Could Mankinds demise come not from nuclear holocaust, but from an unexpected disaster?


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
First. let's get this straight.....I Do not know. I read this and it "seems" there is some truth to it.

'We've 10 years to save the seas or life on earth will become impossible'

Again, I Do NOT KNOW. But I do know mankind is dumping billions of tons of plastic and other waste into the oceans. Japan recently dumped radioactive materials into the Pacific. There are floating plastic Islands the size of small states already in the Oceans. How much waste can the oceans deal with until a critical point is reached?

Some scientists warn that we are reaching a critical point where micro marine organisms will stop reproducing due to toxins in the waters which will then work it's way all the way up the food chain, having a cascading effect on all life on the planet....eventually ending it all for millions if not hundreds of millions of years until nature resets after the human catastrophe.

What do you think? More "Sky is falling hysteria"? Or a valid possibility?

Wouldn't it be at least ironic if mankinds demise was a result of garbage rather than something like nuclear war?
Man was created with the sole purpose of generating plastic ore. Plastic ore is not native to this world. Xenu placed us here for this purpose. Our work is almost complete. Only then shall the Thetans be released to return to motherworld. Xenu be praised.
First. let's get this straight.....I Do not know. I read this and it "seems" there is some truth to it.

'We've 10 years to save the seas or life on earth will become impossible'

Again, I Do NOT KNOW. But I do know mankind is dumping billions of tons of plastic and other waste into the oceans. Japan recently dumped radioactive materials into the Pacific. There are floating plastic Islands the size of small states already in the Oceans. How much waste can the oceans deal with until a critical point is reached?

Some scientists warn that we are reaching a critical point where micro marine organisms will stop reproducing due to toxins in the waters which will then work it's way all the way up the food chain, having a cascading effect on all life on the planet....eventually ending it all for millions if not hundreds of millions of years until nature resets after the human catastrophe.

What do you think? More "Sky is falling hysteria"? Or a valid possibility?

Wouldn't it be at least ironic if mankinds demise was a result of garbage rather than something like nuclear war?
It would be fitting, I think. We aren't quite as smart as we like to think we are.
First. let's get this straight.....I Do not know. I read this and it "seems" there is some truth to it.

'We've 10 years to save the seas or life on earth will become impossible'

Again, I Do NOT KNOW. But I do know mankind is dumping billions of tons of plastic and other waste into the oceans. Japan recently dumped radioactive materials into the Pacific. There are floating plastic Islands the size of small states already in the Oceans. How much waste can the oceans deal with until a critical point is reached?

Some scientists warn that we are reaching a critical point where micro marine organisms will stop reproducing due to toxins in the waters which will then work it's way all the way up the food chain, having a cascading effect on all life on the planet....eventually ending it all for millions if not hundreds of millions of years until nature resets after the human catastrophe.

What do you think? More "Sky is falling hysteria"? Or a valid possibility?

Wouldn't it be at least ironic if mankinds demise was a result of garbage rather than something like nuclear war?
Mass coronal ejection. Hit us just right and we'd be back in the 1800's for a long time. Probably 90 percent of the population would die the first year.

Solar storm of 1859 - Wikipedia
First. let's get this straight.....I Do not know. I read this and it "seems" there is some truth to it.

'We've 10 years to save the seas or life on earth will become impossible'

Again, I Do NOT KNOW. But I do know mankind is dumping billions of tons of plastic and other waste into the oceans. Japan recently dumped radioactive materials into the Pacific. There are floating plastic Islands the size of small states already in the Oceans. How much waste can the oceans deal with until a critical point is reached?

Some scientists warn that we are reaching a critical point where micro marine organisms will stop reproducing due to toxins in the waters which will then work it's way all the way up the food chain, having a cascading effect on all life on the planet....eventually ending it all for millions if not hundreds of millions of years until nature resets after the human catastrophe.

What do you think? More "Sky is falling hysteria"? Or a valid possibility?

Wouldn't it be at least ironic if mankinds demise was a result of garbage rather than something like nuclear war?
It would be fitting, I think. We aren't quite as smart as we like to think we are.
I took an Earth Science class in college and when the professor matter of factly told us about all the nuclear waste we are burying in the earth, I cried. I literally teared up and had to blow my nose in class. It's heartbreaking that when someone comes up with a good idea, he or she can't think around the corner to its disposal before bringing it to life.
First. let's get this straight.....I Do not know. I read this and it "seems" there is some truth to it.

'We've 10 years to save the seas or life on earth will become impossible'

Again, I Do NOT KNOW. But I do know mankind is dumping billions of tons of plastic and other waste into the oceans. Japan recently dumped radioactive materials into the Pacific. There are floating plastic Islands the size of small states already in the Oceans. How much waste can the oceans deal with until a critical point is reached?

Some scientists warn that we are reaching a critical point where micro marine organisms will stop reproducing due to toxins in the waters which will then work it's way all the way up the food chain, having a cascading effect on all life on the planet....eventually ending it all for millions if not hundreds of millions of years until nature resets after the human catastrophe.

What do you think? More "Sky is falling hysteria"? Or a valid possibility?

Wouldn't it be at least ironic if mankinds demise was a result of garbage rather than something like nuclear war?
It would be fitting, I think. We aren't quite as smart as we like to think we are.
I took an Earth Science class in college and when the professor matter of factly told us about all the nuclear waste we are burying in the earth, I cried. I literally teared up and had to blow my nose in class. It's heartbreaking that when someone comes up with a good idea, he or she can't think around the corner to its disposal before bringing it to life.
It's too bad you are so fed by the left you can't think for yourself. Do you really think the scientists just beginning to figure out how to use nuclear energy didn't understand half life? Try backing up from the feeding trough and ask yourself who ultimately decides what is done with anything in this country? The government, that's who, and you can bet your media fed ass that the scientists all told then that "This magic metal don't just evaporate and blow away, no, it's here for a LONG time". Then the greedy filthy bastards in congress decided to store it in the cheapest place they could and hope it would be ok. Burying it in the ground like they do their heads.
First. let's get this straight.....I Do not know. I read this and it "seems" there is some truth to it.

'We've 10 years to save the seas or life on earth will become impossible'

Again, I Do NOT KNOW. But I do know mankind is dumping billions of tons of plastic and other waste into the oceans. Japan recently dumped radioactive materials into the Pacific. There are floating plastic Islands the size of small states already in the Oceans. How much waste can the oceans deal with until a critical point is reached?

Some scientists warn that we are reaching a critical point where micro marine organisms will stop reproducing due to toxins in the waters which will then work it's way all the way up the food chain, having a cascading effect on all life on the planet....eventually ending it all for millions if not hundreds of millions of years until nature resets after the human catastrophe.

What do you think? More "Sky is falling hysteria"? Or a valid possibility?

Wouldn't it be at least ironic if mankinds demise was a result of garbage rather than something like nuclear war?
Mass coronal ejection. Hit us just right and we'd be back in the 1800's for a long time. Probably 90 percent of the population would die the first year.

Solar storm of 1859 - Wikipedia
A Carrington Event would most certainly lay waste to much of our electronics and electrical grids.This was the basis for EMP weapons of today.

A bigger threat is no bigger than a microbe. Many of our "eradicated" diseases are mutating, adapting to survive. When one adapts far enough a plague like we have not see in over 150-250 years will be devastating. There will be no where to hide and our antibiotics will be useless.
First. let's get this straight.....I Do not know. I read this and it "seems" there is some truth to it.

'We've 10 years to save the seas or life on earth will become impossible'

Again, I Do NOT KNOW. But I do know mankind is dumping billions of tons of plastic and other waste into the oceans. Japan recently dumped radioactive materials into the Pacific. There are floating plastic Islands the size of small states already in the Oceans. How much waste can the oceans deal with until a critical point is reached?

Some scientists warn that we are reaching a critical point where micro marine organisms will stop reproducing due to toxins in the waters which will then work it's way all the way up the food chain, having a cascading effect on all life on the planet....eventually ending it all for millions if not hundreds of millions of years until nature resets after the human catastrophe.

What do you think? More "Sky is falling hysteria"? Or a valid possibility?

Wouldn't it be at least ironic if mankinds demise was a result of garbage rather than something like nuclear war?
It would be fitting, I think. We aren't quite as smart as we like to think we are.
I took an Earth Science class in college and when the professor matter of factly told us about all the nuclear waste we are burying in the earth, I cried. I literally teared up and had to blow my nose in class. It's heartbreaking that when someone comes up with a good idea, he or she can't think around the corner to its disposal before bringing it to life.

I took an Earth Science class in college and when the professor matter of factly told us about all the nuclear waste we are burying in the earth,

How much? Is the nuclear waste making Gaia radioactive?
The last "Ice Age" is relatively recent in geological terms. As a matter of fact the "man made global warming" that the henny penny sky is falling left refers to might be the natural emergence from the last Ice Age but lefties never have a nice day and if they can make a buck off it they will pick disaster for their next vacation.
The Clown-pocalypse!

There was a movie exactly about the oceans dying. Forcing folks to reduce themselves to cannibalism in the form of saltine crackers.
Only 3 years to go...:113:

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