Contemptible....Don Lemon And Panel Make Fun Of Trumpsters.....

You fucking lefties just lie all day long.

No reply to my actual link, huh?

The reporter who lied twice to Pompeo pointed to Bangladesh.

You guys are so fucking pathetic.

It’s not just that Pompeo lies, but that he is not very good at it

Bangladesh is a thousand miles away from Ukraine. Not the type of mistake someone with a Masters in European Studies would make
I simply cannot say it enough.

Don Lemon asked a guest if a black hole consumed the missing Malaysian airliner.

Watch for yourselves.

One of the assholes who made fun of Trump voters is complaining that he is getting threatening tweets.

FUCK YOU. The left does that to the right all the time. Ben Shapiro has round the clock armed security because of the death threats he has gotten from psycho lefties. Pardon me if I don’t bleed for you.

Don Lemon........I know it is preposterous

These are the type of conspiracy theories Trump subscribes to

The missing server must be in the Ukraine, I have to ask them about it

Then there is this

"As a 'journalist' I dont have to condemn anyone."

So in 2016 when Obama was stiring up racial hatred towards the cops, Lemmon calls himself a "journalist" who didnt think he had to condemn BLM

But in 2020 he is happy to openly mock and condemn Trump and the deplorables who voted for him.
Well their couple hundred viewers may agree with them. Because certain people are easily led.
Yes republicans are led ever so easily. It is hard to make fun of someone when the truth does it anyway.
Funny. So you think most republicans watch CNN? Hate to disillusion you but their viewership is the crazy left. You know those who eat up all the conspiracy theories CNN pushes.
In all fairness to them I must admit I hate them far more than they hate a non white Trump voter like me. Trust that. Not proud of it, but I do.

My hypocrisy only extends so far.
Nope. I don`t have a Masters in European Studies. What exactly are you babbling about anyway? Someone has an advanced degree and you have nothing but home schooling and you`re angry. I get it.
You don't have an advanced degree in childish anger driven trolling?
Don Lemon's outwardly blatant hatred for this president
speaks volumes to his unprofessionalism as a so-called journalist.

Having a slight political bias is fine in today's media atmosphere, but Maddow, Lemon and many of these others have stretched way beyond the pale of acceptable news reporting.

These people treat terrorists, arsonists,rapists and killers with more respect than they've expressed toward Trump since 2016.....

Fake news cnn made the faggot boy walk it back.... so f*cking awkward...

Looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there trying to explain that he doesn't hate whitey....

Picture that boy getting shit-dicked and then taking a face full of jizz..... yeah, that's one of the cool kids.
When I saw this....I was thinking...just how unprofessional can your media coverage become.

Is this SNL????

But this is what passes for "SERIOUS POLITICAL PUNDITRY" at CNN.

CNN Panelists Laugh at Trump's 'Boomer Rube' Supporters

It's what cable news is. It's not news. It's all opinion and what you have to do is stick to the channel that is of like mind to what you are. Honestly, "news" can do without the don lemons (yup), Sean Hannity's, Laura Ingrams, the bald fat dude who looks like George Costanza, Fredo Cuomo and all the rest. All trash. I have to remember back to the most early news I watched. That would be when Joan London was a big name in news and if you heard it on 60 minutes, then it's was a good bet it was accurate. Now? Flashy tickers, news alerts and so on. As for the guys on CNN, let them keep on. Don Lemon has done as much to help Trumps reelection as Barak Obama did to sell the AR15. Let them keep on.
Lets get something clear, without CNN getting hard on's and becoming obsessed with Trump during his campaign, TRUMP would be back in NY stiffing contractors and fucking around on his wife....CNN gave Trump his victory, that is fact.
Trump supporters need shaming, they need to be called out....they are deplorable, stupid and ignorant to facts....and its okay, wouldn't expect anything less from Nazi clones...but to blame CNN, unfair and unfounded.

South jersey traditionally collar , farms,work a daY summer tourist workers ...lots of white people lol

The people you irrationally hate with a passion


Dont follow link to video lol

Crazy scene outside Trump rally (update)…

Look at that crowd

1000s upon thousands fuck it let's go out anyway and support the peoples president ..people reporting they had a great time...people were just awesome.... in good moods ..mingling with other Patriots blah blah blah


8 bucks ... crooklyn pricing 15 in Manhattan

Bars cleaned up
Lets get something clear, without CNN getting hard on's and becoming obsessed with Trump during his campaign, TRUMP would be back in NY stiffing contractors and fucking around on his wife....CNN gave Trump his victory, that is fact.
Trump supporters need shaming, they need to be called out....they are deplorable, stupid and ignorant to facts....and its okay, wouldn't expect anything less from Nazi clones...but to blame CNN, unfair and unfounded.

South jersey traditionally collar , farms,work a daY summer tourist workers ...lots of white people lol

The people you irrationally hate with a passion

View attachment 303149

Dont follow link to video lol

Crazy scene outside Trump rally (update)…

Look at that crowd

1000s upon thousands fuck it let's go out anyway and support the peoples president ..people reporting they had a great time...people were just awesome.... in good moods ..mingling with other Patriots blah blah blah

View attachment 303148

8 bucks ... crooklyn pricing 15 in Manhattan

Bars cleaned up

I bet the white sheets are flying off the shelves at the local Wal Mart in Wildwood.
I simply cannot say it enough.

Don Lemon asked a guest if a black hole consumed the missing Malaysian airliner.

Watch for yourselves.

One of the assholes who made fun of Trump voters is complaining that he is getting threatening tweets.

FUCK YOU. The left does that to the right all the time. Ben Shapiro has round the clock armed security because of the death threats he has gotten from psycho lefties. Pardon me if I don’t bleed for you.

Wow. And this guy has the nerve to make fun of other people's intelligence? LOL!!!
And this is exactly why Trump sits in the White House today.

The right finally had enough of the uppity's on the left, and went to the polls to punish them. Keep it up, and you're going to get 4 more years.

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