Cop Killer Now Sits On New York State Advisory Board


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
REVEALED: Cop killer, 56, who shot dead a father-of-four NYPD officer during a 1981 robbery in Queens now sits on advisory panel helping to reform the police in New York state
Richard Rivera executed NYPD cop and dad of four in 1981 robbery sits police reform advisory panel | Daily Mail Online
29 Mar 2021 ~~ By James Gordon

A man who shot dead a police officer at a bar in Queens in 1981 is now working with state police on the subject of police reform.
Richard Rivera murdered officer and father-of-four Robert Walsh, in what was described as an 'execution-style' killing. Walsh was off-duty at the time and having a drink at the bar after completing his shift.
Having spent 38 years behind bars for the crime, Rivera was released in 2019 and now sits on an advisory group for Ithaca and Tompkins County in upstate New York as part of Governor Andrew Cuomo's 'Reimagining Public Safety Collaborative.'

Rivera murdered Officer Robert Walsh and was convicted and given life in prison.
Rivera shot Walsh in the shoulder, then walked over to the officer as he lay helplessly wounded on the floor, pressed his gun to the cop’s head and blasted him again, authorities said. That was premeditated.
This outcome in my opinion is travesty of Law. He should be festering in Attica for the rest of his life.
The fact that Rivera actually executed Walsh earned him that place of incarceration. Actually that should have earned him a needle in his arm filled with death dealing drugs.
Now he sits on the Tompkins County " Reimagining Public Safety Collaborative "

You just can't make this stuff up. People with no conscience want to make whatever rules suit them in the moment or that favor themselves or their friends - ethic, right and wrong have nothing whatsoever to do with such appointments! Remember when wrong was ALWAYS wrong - not matter WHO or of what RACE did that wrong? Well, things have never been perfect, but that should be the standard for all of society!
Obviously this appointment by the "Woke" Tompkins County staffed with Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists believe this is a good joice.

This is just wrong

*****SAD SMILE*****

REVEALED: Cop killer, 56, who shot dead a father-of-four NYPD officer during a 1981 robbery in Queens now sits on advisory panel helping to reform the police in New York state
Richard Rivera executed NYPD cop and dad of four in 1981 robbery sits police reform advisory panel | Daily Mail Online
29 Mar 2021 ~~ By James Gordon

A man who shot dead a police officer at a bar in Queens in 1981 is now working with state police on the subject of police reform.
Richard Rivera murdered officer and father-of-four Robert Walsh, in what was described as an 'execution-style' killing. Walsh was off-duty at the time and having a drink at the bar after completing his shift.
Having spent 38 years behind bars for the crime, Rivera was released in 2019 and now sits on an advisory group for Ithaca and Tompkins County in upstate New York as part of Governor Andrew Cuomo's 'Reimagining Public Safety Collaborative.'

Rivera murdered Officer Robert Walsh and was convicted and given life in prison.
Rivera shot Walsh in the shoulder, then walked over to the officer as he lay helplessly wounded on the floor, pressed his gun to the cop’s head and blasted him again, authorities said. That was premeditated.
This outcome in my opinion is travesty of Law. He should be festering in Attica for the rest of his life.
The fact that Rivera actually executed Walsh earned him that place of incarceration. Actually that should have earned him a needle in his arm filled with death dealing drugs.
Now he sits on the Tompkins County " Reimagining Public Safety Collaborative "

You just can't make this stuff up. People with no conscience want to make whatever rules suit them in the moment or that favor themselves or their friends - ethic, right and wrong have nothing whatsoever to do with such appointments! Remember when wrong was ALWAYS wrong - not matter WHO or of what RACE did that wrong? Well, things have never been perfect, but that should be the standard for all of society!
Obviously this appointment by the "Woke" Tompkins County staffed with Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists believe this is a good joice.

It shows how low "progressives" can go.

To put this horrible, horrible, horrible individual on that panel is a direct insult to the victim's family.

I know that it is cold comfort, but some of the woke activists may eventually realize what a mistake they made if they (or a loved one) is ever the victim of a violent crime committed by the "super predators" (a description once used by a certain Joseph Biden).
Its bad enough that they released this individual after only 38 years, putting him in a position over police officers- a minority that he oppressed as a youth- is despicable.

This would be like making Al Speer a rabbi or a member of the Learned Elders of ZIon after serving his time in Spandau for oppressing Jews.
REVEALED: Cop killer, 56, who shot dead a father-of-four NYPD officer during a 1981 robbery in Queens now sits on advisory panel helping to reform the police in New York state
Richard Rivera executed NYPD cop and dad of four in 1981 robbery sits police reform advisory panel | Daily Mail Online
29 Mar 2021 ~~ By James Gordon

A man who shot dead a police officer at a bar in Queens in 1981 is now working with state police on the subject of police reform.
Richard Rivera murdered officer and father-of-four Robert Walsh, in what was described as an 'execution-style' killing. Walsh was off-duty at the time and having a drink at the bar after completing his shift.
Having spent 38 years behind bars for the crime, Rivera was released in 2019 and now sits on an advisory group for Ithaca and Tompkins County in upstate New York as part of Governor Andrew Cuomo's 'Reimagining Public Safety Collaborative.'

Rivera murdered Officer Robert Walsh and was convicted and given life in prison.
Rivera shot Walsh in the shoulder, then walked over to the officer as he lay helplessly wounded on the floor, pressed his gun to the cop’s head and blasted him again, authorities said. That was premeditated.
This outcome in my opinion is travesty of Law. He should be festering in Attica for the rest of his life.
The fact that Rivera actually executed Walsh earned him that place of incarceration. Actually that should have earned him a needle in his arm filled with death dealing drugs.
Now he sits on the Tompkins County " Reimagining Public Safety Collaborative "

You just can't make this stuff up. People with no conscience want to make whatever rules suit them in the moment or that favor themselves or their friends - ethic, right and wrong have nothing whatsoever to do with such appointments! Remember when wrong was ALWAYS wrong - not matter WHO or of what RACE did that wrong? Well, things have never been perfect, but that should be the standard for all of society!
Obviously this appointment by the "Woke" Tompkins County staffed with Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists believe this is a good joice.
As I've been said in a couple of posts, the new motto for the Democrat Party should be: "Criminals, you've got a friend with the Democrat Party."
I'm in favor of ex-cons getting a second chance in life, after having done their time. However, just as banks won't hire former "bank-robbers" and schools and child care centers, won't hire listed "child-sex offenders," former cop-killers, shouldn't be allowed on any state advisory board that addresses law enforcement issues.
If this gentleman paid his debt to society then there's no issue here at all.

Only more far rightwing caterwauling.
hopefully, someone close to you doesnt fall victim, like executed...i bet youd be happy if the perp got probation, huh?
If this gentleman paid his debt to society then there's no issue here at all.

Only more far rightwing caterwauling.

If this gentleman paid his debt to society then there's no issue here at all.

Only more far rightwing caterwauling.

Bovine Scat....
Three men were sentenced to 25 years to life. Richard Rivera pulled the trigger in the execution of Patrolman Walsh. Seems his accomplices in the cime are still incarcerated while he walked.
IMHO, Rivera should still be in prison. Somewhere, somehow Karma will raise it's head and justice will finally prevail... Ithaca is not a safe city.....
He may be sorry for what he did, but he should have gotten the death penalty for what he did, he should not be released from prison, he should not be given positions of trust.
If this gentleman paid his debt to society then there's no issue here at all.

Only more far rightwing caterwauling.
Do any men and women in communities protect others from crimes committed? Would they believe that justice is not done right or maybe fear from the perps themselves? There are many people who are straight Prog voters who want justice to be equal and improvements in the fortunes for all. In this man's case it seems he was rewarded for murdering someone in cold blood.
Do any men and women in communities protect others from crimes committed? Would they believe that justice is not done right or maybe fear from the perps themselves? There are many people who are straight Prog voters who want justice to be equal and improvements in the fortunes for all. In this man's case it seems he was rewarded for murdering someone in cold blood.

Do you not understand the concept of serving your time, paying your debt to society, re-entering and reforming yourself and moving on with your life as a credit to society?

Or do you propose more cancel culture where this gentleman is eternally punished?
If this gentleman paid his debt to society then there's no issue here at all.
My question is what kind of sentence was the guy given all them years ago? Unless I overlooked it, I don't believe the read up says anything about. I'm asking because it looks like the guy was released early and that is if getting released at all was going to happen for him. If I am right, a thorough enough payment is not how most people would label it. Life without parole if not a death sentence is where a more thorough payment may reside.

God bless you and the family of his victim always!!!


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