Cosby strikes back against ridiculous accusations


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Bill Cosby (alleged to be the biggest serial rapist in American history) has files lawsuits against 7 of the now 50 women making unproved , un-convictable accusations against him claiming "financial gain".

Hopefully his lawyers will be able to show a money trail and get some judgments.

(Cosby is currently under attack from Hollywood for too much non-PC, moral preaching on TV)
He's just mad cause the free pootie train is in the ditch.

Fuck him.
I figured out the reason why there are so many women making accusations.

It would be unethical for the media to keep bringing the topic up if there was only one or two accusations, therefor Gloria Allred is recruiting women to simply keep the story in the news. It, of course, is ridiculous that Cosby raped 50 to 70 women, but Allred knows most people will believe what they see on TV.

This is a full fledged slander campaign against Cosby.
Cosby is a hypocrite who very likely may belong in jail. Being conservative does not give him a free pass to ass.
So all these women got together with the same basic story to pick on poor Bill, because of why?
Cosby used his "position power" to drug and sexually abuse dozens of unsuspecting women over the years. He is a despicable, disgusting, degenerate pig. There is no way that all of these women are lying.

Fortunately, regardless of the outcome of any legal proceedings, he has been tried and convicted in the court of public opinion. His life is now SHIT.

He went from "America's dad" to "persona non grata". You know that's killing him. he doesn't get ti feed his enormous need for approval.......
Bill Cosby (alleged to be the biggest serial rapist in American history) has files lawsuits against 7 of the now 50 women making unproved , un-convictable accusations against him claiming "financial gain".

Hopefully his lawyers will be able to show a money trail and get some judgments.

(Cosby is currently under attack from Hollywood for too much non-PC, moral preaching on TV)



Bill Cosby (alleged to be the biggest serial rapist in American history) has files lawsuits against 7 of the now 50 women making unproved , un-convictable accusations against him claiming "financial gain".

Hopefully his lawyers will be able to show a money trail and get some judgments.

(Cosby is currently under attack from Hollywood for too much non-PC, moral preaching on TV)




Great idea!

That will help keep the story alive until the scumbag is dead.
Anyone notice how liberals jump all over Cosby yet still defend Bill Clinton for the same accusations? Anyone realize how they are trashing the black guy and giving the white guy a pass?
Cosby is a hypocrite who very likely may belong in jail. Being conservative does not give him a free pass to ass.

Cosby isn't a "Conservative".
I'm referring to his public positions of personal responsibility. That is very much a conservative value. One he apparently thought did not apply to him.
It is? That's not very evident with the self-proclaimed con-servatives on this board.
Cosby is a hypocrite who very likely may belong in jail. Being conservative does not give him a free pass to ass.

Cosby isn't a "Conservative".
I'm referring to his public positions of personal responsibility. That is very much a conservative value. One he apparently thought did not apply to him.
It is? That's not very evident with the self-proclaimed con-servatives on this board.
Impossible to say since none of us know each other irl. How do you judge something you know nothing about?
Cosby is a hypocrite who very likely may belong in jail. Being conservative does not give him a free pass to ass.

Cosby isn't a "Conservative".
I'm referring to his public positions of personal responsibility. That is very much a conservative value. One he apparently thought did not apply to him.

This idea that anyone holding a position that supports personal responsibility must be a conservative is a misconception. Those who support the idea of a better safety net and who believe that healthcare should be provided for all are not against personal responsibility. Personal responsibility and societal responsibility are not necessarily two different things, and believing in one does not equate into being against the other. As for Mr. Cosby, I personally think he is disgusting. This many women do not come out against someone with these kinds of accusations when it's not true. That's like saying that all those young men that were abused by Jerry Sandusky just did it so they could become celebrities or gain something from it.
Man, I'd love to see the behind-the-scenes on this one. Talk about a high-risk move.

I can't imagine this was his lawyers' idea.
I figured out the reason why there are so many women making accusations.

It would be unethical for the media to keep bringing the topic up if there was only one or two accusations, therefor Gloria Allred is recruiting women to simply keep the story in the news. It, of course, is ridiculous that Cosby raped 50 to 70 women, but Allred knows most people will believe what they see on TV.

This is a full fledged slander campaign against Cosby.

the amazing thing is that he's kept it quiet this long, becuase these rumors around him have been around for decades.
Anyone notice how liberals jump all over Cosby yet still defend Bill Clinton for the same accusations? Anyone realize how they are trashing the black guy and giving the white guy a pass?

Most of the women who accused Clinton had serious credibility problems. - Contradictory statements, convictions for fraud, taking money from Clinton's political opponents.

Now, if you can find similiar doubts about Cosby's accusers, I'd be glad to listen.

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