COVID-19’s Biological Politics

Hotez is full of it. There is no evidence from animals at the market.
So to retrieve the article an photo of Livermore Lab, it's www. for 'The Energy Department-Lab Investigating COVID Knows What It's Talking About'
@Jikkyleaks generated a DOE clue yesterday. Forthcoming, we will follow the clue to make the retrovirus connection to DOE.
Actually, it was Deigin who generated the clue:

'Interestingly, the FauI restriction site in the insertion also cuts through the serine codon. I wonder if there is a plausible relevant ligation scenario.'
Deigin's first paper on SARS2 was in Russian. On Deigin's page, 'fauI' is misleading. It's a Roman numeral. We will be linking FauI to furin cleavage sites.

Jul 2003 Russian Academy of Sciences, "The Unique FauI Restriction-Modification System"
So Worobey the zoonoti has published on foamy retroviruses of coelacanths. The Fau furin cleavage site of coelacanth is identical in position and amino acid sequence with chimp, human, mouse, rat, and Peromyscus maniculatus bairdii Prairie Deer Mouse: positions 105-108 'RAKR.'

Latimeria chalumnae Fau Furin
'....105-108 'RAKR.'
Fortunately, this sequence came from a live fish, though it's problematic to link fau to ancient fish of the Chengjiang Fauna, Yunnan, such as Myllokunmingia. Fossils of Myllokunmingia may indeed underlie the bat cave from whence Shi and Daszak collected RsSHC014 coronavirus.
Noting that it's a simple matter to link ticks to P. maniculatus and Lyme disease.
Because of chimp fau (above) having a furin cleavage site, and because AstraZeneca is a chimp-based "vaccine" with furin cleavage site mRNA, this goes into the file:

Alternative URLs:

First, The Elf is Jesuit. Therefore, Zheng-Li Shi traveling to Mozambique for a conference would already link to Fau Chi's Wuhan Institute of Virology involvement and GoF funding.

The chron for Sep 2019 must include religion's protection rackets, because when the CIA goes to church, it's damn sure not to pray:

5 Sep 2019 Pope / Mozambique

Alternate USMB URLs:

1. Original URL as found:



Because SARS2 is an American-assisted Chinese communist virus, the history of communism must be invoked when dealing with Jesuit protection rackets. Little will be found on the background of Vernon Walters in the UK, though he was, like The Elf, also Jesuit-trained.

His book, Silent Missions, should be acquired if only for its Brazilian resonance, since currently Lula is going fascist bananas with vaccine mandates and Baric @UNC bat lab has remained anal retentive about publishing the spike of American bat-vectored virus, Appalachian Ridge coronavirus (ArCov), related to viruses from Tadarida brasiliensis.
More on the Mozambique Chron

Huff (The Truth About Wuhan) predicts an Aug 2019 time for initial SARS2 outbreak, even before Mozambique.

Bavari is introduced here:
'Bavari withdrew from the conference 10 days before....Shi did attend the 2019 conference, held from 1-5 Sep.'

So the pope visits on the 5th, the last day of Shi's conference, next prompting the question, "What Mozambique locations are involved for the pope and Zheng-Li Shi?," because there is already a documented history of catholic missions to China.

Alternate URLs

1. without the 'https://' as originally found:

2. adding only a 'www':

3. adding both the 'https://' and the 'www':
Mozambique Chron, continued

The least credible SARS2 argument is natural spillover.
On 1 May 2020, Dr. Filippa Lentzos of King's College, London, published an assessment in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists:

1. original URL as found:

2. alternative URL adding both 'https://' and 'www.':

URLs above will not function when typed into the spacebar, though the article can be retrieved with a Yahoo search, and it does seem correctly transcribed:
www. 'natural spillover or research lab leak why a credible investigation is needed to determine the origin of the coronavirus pandemic.'
Mozambique Chron, continued

Markson mentions more on Bavari:
'Ch. 17 USAMRIID Ft. Detrick, Maryland

Inside America's highly secretive army biological research site at Fort Detrick, Maryland are BSL-4 laboratories. Soldiers guard the premises that house America's bio-defense agency, the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID).

It's the last place on earth you would expect to have developed ties with Wuhan Institute of Virology researchers who, in turn, are engaging in secret Chinese military activity.

USAMRIID's Chief Scientific Officer and Scientific Director Sina Bavari sits on the editorial board of the journal where Shi Zhengli is the Editor-in-Chief, Virologica Sinica. Sina Bavari has been at USAMRIID since 2011 and Chief Scientific Officer since Sep 2014, his five-year term expiring in Sep 2019, according to his CV.

Before he left, Bavari had agreed to attend an emerging infectious diseases conference with Shi Zhengli in Sep 2019, in Tofo, Mozambique.

Markson mentions that Bavari had organized his flight and Mozambique visa, the cancelled ten days before. He originally told Markson that he attended, saying that Zhengli made a presentation, then changed and said it was in 2018 though Zhengli seemed to have not attended in 2018.

In Markson's chapter, A Can of Worms, she says:

'DiNanno's team obtained a bombshell classified report prepared by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, America's biodefense labs, which made the case that COVID-19 may have originated in a Wuhan laboratory as a result of synthetic and "serial passage" gain-of-function biological research, while also not ruling out the zoonotic theory.
On Nov 18, the ACV (Bureau of Arms, Control, Verification) team emailed the Livermore Laboratories asking for an update of the new report, with a more conrete offer to provide funding. The team sent yet another email on 23 Nov. Finally, they received an initial response from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories on 30 Nov.

While the correspondence is classified, sources tell me Lawrence Livermore was prevented from updating the report, preparing a new one or conducting any official work at all for the State Department by the leadership at the US Department of Energy.

"They were censored," one insider claims. On 3 Dec, the ACV requested another update from Livermore Laboratories, while submitting a "request for information" from the intelligence community around the same time.'
(Markson, What Really Happened in Wuhan)
Mozambique Chron

Zoonoti Worobey's published reports on foamy retroviruses from coelacanths link to Mozambique:

Coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae / Mozambique
Sep 2015
'....until the discovery of two living species in deep marine waters of the Mozambique Channel and Sulawesi.'

The furin cleavage site in L. chalumnae fau is at the same position and identical to that from chimp and human fau: positions 105-108 RAKR.

Rather than ticks from Chinese civet cats (Paguma) or raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes) which include the genus Ixodes, we track the furin cleavage site to African wildcats via the serval in Mozambique:

Serval Leptailurus serval
'Range map: Mozambique'

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