Cortez Is A Socialist Fraud

"Fan art, prints and mugs inscribed with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s quotes are being sold around the country. Her Twitter following has spiked. The lipstick brand she wore for TV appearances sold out online after she made her preference public.

In the days since Ocasio-Cortez’s stunning upset victory in the New York primary, the 28-year-old Democrat has become a full-blown political sensation and an international news phenomenon.

Almost as soon as she was declared the winner over House Democratic Caucus chairman Joe Crowley, she made clear her ambition wasn’t limited to the Queens and Bronx-based House district she’s almost certain to win in November.

She’s used her sudden fame as a platform to endorse and promote fellow insurgents across the country in their primary challenges against Democratic incumbents. And in the process, she’s building a national following that stands to make her an influential House progressive the moment she is sworn in."
The left needs a clear strategy with emphasis on Infrastructure.

We should Not be Wasting the (other) Peoples' Tax monies on alleged Wars on Crime, Drugs, and Terror; especially when the right wing refuses to pay for them with wartime Tax rates;



Is it really really serious right wingers or just right wing, economic cluelessness and economic Causelessness?

Cutting general warfare spending and common offense spending must have priority before cutting Any general welfare spending.

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