Could someone explain how 17 Days of In Person early voting In Georgia is voter suppression?

The mandatory hours of opening were changed from 7am to 7pm, were cut to 9am to 5pm,

Preventing many voters on hourly wages working from 9 to 5 pm jobs, from being able to cast an early vote.

Then cutting the open hours on weekends double down on it.
. Requiring two Saturday 88 voting days and two optional Sunday voting days will dramatically increase the total voting 89 hours for voters across the State of Georgia, and all electors in Georgia will have access 90 to multiple opportunities to vote in person on the weekend for the first time;

but nice try .........

C:\pdf\201498.wpd (
Because when you look at ALL the changes in the law and not just one, you can come to no other conclusion.

The Trump cult is all about uneducated white people keeping power, and who gives a fuck about democracy? That's what all these voter suppression bills all across the country are being passed.
The Biden cult is all about Biden and his family keeping power, and that why there is so much opposition by Democrats to voter suppression of cheating and illegal voting of illegal can come to no other conclusion. :biggrin:
17 days early voting in person, including at least two Saturdays, and its called passing Jim Crow Law. You show an ID wether you are white, black or any other ethnicity. Please some liberal, explain how this suppresses the vote.
I think we have firmly established that Democrats aren't honest.
They don't want us to believe our eyes....just blindly believe their lies.
17 days early voting in person, including at least two Saturdays, and its called passing Jim Crow Law. You show an ID wether you are white, black or any other ethnicity. Please some liberal, explain how this suppresses the vote.
The mandatory hours of opening were changed from 7am to 7pm, were cut to 9am to 5pm,

Preventing many voters on hourly wages working from 9 to 5 pm jobs, from being able to cast an early vote.

Then cutting the open hours on weekends double down on it.
We’re supposed to believe they can’t get a day off or a lunch break during 17 days?

I thought these people didn’t have IDs? Now they are working full-time jobs with no breaks or time off.

Gotta love these imagined scenarios lefties come up with.
Who works 5 minutes away from their own specifically assigned precinct, so they can go and vote on their lunch hour?

Why reduce the mandatory voting hours at all? Why, why why?

How does that reduce voter fraud? This sham legislation in the guise of voter fraud protection prevents no occurring voter fraud.

You do not even know how voting works and you can only vote in your own district precinct.... why even post in this thread?
17 days early voting in person, including at least two Saturdays, and its called passing Jim Crow Law. You show an ID wether you are white, black or any other ethnicity. Please some liberal, explain how this suppresses the vote.
The mandatory hours of opening were changed from 7am to 7pm, were cut to 9am to 5pm,

Preventing many voters on hourly wages working from 9 to 5 pm jobs, from being able to cast an early vote.

Then cutting the open hours on weekends double down on it.
2 weeks and you can't figure out how to go down and vote or do an absentee ballot? You shouldn't vote--------you lack the brain functions to make good decisions.
17 days early voting in person, including at least two Saturdays, and its called passing Jim Crow Law. You show an ID wether you are white, black or any other ethnicity. Please some liberal, explain how this suppresses the vote.
The mandatory hours of opening were changed from 7am to 7pm, were cut to 9am to 5pm,

Preventing many voters on hourly wages working from 9 to 5 pm jobs, from being able to cast an early vote.

Then cutting the open hours on weekends double down on it.
We’re supposed to believe they can’t get a day off or a lunch break during 17 days?

I thought these people didn’t have IDs? Now they are working full-time jobs with no breaks or time off.

Gotta love these imagined scenarios lefties come up with.
Who works 5 minutes away from their own specifically assigned precinct, so they can go and vote on their lunch hour?

Why reduce the mandatory voting hours at all? Why, why why?

How does that reduce voter fraud? This sham legislation in the guise of voter fraud protection prevents no occurring voter fraud.

You do not even know how voting works and you can only vote in your own district precinct.... why even post in this thread?
to make it easier to stop voter fraud of course.
17 days early voting in person, including at least two Saturdays, and its called passing Jim Crow Law. You show an ID wether you are white, black or any other ethnicity. Please some liberal, explain how this suppresses the vote.
The mandatory hours of opening were changed from 7am to 7pm, were cut to 9am to 5pm,

Preventing many voters on hourly wages working from 9 to 5 pm jobs, from being able to cast an early vote.

Then cutting the open hours on weekends double down on it.

They dont have a day off work for 17 days straight? 18 if you count the actual voting day... seems to me with all those extra days the lines should be a lot shorter.

I'm gonna say no... i'm still not convinced its Jim Crow... not eagle proportions anyway.
17 days early voting in person, including at least two Saturdays, and its called passing Jim Crow Law. You show an ID wether you are white, black or any other ethnicity. Please some liberal, explain how this suppresses the vote.
The mandatory hours of opening were changed from 7am to 7pm, were cut to 9am to 5pm,

Preventing many voters on hourly wages working from 9 to 5 pm jobs, from being able to cast an early vote.

Then cutting the open hours on weekends double down on it.
We’re supposed to believe they can’t get a day off or a lunch break during 17 days?

I thought these people didn’t have IDs? Now they are working full-time jobs with no breaks or time off.

Gotta love these imagined scenarios lefties come up with.

You beat me to it. yes... full time jobs with no ID !
Because when you look at ALL the changes in the law and not just one, you can come to no other conclusion.

The Trump cult is all about uneducated white people keeping power, and who gives a fuck about democracy? That's what all these voter suppression bills all across the country are being passed.
People without IDs tend to be "uneducated" as well.
17 days early voting in person, including at least two Saturdays, and its called passing Jim Crow Law. You show an ID wether you are white, black or any other ethnicity. Please some liberal, explain how this suppresses the vote.
The mandatory hours of opening were changed from 7am to 7pm, were cut to 9am to 5pm,

Preventing many voters on hourly wages working from 9 to 5 pm jobs, from being able to cast an early vote.

Then cutting the open hours on weekends double down on it.
We’re supposed to believe they can’t get a day off or a lunch break during 17 days?

I thought these people didn’t have IDs? Now they are working full-time jobs with no breaks or time off.

Gotta love these imagined scenarios lefties come up with.
Who works 5 minutes away from their own specifically assigned precinct, so they can go and vote on their lunch hour?

Why reduce the mandatory voting hours at all? Why, why why?

How does that reduce voter fraud? This sham legislation in the guise of voter fraud protection prevents no occurring voter fraud.

You do not even know how voting works and you can only vote in your own district precinct.... why even post in this thread?

17 days early voting and you cant get more than one day off? this law would apply to Republicans as well.... not just Democrats. The only changes I see in the laws require more accountability and it affects everyone equally.
Because when you look at ALL the changes in the law and not just one, you can come to no other conclusion.

The Trump cult is all about uneducated white people keeping power, and who gives a fuck about democracy? That's what all these voter suppression bills all across the country are being passed.

Hell with that BS, I don't give a damn about white people having power. Its about respect for honesty and doing things the right way. It's Democrats who are constantly forcing people to look at the color of their skin and judge each other. Starting now with what they are doing with kids in schools.
Who works 5 minutes away from their own specifically assigned precinct, so they can go and vote on their lunch hour?

Why reduce the mandatory voting hours at all? Why, why why?

How does that reduce voter fraud? This sham legislation in the guise of voter fraud protection prevents no occurring voter fraud.

You do not even know how voting works and you can only vote in your own district precinct.... why even post in this thread?
Why are you yammering about lunch hours, when the Georgia law has EXPANDED voting to more WEEKEND days. See Post # 22 and link.

C:\pdf\201498.wpd (
Because when you look at ALL the changes in the law and not just one, you can come to no other conclusion.

The Trump cult is all about uneducated white people keeping power, and who gives a fuck about democracy? That's what all these voter suppression bills all across the country are being passed.
You're a fucking idiot!

The FACT of the matter is that there is a grand total of zero voter suppression bills, jackass.

You're an easily brainwashed idiot.
17 days early voting in person, including at least two Saturdays, and its called passing Jim Crow Law. You show an ID wether you are white, black or any other ethnicity. Please some liberal, explain how this suppresses the vote.
Its amazing that the lefties outright stole the last election , yet they are not stopping there. They are going to continue to find more ways to cheat. It is the reason the USA is done for . They are never ever satisfied.
17 days early voting in person, including at least two Saturdays, and its called passing Jim Crow Law. You show an ID wether you are white, black or any other ethnicity. Please some liberal, explain how this suppresses the vote.
What would be wrong with 30 days?
17 days early voting in person, including at least two Saturdays, and its called passing Jim Crow Law. You show an ID wether you are white, black or any other ethnicity. Please some liberal, explain how this suppresses the vote.
The mandatory hours of opening were changed from 7am to 7pm, were cut to 9am to 5pm,

Preventing many voters on hourly wages working from 9 to 5 pm jobs, from being able to cast an early vote.

Then cutting the open hours on weekends double down on it.
The hours for early voting were never mandated 7am to 7pm. The old law read "during normal business hours". The change set mandatory minimums as some places had only been opened half days.
"Will voting hours be restricted?
President Biden has said: "What I'm worried about is how un-American this whole initiative is. It's sick. Deciding that you're going to end voting at five o'clock when working people are just getting off work."

But it's not the case that voting has to finish at 5pm.

The law allows counties to set voting hours anywhere between 7am and 7pm, as was the case previously.

The new law does lay out the hours that are required as a minimum on election day, saying "voting shall be conducted beginning at 9:00 A.M. and ending at 5:00 P.M.", as opposed to "during normal business hours" stated in the old law.

But "normal business hours" were widely interpreted as 9am to 5pm anyway, so the practical impact of this change is negligible. +

Georgia voting: Fact-checking claims about the new election law (
Can you provide the precincts who were not opened from 7am to 7pm in the 2020 election?

How does making it from 9am to 5pm make the ''election safer from fraud'' by reducing the minimum opening hours?
17 days early voting in person, including at least two Saturdays, and its called passing Jim Crow Law. You show an ID wether you are white, black or any other ethnicity. Please some liberal, explain how this suppresses the vote.

I can't vote in person..I can't stand in line and I no long drive.

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