Could we fix the English language so every word has only one meaning?

Could we assign a group of Linguists to fix the English language so that every word has only one meaning and also provide the country with a rigidly defined, official specification? Words would have to broken up into about a dozen different words to allow no ambiguity. The grammar could be made extremely crude and inflexible as well. Imagine a language that allowed no word play on double meanings and no ambiguity. How great would that be?
No. Because the left will always manipulate words to fit 5heir agenda.

The goal is to define it so precisely that it can't be so easily manipulated to fit an agenda.
I believe that removing ambiguities eliminates a barrier that stands in the way of increasing the scope of what can be defined. Imagine having an official definition of music, art, and even meaning itself, a helpful book to guide us if you will. Not only that, the level of descriptive writing it would encourage is inspiring.

Our ability to analyze and express our analysis are the primary limits we struggle with in life. Our ability to analyze is what we are as individuals and our ability to express our analysis defines us in the minds of others. Language is our primary tool of expression, which by definition makes it both the most enabling and yet limiting tool at our disposal when interacting with the world. Many attempts to solve problems arise from flaws in communication and we all to at least some extent go through life trapped inside ourselves as a result of this. The lack of precision in our language is a hinderance in m opinion.
I think the answer is called increasing your vocabulary. There are plenty of words out there that offer nuanced meaning to a concept; it's just that most people don't know/use them.

If you want to make up some new words, though, feel free. A lot of great writers have.

I disagree. I believe it comes down to removing ambiguities.
I believe that removing ambiguities eliminates a barrier that stands in the way of increasing the scope of what can be defined. Imagine having an official definition of music, art, and even meaning itself, a helpful book to guide us if you will. Not only that, the level of descriptive writing it would encourage is inspiring.

Our ability to analyze and express our analysis are the primary limits we struggle with in life. Our ability to analyze is what we are as individuals and our ability to express our analysis defines us in the minds of others. Language is our primary tool of expression, which by definition makes it both the most enabling and yet limiting tool at our disposal when interacting with the world. Many attempts to solve problems arise from flaws in communication and we all to at least some extent go through life trapped inside ourselves as a result of this. The lack of precision in our language is a hinderance in m opinion.
I think the answer is called increasing your vocabulary. There are plenty of words out there that offer nuanced meaning to a concept; it's just that most people don't know/use them.

If you want to make up some new words, though, feel free. A lot of great writers have.

I disagree. I believe it comes down to removing ambiguities.
I read that the native Alaskans have over twenty words for snow, distinguishing between many different subtle differences in it. It almost sounds as if you want to limit words' meaning instead of expanding them.

I guess I'm not completely sure what you're proposing. Maybe a few examples?
you'd have to make up a lot of new words...

Would forward be a direction, or basketball position?

ever been in a boat on a lake, and have to duck a duck?

Well now you are just being impossible!

Next someone will be down in Australia and when asked about a good rooting they will not know it is sex...

I love the play on English words like Gay and so on because it is hilarious to watch some go full nutter over the play on words!

Just as long as you remember to knock me up in the morning.

Trying to make an English person not to do double entendres is tantamount to murder.
Is a lift something you put in your shoes, to appear taller, or a way to get to upper floors?
you'd have to make up a lot of new words...

Would forward be a direction, or basketball position?

ever been in a boat on a lake, and have to duck a duck?

Well now you are just being impossible!

Next someone will be down in Australia and when asked about a good rooting they will not know it is sex...

I love the play on English words like Gay and so on because it is hilarious to watch some go full nutter over the play on words!

Just as long as you remember to knock me up in the morning.

Trying to make an English person not to do double entendres is tantamount to murder.
Is a lift something you put in your shoes, to appear taller, or a way to get to upper floors?

You should know. You've done it often enough.

Tell them how to pronounce Slough. :)
I believe that removing ambiguities eliminates a barrier that stands in the way of increasing the scope of what can be defined. Imagine having an official definition of music, art, and even meaning itself, a helpful book to guide us if you will. Not only that, the level of descriptive writing it would encourage is inspiring.

Our ability to analyze and express our analysis are the primary limits we struggle with in life. Our ability to analyze is what we are as individuals and our ability to express our analysis defines us in the minds of others. Language is our primary tool of expression, which by definition makes it both the most enabling and yet limiting tool at our disposal when interacting with the world. Many attempts to solve problems arise from flaws in communication and we all to at least some extent go through life trapped inside ourselves as a result of this. The lack of precision in our language is a hinderance in m opinion.
I think the answer is called increasing your vocabulary. There are plenty of words out there that offer nuanced meaning to a concept; it's just that most people don't know/use them.

If you want to make up some new words, though, feel free. A lot of great writers have.

I disagree. I believe it comes down to removing ambiguities.
I read that the native Alaskans have over twenty words for snow, distinguishing between many different subtle differences in it. It almost sounds as if you want to limit words' meaning instead of expanding them.

I guess I'm not completely sure what you're proposing. Maybe a few examples?

"I read that the native Alaskans have over twenty words for snow"

words that mean;

damned snow
stinking snow
fkn snow
rotten snow
doesn't this snow ever stop
whats with all the fkn snow?
you'd have to make up a lot of new words...

Would forward be a direction, or basketball position?

ever been in a boat on a lake, and have to duck a duck?

Well now you are just being impossible!

Next someone will be down in Australia and when asked about a good rooting they will not know it is sex...

I love the play on English words like Gay and so on because it is hilarious to watch some go full nutter over the play on words!

Just as long as you remember to knock me up in the morning.

Trying to make an English person not to do double entendres is tantamount to murder.
Is a lift something you put in your shoes, to appear taller, or a way to get to upper floors?

You should know. You've done it often enough.

Tell them how to pronounce Slough. :)

rhymes with plow
Could we assign a group of Linguists to fix the English language so that every word has only one meaning and also provide the country with a rigidly defined, official specification? Words would have to broken up into about a dozen different words to allow no ambiguity. The grammar could be made extremely crude and inflexible as well. Imagine a language that allowed no word play on double meanings and no ambiguity. How great would that be?
Are you nuts?
you'd have to make up a lot of new words...

Would forward be a direction, or basketball position?

ever been in a boat on a lake, and have to duck a duck?

Well now you are just being impossible!

Next someone will be down in Australia and when asked about a good rooting they will not know it is sex...

I love the play on English words like Gay and so on because it is hilarious to watch some go full nutter over the play on words!

Just as long as you remember to knock me up in the morning.

Trying to make an English person not to do double entendres is tantamount to murder.
Is a lift something you put in your shoes, to appear taller, or a way to get to upper floors?

You should know. You've done it often enough.

Tell them how to pronounce Slough. :)

rhymes with plow

Clever. :113:

Now do Loughborough.
Well now you are just being impossible!

Next someone will be down in Australia and when asked about a good rooting they will not know it is sex...

I love the play on English words like Gay and so on because it is hilarious to watch some go full nutter over the play on words!

Just as long as you remember to knock me up in the morning.

Trying to make an English person not to do double entendres is tantamount to murder.
Is a lift something you put in your shoes, to appear taller, or a way to get to upper floors?

You should know. You've done it often enough.

Tell them how to pronounce Slough. :)

rhymes with plow

Clever. :113:

Now do Loughborough.

No idea, never been there.

Had enough trouble with West Ruislip, before I arrived.
Could we assign a group of Linguists to fix the English language so that every word has only one meaning and also provide the country with a rigidly defined, official specification? Words would have to broken up into about a dozen different words to allow no ambiguity. The grammar could be made extremely crude and inflexible as well. Imagine a language that allowed no word play on double meanings and no ambiguity. How great would that be?

It would suck, and will never happen.
Just as long as you remember to knock me up in the morning.

Trying to make an English person not to do double entendres is tantamount to murder.
Is a lift something you put in your shoes, to appear taller, or a way to get to upper floors?

You should know. You've done it often enough.

Tell them how to pronounce Slough. :)

rhymes with plow

Clever. :113:

Now do Loughborough.

No idea, never been there.

Had enough trouble with West Ruislip, before I arrived.

Did you get the hang of it? Eventually?
Like how the left flipped the meaning of liberal and conservative?
Could we assign a group of Linguists to fix the English language so that every word has only one meaning and also provide the country with a rigidly defined, official specification? Words would have to broken up into about a dozen different words to allow no ambiguity. The grammar could be made extremely crude and inflexible as well. Imagine a language that allowed no word play on double meanings and no ambiguity. How great would that be?
No. Because the left will always manipulate words to fit 5heir agenda.

The goal is to define it so precisely that it can't be so easily manipulated to fit an agenda.
Like how the left flipped the meaning of liberal and conservative?
Could we assign a group of Linguists to fix the English language so that every word has only one meaning and also provide the country with a rigidly defined, official specification? Words would have to broken up into about a dozen different words to allow no ambiguity. The grammar could be made extremely crude and inflexible as well. Imagine a language that allowed no word play on double meanings and no ambiguity. How great would that be?
No. Because the left will always manipulate words to fit 5heir agenda.

The goal is to define it so precisely that it can't be so easily manipulated to fit an agenda.


we mean how conservatives have decided that "conservative" includes ONLY right wing fascist nazis who delight in murdering people

and "liberal" means anyone who is NOT a right wing fascist nazi who delights in murdering people.

like that.
I believe that removing ambiguities eliminates a barrier that stands in the way of increasing the scope of what can be defined. Imagine having an official definition of music, art, and even meaning itself, a helpful book to guide us if you will. Not only that, the level of descriptive writing it would encourage is inspiring.

Our ability to analyze and express our analysis are the primary limits we struggle with in life. Our ability to analyze is what we are as individuals and our ability to express our analysis defines us in the minds of others. Language is our primary tool of expression, which by definition makes it both the most enabling and yet limiting tool at our disposal when interacting with the world. Many attempts to solve problems arise from flaws in communication and we all to at least some extent go through life trapped inside ourselves as a result of this. The lack of precision in our language is a hinderance in m opinion.
I think the answer is called increasing your vocabulary. There are plenty of words out there that offer nuanced meaning to a concept; it's just that most people don't know/use them.

If you want to make up some new words, though, feel free. A lot of great writers have.

I disagree. I believe it comes down to removing ambiguities.
I read that the native Alaskans have over twenty words for snow, distinguishing between many different subtle differences in it. It almost sounds as if you want to limit words' meaning instead of expanding them.

I guess I'm not completely sure what you're proposing. Maybe a few examples?

"I read that the native Alaskans have over twenty words for snow"

words that mean;

damned snow
stinking snow
fkn snow
rotten snow
doesn't this snow ever stop
whats with all the fkn snow?
Why, you've been eavesdropping on me!

Actually, not this winter--not a single snowfall of more than 6 inches and all quickly melted by rain or sun. It's gonna be an early mud season.
But but but of course !


Remember my EX. Tacoma narrows bridge. "severe side wind" as in blow. Could not convince her it was wind not wind as in wind like a snake.

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