Crazed Mob of Antifa Thugs Attacks Jan 6th Political Prisoner Rally in NYC; “I’ll Hang a Proud Boy”


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Crazed Mob of Antifa Thugs Attacks Jan 6th Political Prisoner Rally in NYC; “I’ll Hang a Proud Boy”

25 Jul 2021 ~~ By Julian Conradson
The Citizens Against Political Prosecution held a rally on Sunday in New York City. The event was held to raise awareness in support of the January 6th patriots who are currently being abused in the DC gulag.
The event had barely gotten started when a large mob of derranged antifa members gathered in a nearby park. They marched over to the event holding signs that said “we will replace you” and “F— Justice, we want revenge.”

Once they got close enough they hurled eggs at the protesters and screamed their mindless chants directed at the crowd.
The mob harassed people as they tried to get through the park to access the event. Two brave women, draped in Trump gear and the American flag, refused to be intimidated by them and yelled back “this is my country.”

As they are known to do, they were also threatening journalists who were filming and even assaulted one as he tried to walk past their blockade. A NYPD officer separated them and told the man filming to accommodate the mob by going another way.
No wonder the guy was asking “what country am I in right now?”

They also had agents from the ACLU called “protest monitors” who were “alerting” the black-bloc enforcers about people who were filming, sending them to try and put a stop to it.

The lunatics repeatedly clashed with police and, in one exchange, an unhinged comrade promised to not allow “another one of these rallies (in) peace.” He also told the officer he would “hang a proud boy” and “do it in front of him.”

These terrorists have only become more emboldened under the Biden regime. They have had hundreds of cases dismissed despite their violent actions and despite thousands of hours of video evidence that documents their crimes.
Yet, they swear “Antifa is just an idea.”
The New Yorkers who are standing up for the political captives of the deep state have it especially hard, they are truly patriots.
Not only do they have to put up with these psychos in their black costumes, they live in a city run by marxist Bill DeBlasio, a state run by Governor Cuo-vid, and with a federal government lead by a Chinese puppet.

BLM and Antifa are pure hate. Their self-ascribed labels lack any substance. BLM doesn't actually care about black lives, but rather they're black Marxists -- just as Antifa members aren't antifascist but are actually socialist anarchists very much akin to the Brownshirts during Nazi Germany.
BLM and Antifa are terrorists who aim to destabilize and dismantle American meritocratic, capitalist democracy and replace it with socialist authoritarianism. They're also much more organized than we conservatives give them credit for, and we shouldn't underestimate them.
Both are no different than Mau Mau terrorists or the ANC of South Africa.
We know who is funding both BLM and Antifa, it's the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commies and Soros.
The alt-far-left-Communist Democrats didn't just wave a wand and create their terrorist thug Antifa/BLM army, the indoctrination began in government controlled schools long ago. They say get woke go broke, but you also become a joke. PMS/DSA Democrats have intentionally ruined sports.
Funny how the FBI can't find a single person affiliated with Antifa/BLM from the 2018 Occupation of the Capital by those opposed to Kavanaugh, the Peaceful but Fiery riots in 450 cities, or January 6th 2021 Protest.

There we have it all ANTIFA wants is revenge against unarmed peaceful protestors who the Capitol police are willing to murder to assist them in their quest.



Crazed Mob of Antifa Thugs Attacks Jan 6th Political Prisoner Rally in NYC; “I’ll Hang a Proud Boy”

25 Jul 2021 ~~ By Julian Conradson
The Citizens Against Political Prosecution held a rally on Sunday in New York City. The event was held to raise awareness in support of the January 6th patriots who are currently being abused in the DC gulag.
The event had barely gotten started when a large mob of derranged antifa members gathered in a nearby park. They marched over to the event holding signs that said “we will replace you” and “F— Justice, we want revenge.”

Once they got close enough they hurled eggs at the protesters and screamed their mindless chants directed at the crowd.
The mob harassed people as they tried to get through the park to access the event. Two brave women, draped in Trump gear and the American flag, refused to be intimidated by them and yelled back “this is my country.”

As they are known to do, they were also threatening journalists who were filming and even assaulted one as he tried to walk past their blockade. A NYPD officer separated them and told the man filming to accommodate the mob by going another way.
No wonder the guy was asking “what country am I in right now?”

They also had agents from the ACLU called “protest monitors” who were “alerting” the black-bloc enforcers about people who were filming, sending them to try and put a stop to it.

The lunatics repeatedly clashed with police and, in one exchange, an unhinged comrade promised to not allow “another one of these rallies (in) peace.” He also told the officer he would “hang a proud boy” and “do it in front of him.”

These terrorists have only become more emboldened under the Biden regime. They have had hundreds of cases dismissed despite their violent actions and despite thousands of hours of video evidence that documents their crimes.
Yet, they swear “Antifa is just an idea.”
The New Yorkers who are standing up for the political captives of the deep state have it especially hard, they are truly patriots.
Not only do they have to put up with these psychos in their black costumes, they live in a city run by marxist Bill DeBlasio, a state run by Governor Cuo-vid, and with a federal government lead by a Chinese puppet.

BLM and Antifa are pure hate. Their self-ascribed labels lack any substance. BLM doesn't actually care about black lives, but rather they're black Marxists -- just as Antifa members aren't antifascist but are actually socialist anarchists very much akin to the Brownshirts during Nazi Germany.
BLM and Antifa are terrorists who aim to destabilize and dismantle American meritocratic, capitalist democracy and replace it with socialist authoritarianism. They're also much more organized than we conservatives give them credit for, and we shouldn't underestimate them.
Both are no different than Mau Mau terrorists or the ANC of South Africa.
We know who is funding both BLM and Antifa, it's the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commies and Soros.
The alt-far-left-Communist Democrats didn't just wave a wand and create their terrorist thug Antifa/BLM army, the indoctrination began in government controlled schools long ago. They say get woke go broke, but you also become a joke. PMS/DSA Democrats have intentionally ruined sports.
Funny how the FBI can't find a single person affiliated with Antifa/BLM from the 2018 Occupation of the Capital by those opposed to Kavanaugh, the Peaceful but Fiery riots in 450 cities, or January 6th 2021 Protest.

The irony is stark.
Watched each of the video clips waiting for something to happen but nothing did.
Where was the crazed mob? All I saw was a group of people walking peacefully through the street.
Some guy you couldn't see shouted "I'll hang a proud boy", but he could have been anyone and was merely expressing his freedom of speech, understandable in that Proud Boys had just been involved in an insurrection attempting to overthrow the elected government of the United States.
All in all this thread that boasted to expose violent civil disorder did nothing of the kind.
I've seen more violence in my daughter's primary school girls' hockey match.

Next time the OP wants to use such a dramatic thread title, I'd suggest he backs it up with some substance.

Crazed Mob of Antifa Thugs Attacks Jan 6th Political Prisoner Rally in NYC; “I’ll Hang a Proud Boy”

25 Jul 2021 ~~ By Julian Conradson
The Citizens Against Political Prosecution held a rally on Sunday in New York City. The event was held to raise awareness in support of the January 6th patriots who are currently being abused in the DC gulag.
The event had barely gotten started when a large mob of derranged antifa members gathered in a nearby park. They marched over to the event holding signs that said “we will replace you” and “F— Justice, we want revenge.”

Once they got close enough they hurled eggs at the protesters and screamed their mindless chants directed at the crowd.
The mob harassed people as they tried to get through the park to access the event. Two brave women, draped in Trump gear and the American flag, refused to be intimidated by them and yelled back “this is my country.”

As they are known to do, they were also threatening journalists who were filming and even assaulted one as he tried to walk past their blockade. A NYPD officer separated them and told the man filming to accommodate the mob by going another way.
No wonder the guy was asking “what country am I in right now?”

They also had agents from the ACLU called “protest monitors” who were “alerting” the black-bloc enforcers about people who were filming, sending them to try and put a stop to it.

The lunatics repeatedly clashed with police and, in one exchange, an unhinged comrade promised to not allow “another one of these rallies (in) peace.” He also told the officer he would “hang a proud boy” and “do it in front of him.”

These terrorists have only become more emboldened under the Biden regime. They have had hundreds of cases dismissed despite their violent actions and despite thousands of hours of video evidence that documents their crimes.
Yet, they swear “Antifa is just an idea.”
The New Yorkers who are standing up for the political captives of the deep state have it especially hard, they are truly patriots.
Not only do they have to put up with these psychos in their black costumes, they live in a city run by marxist Bill DeBlasio, a state run by Governor Cuo-vid, and with a federal government lead by a Chinese puppet.

BLM and Antifa are pure hate. Their self-ascribed labels lack any substance. BLM doesn't actually care about black lives, but rather they're black Marxists -- just as Antifa members aren't antifascist but are actually socialist anarchists very much akin to the Brownshirts during Nazi Germany.
BLM and Antifa are terrorists who aim to destabilize and dismantle American meritocratic, capitalist democracy and replace it with socialist authoritarianism. They're also much more organized than we conservatives give them credit for, and we shouldn't underestimate them.
Both are no different than Mau Mau terrorists or the ANC of South Africa.
We know who is funding both BLM and Antifa, it's the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commies and Soros.
The alt-far-left-Communist Democrats didn't just wave a wand and create their terrorist thug Antifa/BLM army, the indoctrination began in government controlled schools long ago. They say get woke go broke, but you also become a joke. PMS/DSA Democrats have intentionally ruined sports.
Funny how the FBI can't find a single person affiliated with Antifa/BLM from the 2018 Occupation of the Capital by those opposed to Kavanaugh, the Peaceful but Fiery riots in 450 cities, or January 6th 2021 Protest.

Couldn't have happened to a more pathetic bunch of snowflakes :thup:

Crazed Mob of Antifa Thugs Attacks Jan 6th Political Prisoner Rally in NYC; “I’ll Hang a Proud Boy”

25 Jul 2021 ~~ By Julian Conradson
The Citizens Against Political Prosecution held a rally on Sunday in New York City. The event was held to raise awareness in support of the January 6th patriots who are currently being abused in the DC gulag.
The event had barely gotten started when a large mob of derranged antifa members gathered in a nearby park. They marched over to the event holding signs that said “we will replace you” and “F— Justice, we want revenge.”

Once they got close enough they hurled eggs at the protesters and screamed their mindless chants directed at the crowd.
The mob harassed people as they tried to get through the park to access the event. Two brave women, draped in Trump gear and the American flag, refused to be intimidated by them and yelled back “this is my country.”

As they are known to do, they were also threatening journalists who were filming and even assaulted one as he tried to walk past their blockade. A NYPD officer separated them and told the man filming to accommodate the mob by going another way.
No wonder the guy was asking “what country am I in right now?”

They also had agents from the ACLU called “protest monitors” who were “alerting” the black-bloc enforcers about people who were filming, sending them to try and put a stop to it.

The lunatics repeatedly clashed with police and, in one exchange, an unhinged comrade promised to not allow “another one of these rallies (in) peace.” He also told the officer he would “hang a proud boy” and “do it in front of him.”

These terrorists have only become more emboldened under the Biden regime. They have had hundreds of cases dismissed despite their violent actions and despite thousands of hours of video evidence that documents their crimes.
Yet, they swear “Antifa is just an idea.”
The New Yorkers who are standing up for the political captives of the deep state have it especially hard, they are truly patriots.
Not only do they have to put up with these psychos in their black costumes, they live in a city run by marxist Bill DeBlasio, a state run by Governor Cuo-vid, and with a federal government lead by a Chinese puppet.

BLM and Antifa are pure hate. Their self-ascribed labels lack any substance. BLM doesn't actually care about black lives, but rather they're black Marxists -- just as Antifa members aren't antifascist but are actually socialist anarchists very much akin to the Brownshirts during Nazi Germany.
BLM and Antifa are terrorists who aim to destabilize and dismantle American meritocratic, capitalist democracy and replace it with socialist authoritarianism. They're also much more organized than we conservatives give them credit for, and we shouldn't underestimate them.
Both are no different than Mau Mau terrorists or the ANC of South Africa.
We know who is funding both BLM and Antifa, it's the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commies and Soros.
The alt-far-left-Communist Democrats didn't just wave a wand and create their terrorist thug Antifa/BLM army, the indoctrination began in government controlled schools long ago. They say get woke go broke, but you also become a joke. PMS/DSA Democrats have intentionally ruined sports.
Funny how the FBI can't find a single person affiliated with Antifa/BLM from the 2018 Occupation of the Capital by those opposed to Kavanaugh, the Peaceful but Fiery riots in 450 cities, or January 6th 2021 Protest.

There's something in it for all of them they're not there on their own dime I can tell you that right now. I can smell the urine soaked briches of the ancient soros somewhere in the nearby shrubs.

Crazed Mob of Antifa Thugs Attacks Jan 6th Political Prisoner Rally in NYC; “I’ll Hang a Proud Boy”

25 Jul 2021 ~~ By Julian Conradson
The Citizens Against Political Prosecution held a rally on Sunday in New York City. The event was held to raise awareness in support of the January 6th patriots who are currently being abused in the DC gulag.
The event had barely gotten started when a large mob of derranged antifa members gathered in a nearby park. They marched over to the event holding signs that said “we will replace you” and “F— Justice, we want revenge.”

Once they got close enough they hurled eggs at the protesters and screamed their mindless chants directed at the crowd.
The mob harassed people as they tried to get through the park to access the event. Two brave women, draped in Trump gear and the American flag, refused to be intimidated by them and yelled back “this is my country.”

As they are known to do, they were also threatening journalists who were filming and even assaulted one as he tried to walk past their blockade. A NYPD officer separated them and told the man filming to accommodate the mob by going another way.
No wonder the guy was asking “what country am I in right now?”

They also had agents from the ACLU called “protest monitors” who were “alerting” the black-bloc enforcers about people who were filming, sending them to try and put a stop to it.

The lunatics repeatedly clashed with police and, in one exchange, an unhinged comrade promised to not allow “another one of these rallies (in) peace.” He also told the officer he would “hang a proud boy” and “do it in front of him.”

These terrorists have only become more emboldened under the Biden regime. They have had hundreds of cases dismissed despite their violent actions and despite thousands of hours of video evidence that documents their crimes.
Yet, they swear “Antifa is just an idea.”
The New Yorkers who are standing up for the political captives of the deep state have it especially hard, they are truly patriots.
Not only do they have to put up with these psychos in their black costumes, they live in a city run by marxist Bill DeBlasio, a state run by Governor Cuo-vid, and with a federal government lead by a Chinese puppet.

BLM and Antifa are pure hate. Their self-ascribed labels lack any substance. BLM doesn't actually care about black lives, but rather they're black Marxists -- just as Antifa members aren't antifascist but are actually socialist anarchists very much akin to the Brownshirts during Nazi Germany.
BLM and Antifa are terrorists who aim to destabilize and dismantle American meritocratic, capitalist democracy and replace it with socialist authoritarianism. They're also much more organized than we conservatives give them credit for, and we shouldn't underestimate them.
Both are no different than Mau Mau terrorists or the ANC of South Africa.
We know who is funding both BLM and Antifa, it's the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commies and Soros.
The alt-far-left-Communist Democrats didn't just wave a wand and create their terrorist thug Antifa/BLM army, the indoctrination began in government controlled schools long ago. They say get woke go broke, but you also become a joke. PMS/DSA Democrats have intentionally ruined sports.
Funny how the FBI can't find a single person affiliated with Antifa/BLM from the 2018 Occupation of the Capital by those opposed to Kavanaugh, the Peaceful but Fiery riots in 450 cities, or January 6th 2021 Protest.

Soros pays BLM and antifa scumbags to terrorize innocent people. They like to pick on groups who appear docile and won't fight back. They'll wonder into the wrong place sooner of later and then it will be ugly.
There's something in it for all of them they're not there on their own dime I can tell you that right now. I can smell the urine soaked briches of the ancient soros somewhere in the nearby shrubs.

When fully in control, the real leaders of the Commie movement will either use these useful idiots as cannon fodder, or execute them at night by single shots to the back of their heads.

Crazed Mob of Antifa Thugs Attacks Jan 6th Political Prisoner Rally in NYC; “I’ll Hang a Proud Boy”

25 Jul 2021 ~~ By Julian Conradson
The Citizens Against Political Prosecution held a rally on Sunday in New York City. The event was held to raise awareness in support of the January 6th patriots who are currently being abused in the DC gulag.
The event had barely gotten started when a large mob of derranged antifa members gathered in a nearby park. They marched over to the event holding signs that said “we will replace you” and “F— Justice, we want revenge.”

Once they got close enough they hurled eggs at the protesters and screamed their mindless chants directed at the crowd.
The mob harassed people as they tried to get through the park to access the event. Two brave women, draped in Trump gear and the American flag, refused to be intimidated by them and yelled back “this is my country.”

As they are known to do, they were also threatening journalists who were filming and even assaulted one as he tried to walk past their blockade. A NYPD officer separated them and told the man filming to accommodate the mob by going another way.
No wonder the guy was asking “what country am I in right now?”

They also had agents from the ACLU called “protest monitors” who were “alerting” the black-bloc enforcers about people who were filming, sending them to try and put a stop to it.

The lunatics repeatedly clashed with police and, in one exchange, an unhinged comrade promised to not allow “another one of these rallies (in) peace.” He also told the officer he would “hang a proud boy” and “do it in front of him.”

These terrorists have only become more emboldened under the Biden regime. They have had hundreds of cases dismissed despite their violent actions and despite thousands of hours of video evidence that documents their crimes.
Yet, they swear “Antifa is just an idea.”
The New Yorkers who are standing up for the political captives of the deep state have it especially hard, they are truly patriots.
Not only do they have to put up with these psychos in their black costumes, they live in a city run by marxist Bill DeBlasio, a state run by Governor Cuo-vid, and with a federal government lead by a Chinese puppet.

BLM and Antifa are pure hate. Their self-ascribed labels lack any substance. BLM doesn't actually care about black lives, but rather they're black Marxists -- just as Antifa members aren't antifascist but are actually socialist anarchists very much akin to the Brownshirts during Nazi Germany.
BLM and Antifa are terrorists who aim to destabilize and dismantle American meritocratic, capitalist democracy and replace it with socialist authoritarianism. They're also much more organized than we conservatives give them credit for, and we shouldn't underestimate them.
Both are no different than Mau Mau terrorists or the ANC of South Africa.
We know who is funding both BLM and Antifa, it's the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commies and Soros.
The alt-far-left-Communist Democrats didn't just wave a wand and create their terrorist thug Antifa/BLM army, the indoctrination began in government controlled schools long ago. They say get woke go broke, but you also become a joke. PMS/DSA Democrats have intentionally ruined sports.
Funny how the FBI can't find a single person affiliated with Antifa/BLM from the 2018 Occupation of the Capital by those opposed to Kavanaugh, the Peaceful but Fiery riots in 450 cities, or January 6th 2021 Protest.

It would be nearly impossible for antifa to "hang" a proud boy. When the violence the proud boys incite gets going, the proud boys tuck tail and run away. Anyone who has repeatedly seen their cowardice knows it's been their MO from the beginning.

As always, you trump Nazis have no clue as to what the truth really is.


Antifa is the militant wing of the Democratic Party

18 Jul 2019 ~~ By Don Loucks

After the Civil War, the Democratic Party developed a military wing. It was and still is called the Ku Klux Klan. As most terror organizations, it was formed to achieve a political outcome. At that time, its mission was to ensure that then-freed black slaves could not vote or exercise all the rights of citizenship.
Today, the military wing of the left is Antifa, short for “antifascist.” The name itself is in keeping with the radical left ploys by seizing control of the language and naming things incorrectly so as to mask the true mission.
If one compares the tactics used by Antifa at its various riots, vandalism, beatings and intimidations, there is no significant difference between them and the havoc wreaked by the Brown Shirts that hastened the rise of the Nazi Party in post-World War I Germany.
I know that there will be those who say that an argument is lost when the words “Nazi” or “Hitler” are used. This is true when they are used as name-calling epithets; however, the purpose of this column is to point out the tactics being used by Antifa leftists and that the comparison made to Brown Shirts is valid.
Also keep in mind that “Nazi” is the acronym for the German name for National Socialist Party, which Adolph Hitler came to control.
So, the irony is now that the Socialist rioters are claiming to be against what they actually are: Fascists.
It has been pointed out by many of my friends that the Antifa actions have not been taking place here in Texas. There is a clear reason for that.
In every case of a major Antifa riot, the police were ordered to stand down and allow the rioters to run rampant. Millions of dollars of property damage were incurred as well and very serious injuries. Also, these earlier riots occurred in states with draconian gun control that gave the advantage to the criminals. When common self-defense is outlawed the politicians can control who does what to whom. The likelihood of this sort of lawlessness happening in Texas is far less than the liberal pits of California, Oregon, Washington and Chicago.
We don’t stand for having our businesses looted and destroyed, our private property burned, and law-abiding citizens terrorized.
Some months ago, we observed interstate highways being blocked by hooded Antifa thugs. What few people noticed is that the blocked traffic had actually created a kill zone, a classic military ambush. So far, there were no gunmen to mow down stranded motorists. But trained military personnel recognized it for what it was: practice.
The danger we face as Americans is complacency. All threats made by Antifa, or any other terrorist organization, must be analyzed, treated seriously, and have countermeasures taken. This is difficult with Democrat control of so many “sanctuary” cities and states. These are the kitchens in which domestic socialist terrorism is prepared.
The mainstream news media appears to play down the riots and the motivations of those involved. Imagine, hooded hoodlums actually being held up and praised for their actions and intimidations.
This failure to uphold the law by politicrats is inexcusable. The liberals and socialists who control ruined pockets of America are pushing the envelop in an effort to explore where Antifa will be most successful in producing their desired political outcome.
It could very well be that a superior and opposite force mounted by peace-loving Americans – possibly federal forces — may be required to restore the rule of law and eradicate this cancerous socialist movement and its bullies.

Andy Ngo an independent reporter that has covered the Antifa terrorist acts for years and has stated that Antifa is the terrorist arm of the DNC. While Christopher Wray continues to claim that Antifa is an ideology. On that I must agree, it is consumed with the ideology of Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Communism perpetrated by the Democrat National Committee.
Wish the patriots would start bringing and using a few AR's.

A few? How about all of them? This shit needs to come to end sooner rather than later. I'd like to see the end of it be a mass grave for blm and antifa.

Crazed Mob of Antifa Thugs Attacks Jan 6th Political Prisoner Rally in NYC; “I’ll Hang a Proud Boy”

25 Jul 2021 ~~ By Julian Conradson
The Citizens Against Political Prosecution held a rally on Sunday in New York City. The event was held to raise awareness in support of the January 6th patriots who are currently being abused in the DC gulag.
The event had barely gotten started when a large mob of derranged antifa members gathered in a nearby park. They marched over to the event holding signs that said “we will replace you” and “F— Justice, we want revenge.”

Once they got close enough they hurled eggs at the protesters and screamed their mindless chants directed at the crowd.
The mob harassed people as they tried to get through the park to access the event. Two brave women, draped in Trump gear and the American flag, refused to be intimidated by them and yelled back “this is my country.”

As they are known to do, they were also threatening journalists who were filming and even assaulted one as he tried to walk past their blockade. A NYPD officer separated them and told the man filming to accommodate the mob by going another way.
No wonder the guy was asking “what country am I in right now?”

They also had agents from the ACLU called “protest monitors” who were “alerting” the black-bloc enforcers about people who were filming, sending them to try and put a stop to it.

The lunatics repeatedly clashed with police and, in one exchange, an unhinged comrade promised to not allow “another one of these rallies (in) peace.” He also told the officer he would “hang a proud boy” and “do it in front of him.”

These terrorists have only become more emboldened under the Biden regime. They have had hundreds of cases dismissed despite their violent actions and despite thousands of hours of video evidence that documents their crimes.
Yet, they swear “Antifa is just an idea.”
The New Yorkers who are standing up for the political captives of the deep state have it especially hard, they are truly patriots.
Not only do they have to put up with these psychos in their black costumes, they live in a city run by marxist Bill DeBlasio, a state run by Governor Cuo-vid, and with a federal government lead by a Chinese puppet.

BLM and Antifa are pure hate. Their self-ascribed labels lack any substance. BLM doesn't actually care about black lives, but rather they're black Marxists -- just as Antifa members aren't antifascist but are actually socialist anarchists very much akin to the Brownshirts during Nazi Germany.
BLM and Antifa are terrorists who aim to destabilize and dismantle American meritocratic, capitalist democracy and replace it with socialist authoritarianism. They're also much more organized than we conservatives give them credit for, and we shouldn't underestimate them.
Both are no different than Mau Mau terrorists or the ANC of South Africa.
We know who is funding both BLM and Antifa, it's the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commies and Soros.
The alt-far-left-Communist Democrats didn't just wave a wand and create their terrorist thug Antifa/BLM army, the indoctrination began in government controlled schools long ago. They say get woke go broke, but you also become a joke. PMS/DSA Democrats have intentionally ruined sports.
Funny how the FBI can't find a single person affiliated with Antifa/BLM from the 2018 Occupation of the Capital by those opposed to Kavanaugh, the Peaceful but Fiery riots in 450 cities, or January 6th 2021 Protest.

Shots fired. A projectile from a gun is the same as a spike. We are made in God's nude image. Pierse Jesus again, when you shot a human. The church wants people to pierce that Image. People need to be pissed at the church, and the Blasphemies Pope who thinks he is Jesus, with the Father identity. 100% lies are coming from his mouth.

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