Cops Shoot a Blind AND Deaf Man in the Back - in His Own House

I see this as a ploy to talk more about your delusional fantasies. I'm still not getting paid to be your therapist, so piss off, ankle humper.
Trying to seduce me with attractive therapist ankles is not going to work. I happen to be restrained and disciplined, even if I don't have a red phone direct hot line to the police station.

I think your brain has been permanently damaged by all the times women have sprayed you with pepper spray. Seriously, take the hint that you're repulsive to all sentient life.

The family of a 25-year-old man with intellectual disabilities who was critically injured after Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies shot him at his Cudahy home called for justice Monday in downtown Los Angeles.

“We are hurt, we are angry,” Yadira Cervantes, the man’s sister, said. “My brother’s not a criminal. We are not criminals, we were treated like criminals in our own house.”

Attorneys said the family called authorities March 31 to help calm Isaias Cervantes, who is autistic, deaf and has intellectual disabilities. Attorney Austin Dove said Isaias was unarmed and, within three minutes after arriving at the home in Cudahy, two deputies body slammed him face forward on the ground and choked him.

“With all that, they’re claiming that Isaias was trying to disarm them…it’s physically impossible,” Dove said. “And so within these seconds, he’s shot in the back from point blank range.”

Wow. Absolute monsters.
He was being so violent as to cause his own mother to dial 911...not call a neighbor or a friend or family member...she called 911...that means she was in fear of him....he made a terrible mistake by grabbing for the officers weapon....lucky to be alive....
Once not resist...whether you are death dumb and blind or not....but I'm sure LA county is writing a multi million dollar check right now....
I saw a blind man kill a room full of people in Iraq....blind doesn't mean you are not a threat....
I think your brain has been permanently damaged by all the times women have sprayed you with pepper spray. Seriously, take the hint that you're repulsive to all sentient life.
That wasn't pepper spray, unless that's what you call it.

The family of a 25-year-old man with intellectual disabilities who was critically injured after Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies shot him at his Cudahy home called for justice Monday in downtown Los Angeles.

“We are hurt, we are angry,” Yadira Cervantes, the man’s sister, said. “My brother’s not a criminal. We are not criminals, we were treated like criminals in our own house.”

Attorneys said the family called authorities March 31 to help calm Isaias Cervantes, who is autistic, deaf and has intellectual disabilities. Attorney Austin Dove said Isaias was unarmed and, within three minutes after arriving at the home in Cudahy, two deputies body slammed him face forward on the ground and choked him.

“With all that, they’re claiming that Isaias was trying to disarm them…it’s physically impossible,” Dove said. “And so within these seconds, he’s shot in the back from point blank range.”

Wow. Absolute monsters.

Why do these .monsters appear so often in your leftist paradise?
Why do these .monsters appear so often in tour leftist paradise?
I've been wanting to tour leftist paradise for years now. Which way do I go to get to your America?
Wait, I'm confused.
No really, I am.
Yes, your are confused. Just head to pretty much any major American city. They have been Democrat for decades. There you'll find paradise -- no murder, no "racism" which is the number one sin in utopia. Be sure to walk the ghettos of any of these cities. There you will find peace
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Yes, your are confused. Just head to pretty much any major American city. They have been Democrat for decades. There you'll find paradise -- no murder, no "racism" which is the number one sin in utopia. Be sure to walk they the ghettos of any of these cities. There you will find peace
Yeah. I've walked West Dallas, Ft. Worth's Poly district, and South Oak Cliff. It always did feel peaceful. Not as peaceful as Oakland, CA, but close.
I think your brain has been permanently damaged by all the times women have sprayed you with pepper spray. Seriously, take the hint that you're repulsive to all sentient life.
That wasn't pepper spray, unless that's what you call it.


Never try to understand a desperate lounge lizard. Not only will it make your head hurt, but if you DO manage to decipher their crap, you'll feel like you need a shower.
There are good cops and bad cops, millions & millions of our tax dollars are used to settle civil settlements for police misconduct. WHY?

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