Crazy Russians Threaten To Invade Alaska

Another one of the "real" Americans spouts off.
Here is 2 pillows for you to sleep on

We fired him and then are trying him for his unAmerican Traitorous attempt at taking over the US, ALA Mussolini Circa 1926.
Ohhhh brother. A perfect example of our public edumacation kamps

Take a hike
Ohhhh brother. A perfect example of our public edumacation kamps

Take a hike

Funny you should see that. About 20 years ago, I had my State Teaching Certs. Had you attended any of my classes, you would have flunked out and thrown out the back door.
Ever since Russia invaded Ukraine they have been saying the US sanctions on them should be dealt with.
Now some crazy (and most likely drunk) Russian officials are threatening to invade Alaska.

"Russian officials have begun to issue a series of threats to the United States in an attempt to fend off a war crimes tribunal, with top officials suggesting that Russia could be interested in going after Alaska next, which the United States purchased from Russian in 1867"

"Russia’s lower house speaker, Vyacheslav Volodin, warned the United States ought to hesitate when seizing or freezing Russian assets abroad, and instead ought to remember that Alaska previously belonged to Russia"

"Dmitry Medvedev, the deputy secretary of Russia’s Security Council, took the threats even further, and hinted at nuclear escalation"

But Russian officials shouldn’t get too cocky.

“This is not a serious person,” Steven Pifer, a former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, said of the comments about Russia potentially aiming for Alaska next"

"In recent hours, Russian forces haven’t been up to the task of fighting war in Ukraine, necessarily. Some Russian troops are so drunk in regions of Zaporizhzhia—and causing car accidents and arms violations—that they are banned from buying alcohol. Some Russians are worried their commanders have been selling out their locations to make a buck or two"

Russia should be aware that Alaska has more gun owners than any other state. Plus there is a good chance the gun owners in Alaska are quite good with their firearms.

You are nothing but a pathetic troll. Maybe Russian.
You're the one supporting Russia.

Hey I get it. Every single time Putin has invaded the Ukraine - bought and paid for Joe Biden has been in the White House.

Since the days of Stalin, the democrats and Russians have been one in purpose.
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