Corporate Primacy Causes People Poverty


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
Leo W. Gerard: Corporate Primacy Causes People Poverty

For all the fancy talk in Ohio on Thursday, it comes down to this: Do Americans want a government of the people by the people for the people, one conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal? Or do Americans want a government of the corporations by the corporations for the corporations, one dedicated to the proposition that the rich are better than everyone else?

For the rich, like Mitt Romney, the proposition that they are better than everyone else is a given. Romney believes that he, the son of a wealthy car company executive and governor, the youth who attended exclusive private schools and wallowed in every privilege, is a self-made man.

That is basic Republican philosophy: Every wealthy person and every successful corporation achieved that all by themselves. They didn't inherit; they didn't benefit from taxpayer-funded infrastructure like roads, schools and patent enforcement; there was no luck involved. They achieved it alone by virtue of their own grit, hard work and dedication.
Anyone can do it, the GOP believes, if they would just buckle down, work hard and follow all the rules. As a result, in Republican world, anyone who isn't rich has only himself to blame.

Therefore, in GOP-logic, the poor and middle class are inferior beings. Government should not serve them. The government, Republicans think, should bow to the successful, who earned service. The government must not, according to the GOP, reward shiftlessness by providing benefits to middle class scallywags who have failed to do what it takes to get rich.This doctrine of primacy for corporations and the 1 percent has set back the middle class. And the nation's economy. Middle class income has stagnated. Meanwhile, the wealth of the top 1 percent and corporations has skyrocketed, so that now as much wealth is concentrated at the top as was during the robber-baron age immediately before the Great Depression.

Well fucking said!
That's a nice bowl full of used food. In other words, nice polished turd there. Lookin' "good".
Wowzers!....Yet another dreary, envious and covetous screed form HRPuffinstuffPost?

My cup runneth over! :rolleyes:
Leo W. Gerard: Corporate Primacy Causes People Poverty

For all the fancy talk in Ohio on Thursday, it comes down to this: Do Americans want a government of the people by the people for the people, one conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal? Or do Americans want a government of the corporations by the corporations for the corporations, one dedicated to the proposition that the rich are better than everyone else?

For the rich, like Mitt Romney, the proposition that they are better than everyone else is a given. Romney believes that he, the son of a wealthy car company executive and governor, the youth who attended exclusive private schools and wallowed in every privilege, is a self-made man.

That is basic Republican philosophy: Every wealthy person and every successful corporation achieved that all by themselves. They didn't inherit; they didn't benefit from taxpayer-funded infrastructure like roads, schools and patent enforcement; there was no luck involved. They achieved it alone by virtue of their own grit, hard work and dedication.
Anyone can do it, the GOP believes, if they would just buckle down, work hard and follow all the rules. As a result, in Republican world, anyone who isn't rich has only himself to blame.

Therefore, in GOP-logic, the poor and middle class are inferior beings. Government should not serve them. The government, Republicans think, should bow to the successful, who earned service. The government must not, according to the GOP, reward shiftlessness by providing benefits to middle class scallywags who have failed to do what it takes to get rich.This doctrine of primacy for corporations and the 1 percent has set back the middle class. And the nation's economy. Middle class income has stagnated. Meanwhile, the wealth of the top 1 percent and corporations has skyrocketed, so that now as much wealth is concentrated at the top as was during the robber-baron age immediately before the Great Depression.

Well fucking said!

What a fucking load of horseshit.

HuffPo strikes again.
Wowzers!....Yet another dreary, envious and covetous screed form HRPuffinstuffPost?

My cup runneth over! :rolleyes:

STFU, if you don't have any commentary please STFU GayBall.
That was all the commentary such a dreary, envious and covetous screed form HRPuffinstuffPost deserves.

Don't like it?....Quit spamming the forum with that dreck.
Leo W. Gerard: Corporate Primacy Causes People Poverty

For all the fancy talk in Ohio on Thursday, it comes down to this: Do Americans want a government of the people by the people for the people, one conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal? Or do Americans want a government of the corporations by the corporations for the corporations, one dedicated to the proposition that the rich are better than everyone else?

For the rich, like Mitt Romney, the proposition that they are better than everyone else is a given. Romney believes that he, the son of a wealthy car company executive and governor, the youth who attended exclusive private schools and wallowed in every privilege, is a self-made man.

That is basic Republican philosophy: Every wealthy person and every successful corporation achieved that all by themselves. They didn't inherit; they didn't benefit from taxpayer-funded infrastructure like roads, schools and patent enforcement; there was no luck involved. They achieved it alone by virtue of their own grit, hard work and dedication.
Anyone can do it, the GOP believes, if they would just buckle down, work hard and follow all the rules. As a result, in Republican world, anyone who isn't rich has only himself to blame.

Therefore, in GOP-logic, the poor and middle class are inferior beings. Government should not serve them. The government, Republicans think, should bow to the successful, who earned service. The government must not, according to the GOP, reward shiftlessness by providing benefits to middle class scallywags who have failed to do what it takes to get rich.This doctrine of primacy for corporations and the 1 percent has set back the middle class. And the nation's economy. Middle class income has stagnated. Meanwhile, the wealth of the top 1 percent and corporations has skyrocketed, so that now as much wealth is concentrated at the top as was during the robber-baron age immediately before the Great Depression.

Well fucking said!

What a fucking load of horseshit.

HuffPo strikes again.

Horseshit is what your BREFFF smells like, GOP lemmings, working class dumbasses who lick the ass cracks of the rich and worship them. Checkmate fucktard! comes down to this: Do Americans want a government of the people by the people for the people, one conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal?

So you're saying Democrats support individual liberty and are dedicated to the proposition of equality? Really? What proof do you have of that?
Wowzers!....Yet another dreary, envious and covetous screed form HRPuffinstuffPost?

My cup runneth over! :rolleyes:

STFU, if you don't have any commentary please STFU GayBall.
That was all the commentary such a dreary, envious and covetous screed form HRPuffinstuffPost deserves.

Don't like it?....Quit spamming the forum with that dreck.

Rightwing trolls have the same responses because you eat from the plate of shit and have no shame for your shitty BREFFF. But you fucktards think your shit is believeable, :lol:
"For the rich, like Mitt Romney, the proposition that they are better than everyone else is a given. "

No need to take the article seriously just from this 1 simple statement... baseless hyperbole once again, simply used to try and trick people into believing that the hyper-partisan's opinion is fact comes down to this: Do Americans want a government of the people by the people for the people, one conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal?

So you're saying Democrats support individual liberty and are dedicated to the proposition of equality? Really? What proof do you have of that?

Do Repugs? WTF? comes down to this: Do Americans want a government of the people by the people for the people, one conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal?

So you're saying Democrats support individual liberty and are dedicated to the proposition of equality? Really? What proof do you have of that?

Do Repugs? WTF?

Ah, nice deflection. The answer is no, they often don't, which is why I'm a Libertarian. We absofuckinglutely support individual liberty and equality.

Have you now conceded that Democrats do not support these ideals either?
So you're saying Democrats support individual liberty and are dedicated to the proposition of equality? Really? What proof do you have of that?

Do Repugs? WTF?

Ah, nice deflection. The answer is no, they often don't, which is why I'm a Libertarian. We absofuckinglutely support individual liberty and equality.

Have you now conceded that Democrats do not support these ideals either?

You all don't support equality, its bullshit. Your dicked up party has distorted notions of equality.
Do Repugs? WTF?

Ah, nice deflection. The answer is no, they often don't, which is why I'm a Libertarian. We absofuckinglutely support individual liberty and equality.

Have you now conceded that Democrats do not support these ideals either?

You all don't support equality, its bullshit. Your dicked up party has distorted notions of equality.

So now you're attacking Libertarians as well as Republicans, yet you can't seem to muster any evidence in support of Democrats and their record of...what was it...equality and individual liberty.

You're really not very good at this are you?
"For the rich, like Mitt Romney, the proposition that they are better than everyone else is a given. "

No need to take the article seriously just from this 1 simple statement... baseless hyperbole once again, simply used to try and trick people into believing that the hyper-partisan's opinion is fact

Rich like some of these people? Oh, there's Leo... Number 2 on the list. Union Facts: Steelworkers Leaders, Employees, and Salaries

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