding to consider an array of interventions to turn the economy around. Hoover was ignored.

Instead of "fiscal stimulus," Harding cut the government's budget nearly in half between 1920 and 1922. The rest of Harding's approach was equally laissez-faire. Tax rates were slashed for all income groups. The national debt was reduced by one-third.

The Federal Reserve's activity, moreover, was hardly noticeable. As one economic historian puts it, "Despite the severity of the contraction, the Fed did not move to use its powers to turn the money supply around and fight the contraction."[2] By the late summer of 1921, signs of recovery were already visible. The following year, unemployment was back down to 6.7 percent and it was only 2.4 percent by 1923.

Blah blah blah. The Market God rules. Blah blah blah.

The quick resolution of the 1920 recession was merely a coincidence of its nature, not the result of Market Worship policies
Beautiful! The quick recovery in 1920 was just a freak of nature.
The extended downturn of the Great Depression was caused by government.
Yes, fundamentally the economic situation in 1930 was far worse than the situation in 1920. The situation in 1920 allowed for the market to correct itself. The situation in 1930, when economic demand crashed worldwide in a prolonged manner, did not.

You won't find any serious support for the idea that FDR caused the depression whereas the Market God would have solved things itself, except from true believers in your market worship religion.
It is their true God. It can do no wrong. It solves all problems. The ultra rich are the Market God's chosen ones, and the conservatives believe that if they worship the market and enslave themselves to it, they too will become chosen ones.

Market worship is a religion that has de facto supplanted Christianity, although they use Christianity to hate on gays and science. The Bible and Christianity at times provide useful justification for Conservatives in their development of a fascist state cloaked in Christian Theocracy, but ultimately bound to the One True God ... The Market. You see, in the Conservative Utopia which they strive for, the conservatives use Christianity to control the peoples' minds, and once the minds are under control the Christian God becomes one in the same as the Market God. And then the Market God will be unchained. 90% will become slaves who live in huts, and their Corporate Masters will raise armies to control their domains. You will be the slave of your corporate owner, working 7 days a week, and if you disobey the punishment will be death.

That is the America that the False Conservative Utopia promised by their Idol the Market God will actually become, not a thing like the utopia that was promised. You will be a slave, and your life expectancy will become 45 because you will be worked to the bone and Healthcare will become a "priviledge" not a right, and they aren't even hiding that they believe that.

Only Progressivism can save you from this fate. Repent and believe.
Geezus, they got nuttier and more stupid as time goes on. This moron might beat Billy Triple Fail in the stupid department.
No, dope. We dont worship the market. We recognize the market does a superior job of allocating resources than government control does.
Go take an Econ course and come back.
Which explains the wonderful job the "markets" did for the poor before FDR stepped in.

FDR prolonged a depression and turned it into the Great Depression. The Depression of 1920 also happened and the government did nothing to "fix" it, the Market was allowed to correct itself….it lasted about 1 year. FDR stepped in in the 30s to get us out of the depression……and it lasted till the outbreak of WW2. And unemployment never fell below 14%…….so FDR did nothing for the poor but keep them poor…….

That's totally false. The depression that started in 1929 was far more severe than previous depressions/panics. It is your religion that leads you to believe that the Market God would have solved things itself.

FDR saved this nation. Progressivism saved this nation. Without them, the Great Depression would have destroyed our country as we know it. And they created programs that have improved our quality of life to this day.

No….FDR pushed us into a deeper, more desperate economic situation and we didn't recover until WW2, nothing he did helped, it just made it worse. AGain, we had a depression in 1920, the government did nothing…..and we were out in a year.
Revisionist history. The depression would have continued regardless, FDR helped the working class through it and set a framework for the social safety net we have now.
It is their true God. It can do no wrong. It solves all problems. The ultra rich are the Market God's chosen ones, and the conservatives believe that if they worship the market and enslave themselves to it, they too will become chosen ones.

Market worship is a religion that has de facto supplanted Christianity, although they use Christianity to hate on gays and science. The Bible and Christianity at times provide useful justification for Conservatives in their development of a fascist state cloaked in Christian Theocracy, but ultimately bound to the One True God ... The Market. You see, in the Conservative Utopia which they strive for, the conservatives use Christianity to control the peoples' minds, and once the minds are under control the Christian God becomes one in the same as the Market God. And then the Market God will be unchained. 90% will become slaves who live in huts, and their Corporate Masters will raise armies to control their domains. You will be the slave of your corporate owner, working 7 days a week, and if you disobey the punishment will be death.

That is the America that the False Conservative Utopia promised by their Idol the Market God will actually become, not a thing like the utopia that was promised. You will be a slave, and your life expectancy will become 45 because you will be worked to the bone and Healthcare will become a "priviledge" not a right, and they aren't even hiding that they believe that.

Only Progressivism can save you from this fate. Repent and believe.
Straw man logical fallacy.

why does the Left have to go back seventy years for an example of left-wing ideology that works
It is their true God. It can do no wrong. It solves all problems. The ultra rich are the Market God's chosen ones, and the conservatives believe that if they worship the market and enslave themselves to it, they too will become chosen ones.

Market worship is a religion that has de facto supplanted Christianity, although they use Christianity to hate on gays and science. The Bible and Christianity at times provide useful justification for Conservatives in their development of a fascist state cloaked in Christian Theocracy, but ultimately bound to the One True God ... The Market. You see, in the Conservative Utopia which they strive for, the conservatives use Christianity to control the peoples' minds, and once the minds are under control the Christian God becomes one in the same as the Market God. And then the Market God will be unchained. 90% will become slaves who live in huts, and their Corporate Masters will raise armies to control their domains. You will be the slave of your corporate owner, working 7 days a week, and if you disobey the punishment will be death.

That is the America that the False Conservative Utopia promised by their Idol the Market God will actually become, not a thing like the utopia that was promised. You will be a slave, and your life expectancy will become 45 because you will be worked to the bone and Healthcare will become a "priviledge" not a right, and they aren't even hiding that they believe that.

Only Progressivism can save you from this fate. Repent and believe.
Geezus, they got nuttier and more stupid as time goes on. This moron might beat Billy Triple Fail in the stupid department.
No, dope. We dont worship the market. We recognize the market does a superior job of allocating resources than government control does.
Go take an Econ course and come back.
Which explains the wonderful job the "markets" did for the poor before FDR stepped in.

FDR prolonged a depression and turned it into the Great Depression. The Depression of 1920 also happened and the government did nothing to "fix" it, the Market was allowed to correct itself….it lasted about 1 year. FDR stepped in in the 30s to get us out of the depression……and it lasted till the outbreak of WW2. And unemployment never fell below 14%…….so FDR did nothing for the poor but keep them poor…….
Where did you get this from?
His ass. Welcome to the site, the rabid rw loons..
It is their true God. It can do no wrong. It solves all problems. The ultra rich are the Market God's chosen ones, and the conservatives believe that if they worship the market and enslave themselves to it, they too will become chosen ones.

Market worship is a religion that has de facto supplanted Christianity, although they use Christianity to hate on gays and science. The Bible and Christianity at times provide useful justification for Conservatives in their development of a fascist state cloaked in Christian Theocracy, but ultimately bound to the One True God ... The Market. You see, in the Conservative Utopia which they strive for, the conservatives use Christianity to control the peoples' minds, and once the minds are under control the Christian God becomes one in the same as the Market God. And then the Market God will be unchained. 90% will become slaves who live in huts, and their Corporate Masters will raise armies to control their domains. You will be the slave of your corporate owner, working 7 days a week, and if you disobey the punishment will be death.

That is the America that the False Conservative Utopia promised by their Idol the Market God will actually become, not a thing like the utopia that was promised. You will be a slave, and your life expectancy will become 45 because you will be worked to the bone and Healthcare will become a "priviledge" not a right, and they aren't even hiding that they believe that.

Only Progressivism can save you from this fate. Repent and believe.
Straw man logical fallacy.
I agree that this is a fallacy, but the thread has now turned into FDR debates.

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