Court rules Bush officials can be sued for post-9/11 detentions



“The question at this stage of the litigation is whether the [eight foreigners arrested on immigration charges] have plausibly pleaded that the [government officials] exceeded the bounds of the Constitution in the wake of 9/11,” they wrote. “We believe that they have.”

After being arrested for immigration charges such as overstaying a visa or working without legal authorization after 9/11, the men were held from between three to eight months in New York or New Jersey. The men, who are all Arab or South Asian, were detained for being “suspected terrorists” and claim that they were abused by prison guards and subjected to extended solitary confinement.

In 2002, they filed a class action lawsuit againt then-Attorney General John Ashcroft, then-FBI Director Robert Mueller and other federal and local law enforcement officials.

Wednesday’s decision allows that suit to go forward.

Court rules Bush officials can be sued for post-9 11 detentions TheHill

Wow, someone is going to be losing sleep.
“The question at this stage of the litigation is whether the [eight foreigners arrested on immigration charges] have plausibly pleaded that the [government officials] exceeded the bounds of the Constitution in the wake of 9/11,” they wrote. “We believe that they have.”

After being arrested for immigration charges such as overstaying a visa or working without legal authorization after 9/11, the men were held from between three to eight months in New York or New Jersey. The men, who are all Arab or South Asian, were detained for being “suspected terrorists” and claim that they were abused by prison guards and subjected to extended solitary confinement.

In 2002, they filed a class action lawsuit againt then-Attorney General John Ashcroft, then-FBI Director Robert Mueller and other federal and local law enforcement officials.

Wednesday’s decision allows that suit to go forward.

Court rules Bush officials can be sued for post-9 11 detentions TheHill

Wow, someone is going to be losing sleep.
Wow, the Romans can be sued for killing Jesus.

Yeah, this asinine ruling will be upheld for sure.

Poor progressive skidmarks, still dreaming of being able to send Bush officials to jail for imagined crimes.

Bush Derrangement Syndrome is strong in rderp.
Poor progressive skidmarks, still dreaming of being able to send Bush officials to jail for imagined crimes.

Bush Derrangement Syndrome is strong in rderp.
You still believe he was the best president ever?
Poor progressive skidmarks, still dreaming of being able to send Bush officials to jail for imagined crimes.

Bush Derrangement Syndrome is strong in rderp.
You still believe he was the best president ever?

lol, I never said he was. Thought he was dumb to invade Iraq with ground forces the way he did. He should of just carpet bombed everything in Iraq, and only used troops to take over their oil fields as war reparations, instead of having our soldiers patrolling their populated cities and giving away oil contracts to the Chinese, French, Russians and more. He also believed that these Muslims would embrace freedom and deomcracy. But Islam and freedom do not mix. Bush should of been much more brutal and forceful with Iraqis, instead of trying to be their friend. Brute force is the only thing Islamic savages understand.

So no, I don't believe he was the best President. But nothing he did was "illegal". He had authorization and support from Congress, including your beloved Dems, like Hillary. Haven't seen you progs calling for Hillary to be jailed for authorizing the war either.
Poor progressive skidmarks, still dreaming of being able to send Bush officials to jail for imagined crimes.

Bush Derrangement Syndrome is strong in rderp.
You still believe he was the best president ever?

lol, I never said he was. Thought he was dumb to invade Iraq with ground forces the way he did. He should of just carpet bombed everything in Iraq, and only used troops to take over their oil fields as war reparations, instead of having our soldiers patrolling their populated cities and giving away oil contracts to the Chinese, French, Russians and more. He also believed that these Muslims would embrace freedom and deomcracy. But Islam and freedom do not mix. Bush should of been much more brutal and forceful with Iraqis, instead of trying to be their friend. Brute force is the only thing Islamic savages understand.

So no, I don't believe he was the best President. But nothing he did was "illegal". He had authorization and support from Congress, including your beloved Dems, like Hillary. Haven't seen you progs calling for Hillary to be jailed for authorizing the war either.

I agree. He should have just carpet bombed Iraq. Never mind the hearts and minds bullshit.

Carpet bomb the place and let them do their own rebuilding.

He wasn't the best president and I agree that he did nothing illegal and all those Dems did indeed vote for the war. A war that was totally approved by Congress.

Oh and don't hold your breath for these lefty loons to demand Hilbat be strung up like the Reps. She was lied to. LOL
"After being arrested for immigration charges such as overstaying a visa or working without legal authorization after 9/11, the men were held from between three to eight months in New York or New Jersey. The men, who are all Arab or South Asian, were detained for being “suspected terrorists” and claim that they were abused by prison guards and subjected to extended solitary confinement."

Yet another example of the contempt for due process and the rule of law common to many on the right; yet another of many good reasons to keep a republican out of the WH.
"After being arrested for immigration charges such as overstaying a visa or working without legal authorization after 9/11, the men were held from between three to eight months in New York or New Jersey. The men, who are all Arab or South Asian, were detained for being “suspected terrorists” and claim that they were abused by prison guards and subjected to extended solitary confinement."

Yet another example of the contempt for due process and the rule of law common to many on the right; yet another of many good reasons to keep a republican out of the WH.
So you should have been really pissed when Obama droned US citizens without a shred of due process right,or will you remain the simplton hypocritical hack you normally are.
lol, I never said he was. Thought he was dumb to invade Iraq with ground forces the way he did. He should of just carpet bombed everything in Iraq, and only used troops to take over their oil fields as war reparations, instead of having our soldiers patrolling their populated cities and giving away oil contracts to the Chinese, French, Russians and more. He also believed that these Muslims would embrace freedom and deomcracy. But Islam and freedom do not mix. Bush should of been much more brutal and forceful with Iraqis, instead of trying to be their friend. Brute force is the only thing Islamic savages understand.

So no, I don't believe he was the best President. But nothing he did was "illegal". He had authorization and support from Congress, including your beloved Dems, like Hillary. Haven't seen you progs calling for Hillary to be jailed for authorizing the war either.

I don't want to get too deep into post game quarterbacking Super Bowl 3 here, but if the administration kept the Iraqi army intact, and put most of the government officials back in charge everything would have been fine. We could have rounded up the worst of the Ba'ath party and the saddam regime, put them on trial and killed them within the first few years and the country likely wouldn't have seen the violence it did.

Instead they tore the who thing down and left a vacuum. Like Colin Powell said" You broke it, you bought it".


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