Coretta Scott King: Jeff Sessions would ‘irreparably damage’ my husband’s work


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011

Martin Luther King, Jr.’s late widow wrote in fervent opposition to Sessions’ 1986 nomination to the bench. Until today, her testimony was lost to time.

A potent new voice joined the chorus of opposition to Donald Trump’s nominee for Attorney General, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), on Tuesday night — one from beyond the grave.

The late Coretta Scott King famously opposed Sessions’ 1986 nomination to a federal judgeship in Alabama. But because then-Judiciary Chairman Strom Thurmond (R-TN) had never entered her 1l800-word letter testifying against Sessions into the congressional record, no copies were publicly available as Sessions faced his Senate colleagues on Tuesday morning. Buzzfeed reported that Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) had declined to release a copy and that no others were publicly accessible.

Tuesday evening, the Washington Post published the letter and testimony in full. In it, King invokes her slain husband to underscore not just the importance of voting rights, but the impropriety of Sessions’ conduct in the 1984 prosecution of black ballot access activists who had marched with King in Selma.

“The actions taken by Mr. Sessions in regard to the 1984 voting fraud prosecutions represent just one more technique used to intimidate Black voters and thus deny them this most precious franchise,” King wrote in her testimony.

LETTER: Coretta Scott King letter to Strom Thurmond - which he never admitted into the record.

More: Coretta Scott King: Jeff Sessions would ‘irreparably damage’ my husband’s work

This letter is very damaging to Sessions! Very damaging!
Elections have consequences, you libs lost and we are taking the country in a different direction boo hoo, get over it.
Elections have consequences, you libs lost and we are taking the country in a different direction boo hoo, get over it.

Duh, yeah, you're certainly taking it in a different direction - DOWN.
Elections have consequences, you libs lost and we are taking the country in a different direction boo hoo, get over it.

Duh, yeah, you're certainly taking it in a different direction - DOWN.

You lost suck it, don't like it win an election. Don't like it win back the House or the Senate, you fools couldn't even do that after spending over a billion dollars and the entire MSM whoring for you. :laugh:
It's unbelievably sad that then-Judiciary Chairman Strom Thurmond (R-TN) never entered her letter into the congressional record in 1986. Also, Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) had declined to release a copy and that no others were publicly accessible. Thanks to the Washington Post for finding and releasing a copy of her letter.
Apparently racists stick together - because Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) refused to release the letter for Sessions' confirmation hearings. Thank you, Washington Post, for finding and publishing it.
Liberals despise the concept of equality under the law they feast at the table of exclusionary interpretation to retain their beholding followers.

Martin Luther King, Jr.’s late widow wrote in fervent opposition to Sessions’ 1986 nomination to the bench. Until today, her testimony was lost to time.

A potent new voice joined the chorus of opposition to Donald Trump’s nominee for Attorney General, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), on Tuesday night — one from beyond the grave.

The late Coretta Scott King famously opposed Sessions’ 1986 nomination to a federal judgeship in Alabama. But because then-Judiciary Chairman Strom Thurmond (R-TN) had never entered her 1l800-word letter testifying against Sessions into the congressional record, no copies were publicly available as Sessions faced his Senate colleagues on Tuesday morning. Buzzfeed reported that Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) had declined to release a copy and that no others were publicly accessible.

Tuesday evening, the Washington Post published the letter and testimony in full. In it, King invokes her slain husband to underscore not just the importance of voting rights, but the impropriety of Sessions’ conduct in the 1984 prosecution of black ballot access activists who had marched with King in Selma.

“The actions taken by Mr. Sessions in regard to the 1984 voting fraud prosecutions represent just one more technique used to intimidate Black voters and thus deny them this most precious franchise,” King wrote in her testimony.

LETTER: Coretta Scott King letter to Strom Thurmond - which he never admitted into the record.

More: Coretta Scott King: Jeff Sessions would ‘irreparably damage’ my husband’s work

This letter is very damaging to Sessions! Very damaging!
Stay out of the firewater Washington Redskin
Duh, yeah, you're certainly taking it in a different direction - DOWN.

If Conservatism is DOWN, I'm hoping the defining book of this administration is either "Journey to the Center of the Earth" or "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea".

Martin Luther King, Jr.’s late widow wrote in fervent opposition to Sessions’ 1986 nomination to the bench. Until today, her testimony was lost to time.

A potent new voice joined the chorus of opposition to Donald Trump’s nominee for Attorney General, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), on Tuesday night — one from beyond the grave.

The late Coretta Scott King famously opposed Sessions’ 1986 nomination to a federal judgeship in Alabama. But because then-Judiciary Chairman Strom Thurmond (R-TN) had never entered her 1l800-word letter testifying against Sessions into the congressional record, no copies were publicly available as Sessions faced his Senate colleagues on Tuesday morning. Buzzfeed reported that Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) had declined to release a copy and that no others were publicly accessible.

Tuesday evening, the Washington Post published the letter and testimony in full. In it, King invokes her slain husband to underscore not just the importance of voting rights, but the impropriety of Sessions’ conduct in the 1984 prosecution of black ballot access activists who had marched with King in Selma.

“The actions taken by Mr. Sessions in regard to the 1984 voting fraud prosecutions represent just one more technique used to intimidate Black voters and thus deny them this most precious franchise,” King wrote in her testimony.

LETTER: Coretta Scott King letter to Strom Thurmond - which he never admitted into the record.

More: Coretta Scott King: Jeff Sessions would ‘irreparably damage’ my husband’s work

This letter is very damaging to Sessions! Very damaging!

Dear Mr. King:
Apparently racists stick together - because Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) refused to release the letter for Sessions' confirmation hearings. Thank you, Washington Post, for finding and publishing it.

Not like it's going to make a difference in any way.

Martin Luther King, Jr.’s late widow wrote in fervent opposition to Sessions’ 1986 nomination to the bench. Until today, her testimony was lost to time.

A potent new voice joined the chorus of opposition to Donald Trump’s nominee for Attorney General, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), on Tuesday night — one from beyond the grave.

The late Coretta Scott King famously opposed Sessions’ 1986 nomination to a federal judgeship in Alabama. But because then-Judiciary Chairman Strom Thurmond (R-TN) had never entered her 1l800-word letter testifying against Sessions into the congressional record, no copies were publicly available as Sessions faced his Senate colleagues on Tuesday morning. Buzzfeed reported that Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) had declined to release a copy and that no others were publicly accessible.

Tuesday evening, the Washington Post published the letter and testimony in full. In it, King invokes her slain husband to underscore not just the importance of voting rights, but the impropriety of Sessions’ conduct in the 1984 prosecution of black ballot access activists who had marched with King in Selma.

“The actions taken by Mr. Sessions in regard to the 1984 voting fraud prosecutions represent just one more technique used to intimidate Black voters and thus deny them this most precious franchise,” King wrote in her testimony.

LETTER: Coretta Scott King letter to Strom Thurmond - which he never admitted into the record.

More: Coretta Scott King: Jeff Sessions would ‘irreparably damage’ my husband’s work

This letter is very damaging to Sessions! Very damaging!
MLK cheated on her constantly. If he didn't take her seriously, why should we? She is merely one of many women he came inside of.

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