Cops rough up an old man, he's leaking all over the place

Obvious excessive force....That cop needs a disciplinary review and possible permanent vacation.

At the same time, the cops have to be on edge like they've never been before....They have vicious mobs to one side of them, and dithering politicians who won't let them do their jobs on the other.
So your claim is that makes them blind?
Nothing of the sort Captain Strawman.

It's called holding two opposing views in my head at the same time...You should give it a whirl.
Relevant reading...

The actual tyrannical government is the one that's been opposing republicans.
As for that article, the media it comes from is RT, a Russian government funded media. You know, the government the leftists have been complaining about. It's no surprise that Russia and China have both publicly complained about American citizens being armed and Biden agreeing with them. Marxism/Leninism is on the rise via our public educational system, MSM and celebrities and the Communists don't want Americans being able to rise up against its taking over the US.
Looks like they got another one...

Those cops that attacked those old men really suck and give an honorable profession bad name. Hard to believe they walked right by and even pushed another officer who appeared to be turning to help the injured bleeding old guy.
Obvious excessive force....That cop needs a disciplinary review and possible permanent vacation.

At the same time, the cops have to be on edge like they've never been before....They have vicious mobs to one side of them, and dithering politicians who won't let them do their jobs on the other.
So your claim is that makes them blind?
Nothing of the sort Captain Strawman.

It's called holding to opposing views in my head at the same time...You should give it a whirl.
No thanks. Thats called cognitive dissonance. No wonder youre so fucked up in the head.

" cognitive dissonance occurs when a person holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values "
Obvious excessive force....That cop needs a disciplinary review and possible permanent vacation.

At the same time, the cops have to be on edge like they've never been before....They have vicious mobs to one side of them, and dithering politicians who won't let them do their jobs on the other.

I don't know if he should be fired for good, but he has to be written up and read the Riot Act.

As I said about politicians who had to make tough decisions about the Wuhan Virus, I don't envy what these police are going through right now. They are being pulled in too many directions and it's not their fair.

This is why I've ALWAYS said, if you hire bad cops, it will cause harm to all of them at one point. It's what we've had in Canada, to such a degree, that today the Prime Minister of Canada was asked about cutting funding to the RCMP (who are under a number of failures and abuses, as always), and he gave his usual political answer. When she pushed "so you haven't ruled out cuts then", he again gave a political answer, which is a sign he IS considering it.

This same demand is being pushed to cut the Toronto Police, Peel Region, Ontario Provincial Police. For the first time, I saw Halton Police Chief, Peel Region and Ottawas Police chief all on CBC today at the same time, answering questions and making their case.

Premier Ford had two people involved in policing during the Wuhan Virus questions today, as they were fielding questions. He in particular has given a free reign and excessive powers and cash to the cops. This incident is going to hurt him politically as so many want them defunded now.

You will see, these aren't short term threats, this is going to be a big push, just as the socialists were pushing for The Green New Deal and Impeachments and investigations. They are serious, and as we have seen from L.A (this was brought up to the PM today), they have already cut hundred of millions. A day after people demanded it.
And grown men probably stood around and watched.
It's all about getting that viral video, fuck helping anyone. Just like Officer Dorn, get that video man fuck him he's dead anyway.

We are living in a really messed up world, made worse by International meddling in the West. I think the #1 job kids want today is to be a youtube video champion. That's their career ambition!

With such a mentality, horrible, soulless music, soulless "role models" and businesses shipping their future offshore, this mentality will only get worse. The West could all become like Mexico if we don't start giving a damn about what's going on, well beyond just these police issues.
Looks like they got another one...

Those cops that attacked those old men really suck and give an honorable profession bad name. Hard to believe they walked right by and even pushed another officer who appeared to be turning to help the injured bleeding old guy.

I know there are some good cops but its really hard to trust them when the 3 you know personally think most cops are either bad cops or they pretend they dont see.
A country where civilians are expected to remain calm or die when a gun is trained on them by police, but where police can kill civilians if they are unable to remain calm
There is no shortage of folks on both the right, and left ; pining to see an authoritarian state take shape. The only point of contention is who gets the club to beat the other with...
First vid shows a self-hating Black Lives Matter sucker with a helmet in his hand which he should have been wearing and on an electronic device in his other reaching toward the utility belt of one individuals. He was pushed with minimal force and stumbled. He might have been fucked up on drugs like that violent felon from Houston who triggered this mess. Who knows? Seems he was provoking hundreds of law enforcement after they received an order to move in his direction. Obviously a bad decision to antagonize them. If that individual was a Black, that would be shown on fake news 24/7 though.
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Obvious excessive force....That cop needs a disciplinary review and possible permanent vacation.

At the same time, the cops have to be on edge like they've never been before....They have vicious mobs to one side of them, and dithering politicians who won't let them do their jobs on the other.

I give the cops a pass because of the vicious mobs and because of shit like this:

NYPD boss wants calm after stabbing, other attacks on cops

I hope the assailant fucking dies...
Looks like they got another one...

Those cops that attacked those old men really suck and give an honorable profession bad name. Hard to believe they walked right by and even pushed another officer who appeared to be turning to help the injured bleeding old guy.

I know there are some good cops but its really hard to trust them when the 3 you know personally think most cops are either bad cops or they pretend they dont see.

The ones I have known have mostly been good. I had a bad encounter with a crooked cop when I was 18, but it did not change my outlook on police in general, although I wasn't brutalized. Some have been brutalized, even killed without just cause. Police should more proactively police their own. I understand at least two of the police in at least one of the videos shown on the thread led to swift punishment for the officers involved. Unedited cellphone video by citizens is a powerful tool, but should not be necessary for police to cleans their ranks of the few that should not be there.
Stuff like this really pisses me off.

When Blacks were saying this shit was happening everyone was claiming we were hallucinating. The whole entire race.

The difference is we don’t need to act like apes and go on a rampage, attacking cops that had nothing to do with it and looting businesses that have nothing to do with it. We can say that is fucked up and the cops should be disciplined accordingly.

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