Count-down to Gale Crater, Mars for Curiosity Lander

When it lands it will be just around the curve from line of sight from earth. Therefore we will not get a direct signal from Curiosity, but a signal which will have to be relayed from the Mars Reconaissance orbiter or Odyssey. That may happen right away, and it may not, because the orbiter is moving very fast and may miss the rover on first pass. It's planned that Odyssey will pass over the LZ within a few minutes after landing, and we'll know something right away, but maybe not, since it will be low on the horizen from MSL (mars science laboratory).
I'll be up.
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I'm expecting dean to come along any minute and remind me that as a republican I don't believe in science.... That way I can go ahead and go to bed.
You can watch a "real time" computer simulation here$SERVERURL/content/documents/msl/edl.xml

I've got it running while listening to live audio feed from NASA.
17 minutes to entry, 23 minutes to touchdown. 1.5 beers remaining.
They look like a scholastic bowl team. The guy in the middle is a doper.


  • $nasa.jpg
    55.5 KB · Views: 54
This Java animation kicks ass. You can rotate views using the keyboard arrows.

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