conspiracy theory, con/libertarian, gun nut, buys the farm

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
sounds like a couple of our own gun nuts & black helicopter/fema camp obsessed wankers:
Quiet recluse turns out to be rich |
Samaszko was “anti-government,” a recluse and a hoarder.

“He never went to a doctor,” he said. “He was obsessed with getting diseases from shots.”

There were a few conspiracy theory books in the home along with several guns, and supplies including dozens of cans of tuna and salmon among other things.
From the article:
Samaszko, 69, had lived in the house since the 1960s — with his mother until her death in 1992. Neighbors, he said, knew little about him other than that he was quiet and not a problem to deal with.
So what's the problem?

He lived his life they way he wanted and didn't mess with anybody. What's wrong with that? He wasn't an attention whore who posted every waking moment of his life on FaceBook. Is that so bad?

You know what the problem really is? The man took care of himself and apparently needed no gov't assistance. That's what really bothers you isn't it?

Independence bugs the sh*t out of you Liberals.
he never saw a Dr. and died under age 70. I wouldn't exactly call that taking care of oneself.
• 12,000 deaths per year due to unnecessary surgery
• 7000 deaths per year due to medication errors in hospitals

• 20,000 deaths per year due to other errors in hospitals

• 80,000 deaths per year due to infections in hospitals

• 106,000 deaths per year due to negative effects of drugs

Doctors are the Third Leading Cause of Death
What is the actual point of this thread? Is the OP celebrating the man's death?
We all die someday. LOLberals are simply scared to death of this fact. So they make up fantasies to try and cover it up.
sounds like a couple of our own gun nuts & black helicopter/fema camp obsessed wankers:
Quiet recluse turns out to be rich |
Samaszko was “anti-government,” a recluse and a hoarder.

“He never went to a doctor,” he said. “He was obsessed with getting diseases from shots.”

There were a few conspiracy theory books in the home along with several guns, and supplies including dozens of cans of tuna and salmon among other things.

Let me get this straight. A man lives his life without hurting anyone else nor taking what doesn't belong to him...and you have a problem with this? What exactly is your point?
He didn't ask the government for someone elses property is my guess why the LOLberal is calling him a "nut".
things must be slow in Tahoe....
A better headline would have been SKIER LOST IN 1960 FOUND IN GLACIER ....ALIVE.
things must be slow in Tahoe....
A better headline would have been SKIER LOST IN 1960 FOUND IN GLACIER ....ALIVE.

$200 MILLION in gold in the guy's house isn't a big story?
not really, that same story has been told since people could write.
only this time it wasn't an old lady with 100 cats and wads of cash in the mattress.

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