Conspiracy to remove religion and to promote Homosexuality and immorality.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I see a trend in the world today. One in which the media and certain people are promoting homosexuality, transgenderism and immorality. And it seems to growing in Europe and America. They seem to want to export this immorality to the developing nations around the world also. Your thoughts.
What rock have you been hiding under these past 50 years? ... Lucy and Ricky Ricardo slept in separate beds ... so did Rob and Laura Petrie ... these folks were MARRIED too ...

50 years ago, media was presenting extra-marital sex in a positive light ... makes me question your moralities if this is okay with you ...
I see a trend in the world today. One in which the media and certain people are promoting homosexuality, transgenderism and immorality. And it seems to growing in Europe and America. They seem to want to export this immorality to the developing nations around the world also. Your thoughts.
Its a huge concern for those of us who have nothing else to worry about. How can this be stopped ?
I see a trend in the world today. One in which the media and certain people are promoting homosexuality, transgenderism and immorality. And it seems to growing in Europe and America. They seem to want to export this immorality to the developing nations around the world also. Your thoughts.
are you posting this from your new homeland?....
I see a trend in the world today. One in which the media and certain people are promoting homosexuality, transgenderism and immorality. And it seems to growing in Europe and America. They seem to want to export this immorality to the developing nations around the world also. Your thoughts.
My first thought is that you should stop clutching your pearls, dry your eyes and get a life.
tHeY aRe tRyiNg t0 mAkE y'ALL aCt LiKe JeRrY FaLLweLL jR. aNd tHaT p0oL b0y

seriously though, organized religion has been as often a cover for nonconsentual sex acts of every sort as anything else has
I see a trend in the world today. One in which the media and certain people are promoting homosexuality, transgenderism and immorality. And it seems to growing in Europe and America. They seem to want to export this immorality to the developing nations around the world also. Your thoughts.

I respectfully disagree that anyone is "promoting" immorality.

Many people in America & Europe just want other nations to stop brutalizing gay people, for example.

America and Europe, of course, do not have clean hands. When the Yanks liberated the concentration camps in 1945, they did NOT release those inmates who had been sent there because of gay relations.

And don't forget what England did to that man who helped saved England from invasion by breaking the German code: He was arrested after World War II for a gay offense and chose chemical castration rather than jail.

It is truly sad that some human beings can be so cruel to support brutal punishment for something that they consider "immoral," especially since many of those people are not exactly angels themselves in their personal lives.
If the rising generation can escape the murder by abortion, then they have the evil indoctrination to go through in our public education systems: ... ws_id=4585
A boatload of ignorant, bigoted, paranoid , hysterical bovine excrement. People are just more free to express their sexual and gender indentity and that is a good thing. No one is telling kids what they should be. But they are being given permission to be who they are and true to themselves. If you can't deal with the reality of changes norms, values and tollerance sign up for the next shuttle to mars and leave us alonf
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It’s not much of a conspiracy, they are pushing that Agenda quite openly.
Who is pushing what agenda ? The agenda of tollerance and respect for all people regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity? Well then, yes. Deal with it.
It’s all over the media. In TV shows they put gay characters in almost every show now, even family and kids shows. The advertisements on TV do it as well. I saw on TV during a Harry Potter movie they had ads for some HIV/AIDS drugs, making sound as if being a homo with HIV is no big to thing and it’s okay to get it. Sickening stuff.

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What rock have you been hiding under these past 50 years? ... Lucy and Ricky Ricardo slept in separate beds ... so did Rob and Laura Petrie ... these folks were MARRIED too ...

50 years ago, media was presenting extra-marital sex in a positive light ... makes me question your moralities if this is okay with you ...

It’s not much of a conspiracy, they are pushing that Agenda quite openly.
Who is pushing what agenda ? The agenda of tollerance and respect for all people regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity? Well then, yes. Deal with it.
It’s all over the media. In TV shows they put gay characters in almost every show now, even family and kids shows. The advertisements on TV do it as well. I saw on TV during a Harry Potter movie they had ads for some HIV/AIDS drugs, making sound as if being a homo with HIV is no big to thing and it’s okay to get it. Sickening stuff.

So what? Cisgender/ Heterosexual content has dominated the media since there was a media. Including LGBTQ content is not "promoting" it. It is giving it equal time. LGBTQ is part of the fabric of society. That is reality. These are real people who are part of the community, and regardless of whether or not you choose to belive it, are very much like you and I. Sexuality is just a small part of their identity, just like others.

And alot of streight people get STDs some of which are deadly.c] AIDS is serious but no onger a death sentence, so what the fuck are you talking about anyway? You who have nothing but contempt for gays will pretend that you care about AIDS. Get a fucking grip and try to be less hatefull and stupid.
It’s not much of a conspiracy, they are pushing that Agenda quite openly.
Who is pushing what agenda ? The agenda of tollerance and respect for all people regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity? Well then, yes. Deal with it.
It’s all over the media. In TV shows they put gay characters in almost every show now, even family and kids shows. The advertisements on TV do it as well. I saw on TV during a Harry Potter movie they had ads for some HIV/AIDS drugs, making sound as if being a homo with HIV is no big to thing and it’s okay to get it. Sickening stuff.

So what? Cisgender/ Heterosexual content has dominated the media since there was a media. Including LGBTQ content is not "promoting" it. It is giving it equal time. LGBTQ is part of the fabric of society. That is reality. These are real people who are part of the community, and regardless of whether or not you choose to belive it, are very much like you and I. Sexuality is just a small part of their identity, just like others.

And alot of streight people get STDs some of which are deadly.c] AIDS is serious but no onger a death sentence, so what the fuck are you talking about anyway? You who have nothing but contempt for gays will pretend that you care about AIDS. Get a fucking grip and try to be less hatefull and stupid.

When is it right , or normal to accept immorality, and the destruction of the family unit?. A man and a woman have been accepted for centuries as a family unit. Why is society allowing this abnormality , homosexuality and all kinds of transgenderism to be the new norm?. This is part of the reason Rome was ultimately destroyed by disease and barbarians.!
It’s not much of a conspiracy, they are pushing that Agenda quite openly.
Who is pushing what agenda ? The agenda of tollerance and respect for all people regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity? Well then, yes. Deal with it.
It’s all over the media. In TV shows they put gay characters in almost every show now, even family and kids shows. The advertisements on TV do it as well. I saw on TV during a Harry Potter movie they had ads for some HIV/AIDS drugs, making sound as if being a homo with HIV is no big to thing and it’s okay to get it. Sickening stuff.

So what? Cisgender/ Heterosexual content has dominated the media since there was a media. Including LGBTQ content is not "promoting" it. It is giving it equal time. LGBTQ is part of the fabric of society. That is reality. These are real people who are part of the community, and regardless of whether or not you choose to belive it, are very much like you and I. Sexuality is just a small part of their identity, just like others.

And alot of streight people get STDs some of which are deadly.c] AIDS is serious but no onger a death sentence, so what the fuck are you talking about anyway? You who have nothing but contempt for gays will pretend that you care about AIDS. Get a fucking grip and try to be less hatefull and stupid.

When is it right , or normal to accept immorality, and the destruction of the family unit?. A man and a woman have been accepted for centuries as a family unit. Why is society allowing this abnormality , homosexuality and all kinds of transgenderism to be the new norm?. This is part of the reason Rome was ultimately destroyed by disease and barbarians.!

Oh please!! This immorality crap is wearing thin. You don't get to decide wht is moral....or normal. The only universal immorality involves acts which are detimental to other living things And save the bullshit about how homosexuality and transgenderism is destroying lives and destroying the family . The institution of marriage and the family are stronger than ever because it is more inclusive.

Most people have moved on from this issue while you are wipping yourself into a hysterical frenzy over shit that has zero effect on your life. Zero effect that is, unless you are having some doubts about your own sexuality. Society, norms and values evolve. Unfortuatly some people get left behind
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It’s not much of a conspiracy, they are pushing that Agenda quite openly.
Who is pushing what agenda ? The agenda of tollerance and respect for all people regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity? Well then, yes. Deal with it.
It’s all over the media. In TV shows they put gay characters in almost every show now, even family and kids shows. The advertisements on TV do it as well. I saw on TV during a Harry Potter movie they had ads for some HIV/AIDS drugs, making sound as if being a homo with HIV is no big to thing and it’s okay to get it. Sickening stuff.

So what? Cisgender/ Heterosexual content has dominated the media since there was a media. Including LGBTQ content is not "promoting" it. It is giving it equal time. LGBTQ is part of the fabric of society. That is reality. These are real people who are part of the community, and regardless of whether or not you choose to belive it, are very much like you and I. Sexuality is just a small part of their identity, just like others.

And alot of streight people get STDs some of which are deadly.c] AIDS is serious but no onger a death sentence, so what the fuck are you talking about anyway? You who have nothing but contempt for gays will pretend that you care about AIDS. Get a fucking grip and try to be less hatefull and stupid.

When is it right , or normal to accept immorality, and the destruction of the family unit?. A man and a woman have been accepted for centuries as a family unit. Why is society allowing this abnormality , homosexuality and all kinds of transgenderism to be the new norm?. This is part of the reason Rome was ultimately destroyed by disease and barbarians.!

Oh please!! This immorality crap is wearing thin. You don't get to decide wht is moral....or normal. The only universal immorality involves acts which are detimental to other living things And save the bullshit about how homosexuality and transgenderism is destroying lives and destroying the family . The institution of marriage and the family are stronger than ever because it is more inclusive.

Most people have moved on from this issue while you are wipping yourself into a hysterical frenzy over shit that has zero effect on your life. Zero effect that is, unless you are having some doubts about your own sexuality. Society, norms and values evolve. Unfortuatly some people get left behind

And let me tell your dumb ass something else just for context and perspective. I am a 73 year old straight male married to a woman for over 30 years. We have two women who are married living next door and two more not far away. For a time we also had two gay men living nearby. Nobody around here thinks much about or gives a shit about their sexuality. It is simply not an issue. Destroying the family? THEY ARE FAMILIES! They have children and are parents. Some have rescue animals. Some are medical professionals working to combat Covid and cancer, or they are tending to patients.

They are people like everyone else . Human beings first and formost. They work, pay taxes, take care of their property and contribute to the community in many ways. Even a religious christian heterosexual couple befrended them . We are all friends. The presence of these people who you so vehemently condemn has had no negative effect on us or on the community. In fact, they have enriched the community with their diversity and contributions.

I hope that the reasons why I find your words so monumentally offense and stupid are starting to sink in. I don't know how old you are but you might want to consider whether or not you want to crry such hate around in your heart for the rest of your life, or try to be a better nd more enlighten person.
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We have two women who are married living next door and two more not far away. For a time we also had two gay men living nearby. Nobody around here thinks much about or gives a shit about their sexuality. It is simply not an issue. Destroying the family?
They are just neighbors. You have no idea how many children they possibly molested or how many families lives they have ruined.

Homosexuality isn’t the topic of this thread. Gay women are still women, and gay men are still men. Why is that so hard for you to understand?
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We have two women who are married living next door and two more not far away. For a time we also had two gay men living nearby. Nobody around here thinks much about or gives a shit about their sexuality. It is simply not an issue. Destroying the family?
They are just neighbors. You have no idea how many children they possibly molested or how many families lives they have ruined.

Homosexuality isn’t the topic of this thread. Gay women are still women, and gay men are still men. Why is that so hard for you to understand?
Thank you for confirming your pathetic and absurd stupidity. Molested chilren ? Lives ruined? Who ruined your life because it surely was.You are a fucking sick joke without a punchline
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