Cowardly Texas Lieutenant Governor Cancels Appearance at NRA event in Houston Today

Pro Minority
zeitgeists led by Democrats and lotsa Libs & Progs moving to Santa Fe and and rich young newbie Marxists hob nobbin
With the old Maoists in Aspen & Breckenridge
And Large Unions have NEVADA as their #1 target over ALL other states
1/6 was not an Insurection
Of course it was… if you don’t think so then you don’t know what the word means. Do everybody a favor and look up the definition. Go ahead and post it here and then maybe we can all acknowledge the obvious.
First let's fix the system that puts in charge of hundreds of millions of tax dollars people who don't know what they're doing. Otherwise more money will be wasted by incompetents trying to fix their own mistakes.
Great idea. It shouldn't take much more than 10 or 12 years to get rid of all the politicians in charge of all that, and elect ones that will take care of our business. That's only if gerrymandering in Texas doesn't prevent it all togeather. In he meantime, we have that and other bridges that aren't usable, and traffic isn't going to get better. A defective bridge needs fixing NOW. `

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