Cowardly Texas Lieutenant Governor Cancels Appearance at NRA event in Houston Today

I'm sure you would call me a "gun nut," but I actually agree with you in some ways. The way to protect our schools is with barriers, be they walls or fences, that are patrolled so that they cannot be breached by a guy carrying two AR's who just crashed his pickup into a ditch. Go through a metal detector just to get in the gate and leave any backpacks or other carrying equipment at the guard house.

School resource officers rarely stop shootings before someone is killed. They get used to the soft shifts far away from criminals, where their biggest cases are kids who yell at teachers. Let parents with CW's patrol the hallways, and a quick response to an active shooter is assured.
Half the time in my AO they are the sick, lame, and lazy (mostly women) the local SD wants to get away from the office so they stick them at the schools.

I saw one 300# land whale that must have been as broad as she was tall and kiss my ass the next year I saw her she was preggers (which must have been a feat in and of itself) and looked like Fat Bastard.

She could hardly get out of a chair, much less run toward a threat. She was so big she could not wear a gun belt. I guess she kept her weapon in her purse or something.
Half the time in my AO they are the sick, lame, and lazy (mostly women) the local SD wants to get away from the office so they stick them at the schools.

I saw one 300# land whale that must have been as broad as she was tall and kiss my ass the next year I saw her she was preggers (which must have been a feat in and of itself) and looked like Fat Bastard.

She could hardly get out of a chair, much less run toward a threat. She was so big she could not wear a gun belt. I guess she kept her weapon in her purse or something.
This board really attracts the winners doesn’t it?!
Do you remember the school "resource officer" in the Florida school shooting (2017) who stood outside the school like they did in Uvalde? It was just reported he started drawing his pension in Florida, $8700 a month.
You gonna pay for all that new prison style construction? Right wingers won't even vote to fix falling bridges. Armed parents roaming the halls is a guarantee of dead kids. Only an idiot wouldn't see that.
How’s about diverting some of the millions going to Ukraine and every other U.S. Protectorate, to protect our own children? How about fewer free crack pipes and more fences around schools?

In Texas, we spent millions to fix a bridge that is only about twenty years old. Google beltway 8 bridge over the ship channel. Turns out the design is flawed so they had to stop construction. So for my milllions of tax dollars, I get to be diverted around a half built bridge every day coming to work. I doubt it will ever be fixed in my lifetime.
How’s about diverting some of the millions going to Ukraine and every other U.S. Protectorate, to protect our own children? How about fewer free crack pipes and more fences around schools?

In Texas, we spent millions to fix a bridge that is only about twenty years old. Google beltway 8 bridge over the ship channel. Turns out the design is flawed so they had to stop construction. So for my milllions of tax dollars, I get to be diverted around a half built bridge every day coming to work. I doubt it will ever be fixed in my lifetime.
So the design was flawed. It still needs to be fixed, doesn't it?
You gonna pay for all that new prison style construction? Right wingers won't even vote to fix falling bridges. Armed parents roaming the halls is a guarantee of dead kids. Only an idiot wouldn't see that.
1.2 trillion-dollar infrastructure package. Lots of Prog goodies in it. Only 150 billion dollars for roads and bridges. It is tough to be a Republican when the game is rigged.
1.2 trillion-dollar infrastructure package. Lots of Prog goodies in it. Only 150 billion dollars for roads and bridges. It is tough to be a Republican when the game is rigged.
LOL…. like all good hypocrite Republicans, the GOP is asking for federal dollars and then bemoaning the federal government. You won't see the GOP turning away any federal dollars. Nothing wrong with using the money for infrastructure improvements, the problem is the dumbfucks in Texas who can't build a bridge.
Half the time in my AO they are the sick, lame, and lazy (mostly women) the local SD wants to get away from the office so they stick them at the schools.

I saw one 300# land whale that must have been as broad as she was tall and kiss my ass the next year I saw her she was preggers (which must have been a feat in and of itself) and looked like Fat Bastard.

She could hardly get out of a chair, much less run toward a threat. She was so big she could not wear a gun belt. I guess she kept her weapon in her purse or something.

Fat like Trump fat?

Fat like Trump fat?

I heard Trump has lost some weight but yeah, he was getting a bit W. Howard Taft lookin'. ;)

Here's how the RINO logic goes:

As a second amendment advocate, I know that guns are not responsible for mass murder in public schools. Mental illness, a high pressure educational system and comically inadequate school security are.

But the Democrats keep saying that it's the guns' fault, and it would be insensitive to disagree them, so I'll snub the gun lobby.

As soon as a Republican - especially in a state like Texas - starts playing to the media instead of the conservative voters who put him in office, he is lost. I can assure you that there are Republican state lawmakers who are heading to Houston on the first thing smoking to get footage of themselves attending that NRA conference.

Bye-bye Dan. The glowing yellow stripe on your back is the last thing we'll see fading away.
Ever notice how, in an election year, a mass shooting occurs right before the NRA convention?

Yeah I know, it's only coincidence, that happens every motherfucking time.
Ever notice how, in an election year, a mass shooting occurs right before the NRA convention?

Yeah I know, it's only coincidence, that happens every motherfucking time.
You're implying that a political group planned and executed a suicide mission with an 18 year old kid to shoot up a school so they could gain political points. Right?! You are a fucking moron
You're implying that a political group planned and executed a suicide mission with an 18 year old kid to shoot up a school so they could gain political points. Right?! You are a fucking moron
Yet many folks thought 1/6 was an insurrection lol
i know what is wrong with OR and WA and CA but what is wrong w/ those others?

inquiring minds...
Pro Minority
zeitgeists led by Democrats and lotsa Libs & Progs moving to Santa Fe and and rich young newbie Marxists hob nobbin
With the old Maoists in Aspen & Breckenridge
So the design was flawed. It still needs to be fixed, doesn't it?
First let's fix the system that puts in charge of hundreds of millions of tax dollars people who don't know what they're doing. Otherwise more money will be wasted by incompetents trying to fix their own mistakes.

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