Cop on Trial for raping 13 black women Media Quiet

Lol by the end of this thread we'll have republicans arguing that the 13 women deserved it
We'll see. They've already tried to turn this into a thread about how black people can't be trusted.

Sounds like a thread on how whites can't be trusted to be fair and impartial jurors.

You have it backwards, the Jury is all white. The people thrown off were black. Not the other way around

Yes and you are crying about it because you believe the white jurors will not be fair and impartial. We all know that most blacks cannot be fair and impartial.

Yeah, you cant defend an all white jury so you accuse others of not being
Lol by the end of this thread we'll have republicans arguing that the 13 women deserved it
We'll see. They've already tried to turn this into a thread about how black people can't be trusted.

Sounds like a thread on how whites can't be trusted to be fair and impartial jurors.

You have it backwards, the Jury is all white. The people thrown off were black. Not the other way around

Yes and you are crying about it because you believe the white jurors will not be fair and impartial. We all know that most blacks cannot be fair and impartial.

Yes, they have a long history of being fair and impartial. (eye roll)

Any defense attorney who did not do his best to remove Black jurors in this case would be guilty of malpractice. The same would be true if the races were reversed.

As bullshit as that is I agree. The defense has to try to make it favorable to his client. The problem is that the defense doesnt have to do much trying at all when any excuse will do and all they have to say is "its not about race" and voila...all the blacks are gone. The prosecutor and judge didnt even see a problem. And THAT is the problem. Because never in the history of trials have you EVER EVER EVER seen an all black jury.
We'll see. They've already tried to turn this into a thread about how black people can't be trusted.

Sounds like a thread on how whites can't be trusted to be fair and impartial jurors.

You have it backwards, the Jury is all white. The people thrown off were black. Not the other way around

Yes and you are crying about it because you believe the white jurors will not be fair and impartial. We all know that most blacks cannot be fair and impartial.

Yeah, you cant defend an all white jury so you accuse others of not being

There is no need to defend an all white jury. All white juries convict white people all the time. Now if the defendant were black with an all white jury, you may have a point since all white juries convict black defendants 16 percent more often than all white juries convict white defendants. At least that's what one study suggests.

CITATION: "The Impact of Jury Race in Criminal Trials," senior author Patrick Bayer, Duke University; Shamena Anwar, Carnegie Mellon University; Randi Hjalmarsson, Queen Mary, University of London. Quarterly Journal of Economics, online April 17, 2012, print in May 2012; DOI number 0.1093/QJE/QJS014.
We'll see. They've already tried to turn this into a thread about how black people can't be trusted.

Sounds like a thread on how whites can't be trusted to be fair and impartial jurors.

You have it backwards, the Jury is all white. The people thrown off were black. Not the other way around

Yes and you are crying about it because you believe the white jurors will not be fair and impartial. We all know that most blacks cannot be fair and impartial.

Yes, they have a long history of being fair and impartial. (eye roll)


Welcome to 2015 MORON!
We'll see. They've already tried to turn this into a thread about how black people can't be trusted.

Sounds like a thread on how whites can't be trusted to be fair and impartial jurors.

You have it backwards, the Jury is all white. The people thrown off were black. Not the other way around

Yes and you are crying about it because you believe the white jurors will not be fair and impartial. We all know that most blacks cannot be fair and impartial.

Yes, they have a long history of being fair and impartial. (eye roll)


Welcome to 2015 MORON!


Welcome to 2015, Moron.
Concentrate on these two quotes:

There is no need to defend an all white jury. All white juries convict white people all the time. Now if the defendant were black with an all white jury, you may have a point since all white juries convict black defendants 16 percent more often than all white juries convict white defendants. At least that's what one study suggests.

Yes and you are crying about it because you believe the white jurors will not be fair and impartial. We all know that most blacks cannot be fair and impartial.

Yes, that is the same person saying 2 totally different things
Concentrate on these two quotes:

There is no need to defend an all white jury. All white juries convict white people all the time. Now if the defendant were black with an all white jury, you may have a point since all white juries convict black defendants 16 percent more often than all white juries convict white defendants. At least that's what one study suggests.

Yes and you are crying about it because you believe the white jurors will not be fair and impartial. We all know that most blacks cannot be fair and impartial.

Yes, that is the same person saying 2 totally different things

No it's not two different things. But I'm honest enough to post a study that suggest whites aren't impartial of which I disagree with. What the study doesn't take in consideration is guilt or innocence. White juries convict black defendants 16 percent more often, not because of skin color but because of guilt.
Concentrate on these two quotes:

There is no need to defend an all white jury. All white juries convict white people all the time. Now if the defendant were black with an all white jury, you may have a point since all white juries convict black defendants 16 percent more often than all white juries convict white defendants. At least that's what one study suggests.

Yes and you are crying about it because you believe the white jurors will not be fair and impartial. We all know that most blacks cannot be fair and impartial.

Yes, that is the same person saying 2 totally different things

That's Lonestar logic for ya. Everything is bigger in Texas, including their idiots. :)
Concentrate on these two quotes:

There is no need to defend an all white jury. All white juries convict white people all the time. Now if the defendant were black with an all white jury, you may have a point since all white juries convict black defendants 16 percent more often than all white juries convict white defendants. At least that's what one study suggests.

Yes and you are crying about it because you believe the white jurors will not be fair and impartial. We all know that most blacks cannot be fair and impartial.

Yes, that is the same person saying 2 totally different things

That's Lonestar logic for ya. Everything is bigger in Texas, including their idiots. :)

I didn't know you two were Texans.

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