Crawling Expulsion...


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012
The crawling expulsion of the Palestinians is a slow motion holocaust in progress...The Israelis have learned nothing from the history of their people. Its pretty clear that the ZioNazis have learned from the German ones: do it slowly so no one will notice.

By Neve Gordon

n 2006, I was among 25 professors from five Israeli universities who filed a petition with the High Court of Justice in Israel requesting that the court put a stop to the transformation of a small college, located in the occupied West Bank, into a university. We submitted the petition because we were appalled by the idea that the Israeli
In Their Silence, Israeli Academics Collude With Occupation - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education

government would use academe to advance its colonial project in the Palestinian territories.

Diverse interests played a role in that expansionist ploy. Among the respondents to our petition were the military general in charge of the West Bank and the members of an academic committee he had appointed to legitimize the makeover. The most notable of those was Yisrael Aumann, who won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science a year before. Minister of Education Yuli Tamir, who opposed the plan after she left office but remained silent during her term, and who had studied under Isaiah Berlin and had been a lecturer in philosophy at Tel Aviv University before entering politics, was also named in the case.

Ultimately, although some other academics also publicly objected, the court rejected our petition. In 2012, after a protracted struggle over fiscal issues, Ariel University became Israel’s eighth university.
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Are you suggesting Palestinians would actually turn down a fine Jewish education? Gosh, who wouida thunk it? Heh Heh!

By Neve Gordon

n 2006, I was among 25 professors from five Israeli universities who filed a petition with the High Court of Justice in Israel requesting that the court put a stop to the transformation of a small college, located in the occupied West Bank, into a university. We submitted the petition because we were appalled by the idea that the Israeli
Its pretty clear that the ZioNazis have learned from the German ones: do it slowly so no one will notice.

In Their Silence, Israeli Academics Collude With Occupation - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education

government would use academe to advance its colonial project in the Palestinian territories.

Diverse interests played a role in that expansionist ploy. Among the respondents to our petition were the military general in charge of the West Bank and the members of an academic committee he had appointed to legitimize the makeover. The most notable of those was Yisrael Aumann, who won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science a year before. Minister of Education Yuli Tamir, who opposed the plan after she left office but remained silent during her term, and who had studied under Isaiah Berlin and had been a lecturer in philosophy at Tel Aviv University before entering politics, was also named in the case.

Ultimately, although some other academics also publicly objected, the court rejected our petition. In 2012, after a protracted struggle over fiscal issues, Ariel University became Israel’s eighth university.

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