'Corbyn nuclear stance 'could undermine UK's deterrent''


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Corbyn nuclear stance 'could undermine UK's deterrent' - BBC News

"Jeremy Corbyn's refusal to launch nuclear weapons would "undermine" the UK's "deterrent" if he became PM, the chief of the defence staff has warned.

Gen Sir Nicholas Houghton told the BBC's Andrew Marr he would be worried if such a view "translated into power".

Shadow defence secretary Maria Eagle said she disagreed with Mr Corbyn's belief in unilateral disarmament.

He added: "The whole thing about deterrence rests on the credibility of its use.

"When people say you're never going to use the deterrent, what I say is you use the deterrent every second of every minute of every day and the purpose of the deterrent is that you don't have to use it because you successfully deter."
Image caption Maria Eagle does not believe unilateralism works

If a prime minister said they would never press the nuclear button "the deterrent is then completely undermined," he added. "

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No need to worry, not many people will vote labour in the next election, now Corbyn is its leader.

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