Cop on Trial for raping 13 black women Media Quiet


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
KING: Cop accused of raping black women gets all white jury

Heres the story:

Twelve different women and one underage teenager all recounted that very presence when they came forward to accuse him of various forms of rape and sexual assault.

The overwhelming majority of the thirteen girls and women who came forward were African-American. They each reported that the sexual assaults took place within a few square mile radius that Holtzclaw regularly patrolled. In June 2014, a woman who had no idea that other women had already accused Holtzclaw of sexual assault came forward to report that in a traffic stop earlier that evening, he sexually assaulted her as well.

In many ways, it was a break in the case. The Sex Crimes Unit of the Oklahoma City Police Department had received another report earlier in 2014, from another black woman in the same neighborhood, that an officer who looked just like Daniel Holtzclaw had sexually assaulted her as well. Using advanced GPS tracking data from his police vehicle, detectives determined that the officer who was being accused of these crimes was indeed one of their own — Daniel Holtzclaw.

So this guy is charged with 36 crimes including first-degree rape, sexual assault, indecent exposure, stalking, burglary and more. AND ALL OF THE ASSAULTS AND TESTIMONIES WERE BACKED UP WITH HIS GPS DATA!

Never heard of this case until now. Heres the second part of it.

Almost every person he assaulted was black. EVERY single juror on this case is white. Maybe its a coincidence but FTA:

Every eligible African-American juror was removed from consideration and the final jury selection was composed of eight white men and four white women. Not one black woman even made it into the final larger pool of jurors. Three black men made it into that pool, but were each removed. Not even the alternate jurors were black.

Can you imagine a white cop going on trial with an all black jury? You dont have too because its never happened in the history of trials EVER!
KING: Cop accused of raping black women gets all white jury

Heres the story:

Twelve different women and one underage teenager all recounted that very presence when they came forward to accuse him of various forms of rape and sexual assault.

The overwhelming majority of the thirteen girls and women who came forward were African-American. They each reported that the sexual assaults took place within a few square mile radius that Holtzclaw regularly patrolled. In June 2014, a woman who had no idea that other women had already accused Holtzclaw of sexual assault came forward to report that in a traffic stop earlier that evening, he sexually assaulted her as well.

In many ways, it was a break in the case. The Sex Crimes Unit of the Oklahoma City Police Department had received another report earlier in 2014, from another black woman in the same neighborhood, that an officer who looked just like Daniel Holtzclaw had sexually assaulted her as well. Using advanced GPS tracking data from his police vehicle, detectives determined that the officer who was being accused of these crimes was indeed one of their own — Daniel Holtzclaw.

So this guy is charged with 36 crimes including first-degree rape, sexual assault, indecent exposure, stalking, burglary and more. AND ALL OF THE ASSAULTS AND TESTIMONIES WERE BACKED UP WITH HIS GPS DATA!

Never heard of this case until now. Heres the second part of it.

Almost every person he assaulted was black. EVERY single juror on this case is white. Maybe its a coincidence but FTA:

Every eligible African-American juror was removed from consideration and the final jury selection was composed of eight white men and four white women. Not one black woman even made it into the final larger pool of jurors. Three black men made it into that pool, but were each removed. Not even the alternate jurors were black.

Can you imagine a white cop going on trial with an all black jury? You dont have too because its never happened in the history of trials EVER!
Many (most?) blacks vote for skin color and won't provide a fair trial so it makes sense. The story says most of the gals were black though, not all. Try to read, maybe do some breathing exercises first?
KING: Cop accused of raping black women gets all white jury

Heres the story:

Twelve different women and one underage teenager all recounted that very presence when they came forward to accuse him of various forms of rape and sexual assault.

The overwhelming majority of the thirteen girls and women who came forward were African-American. They each reported that the sexual assaults took place within a few square mile radius that Holtzclaw regularly patrolled. In June 2014, a woman who had no idea that other women had already accused Holtzclaw of sexual assault came forward to report that in a traffic stop earlier that evening, he sexually assaulted her as well.

In many ways, it was a break in the case. The Sex Crimes Unit of the Oklahoma City Police Department had received another report earlier in 2014, from another black woman in the same neighborhood, that an officer who looked just like Daniel Holtzclaw had sexually assaulted her as well. Using advanced GPS tracking data from his police vehicle, detectives determined that the officer who was being accused of these crimes was indeed one of their own — Daniel Holtzclaw.

So this guy is charged with 36 crimes including first-degree rape, sexual assault, indecent exposure, stalking, burglary and more. AND ALL OF THE ASSAULTS AND TESTIMONIES WERE BACKED UP WITH HIS GPS DATA!

Never heard of this case until now. Heres the second part of it.

Almost every person he assaulted was black. EVERY single juror on this case is white. Maybe its a coincidence but FTA:

Every eligible African-American juror was removed from consideration and the final jury selection was composed of eight white men and four white women. Not one black woman even made it into the final larger pool of jurors. Three black men made it into that pool, but were each removed. Not even the alternate jurors were black.

Can you imagine a white cop going on trial with an all black jury? You dont have too because its never happened in the history of trials EVER!
Many (most?) blacks vote for skin color and won't provide a fair trial so it makes sense. The story says most of the gals were black though, not all. Try to read, maybe do some breathing exercises first?

Are you saying this to yourself in the mirror?

Almost every person he assaulted was black.

There is no excuse for having an all white jury
KING: Cop accused of raping black women gets all white jury

Heres the story:

Twelve different women and one underage teenager all recounted that very presence when they came forward to accuse him of various forms of rape and sexual assault.

The overwhelming majority of the thirteen girls and women who came forward were African-American. They each reported that the sexual assaults took place within a few square mile radius that Holtzclaw regularly patrolled. In June 2014, a woman who had no idea that other women had already accused Holtzclaw of sexual assault came forward to report that in a traffic stop earlier that evening, he sexually assaulted her as well.

In many ways, it was a break in the case. The Sex Crimes Unit of the Oklahoma City Police Department had received another report earlier in 2014, from another black woman in the same neighborhood, that an officer who looked just like Daniel Holtzclaw had sexually assaulted her as well. Using advanced GPS tracking data from his police vehicle, detectives determined that the officer who was being accused of these crimes was indeed one of their own — Daniel Holtzclaw.

So this guy is charged with 36 crimes including first-degree rape, sexual assault, indecent exposure, stalking, burglary and more. AND ALL OF THE ASSAULTS AND TESTIMONIES WERE BACKED UP WITH HIS GPS DATA!

Never heard of this case until now. Heres the second part of it.

Almost every person he assaulted was black. EVERY single juror on this case is white. Maybe its a coincidence but FTA:

Every eligible African-American juror was removed from consideration and the final jury selection was composed of eight white men and four white women. Not one black woman even made it into the final larger pool of jurors. Three black men made it into that pool, but were each removed. Not even the alternate jurors were black.

Can you imagine a white cop going on trial with an all black jury? You dont have too because its never happened in the history of trials EVER!
Many (most?) blacks vote for skin color and won't provide a fair trial so it makes sense. The story says most of the gals were black though, not all. Try to read, maybe do some breathing exercises first?

Are you saying this to yourself in the mirror?

Almost every person he assaulted was black.

There is no excuse for having an all white jury
A jury of your peers.

Is the cop black?
KING: Cop accused of raping black women gets all white jury

Heres the story:

Twelve different women and one underage teenager all recounted that very presence when they came forward to accuse him of various forms of rape and sexual assault.

The overwhelming majority of the thirteen girls and women who came forward were African-American. They each reported that the sexual assaults took place within a few square mile radius that Holtzclaw regularly patrolled. In June 2014, a woman who had no idea that other women had already accused Holtzclaw of sexual assault came forward to report that in a traffic stop earlier that evening, he sexually assaulted her as well.

In many ways, it was a break in the case. The Sex Crimes Unit of the Oklahoma City Police Department had received another report earlier in 2014, from another black woman in the same neighborhood, that an officer who looked just like Daniel Holtzclaw had sexually assaulted her as well. Using advanced GPS tracking data from his police vehicle, detectives determined that the officer who was being accused of these crimes was indeed one of their own — Daniel Holtzclaw.

So this guy is charged with 36 crimes including first-degree rape, sexual assault, indecent exposure, stalking, burglary and more. AND ALL OF THE ASSAULTS AND TESTIMONIES WERE BACKED UP WITH HIS GPS DATA!

Never heard of this case until now. Heres the second part of it.

Almost every person he assaulted was black. EVERY single juror on this case is white. Maybe its a coincidence but FTA:

Every eligible African-American juror was removed from consideration and the final jury selection was composed of eight white men and four white women. Not one black woman even made it into the final larger pool of jurors. Three black men made it into that pool, but were each removed. Not even the alternate jurors were black.

Can you imagine a white cop going on trial with an all black jury? You dont have too because its never happened in the history of trials EVER!
Many (most?) blacks vote for skin color and won't provide a fair trial so it makes sense. The story says most of the gals were black though, not all. Try to read, maybe do some breathing exercises first?

Are you saying this to yourself in the mirror?

Almost every person he assaulted was black.

There is no excuse for having an all white jury
A jury of your peers.

Is the cop black?

Ok, now I know you dont know what peer means so I dont have to waste my time with dumbasses
I wouldn't expect an idiot like CC to understand the ins and outs of jury selection. Voir Dire and peremptory challenges are foreign to CC.
Lol by the end of this thread we'll have republicans arguing that the 13 women deserved it
We'll see. They've already tried to turn this into a thread about how black people can't be trusted.

Sounds like a thread on how whites can't be trusted to be fair and impartial jurors.

You have it backwards, the Jury is all white. The people thrown off were black. Not the other way around
Lol by the end of this thread we'll have republicans arguing that the 13 women deserved it
We'll see. They've already tried to turn this into a thread about how black people can't be trusted.

Sounds like a thread on how whites can't be trusted to be fair and impartial jurors.

You have it backwards, the Jury is all white. The people thrown off were black. Not the other way around

Yes and you are crying about it because you believe the white jurors will not be fair and impartial. We all know that most blacks cannot be fair and impartial.
According to the story, there are a lot more than 13 women involved, and the number of actual crimes would be astronomical. If this guy is acquitted, it will be international news, lasting for weeks.

But he WILL be convicted by the all-white jury and the story will fade away like a fart in a windstorm. White juries convict white defendants all the time.

For those who don't know, both sides in a criminal case are given a number of "peremptory challenges" during jury selection. Those challenges (exclusions) can be for any reason and may not be questioned. Attorneys have an unlimited number of challenges for cause (personal animus, recent victimhood of a similar crime, etc.), but these are not an issue here.

Any defense attorney who did not do his best to remove Black jurors in this case would be guilty of malpractice. The same would be true if the races were reversed. The defense attorney defending a black cop for raping numerous white women would want as many black people on the jury as possible, hoping for at least one "holdout" who would block a guilty verdict.

The problem with the current USSC case is that the attorneys left a paper trail of communications stating that they were using the peremptory challenges for racial purposes. This was incredibly stupid and COULD result in peremptory challenges being subject to scrutiny in the future, which is UNPRECEDENTED.
KING: Cop accused of raping black women gets all white jury

Heres the story:

Twelve different women and one underage teenager all recounted that very presence when they came forward to accuse him of various forms of rape and sexual assault.

The overwhelming majority of the thirteen girls and women who came forward were African-American. They each reported that the sexual assaults took place within a few square mile radius that Holtzclaw regularly patrolled. In June 2014, a woman who had no idea that other women had already accused Holtzclaw of sexual assault came forward to report that in a traffic stop earlier that evening, he sexually assaulted her as well.

In many ways, it was a break in the case. The Sex Crimes Unit of the Oklahoma City Police Department had received another report earlier in 2014, from another black woman in the same neighborhood, that an officer who looked just like Daniel Holtzclaw had sexually assaulted her as well. Using advanced GPS tracking data from his police vehicle, detectives determined that the officer who was being accused of these crimes was indeed one of their own — Daniel Holtzclaw.

So this guy is charged with 36 crimes including first-degree rape, sexual assault, indecent exposure, stalking, burglary and more. AND ALL OF THE ASSAULTS AND TESTIMONIES WERE BACKED UP WITH HIS GPS DATA!

Never heard of this case until now. Heres the second part of it.

Almost every person he assaulted was black. EVERY single juror on this case is white. Maybe its a coincidence but FTA:

Every eligible African-American juror was removed from consideration and the final jury selection was composed of eight white men and four white women. Not one black woman even made it into the final larger pool of jurors. Three black men made it into that pool, but were each removed. Not even the alternate jurors were black.

Can you imagine a white cop going on trial with an all black jury? You dont have too because its never happened in the history of trials EVER!

This fucked up cop reminds me of Crosby. Let's hope they get this guy in jail where he belongs sooner rather then later.

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