Construction finishes on two floating mega-solar plants in Japan


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Construction finishes on two floating mega-solar plants in Japan
By Anthony Wood
April 23, 2015
1 Comment
3 Pictures

Construction has been completed on two enormous floating solar power plants located in the Nishihira Pond and Higashihira Pond in Kato City, Japan. According to The Kyocera Corporation and the Century Tokyo Leasing Corporation, who partnered up to build the instillations, the combined output of the solar plants will be around 3,300 megawatt hours (MWh) per year, and provide electricity to an estimated 920 households.

The vast floating power plants represent an attractive, and more importantly safe option for electricity generation in the context of the uncertainty that has prevailed in the wake of the 2011 Fukashima incident. Furthermore, the water-located solar cells will reportedly generate more electricity than their roof-based counterparts, as they are constantly cooled by the water beneath them.

The two facilities are comprised of 11,256 255-watt Kyocera modules on a high-density polyethylene platform, and are reportedly capable of withstanding typhoon conditions. It is thought that the shade produced by the vast power plants should reduce both algae growth and water evaporation.

Another much larger facility planned in the Yamakura Dam reservoir will boast roughly 50,000 modules and have an output of around 15,635 Mwh per year.

Cool, more and more of these are popping up!
you dont think it's possible that they handle tremors better if they are on a floating platform ?
I would agree with that too. You'd have to talk to the people who designed it to really know that. I only saw the reason the article cited.
Construction finishes on two floating mega-solar plants in Japan
By Anthony Wood
April 23, 2015
1 Comment
3 Pictures

Construction has been completed on two enormous floating solar power plants located in the Nishihira Pond and Higashihira Pond in Kato City, Japan. According to The Kyocera Corporation and the Century Tokyo Leasing Corporation, who partnered up to build the instillations, the combined output of the solar plants will be around 3,300 megawatt hours (MWh) per year, and provide electricity to an estimated 920 households.

The vast floating power plants represent an attractive, and more importantly safe option for electricity generation in the context of the uncertainty that has prevailed in the wake of the 2011 Fukashima incident. Furthermore, the water-located solar cells will reportedly generate more electricity than their roof-based counterparts, as they are constantly cooled by the water beneath them.

The two facilities are comprised of 11,256 255-watt Kyocera modules on a high-density polyethylene platform, and are reportedly capable of withstanding typhoon conditions. It is thought that the shade produced by the vast power plants should reduce both algae growth and water evaporation.

Another much larger facility planned in the Yamakura Dam reservoir will boast roughly 50,000 modules and have an output of around 15,635 Mwh per year.

Cool, more and more of these are popping up!

2 new solar plants with 40 more coal plants planned.
I wonder if their CO2 output will increase?
The nuclear power plants in Arizona provide 3,937 MW. I'm pretty sure that is a lot more.

Would be nice if we could build a few hundred of those. ;)
People are very scared of it as they should be but much progress in nuclear power has been made since the last accident. Every mistake has been thoroughly studied and learned from to ensure the design errors no longer exist. I believe in nuclear power but it is still a thing to be treated with much careful caution.

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