COVID-19’s Biological Politics

Digging deeper, Breakfast Dogs notices another (along with the ZC45 RBD motif we've already mentioned) special motif:

'@ 12 Oct: A recent discovery - histone mimicry motif ARKS in SARS-CoV-2, also appears in ZC45, but not other previously known sarbecovs.'

Edward Hooper (www. AIDS Origins page) would likely be interested to learn that Edward Holmes pops up here:

Dog's Breakfast @ 12 Oct: 'Chinese defector, Li Men Yang1, then at KHU, discusses her work there, her supervisors and Malik Peiris:
"Identifying SARS-CoV-s-Related Coronaviruses in Malayan Pangolins"....Edward C. Holmes....(in red) "What's he doing here?"

"...Hydroxychloroquine efficiently blocks viral entry mediated by cathepsin L, but not by TMPRSS2, and that a combination of hydroxychloroquine and a clinically tested TMPRSS2 inhibitor prevents SARS-CoV-2 infection more potently than either drug alone.'

Yeah, remember that?!
The N969K mutation in Omicron (BA.4) arose in South Africa. Details will likely remain esoteric. This is a stabilizing mutation (vs destabilizing mutation):

'N969K is a stabilizing mutation.'

Since we have already posted some N/K associations recently in this thread.

N969K occurs in the HR1 region, and we've already mentioned that HR1 is a vaccine-related region, used to stabilize the protein for vaccine production.

Sep 2022 Francis Crick Institute, London and Ulm, Germany
'....Individual mutations of S371F/L, S375F, and T376A in the ACE2 receptor-binding domain RBD) as well as Q954H and N969K in the hinge region 1 (HR1, heptad repeat region 1) impaired infectivity, while changes to G339D, D614G, N764K, and L981F moderately enhanced it.
Our results represent a systematic functional analysis of Omicron spike adaptions that have allowed this SARS-CoV-2 variant to dominate the current pandemic.'

The virus mutating from asparagine (N) to lysine (K) at position 969 was reacting in the first human host of Omicron BA.4 at precisely a vaccine-related location.

Can you tell if the "Stabilizing mutation" was manmade?
Can you tell if the "Stabilizing mutation" was manmade?
Badger2's intuition is that the mutation came about in the human host, which influenced the virus to mutate, though it's not necessarily so. Dog's Breakfast is also mentioning N's (asparagines) and K's (lysines) on the Twitter page. There's more work to do. We'd like to get DB's opinion on N969K Thusfar it seems, DB hasn't posted N969K for the vaccine linked HR1 region.
Badger2's intuition is that the mutation came about in the human host, which influenced the virus to mutate, though it's not necessarily so. Dog's Breakfast is also mentioning N's (asparagines) and K's (lysines) on the Twitter page. There's more work to do. We'd like to get DB's opinion on N969K Thusfar it seems, DB hasn't posted N969K for the vaccine linked HR1 region.

I recently read this and bought some of the shares under $3 just now

How to Detect a Man-Made Biothreat
I recently read this and bought some of the shares under $3 just now

How to Detect a Man-Made Biothreat
Yes, it's probably worth a fling to invest. Ebright is mentioned in the article, and we agree with his skepticism on a few points, for example the "Golden Gate" technique apparently leaves no fingerprint, and the furin also mentioned does not cover all there is to know about nidoviruses (includes coronaviruses): in some cases, furin is not required for viral entry.
Iarpa (post # 1,306) was announced in 2017. The military implications that would prompt Iarpa's announcement would have to include Chinese PLA's virus discovered during that year on Zhoushan Island: ZC45. This dangerous virus is neurotropic in rats, and more information is needed for the archives. Draper/Ginkgo/Iarpa includes Raytheon (military) as a partner, so Raytheon knows about ZC45 and so does Putin's KGB/FSB:

Jan 2021 Quebec Universite du Montreal / Vladimir Makarenko, et al / ZC45
'....but also a close relative of the bat CoV ZC45 and ZXC21 strains.'

Thus returning to the Omicron N969K mutation, caveats to discern whether this is man-made would include:

1. Possible mouse origin of Omicron.

26 Jan 2022 Post #6
'....45 point mutations....'

2. Boston University's chimera using Omicron spike.

Post # 1,250

3. What was already known (in 2008) about coronavirus fusion and heptad repeats:

'Cleavage generally occurs N terminally or N proximally to a hydrophobic region called the fusion peptide, thereby providing the ectodomain of the resulting membrane-anchored polypeptide with a lipophilic terminus.

This ectodomain typically also contains two heptad repeat regions, the hallmark of class I fusion proteins. The positions of these regions - designated here as HR1 and HR2, with HR2 being membrane proximal - relative to the fusion peptide and transmembrane domain vary considerably.'
(Bosche and Rottier, Ch. 11 Nidovirus Entry Into Cells, in Nidoviruses, ASM Press, Washington, D.C. 2008)
Recalling that Rahalkar, et al were responding to the Mojiang miners cases and eventually, RaTG13. This was occurring as Fau Chi testified to the U.S. Senate on 26 Ap 2012 on 'Dual Use.'

22 Aug 2022 Post # 1,168

Breakfast Dogs / Rahalkar
' Yes, I agree. RaTG13 is fake. They changed the RBM (circle-red) so that it looked not dangerous to humans, but otherwise similar to SARS-CoV-2. BANAL-52 is also fake, it looks more dangerous to humans and closer to SARS-CoV-2. distracting from RaTG13 - the more obvious fake.'
This PNAS article critiques Robert Garry. Garry is known to Edward Hooper (AID Origins page), and was mentioned earlier on Skye's thread:

'....Garry's limited alignment of seven Spike protein sequences is far from precise. RaCS203, for example, lacks arginine, serine residues, present in other viruses.'

Garry links to "Fau Chi's Mutation," for VSV:

Garry on Polio and VSV, Posts # 264-5

Garry is also on Megyn Kelly Show, Dark Brandon Tries Again
This is the URL as it appears on Skye's thread:
Garry mentions RBD, though others think that RaTG13 is fake because of an RBD (post # 1,309). At timepoint 6:07, Garry mentions Jeremy Farrar. JFK Jr. mentions Jeremy Farrar, on another of Skye's threads:

Post #208
'....In 2004, a Vietnamese-based Oxford University Clinical Research Unit Director, Jeremy Farrar....'

If BANAL-52 is also fake (post # 1,309), then Farrar's position in Vietnam is proximal to BANAL-52 in Laos.
Around @8:35 in the Kelly video, Garry mentions engineered HIV-1 into SARS-CoV-2.

@tony_vandongen 3 Sep
''s the insertion of 4 HIV-1 sequences which introduce the ability to interact with and kill t cells. Please explain to me how the same 4 inserts ended up in BANAL52.'
Back to Wisconsin for insertion of HIV into influenza:

'....HIV-Facilitated Speed-Up....he must devise a method for accelerating the replication process....from his limited stock that managed to survive inside human flesh for 80 years. The source of Kawaoka's virus was never disclosed to the public or medical authorities.
To summarize, a decade ago at his lab in Wisconsin with generous funding from Japanese state institutions, Kawaoka was developing an "unstoppable flu," secretly derived from an illegal exhumation of the Arctic frozen corpse of an Alaskan native who died in the 1918-19 influenza pandemic.'

The HIV-1 insert sequences Vandongen mentions should be posted for comparison to other nidoviruses.
In China Outbreak Part 4 above, the accelerated replication process indeed links to "Fau Chi's Mutation," D614G of SARS-CoV-2, for this mutation increases the production of VSV pseudoparticles, VSV being the basis for ebola vaccine.

Part 4 continues, linking MERS to South Korea and Vietnam:
'....The 2015 MERS outbreak occurred in Saudi Arabia, spilling over into the UAE and Oman and broke out in South Korea due to a damages shipping case at Osan Air Base. Kawaoka obtained the MERS sample about 3 years prior to the 2015 outbreak from a high-ranking female Indonesian lab technician working at NAMRU-2, in a long series of security breaches that prompted the UNIT's relocation to Phnom Penh.'

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