Constant MONUMENTAL Lying...

The hallmark of this administration has become constant MONUMENTAL lying.
There is not even a sense of shame attached to launching a big fat lie anymore..

Don't remember another time in my life when I felt like I was living in the old Soviet Union and listening to Pravda..

Do they really think that even their zealots are that stupid??
But YOU are "that stupid" to believe the lies of the Right that part time jobs for economic reasons are rising. The Right know all of you Misinformation Voters will swallow their disinformation without ever bothering to check the easily accessible data.

Part time jobs for economic reasons before Obamacare became law were 9,076,000.The number as of Sept 2013 is 7,911,000 over 1 million LESS.

Sebelius was telling the provable truth and the GOP hate media are provably lying!

Not at all.. The number of ALL jobs an workers in the workforce have been taking a dive --- INCLUDING part-time workers. ((Despiite about 10K oldfarts a day retiring -- that should tell you how bad the situation REALLY is))..

So you look at the percentage of NEW JOBS that are part-time SKYROCKETING prior to the announcement that Obama unilaterally delayed the employer mandate. IN FACT, one of the principle reasons for that move WAS the flood of conversions to part-time work being announced daily and weekly.. Since then --- things have somewhat lost crisis proportions, but the truth is -- as anyone in that market knows -- that full-time to part time conversions SPIKED because of ACA..

You can also look at the number of part-time seeking full-time.
Anyone can lie by using the wrong metrics.. Still actually a lie..

ACA IS affecting hiring and employment. Democrats deny that at their peril..
Again, you were shown the number of part time workers for economic reasons has gone DOWN over 1 million since the ACA became law, so any increase in part time workers is due to workers who only WANT to work part time. And again that is due to the Boomers. Those who do not retire from the workforce usually choose to cut their hours themselves, which has nothing to do with the ACA. Seniors are not eligible for ACA as they get Medicare, so it is not employers reducing senior hours to avoid the ACA.

Admit it, you swallowed a load of bullshit from GOP hate media and you love the taste too much to give it up!
Don't remember another time in my life when I felt like I was living in the old Soviet Union and listening to Pravda..

Funny you mention that. USMB conservatives love to source Pravda and are very fond of Putin.
But YOU are "that stupid" to believe the lies of the Right that part time jobs for economic reasons are rising. The Right know all of you Misinformation Voters will swallow their disinformation without ever bothering to check the easily accessible data.

Part time jobs for economic reasons before Obamacare became law were 9,076,000.The number as of Sept 2013 is 7,911,000 over 1 million LESS.

Sebelius was telling the provable truth and the GOP hate media are provably lying!

Not at all.. The number of ALL jobs an workers in the workforce have been taking a dive --- INCLUDING part-time workers. ((Despiite about 10K oldfarts a day retiring -- that should tell you how bad the situation REALLY is))..

So you look at the percentage of NEW JOBS that are part-time SKYROCKETING prior to the announcement that Obama unilaterally delayed the employer mandate. IN FACT, one of the principle reasons for that move WAS the flood of conversions to part-time work being announced daily and weekly.. Since then --- things have somewhat lost crisis proportions, but the truth is -- as anyone in that market knows -- that full-time to part time conversions SPIKED because of ACA..

You can also look at the number of part-time seeking full-time.
Anyone can lie by using the wrong metrics.. Still actually a lie..

ACA IS affecting hiring and employment. Democrats deny that at their peril..
Again, you were shown the number of part time workers for economic reasons has gone DOWN over 1 million since the ACA became law, so any increase in part time workers is due to workers who only WANT to work part time. And again that is due to the Boomers. Those who do not retire from the workforce usually choose to cut their hours themselves, which has nothing to do with the ACA. Seniors are not eligible for ACA as they get Medicare, so it is not employers reducing senior hours to avoid the ACA.

Admit it, you swallowed a load of bullshit from GOP hate media and you love the taste too much to give it up!

Your 1st sentence makes no sense at all.. Since the number of part-time SEEKING full-time work has indeed increased. And the overall LOSS of jobs applies to ALL categories..

If you understood the issue --- we might have a conversation.. You're hanging on a factoid that has nothing to do with the types of NEW JOBS BEING CREATED or the DEMAND for promotion BACK to full-time single employer positions..
Not at all.. The number of ALL jobs an workers in the workforce have been taking a dive --- INCLUDING part-time workers. ((Despiite about 10K oldfarts a day retiring -- that should tell you how bad the situation REALLY is))..

So you look at the percentage of NEW JOBS that are part-time SKYROCKETING prior to the announcement that Obama unilaterally delayed the employer mandate. IN FACT, one of the principle reasons for that move WAS the flood of conversions to part-time work being announced daily and weekly.. Since then --- things have somewhat lost crisis proportions, but the truth is -- as anyone in that market knows -- that full-time to part time conversions SPIKED because of ACA..

You can also look at the number of part-time seeking full-time.
Anyone can lie by using the wrong metrics.. Still actually a lie..

ACA IS affecting hiring and employment. Democrats deny that at their peril..
Again, you were shown the number of part time workers for economic reasons has gone DOWN over 1 million since the ACA became law, so any increase in part time workers is due to workers who only WANT to work part time. And again that is due to the Boomers. Those who do not retire from the workforce usually choose to cut their hours themselves, which has nothing to do with the ACA. Seniors are not eligible for ACA as they get Medicare, so it is not employers reducing senior hours to avoid the ACA.

Admit it, you swallowed a load of bullshit from GOP hate media and you love the taste too much to give it up!

Your 1st sentence makes no sense at all.. Since the number of part-time SEEKING full-time work has indeed increased. And the overall LOSS of jobs applies to ALL categories..

If you understood the issue --- we might have a conversation.. You're hanging on a factoid that has nothing to do with the types of NEW JOBS BEING CREATED or the DEMAND for promotion BACK to full-time single employer positions..
Only a Right-winger would claim a decrease from 9,076,000 to 7,911,000 is an increase, and then be pompous enough to claim that anyone who sees that decrease as a decrease doesn't "understand." :cuckoo:

Since Obamacare became law employment across ALL categories has increased from 138,767,000 to 144,170,000. Again you see that GAIN as a LOSS. :cuckoo:
Well, not sure why Obama is freaking out about a one year extension. Word in the IT world is that it will take at least 6 months to get the web site up and running like it should.

Oh well, lie, lie and lie again. All or nothing while Park Rangers arrest joggers and the elderly vets. Kids go without formula and cancer treatment, the Dems war on Children is disgusting.

For instance, when a user tries to create an account on, which serves insurance exchanges in 36 states, it prompts the computer to load an unusually large amount of files and software, overwhelming the browser, experts said. …

“Adding capacity sounds great until you realize that if you didn’t design it right that won’t help,” said Bill Curtis, chief scientist at CAST, a software quality analysis firm, and director of the Consortium for IT Software Quality. “The architecture of the software may limit how much you can add on to it. I suspect they’ll have to reconfigure a lot of it.” …

One possible cause of the problems is that hitting “apply” on causes 92 separate files, plug-ins and other mammoth swarms of data to stream between the user’s computer and the servers powering the government website, said Matthew Hancock, an independent expert in website design. …

He said because so much traffic was going back and forth between the users’ computers and the server hosting the government website, it was as if the system was attacking itself. …

Reuters: IT experts decidely not impressed with architecture « Hot Air
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The hallmark of this administration has become constant MONUMENTAL lying.
There is not even a sense of shame attached to launching a big fat lie anymore..

Jon Stewart grills HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius about lack of individual Obamacare delay

Sebelius was the featured guest on Monday night’s episode of The Daily Show, and the host grilled her — for more than 5 minutes — about the apparent favoritism the Obama administration has showed to corporations with lobbyists.

And when the interview came to accusations that Obamacare is a job killer, as evidenced by retailers selling stores or cutting employees’ hours due to the requirements of the healthcare law, Sebelius brushed off the inconvenient facts.

“At least the economists — not anecdotal folks — economists say there is absolutely no evidence that part-time work is going up,” she said, ignoring the fact that 97 percent of jobs created in the first six months of this year were part-time. “In fact, it’s going down.”
Don't remember another time in my life when I felt like I was living in the old Soviet Union and listening to Pravda..

Do they really think that even their zealots are that stupid??
But YOU are "that stupid" to believe the lies of the Right that part time jobs for economic reasons are rising. The Right know all of you Misinformation Voters will swallow their disinformation without ever bothering to check the easily accessible data.

Part time jobs for economic reasons before Obamacare became law were 9,076,000.The number as of Sept 2013 is 7,911,000 over 1 million LESS.

Sebelius was telling the provable truth and the GOP hate media are provably lying!

so you choose to open the bracket ot data pool to make it look, 'better' or more conducive to Sibelius' being right.

As we have gotten closer to the onset of Obamacare, the gears have shifted, and you know it.

here , from a source you'll appreciate;

75 Percent Of Jobs Created This Year Were Part-Time Due To Weak Economy, Obamacare Concerns

Reuters | Posted: 08/21/2013 12:59 am EDT | Updated: 08/21/2013 6:16 pm EDT

75 Percent Of Jobs Created This Year Were Part-Time Due To Weak Economy, Obamacare Concerns

and of course, your most active pool of adherents in the push of obamacare, well, their tune certainly has changed....hasn't it Ed?

Last Thursday, representatives of three of the nation’s largest unions fired off a letter to Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, warning that Obamacare would “shatter not only our hard-earned health benefits, but destroy the foundation of the 40 hour work week that is the backbone of the American middle class.”

The letter was penned by James P. Hoffa, general president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters; Joseph Hansen, international president of the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union; and Donald “D.” Taylor, president of UNITE-HERE, a union representing hotel, airport, food service, gaming, and textile workers.

“When you and the President sought our support for the Affordable Care Act,” they begin, “you pledged that if we liked the health plans we have now, we could keep them. Sadly, that promise is under threat…We have been strong supporters of the notion that all Americans should have access to quality, affordable health care. We have also been strong supporters of you. In campaign after campaign we have put boots on the ground, gone door-to-door to get out the vote, run phone banks and raised money to secure this vision. Now this vision has come back to haunt us.”

more at-
Labor Unions: Obamacare Will 'Shatter' Our Health Benefits, Cause 'Nightmare Scenarios' - Forbes

not much has changed, has it?
"Part time jobs for economic reasons before Obamacare became law were 9,076,000.The number as of Sept 2013 is 7,911,000 over 1 million LESS."

(1) Is this true? Yes or no only here

(2) Is this good or bad? Go all bad boy bad girl informative here
The hallmark of this administration has become constant MONUMENTAL lying.
There is not even a sense of shame attached to launching a big fat lie anymore..

Don't remember another time in my life when I felt like I was living in the old Soviet Union and listening to Pravda..

Do they really think that even their zealots are that stupid??
But YOU are "that stupid" to believe the lies of the Right that part time jobs for economic reasons are rising. The Right know all of you Misinformation Voters will swallow their disinformation without ever bothering to check the easily accessible data.

Part time jobs for economic reasons before Obamacare became law were 9,076,000.The number as of Sept 2013 is 7,911,000 over 1 million LESS.

Sebelius was telling the provable truth and the GOP hate media are provably lying!

so you choose to open the bracket ot data pool to make it look, 'better' or more conducive to Sibelius' being right.

As we have gotten closer to the onset of Obamacare, the gears have shifted, and you know it.

here , from a source you'll appreciate;

75 Percent Of Jobs Created This Year Were Part-Time Due To Weak Economy, Obamacare Concerns

Reuters | Posted: 08/21/2013 12:59 am EDT | Updated: 08/21/2013 6:16 pm EDT

75 Percent Of Jobs Created This Year Were Part-Time Due To Weak Economy, Obamacare Concerns
The HufPo has many Right-wing contributers, as you well know.

The headline is a perfect example of a half-truth/whole lie. The headline combines a half-truth fact, 75% of new jobs this year are part-time, with a opinionated lie, due to weak economy, Obamacare.

Here are the actual numbers, there were 865,000 total new jobs this year, and 89,000 were part time for economic reasons, or 10%. All the rest of the part time jobs were workers who only want to work part time.

The Right lies to suckers like you by combining workers who only want to work part time with workers who are working part time for economic reasons and dishonestly using the sum of the two as people working part time for economic reasons because they know you are too lazy to check for yourself, and to stubborn to admit the truth if you happen to be exposed to it.

Can you admit you've been had by GOP scripted professional liars?
The hallmark of this administration has become constant MONUMENTAL lying.
There is not even a sense of shame attached to launching a big fat lie anymore..

Jon Stewart grills HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius about lack of individual Obamacare delay

Sebelius was the featured guest on Monday night’s episode of The Daily Show, and the host grilled her — for more than 5 minutes — about the apparent favoritism the Obama administration has showed to corporations with lobbyists.

And when the interview came to accusations that Obamacare is a job killer, as evidenced by retailers selling stores or cutting employees’ hours due to the requirements of the healthcare law, Sebelius brushed off the inconvenient facts.

“At least the economists — not anecdotal folks — economists say there is absolutely no evidence that part-time work is going up,” she said, ignoring the fact that 97 percent of jobs created in the first six months of this year were part-time. “In fact, it’s going down.”

Don't remember another time in my life when I felt like I was living in the old Soviet Union and listening to Pravda..

Do they really think that even their zealots are that stupid??

Why, in all seriousness, would this surprise you? I lived and worked in the Soviet Union for nearly 5 years. Additionally, I lived and worked in Poland, Czechoslovakia, East Germany and Albania. I saw, first hand how the USSR functioned. It was about CONTROL of the majority by a very small minority of the "enlightened" by the "party".

The Soviets did what they did because they had their version of the "law" on their side and they used it to impose their "will" on the people that they supposedly "answered" to. They (the leadership) lived as Kings and Queens while the people lived as slaves.

We are headed in that same direction, albeit slowly and not as dramatically as a "revolution" might be, be we are doing it more subversively - by using "law" to enslave. Our "leaders" live as Kings and Queens while they pit this group against that group in order to maintain division among the populace and to keep their attention away from their incompetence as "leaders"

We have presidents that govern by fiate now - with "executive orders" and a Congress that pays no attention to those they supposedly "represent. We have security agencies that pay more investigative attention to American citizens than the "terrorists". We have police agencies that look more like Infantrymen than police officers. They invade our homes and shoot on sight now with little to no regard for the 4th Amendment. It just doesn't matter any longer.

We have "public schools" that are little more than indoctrination centers where individuality is frowned upon and allegiance to the "old ways" is looked down on. We have removed any reference to God from the schools and ridicule those who seek "tradition". Our children are taught that it is the "fault of the parents" and school children should avoid parental advice in favor of the "teacher".

We are now hearing that it is wrong to "get ahead" - that those who do are evil, greedy rich people who only profited on the backs of the "workers".We celebrate government hand outs and praise those "less fortunate" who have been trampled on by "evil capitalists"

Gee..I can't imagine how anyone could possibly make the comparison between the former Soviet Union and present day America......I'll have to study on that one Comrade!!
Again, you were shown the number of part time workers for economic reasons has gone DOWN over 1 million since the ACA became law, so any increase in part time workers is due to workers who only WANT to work part time. And again that is due to the Boomers. Those who do not retire from the workforce usually choose to cut their hours themselves, which has nothing to do with the ACA. Seniors are not eligible for ACA as they get Medicare, so it is not employers reducing senior hours to avoid the ACA.

Admit it, you swallowed a load of bullshit from GOP hate media and you love the taste too much to give it up!

Your 1st sentence makes no sense at all.. Since the number of part-time SEEKING full-time work has indeed increased. And the overall LOSS of jobs applies to ALL categories..

If you understood the issue --- we might have a conversation.. You're hanging on a factoid that has nothing to do with the types of NEW JOBS BEING CREATED or the DEMAND for promotion BACK to full-time single employer positions..
Only a Right-winger would claim a decrease from 9,076,000 to 7,911,000 is an increase, and then be pompous enough to claim that anyone who sees that decrease as a decrease doesn't "understand." :cuckoo:

Since Obamacare became law employment across ALL categories has increased from 138,767,000 to 144,170,000. Again you see that GAIN as a LOSS. :cuckoo:

Nope.. Not just right-wingers.. I can prove you wrong right here with what the Commies are saying..

Obama administration spearheading growth of part-time labor - World Socialist Web Site
Obama administration spearheading growth of part-time labor
By Andre Damon
26 August 2013
Over the past two months, the US economy has replaced 148,000 full-time jobs with part-time positions, according to data from the Labor Department. This represents a significant acceleration in the growth of part-time labor, widely attributed to the Obama administration’s Affordable Care Act (ACA).

The growth of part-time and temporary jobs at the expense of full-time positions is not simply the result of “objective” economic forces. It is an essential aspect of an offensive against the living standards and social conditions of the working class that has been intensified since the Wall Street crash of September 2008.

The Obama administration is directing this attack, encouraging wage cutting and the reduction of large sections of workers to the status of casual laborers. Obama’s so-called health care “reform,” the ACA, was designed to facilitate this process by encouraging employers to reduce the hours of employees so as to evade requirements that they provide health insurance to full-time workers.

Low-wage, part-time and temporary labor—this is the essence of the administration’s so-called “jobs program.” Obama has pledged to “revive” US manufacturing and increase US exports by making American companies more competitive on world markets. What he does not say is that the heart of his strategy—and that of the ruling class as a whole—is the destruction of all of the social gains won by generations of American workers over the past century.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ household survey, the US lost a combined 148,000 full-time jobs in June and July, while adding 534,000 part-time jobs. This shows that the proportion of part-time to full-time jobs is growing more rapidly. So far this year, more than three quarters of new jobs have been part-time.

That was fun --- but irrelevent. So you've got the story from Forbes, from HuffPo and from the Commies.. But yet --- you're in denial.. So let's get objective..


All that shows is that Obama is the KING of part-time in relative history. Because it is normalized by overall employment that masks the real transition to part-time. THIS is what you are errantly citing with those numbers of yours.. Note that depending on where you take the "passage of Obamacare" -- the LEAP in part-time was probably IN ANTICIPATION of passage of the bill. Clearly at the time he was elected --- it was MUCH lower...

Or maybe from Gallup who I trust is doing a more detailed analysis than the cooked BLS stats..

Gallup.Com - The Behavioral Economy by Dennis Jacobe: Surging Part-Time Work Distorts Jobs Picture

Uncertainty encourages companies to hire part-time instead of full-time workers. So do policies such as those in the Affordable Care Act that place extra requirements on companies hiring full-time employees. In this regard, it is not a surprise that employers appear to be seeking more part-time workers and fewer full-time employees in 2013. This emphasis on hiring part-timers is not good news for Americans seeking full-time work or for the overall U.S. economy.

The proportion of part-time jobs in the U.S. workforce hit 20.6% in February, a multiyear high. This continues a trend in part-time jobs that has steadily increased since July, when that figure was 17.6%.


THe graph is from a subsequent Gallup update and ZEROES IN on the real issue. THESE are the folks that are being shifted.
Note very carefully the spike as the ObamaCare deadline approaches and then the plateau after the Dear Leader stole the authority to postpone the Employer Mandate.. Clearly move with ACA decision dates and pronouncements.

Why do you think they decided to POSTPONE the employer part of this evil plan? LARGELY because of the OBVIOUS EFFECT IT WAS HAVING ON EMPLOYMENT..

Had the DaliBama NOT postponed the employer portion --- the FULL EFFECT would have been DEVASTING by now..
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Your 1st sentence makes no sense at all.. Since the number of part-time SEEKING full-time work has indeed increased. And the overall LOSS of jobs applies to ALL categories..

If you understood the issue --- we might have a conversation.. You're hanging on a factoid that has nothing to do with the types of NEW JOBS BEING CREATED or the DEMAND for promotion BACK to full-time single employer positions..
Only a Right-winger would claim a decrease from 9,076,000 to 7,911,000 is an increase, and then be pompous enough to claim that anyone who sees that decrease as a decrease doesn't "understand." :cuckoo:

Since Obamacare became law employment across ALL categories has increased from 138,767,000 to 144,170,000. Again you see that GAIN as a LOSS. :cuckoo:

Nope.. Not just right-wingers.. I can prove you wrong

Note very carefully the spike as the ObamaCare deadline approaches and then the plateau after the Dear Leader stole the authority to postpone the Employer Mandate..

Why do you think they decided to POSTPONE the employer part of this evil plan? LARGELY because of the OBVIOUS EFFECT IT WAS HAVING ON EMPLOYMENT..

Had the DollyBama NOT postponed the employer portion --- the FULL EFFECT would have been DEVASTING by now..
Your own chart shows a decline at the end BEFORE Obama postponed the employer mandate. That's right! Your chart goes up to June 2013 and Obama postponed the employer mandate in July 2013. A perfect example of how the Right will start with a conclusion and then make up anything to support that conclusion while ignoring everything that contradicts that foregone conclusion.
Thank you.
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U.S. Payroll to Population Rate at 43.5% in September

The percentage of part-time workers wanting full-time work was 9.4% in September, up from 8.7% in August and from 8.6% last September. This suggests the decline in the unemployment rate is actually due to more Americans taking part-time jobs rather than gaining the full-time employment they want.

Latest from Gallup..
Only a Right-winger would claim a decrease from 9,076,000 to 7,911,000 is an increase, and then be pompous enough to claim that anyone who sees that decrease as a decrease doesn't "understand." :cuckoo:

Since Obamacare became law employment across ALL categories has increased from 138,767,000 to 144,170,000. Again you see that GAIN as a LOSS. :cuckoo:

Nope.. Not just right-wingers.. I can prove you wrong

Note very carefully the spike as the ObamaCare deadline approaches and then the plateau after the Dear Leader stole the authority to postpone the Employer Mandate..

Why do you think they decided to POSTPONE the employer part of this evil plan? LARGELY because of the OBVIOUS EFFECT IT WAS HAVING ON EMPLOYMENT..

Had the DollyBama NOT postponed the employer portion --- the FULL EFFECT would have been DEVASTING by now..
Your own chart shows a decline at the end BEFORE Obama postponed the employer mandate. That's right! Your chart goes up to June 2013 and Obama postponed the employer mandate in July 2013. A perfect example of how the Right will start with a conclusion and then make up anything to support that conclusion while ignoring everything that contradicts that foregone conclusion.
Thank you.

Just like the stock market, the job market "prices in" anticipated changes.. The discussion about a postponement in the employer mandate started in the Spring. It was a not a surprise, (just a surprise that OTHER stuff wasn't fixed).. Would almost be certain that the "word was out" MONTHS before the official announcement..

Only an economically clueless leftist would argue that had the postponement NOT occurred, employers would have CONTINUED to drop full-time workers to part-time.. :lol: (right back at you --- 'cept I'm not a right-winger)

Ask a few employers with MORE than 50 workers.. THere was a deadline of Oct 1st (If I remember) for employers to notify workers about their insurance for Jan.. He announced in June or July.
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Nope.. Not just right-wingers.. I can prove you wrong

Note very carefully the spike as the ObamaCare deadline approaches and then the plateau after the Dear Leader stole the authority to postpone the Employer Mandate..

Why do you think they decided to POSTPONE the employer part of this evil plan? LARGELY because of the OBVIOUS EFFECT IT WAS HAVING ON EMPLOYMENT..

Had the DollyBama NOT postponed the employer portion --- the FULL EFFECT would have been DEVASTING by now..
Your own chart shows a decline at the end BEFORE Obama postponed the employer mandate. That's right! Your chart goes up to June 2013 and Obama postponed the employer mandate in July 2013. A perfect example of how the Right will start with a conclusion and then make up anything to support that conclusion while ignoring everything that contradicts that foregone conclusion.
Thank you.

Just like the stock market, the job market "prices in" anticipated changes.. The discussion about a postponement in the employer mandate started in the Spring. It was a not a surprise, (just a surprise that OTHER stuff wasn't fixed).. Would almost be certain that the "word was out" MONTHS before the official announcement..
As I said, once the Right's bullshit is exposed, they change the parameters!
Thank you again.
The hallmark of this administration has become constant MONUMENTAL lying.
There is not even a sense of shame attached to launching a big fat lie anymore..

Jon Stewart grills HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius about lack of individual Obamacare delay

Sebelius was the featured guest on Monday night’s episode of The Daily Show, and the host grilled her — for more than 5 minutes — about the apparent favoritism the Obama administration has showed to corporations with lobbyists.

And when the interview came to accusations that Obamacare is a job killer, as evidenced by retailers selling stores or cutting employees’ hours due to the requirements of the healthcare law, Sebelius brushed off the inconvenient facts.

“At least the economists — not anecdotal folks — economists say there is absolutely no evidence that part-time work is going up,” she said, ignoring the fact that 97 percent of jobs created in the first six months of this year were part-time. “In fact, it’s going down.”
Don't remember another time in my life when I felt like I was living in the old Soviet Union and listening to Pravda..

Do they really think that even their zealots are that stupid??
But YOU are "that stupid" to believe the lies of the Right that part time jobs for economic reasons are rising. The Right know all of you Misinformation Voters will swallow their disinformation without ever bothering to check the easily accessible data.

Part time jobs for economic reasons before Obamacare became law were 9,076,000.The number as of Sept 2013 is 7,911,000 over 1 million LESS.

Sebelius was telling the provable truth and the GOP hate media are provably lying!
Wow, really? The economic downturn lost us how many part time jobs? The number is less than when Obamacare came into existence, so that naturally equates to the fact that more part time jobs are NOT being added at a higher rate than full time jobs?

That is like saying that health insurance rose 700% after the enactment of Obamacare, but has now gone down 25% and then claiming that the Obamacare is working on reducing rates!

Why don't you go find out how many part-time jobs were lost from 2009 to the enactment of Obamacare, then the amount of full time jobs lost, then compare the rate of return to both types of jobs and get back to Me.

And just as an aside. I wouldn't recommend belittling the intelligence of others when you so epically failed to do a miniscule amount of critical thought to the whole problem.
The hallmark of this administration has become constant MONUMENTAL lying.
There is not even a sense of shame attached to launching a big fat lie anymore..

Don't remember another time in my life when I felt like I was living in the old Soviet Union and listening to Pravda..

Do they really think that even their zealots are that stupid??
But YOU are "that stupid" to believe the lies of the Right that part time jobs for economic reasons are rising. The Right know all of you Misinformation Voters will swallow their disinformation without ever bothering to check the easily accessible data.

Part time jobs for economic reasons before Obamacare became law were 9,076,000.The number as of Sept 2013 is 7,911,000 over 1 million LESS.

Sebelius was telling the provable truth and the GOP hate media are provably lying!
Wow, really? The economic downturn lost us how many part time jobs? The number is less than when Obamacare came into existence, so that naturally equates to the fact that more part time jobs are NOT being added at a higher rate than full time jobs?

That is like saying that health insurance rose 700% after the enactment of Obamacare, but has now gone down 25% and then claiming that the Obamacare is working on reducing rates!

Why don't you go find out how many part-time jobs were lost from 2009 to the enactment of Obamacare, then the amount of full time jobs lost, then compare the rate of return to both types of jobs and get back to Me.

And just as an aside. I wouldn't recommend belittling the intelligence of others when you so epically failed to do a miniscule amount of critical thought to the whole problem.
The number of part time jobs increased from 26,351,000 in Jan 2009 to 27,218,000 at the time Obamacare became law.

Notice how the Right will twist and turn trying to find just one stat that will fit their preconceived conclusion. And, of course, if ever that one stat is found or manufactured, it will overrule any and all stats to the contrary! In fact, even without that nonexistent stat, just the belief that the magic stat MIGHT possibly exist is enough to reject ALL facts to the contrary.
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