Crazy Bernie: When we are in the WH, we are going to have a no-tolerance policy for police brutality

Zero tolerance for police brutality?
That’s crazy talk!!!

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"As president, I would double the size of the Civil Rights division of the Justice Department because our government must have the resources to defend our voting and civil rights from discriminatory laws." - Crazy Bernie
Bernie Sanders on Twitter

"And we are going to fundamentally reform a criminal justice system that gives bailouts to bankers and jail sentences to non-violent drug offenders."

feel the bern!
The federal government has no control over state police departments

Indeed? Do your Civil Rights end at the approach of a local cop?

That has nothing to do with what I wrote.

All states are still under the aegis of the federal government where the Constitution gives the federal government the power of authority.

The federal government cannot tell a state what its sentencing policy should be.

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