Corona 'vaccine' will kill you within one - two years. Depopulation is the True Agenda behind the fake Corona pandemic


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
What is behind the Covid-19 Fake pandemic? Why NWO destroys economies and enslaves peoples?
Only one: it is too much humans, it's not good for climate and natural resources.
The true agenda behind Corona hoax is to force peoples to do 'vaccine'
In syringe you will receive the true virus which kills you within one latest two years.
Of course all NWO servants will get non-poisoned 'vaccines'
According to NWO the Earth does not need more as 50m - 100m human population.
When you allow NWO to inject 'vaccine' in your body, you will sign your death sentence.

Belou is the true cause of Fake Covid-10 pandemic


This one is dangerous as hell. It has skipped many manny safety protocols. ( not that those protocols ar any safer) they aren't. Buuut this was super speeded through. The idiots that will line up to take it too.
I've never taken a flu shot in my life, I sure as Hell am not taking a China virus vaccine.

You will get of course the NWO 'vaccine' which kills you,
NWO has already manufactured it and simple pushes more panic and more harm to industry.
After folks are tied from unemployment and wearing a muzzle they will run to NWO and ask for a shot hoping to get good 'old' times back.
But they will receive a crematorium within few time.

This one is dangerous as hell. It has skipped many manny safety protocols. ( not that those protocols ar any safer) they aren't. Buuut this was super speeded through. The idiots that will line up to take it too.
I wonder if the gubmint will make the China virus vaccine mandatory for kids?
Baron was educated at the UNIVERSITY OF JOSEF
GOEBBELS. Be not amazed. There are still pockets
of POLIO in some islamic countries (in africa and the
far east) because all islamo nazis know that Salk and Sabin were seeking ways to render muslims infertile
What is behind the Covid-19 Fake pandemic? Why NWO destroys economies and enslaves peoples?
If the coronavirus is fake, what's killing people?

Other deaths are being counted as COVID-19 because they're adding so-called "probable" or "presumed" cases, which of course allows them to inflate the numbers. That is not a theory or opinion, it is a fact based on their own words. Also, there's a financial incentive for hospitals to diagnose COVID-19. A number of doctors and healthcare workers have said that fishy stuff is going on. Bottom line, the numbers are completely unreliable.
This one is dangerous as hell. It has skipped many manny safety protocols. ( not that those protocols ar any safer) they aren't. Buuut this was super speeded through. The idiots that will line up to take it too.
I wonder if the gubmint will make the China virus vaccine mandatory for kids?

probably not. It is not a specifically childhood disease. HOWEVER it may be -----depending on
future information, be made mandatory for health
care workers or in the military
What is behind the Covid-19 Fake pandemic? Why NWO destroys economies and enslaves peoples?
Only one: it is too much humans, it's not good for climate and natural resources.
The true agenda behind Corona hoax is to force peoples to do 'vaccine'
In syringe you will receive the true virus which kills you within one latest two years.
Of course all NWO servants will get non-poisoned 'vaccines'
According to NWO the Earth does not need more as 50m - 100m human population.
When you allow NWO to inject 'vaccine' in your body, you will sign your death sentence.

Belou is the true cause of Fake Covid-10 pandemic


It hasn’t been developed yet idiot.
Bill gates never said that in relation to a deadly vaccine imbecile.

if he said it at all it had do do with hunger and overpopulation.

you’re a sicko. You really are too stupid for air.
What is behind the Covid-19 Fake pandemic? Why NWO destroys economies and enslaves peoples?
If the coronavirus is fake, what's killing people?

The virus is not fake it is killing people it is being used and hyped up in order to take our rights and libertiies this is why we keep saying invisible 911. One must think about what happened after 911.........

This is our invisible 911 we have lost many rights under an act that can stay active until they un do it. Prob. is they won't un do it this is the NWO take over u guys don't want to see it.


This one is dangerous as hell. It has skipped many manny safety protocols. ( not that those protocols ar any safer) they aren't. Buuut this was super speeded through. The idiots that will line up to take it too.
I wonder if the gubmint will make the China virus vaccine mandatory for kids?

Oh of course this vaccine is being said to fry the ovaries and testicles. That's in the medical research white papers. ...
Just like this bs. stupid azzes think its funny now wait until the chain reaction happens..


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What is behind the Covid-19 Fake pandemic? Why NWO destroys economies and enslaves peoples?
If the coronavirus is fake, what's killing people?

The numbers are faked, even those octogenarians who died from cancer or hepatic cirrhosis are officially victims of Corona and their bodies get immediately cremated to hide evidences
This one is dangerous as hell. It has skipped many manny safety protocols. ( not that those protocols ar any safer) they aren't. Buuut this was super speeded through. The idiots that will line up to take it too.
I wonder if the gubmint will make the China virus vaccine mandatory for kids?

Anyone must be vaccinated everywhere in the world ( excluding NWO of course )
I always hoped there was enough faith by enough people to forestall this. All of us no matter what their beliefs let this happen. Getting "paid" and funding our own demise.
Baron was educated at the UNIVERSITY OF JOSEF
GOEBBELS. Be not amazed. There are still pockets
of POLIO in some islamic countries (in africa and the
far east) because all islamo nazis know that Salk and Sabin were seeking ways to render muslims infertile

There is NO ONE PROOF the Fake Corona Virus is more dangerous as flu.
There is NO ONE sign of reopening of countries without insane social distancing and muzzles on faces.
NWO and presstitutes lie to peoples to lead them to stay in lines for killer vaccines.
What is behind the Covid-19 Fake pandemic? Why NWO destroys economies and enslaves peoples?
If the coronavirus is fake, what's killing people?

Other deaths are being counted as COVID-19 because they're adding so-called "probable" or "presumed" cases, which of course allows them to inflate the numbers. That is not a theory or opinion, it is a fact based on their own words. Also, there's a financial incentive for hospitals to diagnose COVID-19. A number of doctors and healthcare workers have said that fishy stuff is going on. Bottom line, the numbers are completely unreliable.

But the KILLER VACCINE is reliable.
More as 95% of humanity must die

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