Corporations would rather grow acquiring innovation than spend dollars on risky R&D



We are left with university researchers with specialized knowledge, and places like Pacific Northwest National Labs. We have military facilities like the Navy research labs at Carderock, NAVAIR Florida, and the Air Force’s Arnold Engineering Development Center. We also have medical schools and research hospitals, such as Johns Hopkins. Each is profoundly creative.

We must not forget that NASA has been an incredibly prodigious generator of innovation for 50 years, as well as the granddaddy of great R&D sponsors, the Defense Advanced Research Project Administration (DARPA).

The next time someone tells you that the government has no place funding innovation, think about what these institutions have produced and ask two things: Where would we be without these efforts? What company would have provided the long term, patient money for the entire process — from the fundamental science to the final commercialization?

Our Myopic Society | Product Design and Development

When you point out the "Triple Helix" of "Universities, Business and Government" the right wing laughs. Remember, this is a group that believes "science is a faith, evolution a lie and Climate Change a conspiracy". Listening to them is listening to the Geico Man.

Those in Asia refer to it as the "Golden Helix". Republicans call it a lie.

That's Microsoft's whole success story. Bill didn't code DOS. He bought it.
I'm sorry you guys missed the point. If there is no "innovation" there is nothing for companies to "acquire". The entire point of the thread is how stupid it is to throw away government rather than work in a "partnership".

"Gubmint". Something Republicans despise. It's why they will be the big losers. Instead of being part of the solution, they want to be servants of the rich. Only the rich will go to greener pastures. Who wants to hang out with "sheep"?
The USA pays for R & D, they give it to corporations for a song, who then big capital moves the production offshore when it comes time to get the advances into full scale production.

That's not exactly working out for the taxpayers who paid for the breakthroughs, although I do not doubt that the researhers and capitalists who put it into production are thankful for the system.
The USA pays for R & D, they give it to corporations for a song, who then big capital moves the production offshore when it comes time to get the advances into full scale production.

That's not exactly working out for the taxpayers who paid for the breakthroughs, although I do not doubt that the researhers and capitalists who put it into production are thankful for the system.

So which is better? Giving it to corporations in the form of a license or a patent they can purchase, the way NASA does?

Or just giving them money, the way Republicans want to? Because they are the magical "job creators". Almost like "Gods". They "create".

Four computers were the first connected in the original ARPAnet. They were located in the respective computer research labs of UCLA (Honeywell DDP 516 computer), Stanford Research Institute (SDS-940 computer), UC Santa Barbara (IBM 360/75), and the University of Utah (DEC PDP-10).

ARPAnet - The First Internet

4 universities. Hmm, interesting.
We are left with university researchers with specialized knowledge, and places like Pacific Northwest National Labs. We have military facilities like the Navy research labs at Carderock, NAVAIR Florida, and the Air Force’s Arnold Engineering Development Center. We also have medical schools and research hospitals, such as Johns Hopkins. Each is profoundly creative.

We must not forget that NASA has been an incredibly prodigious generator of innovation for 50 years, as well as the granddaddy of great R&D sponsors, the Defense Advanced Research Project Administration (DARPA).

The next time someone tells you that the government has no place funding innovation, think about what these institutions have produced and ask two things: Where would we be without these efforts? What company would have provided the long term, patient money for the entire process — from the fundamental science to the final commercialization?

Our Myopic Society | Product Design and Development

When you point out the "Triple Helix" of "Universities, Business and Government" the right wing laughs. Remember, this is a group that believes "science is a faith, evolution a lie and Climate Change a conspiracy". Listening to them is listening to the Geico Man.

Those in Asia refer to it as the "Golden Helix". Republicans call it a lie.

Remember Eisenhower's warning about relying on the I posted in your helix thread?

Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers. The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present — and is gravely to be regarded.
The problems you are talking about came about because government funding stifled innovation, and your solution to this is to spend more government money to fix things.

And you wonder why everyone thinks you are an idiot.
We are left with university researchers with specialized knowledge, and places like Pacific Northwest National Labs. We have military facilities like the Navy research labs at Carderock, NAVAIR Florida, and the Air Force’s Arnold Engineering Development Center. We also have medical schools and research hospitals, such as Johns Hopkins. Each is profoundly creative.

We must not forget that NASA has been an incredibly prodigious generator of innovation for 50 years, as well as the granddaddy of great R&D sponsors, the Defense Advanced Research Project Administration (DARPA).

The next time someone tells you that the government has no place funding innovation, think about what these institutions have produced and ask two things: Where would we be without these efforts? What company would have provided the long term, patient money for the entire process — from the fundamental science to the final commercialization?

Our Myopic Society | Product Design and Development

When you point out the "Triple Helix" of "Universities, Business and Government" the right wing laughs. Remember, this is a group that believes "science is a faith, evolution a lie and Climate Change a conspiracy". Listening to them is listening to the Geico Man.

Those in Asia refer to it as the "Golden Helix". Republicans call it a lie.

Remember Eisenhower's warning about relying on the I posted in your helix thread?

Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers. The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present — and is gravely to be regarded.
The problems you are talking about came about because government funding stifled innovation, and your solution to this is to spend more government money to fix things.

And you wonder why everyone thinks you are an idiot.

How did government stifle innovation? Just another talking point you've been taught to memorize. No one thinks you are an idiot. It's something everyone already "knows".
We must not forget that NASA has been an incredibly prodigious generator of innovation for 50 years,

if so why be so afraid to tell us what the innovations are? So far NASA has been a huge huge waste of money. The private sector can go to space for 5% the cost of liberal bureaucrats at NASA! They invested billions going to the moon for no purpose whatsoever, and so didn't even bother to follow up on the moon program. Thats liberalism at work with your tax dollars.
We are left with university researchers with specialized knowledge, and places like Pacific Northwest National Labs. We have military facilities like the Navy research labs at Carderock, NAVAIR Florida, and the Air Force’s Arnold Engineering Development Center. We also have medical schools and research hospitals, such as Johns Hopkins. Each is profoundly creative.

We must not forget that NASA has been an incredibly prodigious generator of innovation for 50 years, as well as the granddaddy of great R&D sponsors, the Defense Advanced Research Project Administration (DARPA).

The next time someone tells you that the government has no place funding innovation, think about what these institutions have produced and ask two things: Where would we be without these efforts? What company would have provided the long term, patient money for the entire process — from the fundamental science to the final commercialization?

Our Myopic Society | Product Design and Development

When you point out the "Triple Helix" of "Universities, Business and Government" the right wing laughs. Remember, this is a group that believes "science is a faith, evolution a lie and Climate Change a conspiracy". Listening to them is listening to the Geico Man.

Those in Asia refer to it as the "Golden Helix". Republicans call it a lie.

Remember Eisenhower's warning about relying on the I posted in your helix thread?

Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers. The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present — and is gravely to be regarded.
The problems you are talking about came about because government funding stifled innovation, and your solution to this is to spend more government money to fix things.

And you wonder why everyone thinks you are an idiot.

How did government stifle innovation? Just another talking point you've been taught to memorize. No one thinks you are an idiot. It's something everyone already "knows".

It is far from a talking point I memorized.

Software patents 'gumming up innovation', warns chief Google lawyer | Technology |
Corporations would rather grow by buying up the competition. Then they do not have to innovate.
Remember Eisenhower's warning about relying on the I posted in your helix thread?

The problems you are talking about came about because government funding stifled innovation, and your solution to this is to spend more government money to fix things.

And you wonder why everyone thinks you are an idiot.

How did government stifle innovation? Just another talking point you've been taught to memorize. No one thinks you are an idiot. It's something everyone already "knows".

It is far from a talking point I memorized.

Software patents 'gumming up innovation', warns chief Google lawyer | Technology |

Now that is fucking hilarious. Obama snuck something in the Republicans didn't "scuttle". Makes you wonder how many other things he could be doing instead of fighting Republicans who want to see the country sink to get rid of the first black president. I bet they didn't know what they were agreeing to.

President Barack Obama signed into law Friday a major overhaul of the nation's patent system to ease the way for inventors to bring their products to market. "We can't afford to drag our feet any longer," he said.

Obama Signs 1st Major Patent Law Change Since 1952 | Product Design and Development

How did government stifle innovation? Just another talking point you've been taught to memorize. No one thinks you are an idiot. It's something everyone already "knows".

It is far from a talking point I memorized.

Software patents 'gumming up innovation', warns chief Google lawyer | Technology |

Now that is fucking hilarious. Obama snuck something in the Republicans didn't "scuttle". Makes you wonder how many other things he could be doing instead of fighting Republicans who want to see the country sink to get rid of the first black president. I bet they didn't know what they were agreeing to.

President Barack Obama signed into law Friday a major overhaul of the nation's patent system to ease the way for inventors to bring their products to market. "We can't afford to drag our feet any longer," he said.

Obama Signs 1st Major Patent Law Change Since 1952 | Product Design and Development


Obama did not sneak anything in. The bill was cosponsored by many Republicans and Democrats, which should prove how truly atrocious it was all by itself. The fact that the only companies that showed up for the signing were pharmaceutical companies should tell you who paid for it.
Corporations would rather grow by buying up the competition. Then they do not have to innovate.

so then why do they innovate??? Has the liberal noticed we've had plenty of innovation since the stone age??????
how stupid it is to throw away government rather than work in a "partnership".

Instead of being part of the solution, they want to be servants of the rich.

actually liberal government has been the source of all evil on earth with the last full century being the best example. Remember Hitler Stalin and Mao. Any idea why the liberals spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb?

The rich, conversely, have been the source of all goodness on earth. You could be rich like Ford or Gates if you had gifts to offer like they do. See why we are positive the liberal will have a low IQ. Liberals and Stalin were right just because the liberal feels it. He has no need to think. He feels strongly in his heart he should spy for Stalin as a manifestation of his moral superiority.
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As usual, the statists have a warped vision of how the govt actually contributes. I admire DARPA. I spent 6 years of my life pitching ideas and concepts to DARPA. Had a group of 20 engineers and scientists that needed to be "fed" in private industry. DARPA would come up with a list of "priorities to support military missions" and the circus would begin. HUNDREDS of companies would send dog and pony shows to Foggy Bottom and other places to FILL the govt needs. It was sheer serendipity that ANY of the DARPA developments found their way into everyday life. In fact -- it was BBN and other PRIVATE companies that pitched and developed the early internet idea. DARPA played a key role and as a "program manager" they were often REAL good at the job. But you are WAAAY exaggerating the "ownership" of the concepts and implementations that came of govt funding.

Same deal with NASA. And again -- I had an office at KSC so I know some inner workings here as well. It was Grumman and Thiokol and LockHeed and GE that got us to the moon. No logos on the rockets, but don't doubt that there was CONSIDERABLE investment on both sides. My NASA counterparts were there again as program management -- not as "developers".. To believe that the govt is providing sufficient technical expertise to reach these goals as RDean seems to suggest is ludicrous.

When the govt plays the roles of picking winners/losers they are doing the same nasty work of the venture Capitalists which they despise. Those guys who get filthy rich by just providing the cash.

I don't actually mind govt R@D investment. FAR preferable to subsidies for shit that already exists on the market. But let's not go off the deep end with the govt being a remarkably cheap or efficient way to expand our technology base. When it comes to military or security products -- they have a role. That's about as far as it goes.
Corporations would rather grow by buying up the competition. Then they do not have to innovate.

so then why do they innovate??? Has the liberal noticed we've had plenty of innovation since the stone age??????

They don't. Not as much as you imagine. That's the point. Just like the little point on top of your tiny, empty head.
We are left with university researchers with specialized knowledge, and places like Pacific Northwest National Labs. We have military facilities like the Navy research labs at Carderock, NAVAIR Florida, and the Air Force’s Arnold Engineering Development Center. We also have medical schools and research hospitals, such as Johns Hopkins. Each is profoundly creative.

We must not forget that NASA has been an incredibly prodigious generator of innovation for 50 years, as well as the granddaddy of great R&D sponsors, the Defense Advanced Research Project Administration (DARPA).

The next time someone tells you that the government has no place funding innovation, think about what these institutions have produced and ask two things: Where would we be without these efforts? What company would have provided the long term, patient money for the entire process — from the fundamental science to the final commercialization?

Our Myopic Society | Product Design and Development

When you point out the "Triple Helix" of "Universities, Business and Government" the right wing laughs. Remember, this is a group that believes "science is a faith, evolution a lie and Climate Change a conspiracy". Listening to them is listening to the Geico Man.

Those in Asia refer to it as the "Golden Helix". Republicans call it a lie.

Why would corporations risk their money on R&D when we have the taxpayers to do that under the direction of your mesiah Obama?. Remember- Obama's recent 1/2 trillion dollar loss of tax payer money to Solergyn. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

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