Covington Teen's Lawyer Releases Brutal 14-Minute Video Showcasing Lies of Nathan Phillips and Media

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
By now most everyone knows that the Covington Catholic High School boys didn't mob and harass a revered "tribal elder" at the Lincoln Memorial following the March for Life on January 18. The boys were actually targeted and harassed by two groups of protesters: the Black Hebrew Israelites (who hurled hateful, racial, homophobic slurs at them) and Native American activists from the American Indian Movement, led by "tribal elder" Nathan Phillips.

A nationwide media frenzy erupted after the Covington boys were falsely accused of mocking Phillips, spurring hundreds of threats against the school and the school's students from across the country by phone, email, and social media.

Not everyone who helped perpetuate the initial fake story has retracted their claims or apologized, and lawyers for the Covington families are working hard to make sure people are held accountable.

A new fourteen-minute video of the incident in Washington, D.C., last month emphasizes the starring role Phillips took in spreading the fraudulent narrative and the supporting roles the uncritical media took in smearing the innocent kids.

The video was released Saturday by L. Lin Wood, the high-profile attorney who was retained by the family of Nicholas Sandmann, the 16-year-old who smiled at Phillips while the activist banged on a drum and chanted in his face. The initial viral video clip of that confrontation spurred widespread condemnation and death threats against the 16-year-old. Wood's specialty is bringing "aggressive libel and slander suits against media organizations," reportedly.

"Two weeks ago, the mainstream media, politicians, church officials, commentators, & celebrities rushed to judgment to wrongfully condemn, threaten, disparage & vilify Nick Sandmann based solely on a few seconds of an out-of-context video clip. It only takes 15 minutes to learn the truth," Wood said in the YouTube description.

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Nick Sandmann is represented by one of the top libel attorneys in the country, arguably THE top.

Statement of Attorneys L. Lin Wood and Todd McMurtry On Behalf of Nick Sandmann and His Family
» Statement of Attorneys L. Lin Wood and Todd McMurtry On Behalf of Nick Sandmann and His Family

What We Do (Client/case list - this guy is a heavy hitter)
» What We Do

Nick Sandmann: The Truth in 15 Minutes

Informative video produced by Nick Sandmann’s libel attorneys to shape the legal battlefield.

Sandmann’s Attorney Has Sent Out 50 Letters In First Step Of Libel- Defamation Suit. List Includes: Catholic Church, NYT, GQ, CNN, TMZ, Maggie Haberman, Alyssa Milano, Kathy Griffin etc
Sandmann’s Attorney Has Sent Out 50 Letters In First Step Of Libel- Defamation Suit. List Includes: Catholic Church, NYT, GQ, CNN, TMZ, Maggie Haberman, Alyssa Milano, Kathy Griffin etc
It's yet another example of backwards leftist hypocrisy, similar to the accusation by Democrats of Republicans allegedly being "racist", while all the same Democrats support Affirmative Action, the most racist thing in America.
With each passing day I become more disillusioned with the political process... Just what lengths will the progressive snowflakes go to, to deliberately ruin our system of Government?

It is definitely a sad state of affairs...
The initial viral video clip of that confrontation spurred widespread condemnation and death threats against the 16-year-old. Wood's specialty is bringing "aggressive libel and slander suits against media organizations," reportedly.

"Two weeks ago, the mainstream media, politicians, church officials, commentators, & celebrities rushed to judgment to wrongfully condemn, threaten, disparage & vilify Nick Sandmann based solely on a few seconds of an out-of-context video clip.

So unfuzz me here....this L. Lin Woods character is hired by Sandman's family to sue the media outlets (UTube?) , along with hollyweird celebrities , for portraying him as what? smiling in public?......~S~
When you have to hire a lawyer and a public relations firm to smear others to cover your child’s bad behaviour, you’re not much of a parent.

Releasing a carefully edited video doesn’t show what really happened either. The entire video tells a different story.

Where were the chaperones to allow such egriously dangerous behaviour?
Phillips is a career activist.

An activist's entire shtick is attracting attention

Love or hate him, he did a grand job of rattleing the entire right maga crowd

and w/o utttering a word (other than indian chants)

Now the butthurt want to bring libel suit?

They'll shoot themselves in the foot doing it, MAGA will elevate itself from 'ignorant' to 'ignorant snowflake'.....with the help of the very same media they're all cryin' about

Phillips is a career activist.

An activist's entire shtick is attracting attention

Love or hate him, he did a grand job of rattleing the entire right maga crowd

and w/o utttering a word (other than indian chants)

Now the butthurt want to bring libel suit?

They'll shoot themselves in the foot doing it, MAGA will elevate itself from 'ignorant' to 'ignorant snowflake'.....with the help of the very same media they're all cryin' about


I feel badly for these children and horrible lessons they’re being taught in all of this.

Lessons of white privilege and disrespect. But the worst part are the lies they’re being encourage to tell to cover up for their bad behavior.

If this was my child, he’d be apologizing and doing volunteer work with indigenous people for a month to learn more respect.

But again I say, where were the chaperones? If they were teachers, they should be fired.
Phillips is a career activist.

An activist's entire shtick is attracting attention

Love or hate him, he did a grand job of rattleing the entire right maga crowd

and w/o utttering a word (other than indian chants)

Now the butthurt want to bring libel suit?

They'll shoot themselves in the foot doing it, MAGA will elevate itself from 'ignorant' to 'ignorant snowflake'.....with the help of the very same media they're all cryin' about

heh - but the left didn't get rattled wanting to punch some kid in the face? the same kid who DID NOT utter a single word *at all*?

you get pissed off at a kid in a baseball hat and then blame the other side for getting you pissed off. control your emo, sparky.
not viet nam vet.jpg
Phillips is a career activist.

An activist's entire shtick is attracting attention

Love or hate him, he did a grand job of rattleing the entire right maga crowd

and w/o utttering a word (other than indian chants)

Now the butthurt want to bring libel suit?

They'll shoot themselves in the foot doing it, MAGA will elevate itself from 'ignorant' to 'ignorant snowflake'.....with the help of the very same media they're all cryin' about


I feel badly for these children and horrible lessons they’re being taught in all of this.

Lessons of white privilege and disrespect. But the worst part are the lies they’re being encourage to tell to cover up for their bad behavior.

If this was my child, he’d be apologizing and doing volunteer work with indigenous people for a month to learn more respect.

But again I say, where were the chaperones? If they were teachers, they should be fired.

You obviously didn't watch the entire video. The children did nothing wrong. It was the drum wielding man who lied about his Viet Nam service that was doing the intimidating of a child. But of course you will continue to mindlessly mouth the talking points of the left since you don't understand the reality or it would be politically inconvenient for you to admit the truth.
Last edited:
When you have to hire a lawyer and a public relations firm to smear others to cover your child’s bad behaviour, you’re not much of a parent.

Releasing a carefully edited video doesn’t show what really happened either. The entire video tells a different story.

Where were the chaperones to allow such egriously dangerous behaviour?

You do mean why weren't they doing a better job of protecting the minors in their charge, right?
With each passing day I become more disillusioned with the political process... Just what lengths will the progressive snowflakes go to, to deliberately ruin our system of Government?

It is definitely a sad state of affairs...
They need to be neutralized. These people see evil as good and good as evil. You cannot make peace with them.
When you have to hire a lawyer and a public relations firm to smear others to cover your child’s bad behaviour, you’re not much of a parent.

Releasing a carefully edited video doesn’t show what really happened either. The entire video tells a different story.

Where were the chaperones to allow such egriously dangerous behaviour?
What the fuck?! Your grasp of what actually happened is really terrible. :laugh:
When you have to hire a lawyer and a public relations firm to smear others to cover your child’s bad behaviour, you’re not much of a parent.

Releasing a carefully edited video doesn’t show what really happened either. The entire video tells a different story.

Where were the chaperones to allow such egriously dangerous behaviour?
What the fuck?! Your grasp of what actually happened is really terrible. :laugh:
They live in a make believe world all their own -- and they vote!
When you have to hire a lawyer and a public relations firm to smear others to cover your child’s bad behaviour, you’re not much of a parent.

Releasing a carefully edited video doesn’t show what really happened either. The entire video tells a different story.

Where were the chaperones to allow such egriously dangerous behaviour?

That's bad parenting. The boys family is trying to keep the media from smearing their good name.
Phillips is a career activist.

An activist's entire shtick is attracting attention

Love or hate him, he did a grand job of rattleing the entire right maga crowd

and w/o utttering a word (other than indian chants)

Now the butthurt want to bring libel suit?

They'll shoot themselves in the foot doing it, MAGA will elevate itself from 'ignorant' to 'ignorant snowflake'.....with the help of the very same media they're all cryin' about
Only an amoral leftist would complain and whine (speaking of butthurt) when people who were slandered and attacked
on a national level by a disingenuous lying meme that invited people to attack and punch these high school kids, to the extent they were unable to attend school, try to defend themselves with a lawsuit.

The left attacks the innocent and then attacks them again when they defend themselves.
Phillips is a career activist.

An activist's entire shtick is attracting attention

Love or hate him, he did a grand job of rattleing the entire right maga crowd

and w/o utttering a word (other than indian chants)

Now the butthurt want to bring libel suit?

They'll shoot themselves in the foot doing it, MAGA will elevate itself from 'ignorant' to 'ignorant snowflake'.....with the help of the very same media they're all cryin' about
Only an amoral leftist would complain and whine (speaking of butthurt) when people who were slandered and attacked
on a national level by a disingenuous lying meme that invited people to attack and punch these high school kids, to the extent they were unable to attend school, try to defend themselves with a lawsuit.

The left attacks the innocent and then attacks them again when they defend themselves.


the last 4-5 potus's ,along with their congresscritters fall into that catagory

the folks defending them are amoral

like YOU pal

wake the eff up


the last 4-5 potus's ,along with their congresscritters fall into that catagory

the folks defending them are amoral

like YOU pal

wake the eff up
Yes. Amoral... like the people who try to blame the victims of this vicious media lynching of a bunch of innocent high school kids for defending themselves. Like YOU, pal.
When you have to hire a lawyer and a public relations firm to smear others to cover your child’s bad behaviour, you’re not much of a parent.
What did the kids do that was so bad? All that they did was wear a hat that let other people know where they stand on certain issues. Would you rather the kids lie about who they are? You do know that lying is what falls into the category labeled "bad behavior", right?

God bless you and the kids always!!!


the last 4-5 potus's ,along with their congresscritters fall into that catagory

the folks defending them are amoral

like YOU pal

wake the eff up
Yes. Amoral... like the people who try to blame the victims of this vicious media lynching of a bunch of innocent high school kids for defending themselves. Like YOU, pal.


and i suppose you're just as offended with the vicous media that surrounded Obama, Hillary, Sanders, etc


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